
Essence of it All (DxD Essence Meta CYOA)

Kidnapped and given superpowers by being beyond his comprehension, Taylor must learn to survive in the deceptively dangerous world he now finds himself in. With the help of his new 'essence' powers and the fresh start given to him, Taylor must find ways to entertain his ROB patrons. The greater multiverse is watching, and... what was that? They want to see him fuck?!? Definitely 18+ (This story is "Plot" with plot. I will never claim it is anything other than a smutfic.) Also, this story contains mind control. In my opinion, it's rather light on the mind control scale, but not everyone is as degenerate as me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Warning: This isn't an Issei-bashing fic. He's not the main character, but I'm not going to kill him or whatever else authors with a hate boner for the pervert do to him. He's basically just a side character in this story.

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The first thing I did was sit down and think. I thought about all that happened in just the past day. From getting kidnapped and dimensionally displaced, to my reincarnation as a devil, to binding and claiming my new king and peerage.

It took nearly an hour to reconcile all my internal issues. And that was with all of my Essences helping me stay calm, think logically, and enhance my willpower. Accepting everything that had happened was really my only course of action. I couldn't go back home, and to be honest I didn't know if I even wanted to. And becoming a devil and using the Binding was just the safest way to keep everyone I would come to care for safe.

Next came exploring my new powers. Of my Essences, three stood out the most: the Mage, The King, and The Blank. These three synergized with each other in a truly overwhelming way.

The bloodline from the King gave me a unique set of abilities and the willpower to use it without falling to Chaos. The intelligence of the Mage allowed me to squeeze every scrap of information I could from my powers and basically made me a prodigy in every form of magic. And the Blank granted me an infinite amount of potential.

I could develop my psyker abilities by themselves or merge them in new ways with DxD's devil magic to do basically anything. The imagination-based magic and Mage Essence alone could be used to recreate almost any technique from any piece of fiction I'd seen.

The first magics I would develop would be support pieces that I would be constantly using on myself. A thought split my mind between my five Essences. Hmm, not quite the 'Thought-Partition' technique I was going for but it'll work for now. Five "me's" stood before me in my bastion in the Warp. Another thought and we all knew what our new tasks were.

The Mage would be working with DxD magic, developing new spells that would enhance my base performance. A mental acceleration spell, Observation and Armament Haki, a reinforcement spell, combat precognition, etc. He would be in charge of implementing these new spells into everything I did when appropriate.

The Binder was in charge of developing my social or 'Bound' network. Giving certain people watered-down versions of my Essences. He gave everyone in the peerage lesser versions of the Mage and Blank to start. He'd be making sure everyone stayed loyal and safe. He also managed the telepathy network that I wasn't making use of much yet.

The King's time was devoted to my psyker abilities and martial prowess. His willpower would be essential to safely explore the Warp. He would concentrate on fighting daemons for experience, and developing offensive and defensive techniques. It was his job to make sure my physical body was always in fighting condition.

The Breeder was all about my marital (lewd) abilities. He would be making sex into an art and a weapon. This was the DxD universe after all. Sex doesn't just sell here, Sex wins.

The Blank was tasked with keeping it all together. Acting as an administrator and keeping everything on the track that showed the most potential. He would work with each of the other Essences to make the impossible possible and make sure nothing regressed.

As for myself, I would be working together with whichever Essence I needed at the time. Two heads are better than one after all, even if we were the same head in actuality. First, I wanted to familiarize myself with some basic abilities. I asked the Mage to focus on sensing skills and spells. My preference was for Observation Haki, seeing as it was a physical sensing skill. When combined with sensing through the Warp, my awareness of the world around me would be very solid. I called the eventual skill 'Warp Observation' because I'm not very original.

Warp Observation allowed me to sense the world around me in a sort of 360-degree ultra 4k vision. It was basically a Byakugan without the admittedly cool eyes. It also gave me a very basic awareness of the concepts around me. I could focus on an object while not losing peripheral vision, and instinctively know what that object was at a base level. Moving objects came with trajectory lines that instantly showed me how fast it was moving, as well as the forces acting against them. I wanted to eventually be able to incorporate telepathy, empathy, and divination into Warp Observation, but I didn't have enough data to do that now.

While adjusting to Warp Observation, I started working on some general utility abilities. The most obvious, at least to me, was telekinesis. Telekinesis has always been one of my favorite power sets, and it's the first thing I think of when I think of psychics. The King explained that it was ultimately a simple concept that took a lot of practice to master. At its most basic level, telekinesis was just imposing your will over the forces affecting something. This becomes easier when you have the Warp to supply energy and do the heavy lifting for you. Chaos wants to affect the material world, so really you're just guiding the process toward your desired end effect.

That's all in theory though. In practice, it's much more complicated and difficult to control, as I soon found out. The Warp is a volatile place. When directed towards holding an object, its first instinct is to crush it. Completely obliterate the object with overwhelming force. I had to practice with pieces of paper crumpled into balls because what I really wanted out of my telekinesis was fine control. Holding one of the paper balls felt like holding an egg in a wind tunnel. Holding several felt like juggling eggs in the same environment.

With The Blank making sure I didn't make the same mistake twice, I slowly started to see progress. Paper balls orbited around me, as I sat on the floor. Each was tracked and cataloged by Warp Observation. With each rotation, I could feel myself embracing energy from the Warp. The extra power surged through my body, enhancing it at the direction of the King. The Warp laughed from around and within me, held at bay by my willpower and the thin veil of the Immaterium.

It wanted to run! It wanted to play! It wanted to exert change! And I was the only thing holding it back. Imagine walking a dog that keeps pulling at its leash. Now imagine that dog was the size of a small bear and you were wearing roller skates.

Controlling Warp energy was an exhausting and almost impossible task. It got ever so slightly easier as time went on. I learned to roll with the waves of power instead of trying to rigidly hold it back. I knew I was already making astounding progress with control, but even with all my advantages things improved slowly.

Eventually, I was knocked out of my trance by a gasp and a wave of cautious awe coming through over the Binding. Rias and Akeno had walked in on me sitting in the middle of a hurricane of Warp energy and paper. Slowly releasing the energy I was channeling back into the Warp, I stood and stretched. A novel's worth of paper started to fall out of the air around me.

"Oops, I'll-uh-I'll clean that up. I seem to have lost track of time." I said, sheepishly.