
Era of Unity | Season One

The 8 Seneses (Gods) created the world to change the given destiny of existence. The year is 838, and the black angel Cassian Blackheart is ascending as the new Marshal and Supreme General. Reluctantly, however, he has no choice but to accept the position. Everything will change with his arrival, and he will begin to uncover secrets that will bring him to his knees, and that will change him. The only angel to be blessed by the Black Sphere, he becomes the target of gossip at a young age, and the target of two other ruling houses, the Stonehearts, and the Whitehearts. With his unique powers, his spherical energy and power are at a high level, but it will not be enough to deal with future threats, and Cassian must confront his past and move forward. In 805, House Blackheart, House Stoneheart, and House Whiteheart united under one kingdom, becoming political pillars and the Monarchist Throne, which was taken over by House Holyheart by the still then-young Marcus I Holyheart.¨ Thus a new age, a new Era was born. The Era of Unity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord : https://discord.gg/FX6V5ryW Twitter : https://twitter.com/TexlRadek

AllFatherOmnis · Fantasi
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21 Chs



Good day dear readers. This is the author.

The chapters "Christian Beelzebub 1/2 and Christian Beelzebub 2/2 were linked. The name was also changed to "Chloe".

Enjoy your reading



"Love is the best. Trust an angel who hasn't felt it in 16 years."

- Cassian Blackheart


-Year 838, 8 Month, Era of Unity-

---[Angelicum, Holy Parliament, Cassian Office]---

(Next morning)

Cassian, sitting at his desk, just writing on paper.

Knock! Knock!

Someone knocks, and Cassian shouts to continue on.

"Your Highness, Marshal." The soldier then salutes.

"Miss Cias Whiteheart sends you the files." Says the soldier dutifully who keeps saluting.

Cassian stands up and walks over to the soldier and takes the papers. He looks at the soldier who smiles.

"You don't have to salute anymore." Says Cassian, who smiles.

"I can't sir. Protocol is protocol." The confident soldier says.

"In that case, why did you leave your post, and bring the papers?" A curious Cassian asks the soldier, who confides.

"Because-" The soldier stammers.

"Back on patrol." Cassian turns around before sitting down.

"That's an order," Cassian says emphatically, sitting down and putting his papers down.

"Yes sir." Says the soldier and leaves.

Cassian looks at the papers, where it says "Kasatri Criminal Records."

[Kasatri is a peninsula of prisoners and incarcerated criminals. Thousands of small and huge prisons are guarded by special military and prison units].

"What would I do without you, Cias." Then he opens the files he spends a few hours on.

(4 hours later)

Cassian, with his feet on the table and a lit cigarette in his mouth, flips through the last of the papers.

He then extinguishes the cigarette with his fingers and wipes his face with his hand.

He sighs and picks up the last paper.

Cassian continues to read through the paper, and the longer he reads it, the more interested he becomes in this person.


"Beelzebub?" He looks at the picture of the scarred man and smiles.

"Bingo." He gets up promptly, takes the paper with him, and leaves his office.

---[Holy Parliament, Office of the Minister of Education]---

Cassian bursts into the office like lightning, startling Cias because of it.

She is startled

"Oh my God, Cassian." And smiles.

"Where is Christian Beelzezub now?" asks a quick-witted Cassian with a serious expression.

Cias smiles.

"How about a kiss first?" She closes his eyes and sets his mouth.

"No," Cassian says in a cold voice.

"What?! Why?" Cias raises his voice, then gives Cassian a murderous look.

He shrugs his shoulders

"When you find out my whereabouts-"

"The hut under the Divine Mountain." She interrupts him with a snappy reply.

"So?" She closes his eyes again and sets his mouth.

"Umbra Mittentes."

Cias immediately opens his eyes and points his hand at Cassian

"What-" Cassian disappears into the shadows, and Cias gets angry.

"So this is how you do it, honey? Just wait." She smiles

---[Under the Divine Mountain]---

(32 minutes later)

Cassian materializes back into a body and appears in the forest.

He looks up at the sky, which was a bit cloudy.

"Fucking light." He says to himself coldly and angrily and sees a hut in front of him, and a man near it, just chopping wood.

Cassian sees a chiseled, tall man with scars all over his body.

Cassian approaches, but Christian doesn't notice him.

When he's a few feet away, Christian cuts and one-half of the wood flies right at Cassian, who manages to chop it with his hand, thanks to the spherical energy.

But Christian was no longer at the log and Cassian was confused as to where he had disappeared.

Cassian senses the activation of the Blood and Elemental Spheres, which rush toward him.

"Clypeus Nagredinis" Cassian says, wrapping himself in a dark shield.

He did the right thing because a second later, he is hit by a Stone Orb with Bloodfire.

Thanks to the shield, it only knocks him away. However, another orb comes flying at him from the other side, hitting him but this time not knocking him away.

Cassian has already sensed another orb heading for his back and quickly jumps up.

He pulls out his ring, and a small spherical shockwave flies out of Cassian.

He points with his hand to one part of the forest.

"Turbo Interitus."

