
Chapter 4


"the moment I left my house, the last time I saw her, that ws the worst of all because the whole journey I couldn't get her image out of my mind, she had got glossy eyes at that time, she didn't want to show me that she was hurt, but she was, she badly was. I promised her and I will get back to her.

When I reach at the place where I am gonna live, the first thing first, I grabbed my phone and called her.

"heyy!!! How are you H!", she said with cheerful voice.

"I am good what bout you?",

"I am fine, missing me already?", she chuckled.

"you know my answer love!! This is going to be soo hardddd!",

"listen Harry!! If you keep thinking this it will get more n more hard for both of us, now get up cheer up that you are on your way to your best to achieve everything you ever wanted and if if I ever heard that thing again from you I am not gonna talk to you anymore! ", she said with high spirit and yes that's how she motivates me all time.

" yeah love!! ",

" ok now take some rest, dont stress yourself out and focus!! Bye bye", she said and than we hung up the phone.

That night, I couldn't sleep properly because definitely I kept thinking about her and spending a day without her was the worst day of my life. I was missing the other half of me but I will try my best because in the end of my destiny Y/N is waiting for me.


Its been two days like seriously it felt like its been years. Last two days we talked like several times despite of the time if its early morning or late night most of the time he was exploring the college but on other side on call with me. I loved that way of him like we are. A couple and the husband is son shopping and asking his wife if we need this or that, well its sounds cute as couple isn't it.

The third day I was getting ready to go for my admissions in few colleges to see for my own interests when someone knocked at the door.

"I got that mama!", I said and walked to attend whos at the door.

"oh hi Gemma! Come in!", I said as I greeted Gemma standing at our door.

"thanks Y/N!! You are the sweetest", she said sitting at my bed edge.

"so how is everyone at home?",

"good! But we miss him and so do you!", she said and I looked at my hands, miss no girl I cried whole night for him.

"yeah of course! He is my best friend how can I not miss him",

"ok but he gave me this when he lefy with us to give it to you! I didn't open it as its yours but he said its so important and you needs to get it and understand it", she said and handed me a small envelope, looks like a letter.

"oh ok!", I said and took that from her.

After that she left my house because she gotta go with her boyfriend.

I sat on my bed and saw envelope and I didn't know when a tear left my eye and wet the paper in my hand. I am missing him alot than I thought I would. But why does it feels so empty now without him and this letter is giving me chills, what if it says that he will never get come back to me. Or if he never liked me as a friend or if I was the worst he got.

I never thought like that before but now I have to open it before I over think to my death.

I crawled my cold hands on the envelop cover that says:

"My beautiful Y/N!",

And I let the tear escape now while smiling. He always says that I am beautiful because from the start I never thought I am.

I opened the letter and it says how much he loved me and how much I mean to him but in the end it says something that I don't get.

"I know you know me much better than I do, and I got a huge plan for us and as you are my best friend why don't you search what I am saying because I really mean it and I k ow you are with me in this and I love you my friend", and than I looked at the end of the page it says.


"Love, you know me and I know I said it in a code style thats what I wanted to do , and when you will get it, just tell me your decision I am waiting for you, love you. H", it said.

I dont know whats that but I have to sort out whats it. It is something really serious thats means alot to him and I have to search whats behind this secret code. And I know he wrote it that way because if he wrote it simply his family would knew about it and its upto me to look behind what hidden in it.