
Estranged Daddy

Olams_223 · perkotaan
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10 Chs


"Pick your call, dammit!" I clench my teeth in frustration and redial his number. "Just pick your damn call!"

The phone emits the 'ping, ping, ping' tone, which indicates no response. I start tapping the redial button on my touch screen again, but then I reconsider. Why should I keep calling? I've been at it since the early hours of the day, but he never picks up or calls back.

I sink heavily into the leather sofa in the cramped office of my unisex salon. Hair dryers and clippers are constantly humming in the outer area, and I can hear the occasional laughter of clients as they style or cut their hair.

I have at least five clients to attend to, but my heart is heavy, so I decide to leave them in the skilled hands of my staff.

How I fell in love with an insensitive jerk remains a sad mystery to me. I met James Dabor at a dinner party hosted by my dad's pension firm a few months ago. I didn't want to attend, but dad persuaded me to represent mum, who had traveled to see her mother--my grandmother--who is extremely ill.

The party was boring, and the speech by a dour-looking man was even more boring. Men and women in their forties and fifties were everywhere.

The few younger people were so snooty, you'd think working at a pension firm or knowing someone who works there was a ticket to heaven.

I stood alone, nursing my half-filled glass of champagne, watching dad mix with friends and colleagues, wishing I were anywhere else...

Then I felt the imposing guy's stare on me.

Our gazes connected, and he smiled, one side of his mouth tilted upwards. A elegantly dressed petite woman who looked to be in her fifties stood next him; he bent down to speak to her, and she nodded and moved away. Then he began to move across the room towards me.

He grew taller as he approached, surpassing everyone he passed. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

He finally stood before me and spoke quietly. "Hello angel." With that crooked smile again. His speech resounded through me, warming me to my core. 

I measured him up gently; he was black, straight, and sexy! Very attractive, with a powerful body suited to his height and build. His hair was short and dark, and his brown eyes hinted at sinful sexual pleasures.

I licked my lips and purred, "You must be referring to someone else, because I don't think there are any female angels."

He smiled crookedly again. "That's debatable."

His dark eyes roamed slowly across my body, lingering on my breast before moving on. My nipples tightened painfully in my bra, and the traitorous breasts became heavier. "Cause I'm talking to one right now."

What were we talking about? Oh yes. Angels.

I stepped closer, my flare skirt brushing against his trousers and my breasts caressing his chest. His nostrils flared as I moved closer, and the sexual interest in his eyes was unmistakable.

"Do you say that to every woman you meet?" I whispered near his ears, tempted to taste them just to see how he would react.

"Yes." He simply replied huskily.

"Really!" I laughed throatily and backed away slightly. His aroma was creeping into my head, and I needed my wits about me to deal with a man like him. "I like your honesty".

Did I mention I am a sucker for tall men? Shorter guys feel intimidated around me because I'm 5'8'. And this guy is everything I could ever ask for in a man—boldness and hotness are just the cherry on top.

"I'm James," he said, stretching out his hand to me.

"Rita" I replied, placing my hand in his. His palm was rough and firm, with several calluses. He tightened his grip and tugged me till I collapsed into his arms, my breasts flat against his chest.

His brown eyes met mine, and my lips parted as I started to pant steadily. Arousal coursed through me, leaving a puddle of fire in its path. He clasped my hand and kissed the back of my palm.

No. He sucked it!

I looked at my hand as if I had never seen it before, watching him suck and lick, making lusty moans in his throat. I was instantly wet, the picture too erotic for my peace of mind. I could feel the bulge of his arousal pressing into my stomach as he pulled me tighter into his arms.

This guy is smooth, smooth and dangerous. He was obviously quite skilled at the game of seduction. Too good if you ask me.

Run! My brain screamed at me. You can't handle him; he'll demand far more than you can afford to offer.

Did I listen? No. The truth is, no man has ever aroused me so quickly and thoroughly, practically making me whimper and beg for sex in minutes, as James did that night.

To anyone watching, we seemed to be simply dancing and conversing in a corner of the room. Or so I thought.

"Are you about done here, Rita?" He asked, his other hand caressing my back from neck to the start of my butt. Sometimes lower.

I stared into his lust filled eyes, eyes that I'm sure reflected the lust in mine, and I was ready to follow him anywhere.

I wanted him. It was that simple. I wanted to feel him deep within me, while I rippled and tightened around his shaft as we both seek fulfillment.

