
Eros: The Forgotten God

Three hundred years ago, the world as we know it changed. The skies were torn asunder, and magical creatures invaded our world. They killed, they captured, and half of humanity was wiped out before they could even fight back. It was an event that would forever be known as the great calamity when our world merged with that of fiction, with the mythologies that we previously believed were little more than folktales. Gods descended upon our plane, though they were weak, still, their little strength proved more than sufficient enough to deal with the stray monsters. They graced humanity with the gift of strength, with the power to fight back through their apostles, those who the gods deemed worthy of their abilities. Though this power came with a catch, the gods were all girls, and likewise, so were their apostles. The world was now a matriarchy, where men served little use than to breed. See how our protagonist, a relatively normal boy blessed with a weird ability to see the affection of those around him towards himself, survives in this strange world. WARNING: This novel isn't for everyone, especially those who aren't native English speakers, it is rated R18 not only because of the themes but because of the difficulty, so if you're 15 and feel the need to complain, please just introspect upon yourself.

Fyniccus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
57 Chs

Chapter 52: Departure

Absent, as if scourged from the earth, disintegrated and depraved, did the twain figures dissipate, their existence solely inscribed upon the world in the form of dissentient incongruent sound. 'I can't….where,' Eros pusillanimously bemoaned, every syllable marred by a discrepant curtain of strident carrion, tuneless, blasphemously deaf. 'Wh-' The serpentine adolescent languidly continued, heterochromatic eyes fervent upon horizon of lurid cadaverous blue, fatidically cretinous to the beast's forthcoming defilement, for monster of behemothic stature prevailed upon his right.

Ominously did the adolescent lurch, illiterate to portent prophecy of baleful malignancy, for subconsciously, Eros's figure stumbled, detestably bereft of support, his right leg macabre, nauseatingly stuporous. Variegated irises destitute of life, a nugatory of hope subconsciously anchored upon Deinos's apparent visage, entranced by mouth amaranthine, boundlessly vivacious. Skewered upon fangs innumerable coagulated opprobrious claret, progeny to ancestor pugnaciously known, for amid the monster's mouth, burgeoned rose of flesh nascently amputated, the boy's right calf dressed by condiments of abandoned obsidian.

Abstracted irises tempestuously quivered, pusillanimous, pestiferous in their anathema, amaranthine afore the boy's truncated calf, nascent teeth bordered portrait of omnipotent rancorousness, flesh of antecedent mesmeric snow nauseatingly profaned a sacrilegious sanguine, manifest veins contemptibly pulsated, pregnant with child of infinite, degenerate claret, harmonious with the cacophonous choir of the adolescent's withered heart. Melodramatic reverberations dissonantly plagued Eros's fractious brain, engulfing anterior sentiments of humane saneness.

'How…How am I meant to attain conquest afore this…I can't hear, I can't move, it hurts…it hurts, it hurts! It hurts!!! IT HURTS!!!!!! I hate him, a pestiferous apostle bereft of reason. He's nought but a maddened beast!' Eros loathsomely wailed, myriad beads of subconscious agony blasphemous upon flesh of antecedently reverent snow, transiently indoctrinating skin of achromatised perfection to a pagan hue of transient pink. 'A monster I can't even kill…' The boy dissonantly drawled, heterochromatic eyes bereft of their prior prepossessor, for a shawl of lurid ambiguity cowled the encroaching Deinos's tempestuous aggression, nugatory of slyness, an ascertained assault.

Infinite gems of marred claret debaucherously vilified the beaten boy, an aberrant grin progeny of the incoherent Hylas, deviant, a demented scene of augural rancorous necrosis, palm of balled alabaster bore child of motion, a left-hand mid swing, poised hatefully afore the torturous ruinous teen's ensanguined stomach. 'Ah~ I'm going to die….' such abstracted throe, progeniture to voice of paradisiacal concupiscence apathetically marred Eros's mutilated countenance,

'I can't petrify his palm. That would merely bolster my oracular plight. I need to dodge…yeah…dodge, come on…move….' The serpentine boy winsomely droned, however, as if adverse, antipathetic to his despondent throe, Eros's countenance remained evermore placid, inseminated by nought but the pestiferous stammer of his mangled antithesis, an impetuous, despondent lurch.


Anguish, agonising, infinite, omnipotent pain, fruitlessly benumbed by ambrosia of adrenaline, blood boundlessly coalesced upon plane antecedently regnant with ruler of serpentine, carnal opulence. Erubescent miasmic cruor effloresced afore cadaverous countenance of sovereign desecration, vaporously profaning the languishing carrion carcass, annihilation, a murderous portrait of paramount torment, cognisant, malcontentedly zoetic, sprawled upon sheets of nascent carrion did Eros loom, twain eyes ruefully bloodied, atrociously vitiated, abstracted, apathetic to the adolescent's demonic plight.

For appendage antecedently depraved appeared chasmic, bloodcurdlingly cleaved, schismatically cratered, multitudinous mucronate blades perforated the boy's mangled left arm, bearing chroma of anterior alabaster now pestiferously profaned an inexorable crimson, gossamery threads of flesh lay listlessly strewn, splayed invidiously upon the plane of lurid shattered stone, trinitarian strands languidly conjoined the imbrued appendage, married to nought but abyssal despair, for in place of a shoulder, brewed stagnant, ensanguined zephyr.

"A-" Eros innately gasped, oesophagus confoundedly closed, excrement of ensanguined vomit captiously impregnated the serpentine adolescent's prostrated stomach, perpetually arciform with innate, despondent breaths. 'I-I-I' Eros blitheringly stammered, heterochromatic eyes bedded by visage of forlorn, malevolent bloodthirstiness, Hylas, his eyes enamoured by notions of omnipotent, virulent truculence, boundlessly cretinous to augury pythonic presage accursedly antipathetic.

