
ERA of Mechs: I am Ceravadoor

Wayne_Hub · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: My Wish

(God Realm)

"Hurry up and speak your wish mortal"

A silver-haired man built like a Greek god spoke.

"Ok, Ok"

"My wish is to have Absolute Wish"

The boy said.

"You are smarter than the previous one that's for sure, not in a 12 septillion deaths have a creature asked for an absolute wish"

"Some asked for unlimited wishes, but those have limited power"

God said before snapping his fingers.

The boy who we will call Zealand suddenly appears in a void.

"Kid this is where you will make your first wishes before you are transmigrated"

God said through the void.



-Supernatural Body

-Absolute Luck Manipulation

-Knowledge of all magic

-Infinite magic power

-Infinite Memory space

-Storage ring with infinite space

-Minor Creation


-Superior adaptability(Can turn on and off)}


Zealand opens his eyes to see that he is in a black space.



Location: Womb

Mother: Salvera Bolwyen

Time till release: 2 days, 12 hours, 45 seconds


"I appear to be in a womb, and my mothers"

Zealand said as he used clairvoyance.

"There seem to be two people outside, one is burly and looks worried he is probably my father"

Zealand thought.

"Where am I?

[In a world where mechs and magic reign supreme]

"Wow that was pretty vague, but thanks"

Zealand thought.

"Let's give them a scare"

Zealand said with a devilish laugh in his mind.

"Put me to sleep for two years"

Zealand said as his eyes suddenly shut.


Two years later, we skip forward to a baby in a crib.


The baby with red hair opened its sky-blue eyes.

The books, furniture, etc were flying all-round the place.

A woman with silver hair and blue eyes walked in to see this, beside her was a burly man with red hair and green eyes.

The woman rushed towards the baby, but surprisingly non of the flying objects hit her.

The man about to run in front of his wife walked into the room and over to the crib.

"That was the longest nap I have ever taken"

Zealand thought as he looked at his mother.

"Look honey, my baby is glowing green"

The mother said.

"That means he has awakened his magic and from his aura, I think it is wind"

The man said.

"He is so young, yet so powerful"

The woman said as she rubbed against the baby Zealand.

"It seems he has awakened his spark"

A man with purple hair and wearing glasses came into the room.

"Brother my son has finally woken up"

Zealand's dad said with happiness.


Name: Romereo Valstorm

Age: 34

Personality: Cruel man that experiments on anyone.

Goals: To become the strongest!!!

Relation: Uncle

Occupation: Teacher

Workplace: Kquonseruo Academy/ KUO High School for the Elite

Affiliation/Alignment: Evil/Selfish

Spark: Poison-lv 4, wood-lv 3

Magic power: 230,5909(Average adult is 40,000)

Mecha: Covenant, Covert Runner

Body attributes: strength(13/50), durability(18/50), agi(21/50){Average stats for adult is 10}

Threat Level: Sateion(Garbage->Nectra->Sateion->Kilion->Romas->Stellar->Astream->Skyward->Cardinal->Chaodawn->Emitrosien)

Level: 32

IQ: 200


"I remember watching the classroom of the elite anime s1-s2"

"I was hooked after two episodes, so I will go to this academy named Kuo and be the next Ayanokoji"

Zealand affirmed in his mind.

The whole world felt fear, it was as if a demon was woken up.


14 years more, and Zealand is now 16.

Zealand was chilling on the roof of a mansion.

"Turns out my family are of noble lineage"

"While I was sleeping for two years, my family's servants spread the news"

"After being exposed my family came clean and confirmed the rumor, the people around the world heard and they thought it was some sort of new disease, etc"

"The servants who spread the rumor never saw the light of day, because they are now dead in an underground room in the woods where I hideout and experiment"

"I am going to KUO academy tomorrow"

"My Uncle disappeared around 3 years ago, but I don't care"

Zealand thought.

"In this world, there are magical power or what one would call a superpower, but they now call it to spark"

Zealand thought.


Name: Zealand Valstorm

Age: 16 yrs old

Title: Heir to the Valstorm family

Personality: Psychopathic, evil, smart

Goals: fun!!!

Occupation: None

Workplace: None

Affiliation/Alignment: Evil/Selfish

Spark: All- LV MAX

Magic power: [Incalculable](Average adult is 40,000)

Mecha: Templar, Stardust, Dyson, Pain, Eclipse

Body attributes: strength(5000/50), durability(5000/50), agi(5000/50){Average stats for adult is 10/limit is 50}

Threat Level: Beyond(Garbage->Nectra->Sateion->Kilion->Romas->Stellar->Astream->Skyward->Cardinal->Chaodawn->Emitrosien)

Level: 99999{100 is the limit for mortals, and 1000 for the half-gods}

IQ: ???


