
50: Trouble in Sand and The Pack: Part IV

Yukata stepped out of her apartment and couldn't help but marvel at just how different she felt leaving it when compared to when she had entered. Whereas before everything outside the village had been a distraction, even the death of the Kazekage and her former crush, now she found herself deeply embroiled in what was going on. She knew that just as people might have looked at her strangely if they knew why she had been acting so withdrawn, she'd definitely be getting them because of her sudden reversal of opinion.

But it wasn't just the mind-blowing orgasm that she had experienced, or the promise of many more just like it. In truth, she hadn't even realized what it was that she had been trying to recreate with her trying to recapture the experiences of her time with the Training Force until Her Ghost had reappeared. Now though, she realized that what she had tried to simulate through her puppet and recreation of the summoning circle, wasn't so much about the pleasure. But the feeling that when she had been in his arms that she had been the most important thing in the world. It was a little strange she knew to think of her being felt up in a privacy barrier in such a way, yet it was the best way that she could describe it. She guessed that the reason she could think of her experiences with Her Ghost in such a way, was because he had always made it worth the trip to the Summoning Circle. His mentioning that he had multiple lovers had made her realized that his skill with the female body was not so much an innate talent, although she wasn't discounting that either, but from just how much practice he must put in. As a result of that understanding, she recognized that although no two women would react completely the same to his ministrations, the more times she had visited him, the more efficient he should have become at making her cum. And truthfully he had, but rather than her experience getting quicker in an effort to make time for the next girl to visit him. He had used the knowledge to make the experience more and more pleasurable as he would draw it out as he learned just how to push her buttons.

Still, despite his diligence in his exploration of her body, she had also come to realize that there had likely been an ulterior purpose for her Ghost to create the Summoning Circle, especially in light of his return on the eve of Gaara's execution. One that he likely had achieved, which was why it hadn't been there when she had wanted one last time with her Ghost before returning to Suna. Coming to that conclusion had thrown a bit of a damper in her exuberance at his return. It had also led to her asking just before he slipped out of her apartment, while still transparent, having yet to end his jutsu, and after giving her the task he needed for her to complete, "If you didn't need my help...would you even be here now?"

Her Ghost had surprised her with his answer mainly because rather than give her the answer that he no doubt knew she wanted to hear. He had answered her truthfully in the deep disguised voice that almost seemed to echo around the room, "Right now...no, I probably wouldn't be." Her face must have revealed her shock at what was a most decidedly horrible answer to give a woman wanting to hear the opposite. But a warm feather light touch stroked her cheek as he explained, "But, in time as your summoning circle continued to call out to me. I would eventually have investigated, and finding you still hungry for my touch would definitely have made you mine. I'm sorry that I made you feel lonely or abandoned, but it never occurred to me that you would consider our times together as anything more than a pleasant escape. I only wish there was more time for me to explain myself."

Yukata had found his words far more satisfying then the quick, 'Of Course I would be,' that she had expected as they pointed to his depth of character, rather than just some player that knew the right things to say. She guessed it was how he could make her feel like she had been the only thing in the world that mattered during their previous times together, and even now was still basking in that feeling. But she knew that in the outside world there were other things that required her Ghost's attention. Pushing off from where she had been sitting naked since cumming, she had said, "Don't worry, I understand. I'll do as you asked."

Her Ghost had pulled her close and although she had yet to actually see him. She knew his blue eyes were shining with a deep gratitude. "Yukata, thank you," he said before giving her a kiss that had curled her toes before slipping out of her apartment. Yukata had quickly showered before leaving to complete the task she had been given.

Finding herself near her destination, she rolled over her wrist to see a small black mark in the shape of the One-Tailed Bijuu and which could have passed for a tattoo. Her Ghost had placed it there after asking her to find someone that would be in contact with Gaara before he was to be executed. She had immediately suggested Temari, but her Ghost had explained that he would prefer that she stay away from both of the Kazekage's siblings. She hadn't understood why, until he explained that he had little doubt Temari and Kankuro were being monitored. When she had asked what made him believe such, she had heard both reverence and pride as he said, "Because anyone that knows Temari knows that she won't just sit back and let this happen."

The emotion she heard in her Ghost's voice for the eldest of the Sand Siblings made her wonder if she was one of his lovers. She quickly figured that Temari was, and that another reason her Ghost's appearance was to protect a woman that held a place in his heart from harm. Hoping to one day have a spot there herself she had said determinedly, "I know who I'll see." Her Ghost showed the trust he had in her and the sureness in her eyes when he didn't inquire about her choice.

Reaching an apartment, she banged on the door and wasn't surprised when Matsuri answered despite not living there. "Yukata," the kunoichi said obviously surprised by her presence, "I didn't think you..."

"I know," she interrupted, "I'm sorry that I've been so antisocial lately. I was so caught up in something I thought I had lost that I forgot that there were others feeling the same way." Yukata could see Matsuri was pleased by her sudden turnaround, as well as grateful for her presence as she directed a worried look towards a couch.

Yukata felt her heart go out to the kunoichi sitting on the floor in front of it as Sari cried into her knees which she had pulled up to her chest. From the tissues that surrounded the young woman, Yukata believed she hadn't stop crying since sitting at the spot. The black haired girl approached the crying girl who looked up to reveal her bloodshot eyes. Yukata crouched down as she said, "Sari, everything's..."

"It's not going to be okay," Sari said between sobs. "They're going to kill him tomorrow and they've barely even let me see him since the Daimyo's judgment was announced. I...I said so many stupid things and started so many arguments about his...being so distant... and now...they're only going to give me a few moments to try and explain that it was just because I wanted to be with him so much. There's no way I can tell him that and make up for what I said in so little time..."