Herald throe of primordial encroaching steps lay marred by swamp of amaranthine, cadaverous crimson bile, rain of tempestuous hemic precipitate monotonous upon grotesque, calamitous hooves. 'Bl….fal-' The serpentine heterochromatic teen hideously grinned, carnal in his apocalyptic pruriency, for beast gutwrenchingly nightmarish stumbled, dispossessed, bereaved of a single, mountainous, pulsating leg.

*BAng!!* wail boundlessly execrable tumultuously echoed amid the voluptuous ruinous realm, myriad monstrous tendons repugnantly laced by achromatised blight of petrified blood. Placid, irenically serene, did Hylas's barbaric visage momentarily brew, bereft, nugatory of his antecedently perverted mare, mounted upon nought but cratered, cobwebbed vitreous claret.

Sloven, sensuously Eros agonisingly crawled, his torturous countenance expelled of western appendage, marred by an infinite waterfall of loathsome bile, a phobia upon the dreaded Alcides's mind, for traumatically did the serpentine boy direfully haunt, poised hellishly atop the abstracted apostle. Irises of heterochromatic colouration appeared portentously sealed with those of innately disquieted empyrean sky, now but maddened dots of anteriorly variegated chroma. Dissonant blood inundated the petrified boy's prostrated person, his mind hatefully drowned by the accursed cry of the winsome Eros.

"I…hate you," Eros apathetically stammered, his statement intermittently ruptured by a duet of cardinal regurgitate, hair of anterior matriarchal midnight purple pestiferously profaned a nightmarish crimson, for afore the absentminded apostle brewed not the countenance of a winsome, naive boy…but a vengeful monster, a blasphemous gorgon. "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!"

*CRACK!!!!!!* "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Orchestra to the adolescent's wrathful cry did such bloodcurdling wail debaucherously resonate, progeny to flesh of flayed stone, myriad chunks intermittently painting Eros's dextral fist, for Hylas's left arm appeared ruptured, multitudinous muscles malevolently mangled, strewn loathsomely across the boy's torturous chest.

"GET OFF!!!!! GET OFF!!!!!! WHY WON'T YOU FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!!" Innumerable stands of crow intermittently shawled Eros's carrion countenance, a banefully injurious palm noxiously debilitated, languorous, pervertedly forceless spasmodic in its venture to harm the anteriorly winsome boy. *CRACK* "UGH-" Hylas innately gasped, stomach antecedently enervated frantically martyred afore the apathetic gorgon.

"I didn't want…this! I never wanted any of this! WHY, WHY, WHY!!!!!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME!!!! IT CAN'T BE BECAUSE OF SIMPLE JEALOUSY…NO…it is… you ruined it all. I hate you. I loathe you! So what if I can't kill you~ So what if your faction hunts me down! I'll break you, bring ruin upon your flesh until nought but exposed petrified organs remain. You can be healed, you can be repaired evermore, but you'll never be the same!" Eros sadistically wailed, flood of carrion intermittently diluted by infinite, torturous tears, deafened ears deathless to the boy's hateful throe of despondent desperation, for the presence of Deinos lay placated, cataclysmically departed of its leg.

"You go on and on about how I've forgotten you...and? So what…you're jealous of my life!? Of my burdens, days, years, decades, exposed to the same repugnant portrait…I hate you…I finally experience joy, exposed to a life I could merely dream of, to a warmth you now shawl by bl-... a blanket of hate…I loathe you…I abhor you!" Reddened eyes appeared coagulated, obscured by an enigmatic curtain of pestiferous achromatised perspiration, fist of sentient stature monotonous in its venture, accursedly fractured, homogenous with Hylas's mangled countenance.

"But now…I have to go…to forsake it all, simply because you were jealous?!! Die, die! You deserve nothing….If you dare, lay even an eye on those I've chosen, to those I….I….I hold dear, I will return, from wherever I may be, from whatever plight…incarcerates m-me, and I'll kill you!! I'll mangle your flesh into nought but carrion excrement remains! I'll crush your soul, ridding you of a second chance….I don't care about your faction, about what gods or apostles bear a responsibility to ensure your continuance…upon this earth! If it means their existence, I will wage war against the heavens themselves!!!!" Eros melancholically stammered, palms of antecedent snow lucent with the oracular light of departure.

'It's time', Medusa sympathetically informed, hiss anteriorly repugnant benign upon the mangled boy's weeping mind.

"I…I don't want to go! I don't want to leave them…I don't want to be alone! Fiamma, Gabriella, I promised them I'd stay forever," Eros melodramatically cried, his heart antagonistic to notions of omnipotent reason, heterochromatic eyes lucid upon a portrait antecedently sealed, a chasmic wound imbrued by myriad petrified countenances.

Ruby eyes impassionately peered upon the adolescent's effulgent figure, cognate with silken hair of crimson blight, Fiamma, her presence illuminated by multitudinous ruinous fires, their temporal body spasmodically extinguished by abstracted hysteric aqua, perilous did the girl appear, her zealous attack blockaded by the worrisome countenances of Háðung, Mánagarmr, paradoxical eyes of solar and lunar effulgent hampered by notions of unascertained affection. For the threat of departure merely bolsters such enigmatic motions of amour.

"Fall," Eros innately ordered, clouded eyes inundated by innumerable apparitions. Such words were the final utterance beheld by the lurid hall, for the adolescent's consciousness lay imminently claimed by ostentatious light of cadaverous, hyperborean blue, his presence nugatory, vestige to nought but adulterated claret tears.

{+50% Affection (Fiamma Adeen)}

{+40% Affection (Mánagarmr Hróðvitnir)}

{+40% Affection (Háðung Hróðvitnir)}

{+10% Affection (Medusa)}

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