
A Calm Goddess Is Actually More Beautiful, Isn't She? II

Carrying multiple Hyperverses of nothing but Discord, where even the Multuverses within had Discord amongst each other, rejecting and opposing one another.

Multiple Hypervrses containing Multiverses with ancient and foreignness sorounding it, making it seem out of this world, with its pure essence of madness.

Hyperveses with abominable Multuverses, that seemed to have no form. Hyperverses with Myltiverses containing pure ancient essence, that contained the beauty and regality.

And there were many more!!




A Cosmos which, probably not even Supreme Beings can easily gaze through. And the people who were most probably the reason for her behavior, even though they did not know what they did either than saving Killer, were speechless.

"Hey... calm her down." Enigma said out of the blue. His tone helpless as imagining a fight with such a being was not even a possibility. He had to admit wholeheartedly at his weakness right now.