Tornado of Doom. A huge black tornado made up of black spherical magic destroys that part of the forest.

He then shifts his gaze to the other part of the forest and sets his hand there again.

"Tonantis Atra Fulgur."

Cassian's "Nagrum Fulgur" which destroyed the four gates of the city in the Black Pass back in the day is now wielding an even more powerful version of lightning.

A thunderous Black Lightning that, when it hits, causes a minor earthquake and a deafening sound to ripple across the landscape.

Cassian didn't send the spells arbitrarily, however, he did send them from where Christian had sent the spells at him.

Powerful Spherer users can sense the residual energy and gain a slight advantage because of it.

Cassian is on the ground again, trying to engage all the sensing energy.

"The Marshal himself came to see me, huh?" Christian speaks from the sky to Cassian who shifts his gaze to him.

"Nice hiding. Is that all you can do?" Cassian sarcastically and provocatively at Christian who gets slightly annoyed.

"What do you want here Black Angel?" Christian stands on a piece of the boulder that is carrying him.

"I want strength and power Christian."

Christian pauses slightly.

"Strength and power?" Then he laughs.


Christian reaches out his hand to the mountain that reaches the very heights of the heavens.

"Mons rex, da mihi fortitudinem."

The ground begins to shake, and Cassian smiles at Christian.

A chunk of huge rock is torn out of a huge mountain.

Christian moves his hand above him.

This makes him move the huge section of rock torn off the mountain as well.

Christian then clenches his fist, causing the rock to crumble, making it into a giant stone ball.

Christian smiles at Cassian.

"Deus sanguinis, effunde sanguinem meum."

The huge rock above Christian suddenly bursts into a big bloody fire.

"Show me the true power of the black sphere, and I will help you." He tells Cassian with a serious face and voice.

He laughs, jumps up to Christian's level, and takes off the second ring.

A huge shockwave unnerves Christian but he manages to stand the pressure.

He then sees Cassian surrounded by a huge black aura that is directed in all directions and mostly into the sky.

Fear, amazement, and chills run through his body and his hand then sends a rock at Cassian.

The huge rock slowly approaches.

Christian watches the situation with a very curious face.

And Cassian, surrounded by a black aura, extends his hand toward the flying rock.

"Vacuum Nagrum Explosio." A dark, deep, ear-piercing voice comes from Cassian's mouth.

A huge black explosion hits the rock, sending it flying in all directions.

An explosion that obscures much of the surrounding area.

One hits even Christian, who just stood motionless, unable to avoid the amazement.

Cassian smiles.

However, he loses consciousness and crashes to the ground.

An explosion that had no end, and that made the hut disappear.

Half the forest and visible signs of destruction on the mountain.

The power Cassian tasted for the first time.

The destructive power of the second ring nearly took his life.

-Year 838, 8 Month, Era of Unity-

---[Somewhere in the woods, Cabin]---

(7 hours later)

Cassian wakes quickly and catches his breath.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Christan approaching him.

"Hey hey! Calm down."

"You almost killed yourself." Christian laughs.

Cassian rubs his cheeks and eyes.

"Did I pass out again?" Cassian asks curiously.

"You almost pulled your slippers on, General. I was honestly thinking about leaving you there and disappearing." He then scratches his head.

Cassian looks at him as if demanding something from Christian.

He sighs.

"A word is a word."

"What do you want from me?" Christian asks.

He then sits up and looks at his hand, which of course is missing one spherical ring.

He looks at Christian, uncomprehending, and shows him his hand.

"Where is my first ring?" He asks curiously.

"I knew you'd ask." Christian smiles.

He puts his foot over his leg.

"Truthfully, I was afraid to put the second ring on you. Even when you passed out, that fucking power of yours was destroying my guts."

"Fortunately, I did put it on you, but your power calmed down immediately after I put the other one on."

Cassian looks at his hand again and Christian continues.

"Looks like you were able to get rid of the first ring. Congratulations."

Cassian smiles proudly.

"Of course, it's going to get worse now."

"But whatever."

He stands up and looks at Christian.

"I need new people."

He surprises Christian.

"I need people I can trust and trust with my life."

He then goes to the window.

"I don't get it," Christian says uncomprehendingly and stands up.

"Doesn't your government have enough capable people for those positions?"

Cassian looks at him.

"The amateurs? They're not capable of telling the difference between paper and a tree." He smiles.

"Then we're in good hands I see," Christian says sarcastically.

"Seriously. Why do you pick criminals and not the army?"

"Got a cigarette?" He turns to Christian.

"Can you answer me?" Christian says irritably.

Cassian sighs.

"A criminal knows a criminal."

"I've read your files, and you were locked up in Kasatri for murdering 22 people."

"At first I thought you were some psychopathic killer who liked to kill."

"But you had a wife and child on your family list." He looks at Christian, who shows sadness and shock.

"They both died on the same day, same time, and most importantly found murdered." Cassian continues.

He turns to Christian.

"And since you butchered them a few hours later." He reflects slightly


Christian lowers his gaze and sits down.