Yukata pulled her friend into a hug and felt a small jolt pass between them as she said, "Don't fret about what to say or how much time you have to say it. Just make sure it comes from the heart." The brown-eyed Kunoichi pulled away from her crying friend and noticed that the mark on her wrist was gone. She smiled brightly at Sari as she assured her, "If you can do that, then I promise you everything will be okay."

Sari stared into her friend's eyes and was surprised by the conviction that shined within in them that the words she had spoken were more than empty platitudes. Not sure, what made Yukata so confident, she nonetheless felt something cause her sadness to fade ever so slightly.


Sari tried to remain composed as she was escorted through Suna's Torture and Interrogation Department. It wasn't easy as although she knew it was only a part of her imagination, she felt that the Oni masks that Suna's Anbu wore were staring at her in a judgmental way and by extension the people wearing them. She felt that she could almost hear them whispering, "So this is the girl that had been so pleased to be with the Kazekage, but only a year later wanted to move on."

She knew that wasn't actually happening as she had only aired her complaints about the lack of intimacy in her relationship with either Yukata or Matsuri, and she trusted both of them to keep such matters to themselves. However, she couldn't help but feel the stares were judging her due to the fact that she had been in the midst of airing those grievances when the Anbu had alerted her to Gaara's being a suspect in Joseki's murder.

Not to mention she felt as if everything befalling Gaara was her fault due to her feeling that if instead of storming off after trying to use his frustrations at the Elder's being let free as a means to slip passed the wall he kept between them, she had instead remained to just comfort him thus providing him an alibi, he wouldn't be less than an hour away from death. Her friends Matsuri and Yukata had tried to assure her that it wasn't her fault throughout the night, since if it was an active plot against Gaara then they had likely known exactly when he had been alone, and it wouldn't have mattered when she left.

Although their logic made sense, the guilt she felt wasn't so easily persuaded. But even after she had, if not accepted the truth of the matter, recognized her friends' arguments were valid and thus stopped blaming herself although she didn't want to feel better. She had still been able to argue that in the end she was ultimately unworthy of being Gaara's girlfriend or lover. She had argued that she should have been cognoscente of what being with him should have meant. That she should have recognized that due to his childhood, Gaara would be uneasy about physical intimacy.

However, to her surprise both kunoichi had explained that they felt that while true, she had displayed quite a bit of patience as her complaining about the lack of progress in that area had been relatively new. Matsuri had gone one step further by adding that physical intimacy was just as much a part of a relationship as anything else, and as such Gaara had a responsibility to make sure her needs were met. Yukata had quickly agreed, also adding that if he felt unable to meet such needs then he should have let her know what to expect so they could both decide how to move forward.

While a part of Sari was grateful to the two, she didn't want to start feeling better by placing any blame on Gaara on the eve of his death. Again, Matsuri had surprised her, since as far as she knew the kunoichi wasn't seeing anyone, but sounded like an expert on the subject of relationships to her friend by telling her, "Sari, a relationship can never work if you aren't willing to fight for what you want from it. You wanted to move your relationship further; he wanted it to remain where it was at. It was only natural for friction to occur. Don't try to lump what is currently happening in with your relationship troubles, because I assure you that even if everything was going smoothly, it wouldn't change the fact that somebody wanted Joseki dead and the Daimyo to blame Gaara for it. So for now, focus on the good and how happy you were. Tomorrow, it'll be your job to comfort him."

Thanks in part to Matsuri's words; Sari did find it much easier to forget the troubles of the last few weeks in favor of the months of happy moments. She had regaled her friends with the how she had first started dating Gaara, a story Matsuri hadn't heard since the relationship had been a secret from her in the beginning. But, basically it had boiled down to Sari, aware that Gaara, despite Shukaku's removal, still slept very little and so had volunteered to be his assistant during the night. She had done it with the double purpose of getting to know him, but also to prevent him from working himself into an early grave. She had gotten him to relax from time to time, by playing some of the board games that she had used to play with her friends and she was sure Gaara had only heard about. Although he had put up a bit of resistance at first, Sari knew that he had actually come to enjoy the days where she would bring one.

It was as a reward after one such game that Sari had first asked Gaara to take her out on a date. Or as she had phrased it, "I want Gaara to take me out on a date." Gaara had agreed, but insisted they go out henged since he was uncomfortable with his status as a person a lot of the kunoichi in his village wanted to date. It had been a simple affair, with a meal at the recently opened Ichiraku Stand. After the date had ended, and at the door to her apartment, Sari had revealed her trap by asking, "So when are you going to take me on a date?" Naturally Gaara had been confused pointing out that they had just been on one, to which she had corrected him by stating, "We did go out today. But I think it's safe to say that Gaara didn't take me anywhere."

Gaara had been amused and to Sari's surprise had agreed with her logic. Eventually their secret dates paved the way to an actual relationship, but due to Sari beginning to feel guilty about sneaking behind Matsuri's back when Gaara had been ready to go public she hadn't been. Sari had eventually worked up the courage to admit to her friend that she had been dating her crush for some time, yet strangely Matsuri had only reacted with pleasure to the news.

For the many months that followed, Sari had been quite thrilled with her place as Gaara's girlfriend. But as the months fell away from the calendar, she began to grow frustrated by the lack of progress. She had tried to remain patient about it as she knew it was likely an understatement to say that Gaara had issues with trust and intimacy. Furthermore, she knew that he had never truly been comfortable with his role as Suna's most eligible bachelor, but to her it had felt like their relationship had actually backslidden after they went public. She had believed the cause for that was due to Gaara feeling that he had needed to act a certain way, which had made Sari wonder if he had felt more relaxed and free around her when they had been henged. She would have suggested that they continue to do so if it wouldn't have felt like they were taking a giant step back.

