
Eroge God

Dropped Officially, When reading expect Errors and Many expired memes. So you might cringe. No Ntr so I guess it's cool

Peringkat tidak cukup
117 Chs

Travis being Travis

At the capital , everyone with peak or lower peak power could feel the great power coming from Lisa. Even though she wasn't even using a fraction of her power, she was exuding enough energy to flatten this whole city in a blink of an eye. Right now Lisa was just flexing on Hunter, just to show him that he had most a pretty power and beautiful wife just because she didn't listen to him.

With Travis who had just finished landing on the ground,


The ground cracked underneath him when he landed leaving a crater. The other being also landed but made a bigger impact then he did since it mindless. Travis got in a fighting , it could probably kill him if he wasn't careful. He couldn't really feel if it was stronger than him since it was able to mask its energy.

Well he wasn't complaining, Travis enjoyed a nice fight, even though it could lead to his death. He blitzed at the being that roared at his face loudly. Travis dodged to the side easily avoiding the wind blast from its mouth.


The blast hit a small business and completely destroyed it leaving nothing but an empty space.

' Damn that's not good. Well fuck it I'll be alright '

He slid on the ground dodging underneath it ,he could slightly feel the energy packed inside the ball of air, and it was literally jaw dropping. Yet he's calm mind ability immediately turned on , Travis's facial expression dropped to a cold one in a second.

He blitzed at it , reaching its body in a millisecond, he threw a bunch at its face, but it easily dodged to the side. Then it started sending a barrage of fast punches at Travis, he dodged them all but he was pretty sure if he wasn't calm right now he would've gotten hit. Travis caught on of its punches, pulling it towards him and sending a blow to its face.


The being went flying into a building, crashing inside it and destroying most of the stuff in it. Before it would get up Travis was already inside and kicked it in the face sending it into a wall.


He then grabbed its head and slammed it on his knee instantly breaking its nose and some of its scull, normally this would have a person passed out but this thing was still functional even with the deadly amount of blood it bled.

It's hollow eyes started exuding a dark red aura which looked pretty cool in Travis's opinion even though he knew that this wasn't a good sign. It got up and dusted its self.

' is it not mindless?' He said inwardly.

The very next second Travis saw its punch right infront of his face and ready to impact. Travis's eyes widened a bit but quickly calmed down.


Right on his face Travis was hit out the building and sent flying out the building.


He was now outside on the street seeing many people who were shocked to see him crash out the building. They all stopped to see what was happening, Travis got up and fixed himself since he spent alot on these clothes just to look cool on this arc.

' Now that I survived that, my template will make me easily dodge what he's done due to experience. Which is pretty neat if I do say so myself '

When the being came up to him again Travis was able to dodge it to the side and whack it right on the head , smashing it to the ground.


" You should all get the fuck out off here unless y'all want to die!!" Travis shouted at the people, yet non of them moved instead the stood there in took video.

'Fuck why did I make them so similar to normal people in the real world?' He picked the being up by its head blasted off into the air, when he reached high up into the clouds Travis sent a powerful one punch to its gut, completely destroying it leaving nothing but a dark red gem.

He quickly flew over and took it before it could fall even further.

' Ohh the Roseflet gem, now I remember what these beings are from. Weren't they supposed to get introduced in Grace's arc. Man things are changing and I'm not ready for the change. I'm like an only child who just heard his mom tell him they're gonna have another child, which is weird since last he checked his parents had a divorce '

He stood there and looked down on the snow storm that covered the whole city. Lisa was a creation Travis made just to flex. She didn't really have much screen time in the game but it certainly made many people angry they couldn't bang her. That's what I call a successful Eroge game. If players complain about not being able to bang a girl in the game then that's how you know you getting money.

' I'm bored now,' he thought.

While Travis was hovering aboveground many hunters were either flying or Sprinting towards this city. He could feel multiple energy signals coming towards where he was. Travis didn't move since he knew that they were just hunters.

" Hey Boy what are you doing here?" He heard a raspy feminine voice coming from behind him. Travis turned around and saw the beautiful lady that stood there. She had beautiful black hair which looked wavy in the wind. She wore black battle armor which looked pretty good on her. It didn't hide her curvy body that made Travis look again for a second.

" Yeah what's up , you need something?" Travis asked casually.

" Yes I do, I don't think you're old enough to even be on this sight , so I'd advise you to go back to school because things about to get messy "

" Sure I don't mind leaving, you just have to tell me your name of course " He said in smooth tone.

She laughed a bit and flew over to him stopping right before she hit him. "I'm Qortana, it's nice to meet a strong guy like you. Most men don't train these days but I can certainly feel that you're different in a way. " She said.

Travis chuckled and said." Well that's cool. I'm Travis Wyatt, your future husband. Hope you don't look for any other lover until I come back and find you or you'll get punished" He raised his pheromone and Charm while he spoke making Qortana feel hot and aroused.

Yet she didn't show it to him, Qortana held a calm face while she spoke to him saying." I like you Travis, I'd like to see you again maybe. Well not now of course "

When they finished talking Travis left her with a slight spank on her ass, her buttock area wasn't covered by any armor so he could feel her juicy ass.

' Good choice'