"Give me a moment." I looked around for dad. I spotted him on the other side of the room, speaking earnestly with the little elderly lady I had seen James with earlier, before he approached me. They kept stealing glances at us.

I attempted to free myself from James, but his arms tightened around me.

"Let's dance." His voice rumbled inside his chest. "I want to hold you some more." We started moving to the rhythm of the slow music playing in the background. I closed my eyes and placed my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

He released me unwillingly after a while. "Go do what you have to do."

I started to move in Dad's direction, pausing to talk to people along the way. As I approached, Dad gave me a contemplative frown. The elderly lady by him was clearly scowling.

What were they discussing?

"Hey dad." I greeted him as I approached.

"Rita." He replied with an overly bright smile.

What was happening here?

"Are you enjoying the party?" He asked. I didn't get a chance to respond before he suddenly turned to the elderly lady. "Helena, have you met my daughter Rita? Isn't she beautiful?"

I looked at dad with a perplexed frown. What type of introduction is that? Isn't she beautiful? What had transpired?

"Yes, she is." Helena's response was politely cool and distant. I wondered who she was to Dad.

"What do you do for a living?" She asked abruptly.

The blunt question stunned me. I stared at her with confidence, letting her know I wasn't terrified or intimidated by her appearance or bluntness. "I'm a hair stylist, I own a unisex salon"

"Oh." She lifted her brow in a disdainful manner.

"Isn't that great!" Dad broke in before I could say more. "I wish the younger generation will be as innovative as our children and stop relying on white collar jobs."

I gave my dad a shocked look; why was he explaining my career to her? Like he needed her approval or something. I enjoy what I do and am not ashamed to talk about it. It's been my passion since I was a teenager, and I earn enough to cover my expenses while also saving some money by the side.

"If they'll just look deep within," dad was still saying. "They'll realize they can accomplish so much more. With dedication and resilience, we will have more young entrepreneurs."

I quickly butted in before Dad began discussing the importance of self-reliance for the next generation. When I was still living under my parents' roof, the subject would frequently spark a passionate controversy at the dinner table. Dad believes that anyone can be a leader if they are motivated enough, however Mum believes that not everyone is born to lead. If everyone takes the lead, who will follow?

"Dad, I'm about to leave." I promptly stated.  "I have a big day tomorrow so..."

"Oh! Let me go drop you off." He began patting his pockets, evidently looking for his car keys.

"No need, someone has offered to drop me." I informed him. "Just stay and enjoy yourself."

"Who is that?" he inquired.

I turned to point out James in the room, only to find him already behind me.

"I'm James Dabor," he said, offering dad a firm handshake. "I'll be taking your daughter home."

Dad cast a piercing gaze at Helena, who was frowning heavily with disapproval.

Dad watched James silently for a few seconds before smiling warmly. "That's alright young man, just keep her safe okay?"

"That's for sure, sir," James responded.

Dad turned and hugged me. "Stay safe, baby girl. Thank you for coming for your mum."

"It's okay, Dad," I said. "I'll call mum tomorrow".

I turned to bid Helena goodnight, but her gaze was fixed firmly on James. I could feel James' fury and contempt erupting in waves, and the air was filled with animosity and silent rage. I peered between them, wondering what was going on. But when James turned towards me, his face was blank, and he gave me a smile that was intended to scramble my brain.

"Shall we?" He inquired, offering me his hand.

I looked at dad, puzzled, but he just shrugged and grinned. I placed my hand in James's and quickly forgot about the exchange of looks, as I eagerly anticipated the sizzling hot night ahead of me.

We said goodbye to dad and a scowling Helena, and I followed James into the night.


We had sex that night. In his car. On the road to my house.

Oh! Don't blame me—blame the champagne.

I tried you know; I really tried to resist temptation, but the sexual tension in the car was so thick that we both knew we wouldn't make it home. He was gripping the steering wheel too tightly and clenching his jaw. The only sound in the car was the radio singing a tune I didn't recognize.

I shifted restlessly in my seat, toying with the zipper of my bag, wondering how and when I'd screw his brains out. Or maybe he will screw mine out first.

I ordered him to park the car when I couldn't handle it any longer. He didn't even ask twice before slamming on the brakes and swerving to the kerb, the seatbelts holding us in place as we jerked forward.

Thank God it was already dark and the road was clear.