Truthfully though, what had really made Sari frustrated with her relationship were the rumors that began filtering back to Suna from the Training Force about a perverted ghost. Although, Kashike had only confirmed the ghosts existence after her short relationship with a boy that she had chased since the academy fizzled out. There had been signs, among the kunoichi that had visited home during the months that the Training Force was operating near Konoha. One such sign that Sari would notice was how some of the kunoichi would as they recount the tales of their time with the Training Force, would suddenly grow wistful. They'd refuse to speak about it, but Sari would be able to tell which kunoichi knew what had brought on the strange behavior as they'd look lost in thought and some would have a hard time sitting still as if recalling pleasurable memories that felt all too real still.

Naturally those kunoichi didn't want to go into detail, especially with the Kazekage's girlfriend present. But their silence just piqued Sari's interest all the more. She finally managed to learn the truth when she had henged herself as one of the Suna Academy's instructors, a woman by the name of Quistis Trepe. Despite the fact that she was only a few years older than most of the students that she taught, Quistis was well respected by her colleagues and adored by her students. In fact she was so popular there was a group of people that actually called themselves Trepies in honor of her.

Disguised as the instructor, Sari had questioned one of the kunoichi that considered herself a Trepie, and although the young woman had been mortified to admit that she had visited the ghost, she had been more so at the idea of lying to her idol. After hearing the details, Sari had thought she done a fair job of letting the girl know that she wasn't judging her, but had reminded her that she was a representative of the village while away so shouldn't do things that could reflect negatively affect people's opinions of Suna's Kunoichi. As a result by the time she left, Sari was quite sure the girl's opinion of Quistis was even higher.

Ultimately what had eaten away at her the most about her relationship woes upon learning of the ghost was that there was a pervert out there making complete strangers feel incredible, but she couldn't experience similar heights with her boyfriend. From that point on Sari had made more of an effort to break through Gaara's inhibitions about physical intimacy, but as each attempt met with failure ended up growing only more frustrated.

Coming near the end of her journey, she felt foolish about her preoccupation with sex, and the steps she had taken to pry into the business of the Kunoichi that had met with the ghost. She supposed that was why she only told Matsuri about learning about it from Kashike. Recalling the conversation she had with her friend just before learning about Gaara being arrested, she felt like a spoiled brat that hadn't known how much she wanted something until it was on the verge of being taken away. Now, she found herself swearing to remain celibate for the rest of her life so long as it was by Gaara's side.

She reached the door at the end of the hall which was guarded by a pair of Suna Anbu. One of the men knocked on the door as he said, "Lord Gaara. Lady Sari has arrived."

"Please send her in," Gaara's voice replied strongly and calmly, giving no hint of the turmoil that she imagined he must be feeling.

The Anbu did as instructed pushing the door open, and she felt like breaking down into tears as she saw him dressed in the white kimono of his execution. It took an exuberant amount of her will to call upon her academy training about keeping her emotions under control. Something that had grown harder and harder as the week progressed as her sorrow grew, along with the hate that she was beginning to harbor towards the Daimyo of Wind Country. Not for the first time a vision of her kneeling over the rotund man with her chakra thread wrapped tightly around his throat passed before her eyes. She pushed the thoughts of vengeance away to be pondered further at a later date, even as she railed against the fact that Gaara, instead of being given the chance to restore his supposedly tarnished honor by taking his own life was to be beheaded as a common criminal.

The dark clouds of her thoughts again were temporarily banished as a small light pierced through them as the corners of Gaara's mouth upturned momentarily which was as close to smiling as he often came. Sari, tried to think of something to say, but cursed her mind for failing to produce anything. Gaara looked similarly unsure, but after the silence had stretched on for several seconds said, "Sari...I'm sor..."

Hearing him about to apologize unfroze her tongue as she instantly closed the distance between them as she said, "Don't! Don't apologize to me. I was...I was wrong to push you..." She trailed off not wanting the Anbu to hear any of the specifics about their intimacy issues. Staring into his eyes she said, "B-but please believe me when I tell you that I was happy you chose me and I'd give anything to remain by your side." She cupped his cheek affectionately causing Gaara to close his eyes as he enjoyed the warmth of her hand.

Wishing he knew what had held him back from accepting all that she had offered, he pushed the regret that he felt away as he pulled her hand from his cheek to hold it between his. Sari looked on the verge of tears as he said, "Thank you. Our time was brief, but being with you made me happy."

"Gaara!" she called out as she pressed her lips to his. Gaara reciprocated as he pulled her tighter against him. As the two kissed, what both believed would be their last; they felt a jolt pass between them. Sari pulled back as she recalled having felt something similar recently although with her emotions being all over the place she had a hard time placing it.

Before she could ask if Gaara had felt it also, a new voice cut in which said, "What the hell is this? Is this what you call securing the prisoner? What if she passes something to him, or..."

"Please remain calm, Lord Ishida," the man accompanying the Daimyo's representative said calmly as he felt a great deal of strain from holding his anger directed at the man in check. Councilor Sajo went on to explain, "The Lady Sari submitted to a full body pat down before having her chakra sealed. Furthermore, upon entering this hall, she has been under supervision of the Anbu that line the halls."

"All well and good I suppose. That is if I wasn't of the opinion that your Anbu would prefer to see this prisoner set free then punished," Ishida said snidely.

