
Essence of Nihilism

A Dead Apostle Ancestor. A True Ancestor. An avatar of the void. The nothingness personified, an absolute nihilistic existence. Or, in simple words. A really edgy vampire finds himself isekai'd into a completely odd world or worlds. Hey, at least he wasn't that nerfed. He was just reduced to only being able to swallow the world into the void in a minute or two.

DevilNeumann · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

EoN: 3 Middleschool... DxD?

Years have passed since he found himself isekai'd into this mortal body named Shinya Motohama.

3 years to be exact, he was now in his first year of middle school. His body was about 13 years old.

More and more encounters with odd disgusting pitiful and puny existences happened throughout the years.

They were all crushed into nothingness, so it wasn't much of a problem as it was a chore.

The moment he spotted one prowling for the annoyance in his home, he immediately decided to TURN THEM EXTINCT.

It wasn't a Prelati way of thinking, it was genuinely from the Mortal Body. Who knew it could still influence him minorly like that.

It seems the original soul really cared for that annoyance that is called an onechama.

Regardless, he has improved... sort of.

He could now perform basic "math" and he has, in his opinion, perfected the squiggly lines.

Kanji? Screw that. Squiggly lines wasn't enough, now you want squiggly meanings too?

Overall, he was becoming mortal quite finely. Well, he really wasn't completely mortal, but semantics.

His middle school reputation was that of a really wicked bully, it really was the only place where the Prelati way of thinking could be used without having to end up burning a building or two and feeding rotten corpses to dolphins.

He wasn't going back to an aquarium ever again.

He would kill those dolphins personally and feed their corpses to the disgusting existence and crush them both into paste and feed said paste to whoever manages that aquarium before burning the aquarium.

Maybe, he wasn't that far from the Prelati way of thinking.

Motohama soon entered the gates of his middle school, and soon his classroom, the moment he entered the chatters stopped, they all eyed him.

When he was in a good mood, only the fellow bullies and some social butterflies and some minor nerds and geeks would continue.

When he was neutral, most would shut up, aside from the bullies.

When he was in a bad mood, everyone shut up and hoped the teacher would get the brunt of his ire.

Really, every either feared or hated him.

Just like it was with Prelati. Well, he kinda did like Prelati but not in the same way as anyone would think, she did try to rape him.

It was a liking, because she was similar and lack of choice and because Azathoth approved of her.

Mostly the latter. He was influenced by Azathoth quite a bit, being an avatar and all.

Still, he doubted there'd be a case of that in this middleschool of death and doom.

Middleschool... DxD?

Mostly because of him. He didn't spare no senpai or kouhai or teacher for that matter.

All was fair in bullying and Prelati emulation.

Everyone saw him in a neutral mood and most of the chatter returned, and eventually class started.

The teacher went it, some hope in his eyes, probably him skipping. He saw Motohama and slumped.

"W-We have a new student j-joining our class today."

The female teacher was a victim of his, she was too kind, she got herself baited into suspicious positions with male students, but in truth it was the male students who brought her like that under his orders.

And some pictures, send her proof and done.

Prelati special, forged blackmail with extra gloom.

In exchange for not ruining her life and career, she just marks him and the boys in the pictures present all the time and she wouldn't fail them in her subject.

Which was History. Who likes history?

He lived for 4000 years and even he wouldn't recommend learning about the stupidity of people.

Anyways, she was also the homeroom teacher. So, he had good attitude marks... all the time.

"Um, come in. Introduce yourself"

What came in next was a sense of danger.

She was brown haired, tiny, had glasses with twin braids and seemed like she was going to part of the bullied squad.

"Name's Aika Kiryuu. Please take care of me."

She paused, looked at me. Looked down.

"Wow your meat is small"


"Excuse me?"

She tilted her head as if I wasn't asking for rhetorics.

"Your meat. The wanger, dingledong, Johnson, Richard. Whatever, it's small"


Everyone was wishing her a silent RIP in their minds, teacher included. She tried to fix it though.

"U-U-U-Um, A-A-Aika-chan pleasesaysorrytoShinyaandmakeup–"


I laughed.

It was funny.

Prelati way of thinking didn't have anything against this, infact this kind of reverse sexual harassment was something Prelati would probably do...

Probably? What probably? She already did it.

So, in the face of utter unexpectedness, I laughed.

Everyone looked at me, mostly fear of the unknown, even the teacher thought I was going to ask the new girl to be played with by everyone else and dump her corpse under the bridge.

I mean, I wouldn't go that far, my bullying might be wicked, but I'm proud to say I never killed anyone.

A mark of a true master.

I would probably do indeed ask everyone else to play with someone– in a not wholesome way– sometime in the future, maybe when a mega bitch appears.

But, not this one. This one made laugh. Heck, I'll exempt her from any bullying because it's really, really rarer for me to laugh.

"Ah. What a riot. Hey, no one's bullying that braid girl, alright? She's cool, share with everyone else, instead if anyone does mess with her..."

Not finishing my sentence leaves much to the imagination, it works well.

The Aika girl was still confused and I just let her be.