We were on each other before the car could come to a complete halt; he pushed his seat backwards to make more room, and we tried our best to devour each other...

And I will not go into detail about my slutty night.

But truly, the sex was amazing! I've never had someone fill me up so completely. He knew where to touch and lick, and boy, could he suck! I've never orgasmed that much in my life!

He drove me home afterwards, following the direction I gave him, and we both pretended nothing had happened. My street was dark as he stopped in front of my house; only the lights on my neighbors' porches were turned on.

My grandmother, dad's mother, left the house to me in her will.

He turned off the engine, leaving the car fairly dark. Why were the street lights turned off? I wondered.

He looked around, clearly memorizing the area. "Nice neighbourhood," he said appreciatively. "Very quaint, but in a positive way."

Most of the families on my neighborhood are traditional and family-oriented. Though, neighbourly kindness and nosiness can be overwhelming for me at times, they're really nice people.

James turned in his seat to face me, "I want to see you again." He stated.

I just nodded since my voice was gone. My several orgasmic screams had taken a toll on my voice.

"Tomorrow?" He asked hopefully.

The said tomorrow was Sunday. I don't go to the salon on Sundays, but my staff do open. If I meet him tomorrow, I will be treated to more mind-blowing sex.

I bit my lips while looking at him through my lashes. Should I agree or disagree? Wouldn't agreeing make me appear cheap? I mean, I already look cheap, but appearing too cheap is another story entirely.

He groaned. "Don't bite your lips, it makes me want to suck them."

"Oh," I muttered like an idiot.

"And if I suck them, I'll want to suck other parts of your body." He growled fiercely and then grinned, appearing excruciatingly handsome in the faint light of the car. "We should do something about it, but I'm not sure your neighbours will appreciate that."

Thank goodness he couldn't see how excited his remarks had made me. "I'm free tomorrow, we can meet somewhere." I quickly got him back on track before I grabbed him. My neighbours be damned.

The crooked smile appeared again. "I'll come pick you here."

We remained silent and stared at each other. His hand snaked out and gently gripped my neck before I could avoid it. Not that I wanted to avoid it; just saying.

Our lips touched at the middle console. His lips were gentle and soft on mine, unlike the crazy, feverish coupling of before, when our kisses were wild and consuming.

We were both breathing heavily when the kiss ended. "Shit!" He proclaimed harshly, nearly panting. "I believe you should go inside now. I'm about a second away from tossing your skirt up and fucking you again."

Heat spread through my body at his raw sexuality. This guy is totally out of your league. My brain warned me again. Run!

"Goodnight." I hastily mumbled as I jerked the car door open and walked rapidly to my door, not looking back once.

I looked for my key with shaky hands, eventually finding it at the bottom of my purse. I could feel his eyes following my every move as I opened the door and stepped inside.

I dashed to my window and lifted the curtain a little to peek. He remained seated for a few seconds before starting his car and driving off. My palm went to my heart to feel the gallop, then I strolled to my couch and sat down slowly, questioning my common sense.

I've moved on from that night; honestly, it was just a moment of weakness anyway.

He arrived the next day, and we drove to his home. His gorgeous and expensive home.

My one moment of weakness turned into two, three, and four...

Okay, okay. You are right. Maybe I haven't moved on. And maybe I acted like a slut with James.

But I wasn't a cheap slut.

James is a highly successful real estate developer. He took me shopping in upscale boutiques, purchased expensive jewelry, and treated me to dinners at five-star restaurants. I only had to point to something and it was mine, so if you wanna call me a slut, call me an expensive one.

He gave me so much attention that I thought I had finally met my knight in shining armor. I had the ideal relationship, with no strings attached.

We slept together practically every night, and my belongings began to find their way into his home so I could easily dress for the salon in the mornings. I literally became a stranger in my two-bedroom house.

We never discussed anything private. We never asked each other personal questions. We avoided intense emotions like the plague. We rarely spoke on the phone; it would have been too... intimate.

I have never cooked for him, and he has never asked me to. We usually order dinner or eat out. We were having a terrific time with no strings attached. He was a pleasure to be around, generous with his money and time, and a god in bed. What more could a girl want.

I was in no risk of losing my heart because I was not searching for a serious relationship. I was simply a girl looking to have fun, and he was readily available.

I had only three items on my to-do list: the salon, sex, and food, not necessarily in that order.

For three months, I felt on top of the world.

Then I made a terrible mistake that permanently impacted my life...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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