Sari almost charged the man, but Gaara placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as he moved between the politician and his girlfriend. "Lord Ishida, I have submitted to the Daimyo's punishment. Although I am in no position to ask anything, I do ask that you refrain from insulting the Shinobi of the Sand's dedication to duty. It is that dedication which I hope to display with my death."

Perhaps due to his sensing that it was only the fact that Gaara was going along with the execution that prevented the shinobi around him from slicing his throat and disposing of his body, Ishida said, "Of course." Stepping to the side he gestured down the hall as he added, "I believe it's time for you to show us your dedication."

Gaara nodded as he began to walk behind Ishida and Councilor Sajo, but stopped a few steps later. He looked back at Sari, and she could see that there was more he wanted to say, but Ishida snapped impatiently, "Let's go. I don't have all day."

Sari watched him resume his march and waited until she was sure he couldn't hear her before collapsing to her knees as she cried uncontrollably. The tears of the young woman forced many of the hardened Anbu stationed in the hall to recall their own training in remaining impassive warriors. Yet, despite how they remained almost statue like as a result of their resolve not to give into the emotions they felt, not a single one of them wasn't questioning their dedication to defending a country that would execute their beloved leader to reinforce the point about who was the master and who was the servant in the power structure that comprised the Elemental Countries.


Temari was standing in front of the platform that had been erected to carry out Gaara's punishment. She directed an angry glare to Ishida, who was acting as the Daimyo's representative in the whole affair. She doubted he would have seen it even if he was looking in her direction, since the man had more than demonstrated that he considered shinobi to be little more than servants to carry out the tasks of the nobility of Wind Country.

Temari's gaze shifted to her brother Kankuro. He gave her a barely perceivable nod which she returned as her gaze moved onto a shinobi dressed in the standard gear of the Shinobi of the Sand, and looked like he had been assigned to the task of crowd security. However, Temari knew that it was actually the Black Ant in disguise as inside of it was her battle fan.

Temari faced the execution stand again to see her longest brother kneeling in a white kimono. Feeling her anger once more begin to boil over she wondered if the Daimyo had any idea as to what his decision to make an example of Gaara in order to remind the shinobi of his country of his power could set in motion. Although, she didn't look back at the crowd filling in behind her, she could tell that the people of Suna's faces were all wearing the same masks of anger and disbelief as she was. She believed the only thing holding back the civilians and the shinobi of Suna from attacking the Daimyo's Representative and taking back their leader was Gaara himself. The calm and dignified aura that he was projecting held the crowd in place as they didn't wish to dishonor their Kazekage's resolve. But Temari didn't know if that would be the case once the executioner's blade swung.

Not that she intended to let such a thing happen. Despite her words to Naruto that he needed to remain away. In the end she and Kankuro had been unable to accept sitting back and letting their little brother die. While she didn't like their odds, she hoped that with surprise on their side and the Shinobi of Suna's general displeasure at the execution they'd be able to save Gaara and get him out of the village before any organized pursuit could be mustered. Furthermore, she believed any force made up of Suna shinobi would be unwilling to give their all in bringing them back.

But she despite knowing that Gaara would be heartbroken if they proceeded him in death should they fail, he had been the village's sacrifice once already. His siblings refused to let him face being one by himself again.

Temari's gaze zeroed in on the greatest threat to the Sand Siblings freeing their brother, Senjumaru Shutara. The Royal Guard member was standing on the stage behind Gaara. The six puppet-like arms behind her were moving about and although she couldn't see the threads attached to each finger of puppet hands. She could see the puppets that were at the end of those threads.

Based on the fact that she could currently spot thirty puppets spread throughout the area, she had to marvel at the woman's skill since she was controlling each puppet with a single thread. Her respect for the woman's skill only increased further as she wasn't sure how the woman was also manipulating the six arms. Temari felt it was a shame that the woman had decided to toss away her pride as a Suna-nin in favor of being a puppet for the Daimyo. Especially since it was her puppets that were flanking Gaara and would deliever the killing blow, since Ishida didn't trust any Suna-nin with the task, nor with providing security for the event.

Temari had to give the politician credit for his shrewdness in making it so that none of the Suna-nin present were carrying any weapons. Even the few helping keeping control over the crowd were unarmed. But it would be for that reason that any response to Kankuro and her attempt to rescue Gaara would be delayed or overmatched. Outside of that estimate though were the puppets already in the area, and Temari knew that an excellent puppeteer could easily handle a pair of shinobi if necessary. Furthermore, Temari wholly believed that Senjumaru was only letting her think that there were thirty puppets in the area. She had yet to see the woman's real hands appear from beneath the cloak that she wore, making Temari believe there were another ten puppets that she was keeping in reserve.

Temari tensed as Ishida stepped forward to address the crowd, "The reason we are here today is to address the murder of a highly valued Land of Wind Magistrate, and to punish the man responsible whether it be directly or out of incompetence brought about by his disdain for the Magistrate's friendship with Elder Joseki. Let this be a reminder to all present that we serve at the behest of our Lord, the Wind Daimyo. Does the condemned have any final words?"

Temari looked to Kankuro to give him the signal to send her fan towards her, since she feared that Gaara's words would force the people of Suna to accept the Daimyo's decision. However, just as she was about to move a flash of red appeared on the stage behind her brother. She could see the shock that appeared on all faces of those on the stage at the sudden appearance of Naruto. He was wearing his standard clothes complete with the red cloak that he had added in the aftermath of the Pain Invasion. But Temari also noticed what was missing which was his forehead protector. To Temari it was all the statement that her lover needed to make that he understood what his actions could end up costing him. Although she had known for quite some time that her chakra had been red, she imagined that if Hinata or any other Hyuuga were to look at it without the henge in place that hid the color change it would blind them with how brightly it was burning for him now.