I was having lunch, I didn't particularly like food, I guess I wasn't that mortal yet, when the Aika girl came to me and slammed her lunch box into my table and then grabbed the nearest table before connecting it with mine and seating her in it.

"I've been hearing warnings, they say you're like this big shot wicked bully of the school, wouldn't get what with that tiny one of yours. Or, maybe you compensate for it?"

Silence. You could ready everyone's thoughts to be something like "Does she have a bullying fetish?"

Well, now that it's like this, I'm even less inclined to bully her. Prelati way of thinking, don't give them what they want, as far as you can.

"And, so? Got any problems with it Kiryuu-san?"

"Yeah, bullying is bad."

Ah, an altruistic existence? Or simply looking for attention.

Former would be interesting, latter would just be lame.

"Again, and so? What can you do about it?"

I asked her, having an excuse not to eat was good as well.

"I'll tell the principal."

"Oh? Then do so. I'm not stopping you"


She stared for a bit more before sitting properly and eating her lunch. She noticed my bread barely eaten.

"You gonna finish that?"

"Nope. You can have it"



She added, but I was already up. I still have something to do.

I pointed at 2 boys.

"I need some guys, call your brothers from 3rd year"

They stopped eating and nodded. They did it immediately.

Yes, I used my eyes but at this point it's not like anyone could notice.

"What the hell was that? Some sort of mind control?"


Oh my, I hope this "eat my words" jinx doesn't last. I looked at whoever said that, and behold.

It was her. Just finished munching my bread.

"Sufficient authority and power is barely any different from mind control"

"Those didn't look pretty all that with you, they suddenly tensed up and followed"


Is her talent observation or something? Does it have something to do with how she guessed I had a small reproductive organ?

I mean, this mortal body is 13 only. Still. What a talent.

Might even be something of a mystic eyes? Doubt it.

"It's good to be sharp, but if you can't keep whatever details you've observed to yourself, you'll only shoot yourself in the feet, you're lucky I have a preference for you wild card types. Else, you'd really be down in a bridge somewhere."

If someone does find out about the other side of the world through me, I would in fact kill them.

Even if it was this mortal body's previous soul's important people.

I should be a bit mindful of my usage of powers, I guess.

Then again, maybe that girl's just the outlier. Prelati thinking dictates that I keep teasing her with the supernatural.

Eventually reveal it to her.

Then kill her as she despairs.

But, I won't do that. Sorry Prelati. I have no wish to kill any young ones, as much as I can.

One thing I noticed about Nihilism is that as much as it views life as meaningless, it doesn't simply view the lost of life as fun.

However, odd and disgusting existences and annoying winged creatures are fair game. They don't matter.

Humans are special, those wannabe dead apostles aren't.

Oh my. Is this a fraction of why Prelati helps the Human Order?

Food for thought later.

I left the classroom and headed to the rooftop.

"Wazzup kouhai Shinya"

"Hello, Shinya Motohama"

I nodded, used my eyes and pointed to a room.

"That upstart over in class 2B, he's a transfer. Doesn't know quite a lot and thinks he's top dog. His name is Ishigami Aihara"

I mulled over the information, blackmail sounds lame, pure assault feels boring, leaving him alone is not in the Prelati way of thinking.

"Anyone she's close with?"

"Childhood friend in 1B, Haru Kazama"

"Details? Simplified."

"Mega bitch"

Ah, I just a self thought about that.

I smiled.

"Well, ask every boy in 2B and her class to play with her, make sure to get photos and send them to that Ishigami guy, don't ask for anything or do anything to him, just send it with my name, he'll come to me"

The senpais nodded and went along with their given tasks.

"Hm. I monologued about a mega bitch and one surprisingly did appear, huh. Almost as if something was writing things into play. Anyways."

I looked to behind the rooftop door.

"You really are one nosy girl."


Aika Kiryuu came out of her hiding place.

I gave her a bland look, I looked at the rooftop doors. She looked at where I was looking.

There was a space below the door that was big enough to reveal the feet.

"Oh. Not superpowers then."

"Yes. Not superpowers."

She shook her head, she seemed determined.

"Please, tell me something."


I'll humor her before erasing her memories.

"Can you send me pictures of the hot senpais?"


I looked away. I do not trust myself to be able to speak without squeaking.


Minutes passed.

"yeAh~ sUuUeRe–gek pfft"

"Are you... laughing?"


"But your stomach contortions is similar to that of a laughing person's"

And, for the second time in a day, I laughed.

There is no way I am going to do any Prelati emulation on her. She's too great!

Ah. Man, nihilism is hard when you're mortal. They live too short so their lives are packed with all sorts of unexpected things.

It simply doesn't match with a nihilistic approach, it's almost as if being mortal is incompatible with nihilism.

Maybe, Prelati wasn't the right existence to emulate?

Nah, who am I kidding, this one's just an outlier among mortals.

"I'll call you Aika, you can call me Motohama. Anyways, I'll send you a bonus picture, give me your email"

"Really?! Wow, gee guess you aren't that bad huh, send me really good ones 'kay?!"

"Sure, Mrs. Pervert, whatever."


She paused.

"Mrs.? Who's Mr.?"


"Godbless whoever it is."

Hope he lives pass 30.