
Eras Tale - Monsters Among Us

The world goes through transformations, different boys who have their paths intertwined by a greater hand while discovering the outside dominated by monsters.

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5 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

From the sky it was possible to have a view of an island, as the view approached its extreme south side it was possible to gradually see a large city, surrounded by a long garden that to the south led to a beach where there were small houses.

Returning to the city, it was a large and beautiful place, its streets had a kind of white floor in the center giving access to several varied stores including merchants who crowded the streets.

Going to the east side of the city it was possible to see a region full of trees, there were some small and simple houses for that region that seemed to be a simple village for raising animals.

The residents seemed to be a little older and it was possible to see an elderly woman taking milk from a goat in a small house next to the trees, she seemed calm and put her hand to cover her eyes while looking up, the weather was hot as was the norm of the region. region, it seemed like just another ordinary day until she heard a loud banging sound and was startled to look in the direction.

The natural reaction would be surprise, but soon the elderly woman lowered her eyebrows, already recognizing the cause of the beating, she scratched her head and got up, leaving the milk bucket behind as she walked towards the beating.

On the way she passed several tree stumps cut with marks on the ground of the trees that had fallen while passing other medium trees with their leaves still green, then she went to the focus of the beats and spoke.

"Come on Max, you're going to be late."

The old woman's voice was heard by a boy who held a simple ax while hitting the tree, he was above average height and muscular, his skin was tanned and his hair was in the shade of a bright red spiky, with the roots of his black hair.

He was wearing a simple and light cotton outfit, also wearing leather pants, when he heard the old woman's voice he laughed and spoke.

"Don't worry grandma, I still have some time and I was just finishing this to go with my blood boiling."

He spoke laughing as he looked back, the elderly woman saw the young man's face with brown eyes and purple marks as if they were painting next to his eyes, the elderly woman sighed with a smile and spoke.

"Anyway, you're slower today, by this time in the morning you'd already have knocked down a few dozen trees, are you sick?"

The red-haired boy kept smiling and held the ax with both hands, soon a light orange aura covered his body and focused on the axe.

"I wanted to save the best moves for the test monsters, but I can't..."

He spoke with regret, but soon opened a wide smile turning his body and struck an ax at the tree, the weapon left an orange trail behind and hit the tree, penetrating it almost completely showing a powerful blow.

The tree a few moments later fell beside the two, the falling trunk dropped its leaves while it raised dust, making even some nearby birds fly away after the noise and then the lady smiled and spoke.

"You look excited."

"Of course I am, I'm on fire..."

Leaving the Red Wood village, passing through the green trees and heading towards the west of the place, it was possible to see another smaller village with houses made of well-cut stones that formed them, still small, but their appearance denoted a place a little richer than that. previous one.

Some streets were made of stone that led to open fields where children and some teenagers played, in one of the windows of the house it was possible to see a young boy, his body was thin but defined and his hair was straight and dark blue, his eyes had a bluish tone and dark and his skin was fair with a scar that started on his right cheek and another on his eyebrow.

He seemed distracted as he looked out the window watching the other young people play, until something caught his attention and he looked out of the corner of his eye at the door of his room, seeing a man standing there, already recognizing Haiha, his brother.

He was tall and had dark blue hair combed to the side giving a slightly more mature appearance, on his chin there was a goatee of the same color as his hair and he wore a beautiful outfit with black colors, seeing his brother's reaction he stared seriously the young man and spoke.

"You're getting good at this, Nast."

Hearing his brother's voice, the young man immediately turned his eyes to the open field, his blue eyes continued to stare at those young people further away.

There was no answer and then Haiha walked closer to the table, stopping in front of it while looking at Nast's face that remained distracted.

"I know you want to find that, brother. But it's not going to be taking chances that we're going to get something, if you continue with the family business you can still be under our protection, it may take a while, but we'll find out soon, we still have a lot to teach you, so please rethink, Nast-"

"Thanks for the concern, brother. But you used our name and in all this time we haven't found anything about it, I know you're worried about me, but I've already made up my mind. I will join the guild."

The words made Haiha frown for a brief moment, but then he approached and placed his hand on the wall next to Nast and then looked directly at his face that continued to be distracted watching the children play, but soon being called by their parents.

"And you're going to take a chance on an adventurer's guild? You know you can earn a lot more working for the family and that will open doors for you, going looking for monsters without knowing everything we can teach you is just stupid, you only know how to use daggers."

"At least that's enough for now, I just need to get approved first and I'm sorry, but like I said, I've already made up my mind."

Soon after the sentence, a silence took the place, until the young man sighed and stood up putting his hood on his head.

"I've already waited too long and our relatives don't seem to have the slightest intention of finding our parents' killer, if they won't help, I don't need them, even if you keep insisting I know that the path I'm going to follow is the best one, at least for me."

He spoke as he walked towards the bedroom door, but soon Haiha sighed and put his hands in his pockets looking thoughtful, he looked at the ceiling and spoke.

"For you, isn't it?"

Nast listened to his brother's sentence, but without slowing down, he went to his table, taking an iron dagger that was sheathed and then putting it on his waist while he spoke.

"Yes, for me, for us."

Even after her brother's requests, soon Nast would turn to the door and walk through it to leave the house and then Haiha still looking ahead scratching her head looking thoughtful.

"Perhaps, if the problems were only the monsters..."