The two puppets flanking Gaara moved to attack and were sent flying to be smashed to pieces against the rock wall of the village as Naruto hit them while in Sage mode. Gaara spun to face the blond even as Ishida leapt off the stage in an attempt to bury himself in the sand and Sejumaru leapt away to create some distance between the jinchuriki and her.

"Naruto stop it. I don't want you to interfere..." Gaara said desperately even as Senjumaru's other puppets leapt at the pair.

"Thank you," Naruto said hearing what he wanted to so grabbed Gaara before disappearing again in a red flash. The puppets' various weapons clashed as they hit where Naruto and Gaara had been standing not moments before.

Ishida leapt to his feet as he shouted, "What are you standing there for you fools after them?"

Despite that being the last thing Temari planned to do, she was one of the first to begin moving. But, stopped as she felt a nearly bone crushing force applied to her forearm. Looking towards the person responsible and who she had believed was a normal civilian, she was shocked as the skin began to turn to sand and fall away to reveal it was a puppet. Seeing the same thing happening to several other people surrounding both her and Kankuro she realized that if not for Naruto's arrival Gaara would have died and her right alone with him.

Ishida spotted her and approached angrily. Getting in her face he shouted, "Where the hell did he take him?"

Temari couldn't sense Naruto through the fox mark making her realize he had likely learned from Konan how to hide his presence. She smirked in the politicians face as she said, "I have no idea."

"We'll see about that my dear." Addressing Senjumaru he said, "Take her and her brother to the Interrogation Department. Feel free to use any methods you want to make them talk."

"As you wish," Senjumaru said calmly before following the Daimyo's representative's command by having her puppets form up into a detail around the pair. Temari didn't react as Senjumaru's puppets began guiding her to the Interrogation Department, but on the inside she was smiling at how Naruto still found ways to surprise her.


Gaara didn't bother to finish his statement as Naruto and he appeared in an oasis. From the surrounding sand the Kazekage recognized that they were still likely in Wind Country. He could see that Naruto had taken steps to prepare for a life on the run as his gourd was lying against a tree along with a pair of backpacks. "Here, let me remove the seal they have restraining your chakra," Naruto said as he applied chakra to a piece of paper marked with the kanji for seal.

As soon as it fell away once Naruto released it, the sand around him erupted picking the blond up and smashed him into one of the oasis's trees. Gaara glared at him angrily as he asked, "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Although the question was delivered in his usual monotone voice, from the way his friend's eyes were boring into him. Naruto infuriated him even further as he smirked. However, he calmed as the jinchuriki said, "I guess that's what I get for trying to be the calm one." Naruto disappeared in a red flash causing Gaara to let the sand fall to the ground. He looked over his shoulder and was surprised to see a smoldering anger in Naruto's blue eyes as he looked back at him over his shoulder as well while he said, "But don't think for a moment that you're the only one that wants to hit someone. Yet, seeing as how that annoying automatic defense of yours will likely block it, let's just get moving."

"I'm going back," Gaara said causing Naruto to pause in the midst of putting on his pack. The jinchuriki turned to face him causing the Kazekage to explain, "It's not too late. If I go back and accept the..."

"It will not change anything in regards to me. I knew from the get go that choosing to walk this path likely ends with me becoming a missing-nin. It's also why I waited until after you said you didn't want to go to teleport us," Naruto said calmly. "However, if you want to go back then do so. My conscious will be clear."

"Then why did you interfere. Why would you become a missing-nin just to let me go back?"

"Because if you weren't so busy trying to become a martyr, you'd have realized that your death wasn't going to solve anything. Not to mention, do you really think your sister and brother were just going to sit back and watch you die. If I hadn't of interfered Temari definitely would have." Gaara winced at the truth of Naruto's words having seen his sister prepare to move as he was about to speak. The blond continued by saying, "Yet, I do recognize that you have as much right to choose your fate as I did to choose mine. It's something that I finally learned from what happened with Sasuke. I might be able to force you to do what I want. But, I can't make you. If you honestly think dying for crimes that you had nothing to do with is best, then Suna's in that direction. Me, I'm heading this way."

Gaara looked in the direction that Naruto was pointing, which was West, and wondering about what laid in that direction that might interest the jinchuriki, since although he wasn't exactly sure of what women outside of his village were with the blond. He didn't think Naruto had too many connections to call upon in the countries that made up that particular area of the Elemental Countries. Considering he knew there were some leaders of Countries beholden to his friend he asked, "Wouldn't it be more prudent for you to head north? I'm sure that both Koyuki and Konan would be in a position to offer you sanctuary."

Naruto nodded, but explained, "I don't want to cause either of them trouble. The Wind Daimyo might back down if Koyuki made an issue of it. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that due to her country's rapid development of it resources, Spring is in a position to rival the other Five Great Nations. But, I don't think it would be wise to put Koyuki in a position to test that out. As to Ame, well there's still a lot of bad blood between it and the other Elemental Countries due to Akatsuki's actions. No sense in giving anyone a reason to act on those hard feelings."

"Then what lies in this direction," Gaara asked.

Naruto shrugged as he said, "Nothing really. That's rather the point. I guess we could head to Red Bean Paste Country or maybe Neck. I'm kind of up in the air on that right now." Gaara stared at his friend in disbelief causing the blond to say, "What?! It's not like there is a how to manual in becoming a missing-nin. Let's just see where the path takes us. Unless you're keen on returning to your prior engagement, that is?"