"I have 5 mechs all built by me"

Zealand said with pride.

"My weakest mech the templar is almost Legendary-grade"

"The grade of mechs go like this: Common, Zegion, Uncommon, Super, Ultra, Legendary, Mega, Royal, Mythical, Celestial, Divine"

Zealand thought.

"My best mech, the Eclipse can easily crush a divine mech with one hit"

Zane thought with pride.

"My father who poses a level 7 light spark, 385900 mana, only has a Lgendary-grade mech"

Zane thought.

"I also have a sister who looks up to me even though we are the same age"

Zane thought.

"She has a lot of magic for a 16-year-old"

"It is an astonishing 500,500 and she even has the very rare level-9 stardust attribute, which only 13 people have been known to have it"

"The Head of the academy I am going to along with her is one of those users"

Zane thought.

"My sister's mecha is of the same grade as mine"

Zane said.

"I can use fabric magic to existence magic, in this world I can restart everything with just a snap"

Zane said.

"Night is approaching"

Zane said as he looked at the sky getting dark.


It was morning, Zane woke up and did the necessary things before going to eat.

Zane went into the room and sat on the opposite end of the big dining table.

A girl with pale blue hair and ocean-blue eyes walked in and sat beside Zane.

"Morning, Brother"

The girl said.

"Morning Sera"

Zane said as he continued eating.

After eating both got up and left.

On the way out...

"Sera sweety"

It was Zane's mom who was walking over.

"Yes Mom"

Sera said as she walked to her mother.

Sera and Ms. Salvera spoke to each other.

"Already so grown up, yet she still looks up to you"

Zane's father appeared beside Zane.

"She will need to stop following and go her own path"

Zane said as he turned and left with a cold expression.


Zane's mana at birth was shown to be 98,560. His spark was the level 8 anti-magic and a level 6 Lightning magic.

He is currently level 19, unlike his sister who was level 15.


Zane and Sera stepped up onto the magic circle which glowed and teleported them

Zane and Sera appeared in front of a vast building covering their entire field of view.

They both walked into the school towards the entrance ceremony.


A voice came from behind the two.

Zane and Sera turned around to see a boy with golden hair and bright red eyes looking at them with disgust.

He had two other students beside him.


Zane thought.


Name: Kylo Kaiser

Age: 16 years old

Title: The 2nd Son of the Kaiser Family

Personality: Prideful, Can't take losing, Will do anything to get what he wants, Playboy Millionaire

Goals: To become the Heir

Occupation: 1st-year Student

Workplace: None

Affiliation/Alignment: Evil/Selfish

Spark: level-7 Ash, Level-7 Aura

Magic power: 235,902(Average adult is 40,000)

Mecha: Glory{Legendary-Grade}

Body attributes: strength(23/50), durability(19/50), agi(32/50){Average stats for adult is 10/limit is 50}

Threat Level: Nectra(Garbage->Nectra->Sateion->Kilion->Romas->Stellar->Astream->Skyward->Cardinal->Chaodawn->Emitrosien)

Level: 21{100 is the limit for mortals, and 1000 for the half-gods}

IQ: 185


"In this world, you will possess two sparks one that represents the family name and your own unique one"

Zane thought.

"Did you not hear me move"

Kylo said with anger and disgust.

"Kylo, you know you should know that on-campus your title does not mean anything"

A girl with rose-red hair and yellow eyes walked up.

"Mary mind your own business"

Kylo said to the girl.



Name: Mary Kaiser

Age: 16 yrs old

Title: The 1st Daughter of the Kaiser Family

Personality: Cunning, Quick-witted, Cautious

Goals: To become the best

Occupation: 1st-year Student

Workplace: None

Affiliation/Alignment: Good/Selfless

Spark: level-7 Ash, Level-8 Barrier

Magic power: 291,502(Average adult is 40,000)

Mecha: Viper{Legendary-Grade}

Body attributes: strength(9/50), durability(21/50), agi(29/50){Average stats for adult is 10/limit is 50}

Threat Level: Mid-Nectra(Garbage->Nectra->Sateion->Kilion->Romas->Stellar->Astream->Skyward->Cardinal->Chaodawn->Emitrosien)

Level: 23{100 is the limit for mortals and 1000 for the half-gods}

IQ: 205
