



My name is juliana and i m an montessori teacher. I love kids they feel to me like flowers spreading colours. i live alone as my family lives in london and currently i m living in sweden. So i love sketching in leisure time i go to my favourite coffee shop and draw as much as i want. Talking about my boyfriend so i dont have i dont believe in relationships i think relationships are too hectic so i m happy with mY self.



My name is Chris Xander i m the most feared mafia among paris and i m the billionaire Ceo of the enormous company. i have some rules according to which everybody follows and those who dont have to suffer the consequences.

Julis POV:

It was a sunny morning i woke up early as today i got leave from work to enjoy my day alone.i took refreshing shower and wore black tracks with top along with choker, i leave my hair open and apply light shade gloss as i dont like doing make up stuff to look over. i wore my joggers and went to my favourite coffee shop near my house. i took my favourite place near window and placed my sketchbook infront of me which i carry here everytime. i was looking for a random face as its my habbit to draw peoples expression. i was randomly looking there when i saw a person with the beautiful face i ever saw, he has prominant features no beared.Wearing all black suit as he was talking to someone and suddenly he gave a short smile to him which i saw looking more beautiful ever.I quickly draw his face with that smile which captured in my mind. I suddenly get a call my freind name lisa that there are some sponsors coming to our school and my help is needed so i need to be there in 5 mins i quickly went to the restroom and freshen up, i was in such a hurry that i bump into that handsome guy i quickly apologiza and run at fast because of embarrassment( silly juli agghh ) itotay forget my sketching and reached at the school.


I came sweden for an important meeting in a coffee shop after that i have visit a school for donation. The new advising compang gave some plan accordingly when i noticed a girl stealing glances at me from a distance ,honestly it was not a new thing as girls drool over me every time i pass from there but i dont pay attention as i m not that type of person but this young lady was giving a cute smile which i was adoring, i notice she was sketching something, i become curious.The meeting was finished and george(best friend) was giving eachother a complimenting smile. i suddenly saw that girl running to restroom after receiving a call. Then i got to ask the waitor about coffee but out of now where we(that girl) bumped into me. i look up closly and saw her angelic face like a shining star giving an angelic look she murmur sorry and hurridly leave the shop. I went after her but she had left. Then i heard a waitor also coming out with her sketchbook and saying mam forget this. i took it from him, he was giving me a confuse look but my one glare shut him up. i look at the sketch and it was beyond my expectations. Now i think i found my girl,my angel.Just wait angel i will find you and soon this face of happiness will enter your life.