The jinchuriki turned away to follow the path he had set for himself. Gaara found it hard to believe how at peace Naruto seemed to be with his decision considering all that it may have cost him. The red-head turned in the direction of Suna, and for a moment considered going back, but unwilling to let the man that was willing to sacrifice so much for his wellbeing face the consequences of his actions alone turned to follow him. Grabbing his gourd and the pack Naruto had prepared, he only hoped his decision didn't negatively affect those he was leaving behind.

Following after Naruto he asked, "Just when did you plant a Hiraishin seal on me?"

"Well I didn't," Naruto replied looking amused at the confused face Gaara made. "I asked Mito if there was a seal that could be passed between people like a virus. She told me there was so I applied it to a kunoichi...I'm familiar with and asked her to apply it to someone likely to touch you."

Gaara figured the kunoichi Naruto mentioned was likely another recently added or so to be in his growing list of lovers. "Still, how would this seal know it had reached me?"

"That was simple enough to achieve actually," Naruto said looking over his shoulder, "Despite her chakra signature having changed a little due to her new physical existence. Rangiku's chakra is still a close enough match that Mito was able to use it in her seal as a means to know when it had been applied to you. If it didn't reach you though, I would have just had to do things the messier way then. Oh, by the way feel free to thank me at any time."

"I'm still upset at you."

"Really, wow. Being Kazekage sure has made you into an ungrateful bastard," Naruto replied with a chuckle. "Or maybe it's just you have forgotten your origins as an unwanted jinchuriki." Naruto added a melodramatic flourish as he added, "No matter, I'll walk this lonely path by myself."

"Are you finished?" Gaara asked unamused at how unaffected Naruto appeared by his recent decision to become a missing-nin. Watching his friend begin to whistle a happy tune, he wondered how Naruto could be so carefree since he may have set back his ambition by saving him.


Several hours after Naruto's rescue of the Kazekage a man approached the oasis that the two had Hiraishined to via a kunai that the jinchuriki had buried after helping Sara's Caravan. His relaxed manner as he approached, stood at odds with the fact that if any Suna shinobi were to have spotted the man then they'd definitely move to question, if not attack him outright as a result of the Kirigakure forehead protector affixed to the bandana he wore.

But due to his personality being suppressed as a result of the Edo Tensei jutsu that had brought him back to life, he didn't have much concern for such matters. Although the red-lenses of his glasses made it impossible to see an amused glint enter his eyes as Kabuto took direct control. Able to still sense the two men, Kabuto was glad that he had taken the precaution to spread shinobi with sensing abilities throughout the Elemental Countries. He had been caught off guard by the fact at some point prior to Gaara's plight, Naruto had placed the seals for the Hiraishin within Wind Country.

He wondered what had prompted the jinchuriki to do so, but discarded it as irrelevant as knowing the blond it was related to some people he had helped in the past. Yet, despite it making the next phase of his plan a little harder, he couldn't help but be amused as he thought, "You never fail to disappoint, Naruto."

He considered sending the Kirigakure Shinobi Chukichi, whose genetic material he had managed to harvest after Naruto had defeated Hiruko, off after the two at a dead run. But, seeing as his undead puppet never tired felt it unnecessary. It was only a matter of time before he caught up and if he could collect a few sacrifices to resurrect more of the undead shinobi he was preparing so much the better.

He also began to move the remaining sensor type shinobi that he had around Wind Country to other more likely locations that Naruto might pop up in should he Hiraishin again. He started Chukichi moving just fast enough to prevent the two men from slipping out of his sensor's range, and began planning for the inevitable confrontation.


Temari directed her attention to the door of the interrogation room that she and Kankuro were being held in as it opened. Her gaze grew annoyed as Senjumaru entered the room. The annoyance was due to the fact that both she and Kankuro had been left to rot in the room for almost twenty-four hours. Knowing that the reason for it was to make her angry so she might say something to aid in tracking down her brother and Naruto, she calmed her spirit as she tapped her napping brother.

"Huh, wazzup," he said sleepily as he pulled his head up from the table.

"It seems that they're finally getting around to asking us some questions," Temari said watching the woman as closely as she was watching her. Temari was also searching for some sign of how her lover and brother were doing in their escape. Unfortunately, Senjumaru's face was a mask of calm giving nothing away. As she and her brother were being escorted away from the site of Gaara's execution, she had noticed that Sari was also being taken and as she wasn't being held with them asked, "Where's Sari?"

Temari could see that the Royal Guard member was considering ignoring the question, but ultimately decided to answer as she replied, "Sari, was held and questioned briefly. But it was determined that she had no direct knowledge of an impending breakout attempt. Furthermore, the Leaf is also claiming to have no direct knowledge of this Naruto Uzumaki's plan."

"The why the hell are you holding onto us," Kankuro asked angrily. "We didn't know he was going to spring Gaara."

"Perhaps," Senjumaru said leveling a pointed gaze at the puppeteer, "but, you did plan to do so yourself. My search of the execution area turned up your puppet. You did a masterful job of hiding it during the confusion brought upon by the Uzumaki's sudden appearance. It's also rather interesting that there was a battle fan tucked away inside." Two of Senjumaru's puppet arms came around from behind her and folded their hands in front of her face as she rested the elbows on the table. She studied the two of them for a moment before saying, "I've yet to tell Ishida of my findings. I don't imagine you'd be too surprised that should I do so. In all likelihood you two will replace Gaara on the executioner's block."

"Hey bitch, how about you suck my dick," Kankuro said defiantly.