"What were they murdered for?" Cassian asks.

Christian looks like he's about to cry but still keeps his emotions in check.

"Fucking murderers, ordered by a rich Angel who wanted my Chloe as his wife." Christian clenches his fist slightly.

"That son of a bitch always wanted her. He was so obsessed with her." He rubs his eyes.

"When he found out I was living with her. He immediately sent his people after me."

Christian then pulls out a cigarette and tosses one to Cassian who catches it and they both light up.

"In the beginning, there were only threats and insults. I took it as pathetic on his part, and honestly, as long as it didn't involve Chloe, I didn't give a shit."

"To be insulted, to be beaten, to suffer for it. Everything I was capable of doing for her, and did."

"One time that fucker sent an envelope with a severed white dove's head and a letter inside."

"The letter threatened and insulted Chloe, and I couldn't take it anymore."

"Of course, my fucking stupidity was to burn the head so I wouldn't scare her even more."

He tosses the cigarette away and continues.

"I read her the letter. I looked at her after I read it, and she just smiled."

"Christian, he's just lonely and broken. Please ignore him. She told me this time and I was just shocked by her calm reaction." Christian smiled.

"That's when she convinced me not to do anything. She exuded the sheer essence of goodness." He glances at Cassian, whom he sees as utterly focused and compassionate.

"I went into the woods the next day and didn't come back until night. I opened the door, and there she was, stabbed, ravaged, and defiled. A pool of blood, and her..." Christian begins to cry.

"Her face." He covers his face with his hand.

Cassian sees a completely devastated Christian, and for a full minute, all he hears is crying.

Then he recovers a little.

"I immediately went to check the little one's room."

"She's been suffocated." Christian is seized by another, this time a smaller crying fit, after which he recovers almost immediately and sets an aggressive and angry expression.

"I went out to hunt that fucking motherfucker down. I started with his relatives first."

"I slaughtered every single one of them. I took out my anger so hard. So much evil was in me at that moment, I didn't even recognize myself."

"His brothers. His sisters. His wife...."


Cassian lowers his gaze.

"Last in line was the motherfucker."

"He didn't shed a single tear for his wife, but he shed tears for me to let him live and that he was sorry."

"Of course when he saw it wasn't working. He started teasing me with details about the death of my wife and child."

Christian gets up from his chair.

"I beat him for hours. Until the Army stopped me and all I could see in my hands were pieces of his brain, eyes, and everything else." He smiled.

"Of course, I didn't feel better after that, and in Kasatri I realized what I had done."

"I did my time, and went to pay for my sins here, under the Divine Mountain, feeling that the Gods would forgive me."

The minute of silence was enough for Cassian to choose the right words.

Cassian turns to the window.


"Truth be told, I didn't have it easy in my youth, literally."

"Everyone despised me, feared me, and constantly hurt me."

"The looks that made me a villain."

"The looks that made me a walking tool."

"The worst part wasn't that you were alone. The worst thing was when you kept seeing these people who were experiencing the exact opposite."

"Great pain."

"If you'd told me that a few years ago, I would have spat on it and moved on."

Cassian thinks about it.

"When I first gained a person I cared about immensely. And she returned the favor, I was the happiest person."

"I know what it's like to be alone. But I don't know what it's like to lose the person you love beyond belief."

Cassian turns to Christian.

"But I do know that when you lose someone. It's not the same as being alone. I'm sure it's even worse than being alone."

He grabs his shoulder.

"Someday, as you leave this world." Cassian Smiles

"You'll leave it with a smile and the joy of being reunited with them."

"Believe me. I didn't want to die when I was all alone, and do you know why?"

"It would be the same suffering I experienced here."

Cassian sighs.

"I am very sorry for your loss."

"And that is why I need you."

"I want there to be other people in my life who I will trust to the grave, and who will give me a reason to die."

"For better or worse, I never want to be alone again Christian."

"As stupid as it sounds but you can be glad you found your true love."

"Because you'll never experience greater pain."


Christian thinks and turns to face Cassian.

He lowers his gaze.

"I can't atone for what I've done. I'm sure Chloe is upset by what I've done, and I'm sure she's sad that I'm here to blame for their deaths."

"And you're absolutely right."

"That's why I'm happy to accept your offer."

He turns back to Cassian.

"I want to show Chloe that I'm not just a monster she'll be afraid of the next time she sees me."

"And I certainly don't want to see my own child afraid of me, Cassian." Christian smiles.

Cassian smiles back, and they both shake hands.

"I'm glad Christian."

Christian shakes his head in agreement.

"To Angelicum, then."

"Not yet" Cassian says.

Christian was surprised by the answer.

Cassian is ready to leave, but Christian, still curious, asks

"Where to then?"

Cassian smiles and looks at Christian.

"We still have one more place to stop." He adds in a happy voice.

"Where?" He asks again.

Cassian glances at the door, a serious look on his face, his mind racing for one more person who would be a good fit for the position of Senior General.

"Catalina Lilith." He says emphatically to Christian, who smiles and leaves with Cassian.

To be continued...