

sageofnovel · Lainnya
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1 Chs

Fates twist

Dante was in his college class looking at his girl of his dreams YUUKI as he starts his daydream fantasy for the day a bell rings and alarm like Silent Hill rings throughout the whole school and message appears on loudspeakers and the principal sounds school is dissmissed and outbreak has been released and is unsafe here go back to your houses until further notice Dante and everybody start filing into the hallways to exit the main amphitheater the school is divide into 8 building for most of the majors and several other building for extra curriculum. The section for dantes is the one of the building nearest the south gate and is part of the science building. Dante being shuffled in with a group of students waiting for the staff head teachers to let the out in front of a metal double door sees on the end a large group of students by the door and then all of sudden a huge explosion happens and screaming could be heard. Aaaahhh!! a bloody hand on one end of the door by the teacher is plastered on a quick panic and chaos in the hallway every student felt a cold chill creep up the spines as some kids say to the older teacher what the fuck is going on out there let us out one of the teacher said the pricinpal has made the announcement on the speakers yet. Dante went next to yuuki and said this whole situation is strange throughing back his crushing he felt like he was in resident evil or walking dead or one of those crazy games or movies that had and outbreak and shit was hitting the fan he wanted to check on his family. All of sudden the noise at the door esclated and you could hear slight growling and banging. All the students started to tighten up whats that noise in his head hear can hear a slight calling inside of him and searing pain in his skull he started ducking down and gripping his head and low grunting in pain. Ohh my head yuuki looked over said whats wrong and then inside his head a message poped up [escape the building and get to safety zone zombie apocalypse is headed your way avoid bite marks and scratches from undead first wave will be like walking dead later waves will increase in difficulty]

[Main Mission: survive the apocalypse] Reward:???

[Sub Mission: escape the Main amphitheater head to the city and arm yourself]

Dante immediately shivered and looked at yuuki she was stunned at how fast he recovered just minutes ago he looked as pale as a ghost and looked on the verge of passing out. Dante grabed yuuki hand and bumped into a guy named phillis he often got picked on and bullied he grabbed his arm too and pulled to the back as he was pulling them they were yelling where the fuck are you taking us he stoped and said you may not believe me but we are gonna be in a fucked situation in a couple of minutes as he brought them to a main back building where detention is served he said theres another exit in the back by dentention we have to get out before they come. Phillis and yuuki looked him asn said whos gonna come and he said you dont want to know eventually down the hall where everyone was a sound like a bomb came off and people where screaming whats going on back there phillis and yuuki said and he said they got in we have to move and fast their gonna come and kills us too people started running in their direction and yuuki and phillis started following dante he cut a couple corners and came around into the detention room he smelled the smell of burning flesh from behind them as he urged them to come in and he closed the door a black girl by they name samantha came in at the last second before he bared the room she started to take deep breaths and said zombies are behind us killing everyone you can tell she was scarred as wet spot between her legs as she sat down she was scared and said can come with you guys and dante looke at phillis and them and said see listen to me and well try to make out of here and he looked at samantha and said yes but you got to follow me.

Phillis, Samantha, and Yuuki looked at him and shook their heads and then phillis and yuuki said how did you know what was going on and he looked them and made up lie and said he had a gut feeling telling him we were all in danger and that outbreak sounds more like a scenario from a movie so he just guessed and said he has bad feeling like if they dont listen to him well all die. Yuuki and phillis and samantha in the back their heads was astonished he just had a feeling and made his way out of harms way thank god he brought them and then samantha said why didnt you say something back when everyone was their. Dante gazed at her and you could tell his eyes got real dark and cold and he said in a very serious tone because the minute i felt that we must leave was the same time i realized if informed everybody and mass panic happen we would have died even faster. Sam knowing she had made a mistake in asking said i know you didnt mean no harm by it and was just following your instinct she said well hope you take good care of me from now on she half smiled to show sincerity. Yuuki and phillis following suit said the same thing and Dante just noded and agreed and said likewise. Dante wanting to be upfront he said from this point on i can only guarantee the roads gonna be hard and we gonna have to shed some blood to survive they looked at him and got nevous in all their heads they slowly started to steel themselves. He looked at the said good before they break in cause as they were talking a noise like before starting happened the steel door to the room and pounding noises started to appear he said we need weapons to protect us we cant get bite or scratched or well be infected as well as he said to the group he grabed a chair and broke its legs he said its better than nothing and grabbed the ruler and gave a couple to the girls and broke a couple more chairs and gave everybody a leg so they had a back up he said whatever happens dont stray away from me and dont get bite or scratched.