He grew a little pale as a third arm unfolded from behind Senjumaru as she said, "I have other plans for your, "thing." She punctuated her sentence by having a knife spring out from the wrist of her puppet's arm. She shifted her gaze to Temari, who looked conflicted as she looked down. Having a sense of how to break her, she said, "Lady Temari, I have little doubt that you do not fear death yourself. But can you really sit back and watch as another brother dies instead. The battle fan is merely circumstantial evidence of your involvement. Perhaps instead of being executed, we just lock you up until after the sentence could be carried out on your brother."

Temari looked up her face showing the pain she knew she would feel at such a thing. Although Kankuro was a little surprised at how quick his sister was to react emotionally to the threat he said, "Temari, don't listen to her. I knew the..."

"Kankuro be silent," Temari snapped. Sounding defeated she asked, "What do you want?"

"You've dealt with the Leaf more than any other shinobi in Suna. I imagine you must know something of value about where Naruto would go. Perhaps allies he can call upon." Another of her puppet arms produced a pen and paper which she slid to Temari as she said, "Write them down and I'll forget what I found."

Temari nodded as she took the pen and paper. She then began to write down all the people that she could think of that would offer to help Naruto. Senjumaru felt a smug sense of satisfaction that she would soon erase the embarrassment she felt at allowing the Kazekage to escape. To be sure that the names Temari wrote down were accurate she affixed a tiny chakra thread to the kunoichi and her brother. To her surprise, she suspected that Temari actually detected the move. Able to feel the young woman's pulse, since another means puppeteers had to attack was to take control of shinobi directly and control them, requiring the puppeteer to be able to feel their victims' vitals while they manipulated the person, as they were often resisting and thus needed to know how much force to apply. As Temari's list grew longer and longer, Senjumaru began to grow frustrated as either Temari was an excellent liar, or she actually believed one shinobi had affected so many people that would willing offer him aid and possibly anger the Daimyo of Wind Country.

Commenting on the farfetched nature of the list that continued to grow, Senjumaru said, "You are not helping your situation any Lady Temari."

Temari looked up and although the list didn't include certain people that would gladly aid Naruto, such as the women of Kumogakure. Looking at it, even she had to admit it would be hard to swallow if she didn't know the truth. Keeping the smug satisfaction she felt off of her face, or from being transmitted throw the chakra thread Senjumaru had affixed to her, she said, "You asked for people that I knew would help Naruto. I admit it's a little incomplete..."

"Incomplete," Senjumaru said incredulously.

"Well, yeah," Temari said with a shrug, "I'm afraid I can't provide any names of people that might feel indebted to him and want to help from his time training with Jiraiya. These are just from some of the official missions that I heard about."

Senjumaru took the list and said, "You honestly expect me to believe that you think no less than three Daimyo would extend aid to him."

"Well, I know for a fact that Koyuki Kazahana would in a heartbeat," Temari said. "But to know that you only need to watch the end credits of that documentary about how Naruto and his team reestablished her as the legitimate head of her country."

Kankuro getting an idea of what his sister was doing added, "Don't forget that in the past year he also helped put down a rebellion in Spring Country."

"That's right," Temari said glad her brother was playing along, "perhaps I should put a star next to that one."

"Very cute," Senjumaru said standing, "You seek to confuse our search parties by offering a multitude of choices. Your strategy won't work."

Temari shook her head acting exasperated, "I don't know what you mean." But her face did turn smug as she said, "Although if I were you. I'd hurry up and go find them, or else that list is only going to grow."

"I doubt that," Senjumaru said, "If they're smart, both of them will go to ground and keep a low profile."

Temari smirked as she said, "Being smart is not exactly something Naruto is known for. If you can't see that then..." The two other occupants of the room wondered what caused Temari to trail off as she suddenly looked lost in thought. Standing suddenly, she caused her chair to fall over backwards as she said, "Dammit, I should have seen it."

She turned towards the exit of the room, but Senjumaru stopped her by grabbing the kunoichi's arm. However, she let go out of an uncontrollable impulse as Temari's eyes met hers and a spike of pure killing intent was hammered into her skull. It had left the woman with the impression that if she hadn't Temari would have killed her.

Temari quickly exited the room, as the guards decided if Senjumaru was not going to stop her; it would be wise if they didn't get in her way. Kankuro though took off after her followed by the Royal Guard member. Calling after his sister, he said, "Temari, what the hell is going on?"

Temari ignored him as she approached the Anbu headquarters located in the building. Spotting Councilor Sajo, and along with the Anbu Captain and Ishida, she asked, "Have any of the search parties picked up signs of Naruto or Gaara?"

"It's none of your business..." Ishida was in the midst of explaining.

But was interrupted by Sajo as he said, "None of our forces comprise the search groups. Instead, it is the Daimyo's forces and the Royal Guard that are looking for them. They aren't keeping us in the loop."

"Of course they aren't. How can they poss..."

Temari spoke over the Daimyo's representative, "Send out our forces to the west. Tell them to be ready in the hour."

The Anbu captain snapped to attention as he went to fulfil his orders, causing Ishida to say angrily, "Do not ignore me you, bitch."

But she did exactly that, as she finally answered Kankuro's question along with the questioning gazes of the others present. "We need to get help out to Gaara and Naruto as soon as possible. This has never been about Gaara, but about Naruto." Turning to another shinobi she said, "I need every record of shinobi known to be capable of manipulating sand."

"Ma'am the only one capable of that is..."

"I said every shinobi," Temari snapped heatedly, "Living and dead!" Addressing those present she said, "The person behind the murder of Joseki and the magistrate was Kabuto. He used Endo Tensei to bring someone with the same abilities as Gaara back in order to frame him. He did this to lure out Naruto."

"Come on Temari," her brother said sounding skeptical, "How could anyone have predicted that Naruto would swoop in to rescue Gaara? Besides for that to even work, he'd need to be working with the Daimyo. The only reason Joseki was free to be murdered in such a fashion was because he sent that magistrate here."

"Not necessarily," Temari countered, "Kabuto was a spy, and any good spy knows how to ferret out information. The Daimyo might have wanted to send a message to Gaara by freeing Joseki, but that doesn't mean he planned for them to be killed. Kabuto might have had a spy in the Daimyo's court that informed him of what the magistrate was supposed to do, and he simply decided to piggyback his own plans onto it. By killing the magistrate and Joseki and implicating Gaara in the crime. Kabuto made it look like that Gaara was sending a message to the Daimyo as well. It is little wonder that he would demand his death."

To everyone's surprise one of Senjumaru's puppet arms shot out and grabbed Ishida around the throat. She lifted him into the air as she asked, "Representative Ishida, is there something you would like to add to the conversation?"

"You crazy bitch," Ishida shouted as he struggled to get the arm to release its vice like grip, "How dare you treat me in such a manner. I'll inform the..."

"Daimyo," Senjumaru interrupted, "I look forward to that. However, I couldn't help but notice through the chakra thread I've affixed to you, that you're heart skipped a beat when Temari mentioned a spy in the Daimyo's court. I'm sure you can understand my obvious concern at such a response."

"Who gave you permission to place one of your threads on my person?"

"The Daimyo naturally," the woman replied, "He has charged me with the task of carrying out the punishment of the one responsible for his vassal's death. In my judgment, it currently looks like you've had more to do with it then the Kazekage. Seeing as the execution was delayed, should I carry it out now?"

Her other puppet arms unfolded from behind her and hung over Ishida's head as several bladed instruments sprung out of them. Ishida's eyes grew wide as one of them pulled back as if to swing at him causing the man to shout, "Wait...I...I didn't know he was going to kill the magistrate. I just told him that the Daimyo was sending him here to send Gaara a message by releasing Joseki...that's all...I swear."

Through the thread, Senjumaru could tell that there was more so said, "I highly doubt it."

The arm swung forward preparing to bury the blade protruding from its wrist in the man's eye, but he screamed, "Wait! I...I was also supposed to prevent Suna from sending any search parties. I...I don't know why."

Temari did as she realized that Kabuto wanted Naruto out on an island, and didn't want any possible reinforcements aiding him. Not willing to let that happen, she raced to the armory and prepared to join those set to go after him and Gaara. She just hoped that she knew him as well as she thought that she did, since she had picked west of Suna as the area that should be searched as it was the only direction in which Naruto didn't have allies.


Kiba sat on the patio that overlooked his family's backyard and the woods that lay beyond. He watched Aeris as she laughed pleasantly as Akamaru, the Three Haimaru Brothers, and even Kuromaru leapt about her trying to grab the ball that she held. They set off after as she threw it, and scuffled briefly in order to be the one that brought it back to her. Thus far the Haimaru Brothers had managed to get it the most times as they worked together and took turns to be the one that brought it back in order to receive the pat on the head as she accepted the ball.

"Good job, Akamaru," Kiba shouted encouragingly as his partner managed to get past the brother attempting to block him in order to snatch up the ball at the last second.

Aeris smiled at him, as her emerald eyes shined happily for a moment, before turning to Akamaru to rub his head affectionately. Kiba would admit to feeling a little jealous of his partner, so directed his attention to the mug of coco that Aeris had given him before playing with the nin-dogs.

"Mmmm, that smells good," Hana said taking a seat in the chair next to him.

"It is," Kiba said taking a sip, "There might be some left."

"I'm good," Hana said stopping her brother in the midst of his getting up.

Resettling in his chair, he asked concerned, "Are you really?"

Knowing that her brother was referring to Naruto and the news that he had interfered in the Kazekage's execution, she said, "I'm worried, naturally. But, it's something he had to do."

Kiba wasn't as sure as he said, "Was it? Doesn't he have a responsibility to you and his other...relationships?"

Hana smiled at her brother's discomfort at using the word lover in conjunction with their mother and her. Shaking her head, she answered, "You could say it was because of those relationships that he had to go. Besides, if you're asking me why I'm fine with it, well I don't want to see Gaara killed either."

"Did you even know him?"

"Personally no," Hana admitted, "But Temari is a part of my family now, and it would have killed her to watch her brother die. Naruto knew this too, which is why he had to act."

"Still, to give up on his dream of being Hokage," Kiba said in awe that Naruto could do that since for as long as he knew him it had been his stated goal.

Hana shook her head before correcting her brother, "He didn't give up on his dream. He just didn't let it get in the way of his doing what his heart told him was right. He was presented with a situation in which he had to choose between a friend and his dream. The thing of it is though, Kiba. I'm pretty certain that Gaara was a part of that dream as well. He didn't give up on it. He's just is taking a longer path to achieving it."

Kiba turned to look at his sister, who shouted out her own encouragement as one of her nin-dog partners grabbed the thrown ball. In her eyes, he could see the admiration and love that she felt for the jinchuriki. Directing his gaze back to Aeris, who laughed as she was knocked to the ground by the five overly affectionate animals, he wasn't surprised at how badly he wanted to be the recipient of such a gaze from her.

He wished for a moment that he knew a way to do so, as currently the only thing his heart was telling him, was that the right thing to do by Aeris was to let her go. He stood after finishing the last of his drink and said, "Thanks Hana."

His sister looked at him in confusion as she asked, "For what?"

"For telling me what I need to listen to," her brother replied before heading into the village to speak with the woman he needed to convince to go along with his idea.
