
Chapter Two: The Demon's Cage

My name is Ying Jiu, the prison guard, you just have to remember not to try to escape, it's just looking for death, suicide is casual."

Nan Luo wanted to ask what was going on, why he was captured, and what was the purpose of being captured, but before he could say anything, Ying Jiu pointed his hand towards his forehead.

His fingers were black and thin, his nails were as black as knives, and he was terrified in his heart, trying to escape, but his body could not move at any time. He could clearly feel the knife-like nails scratching his forehead, and the pain was like carving on his soul. Blood slid down his cheeks, and the strokes and strokes felt engraved on his heart. Nan Luo suddenly thought that this should be the word 'Nineteen' engraved. A strong sense of shame welled up in my heart, which instantly covered up the unbearable pain.

The thin black fingers finally stopped, Nan Luo's eyes were bloodshot, and the bruise on his forehead clearly appeared.

Ying Jiu's black dry palm turned over, and a piece of pure white jade appeared in the palm of his hand, which was just as wide and long as his forehead, and made a blunt imprint on Nan Luo's forehead. A golden light flashed, covering the jade block, and then disappeared in an instant.

Suddenly Nan Luo felt his body move.

He punched out his right fist suddenly, he just wanted to blow his eyes out and break his hand, never had he wanted to kill someone so much.

Nan Luo tried his best in his life. In his heart, the person in front of him was as hateful as that white wolf.

"Bang!..." Nan Luo was kicked heavily in the abdomen, flew up in an instant, slammed into the iron cage, and fell to the ground with a slap.

The pain like a knife made him not even have the strength to sit up. Looking at Ying Jiu who was walking step by step, he tried hard to stand up and straighten his waist, but it was extremely difficult. No matter what he did less than.

Ying Jiu still had such a cold face, as if wearing a human mask, but forgot to draw the expression that a human should have. He grabbed Nan Luo's leg and dragged it all the way to the small cage.

With a bang, Ying Jiu grabbed Nan Luo by one leg and threw him in. Click, the iron door of the cage was closed again.

Nan Luo was rolling on the ground, the corner of his mouth was biting so hard that he couldn't make a sound, blood was already overflowing.

"Crack!" A pure white jade slip was thrown on the ground by Ying Jiu, and Nan Luo clearly saw two reversed characters printed on it - Nineteen.

"This jade slip contains the Taoist formula you want to practice. Everyone is the same. You just need to print the jade slip on your forehead and practice accordingly." Ying Jiu looked down at Nan Luo, "It's already enough for you humans to come here. It is a very honorable thing, don't try to resist, it will only die worthless."

His voice was as stiff and cold as his expression. After speaking, he turned and left like the third young master and the white-haired old man before. He didn't even have the intention to listen to Nan Luo's words.

Suddenly, Nan Luo felt that the backs of the three of them were so similar. From the beginning to the end, Ying Jiu didn't say anything about Nan Luo's attack, just like a person who slapped the dust on his sleeve, would he still go to say something to the dust?

The sky is blue, but the wind carries a chill that makes one's heart chill.

The lonely cliff stands tall, looking at the land with disdain like a king, arrogantly arrogant to the creatures on the land.

The piercing pain finally subsided slowly, and Nan Luo's body curled up like a shrimp slowly relaxed. His eyes tried to avoid the pure white jade slip on the bluestone slab and the two blood characters on it - nineteen. But I couldn't avoid it anyway, even if I closed my eyes, it was still in my mind, in my heart, and on my forehead.

When a gust of wind blew, Nan Luo felt his forehead itchy slightly. When he touched it with his hand, he felt that the skin on his forehead was very smooth in some places .

Sitting up slowly, looking around, I saw that in the round cage I was in, there were three people sitting in three places in the cage in a triangular shape. One of them was sitting and practicing with his eyes closed, as if he had never cared about anything other than himself. Through his disheveled hair, Nan Luo could clearly see two big golden characters on his forehead - Sixteen.

There was a feeling of disgust in his heart for the sixteen for no reason, and Nan Luo could be sure that the man must be practicing the Taoist formula on the jade slip.

One of the other two was weak, and when Nan Luo looked over, one of them avoided immediately, like a frightened little rabbit, who seemed to be afraid of all strange things, he buried his head in his knees, just Looking secretly with his eyes, Nan Luo couldn't see the words on his forehead at all.

And the other one was tall, much taller than Nan Luo, but he didn't seem to notice Nan Luo's gaze, and just looked at himself, looking up and down Nan Luo. His forehead turned out to be pitch-black, completely different from the rest of the skin on his face, and he couldn't see any words at all. Nan Luo guessed that he must have deliberately covered the words on his forehead with dust.

"The two of them should be seventeen and eighteen!"

Nan Luo moved on the ground and leaned against the cage behind him like them. It seemed that only in this way could he have a sense of security.

The eyes couldn't help falling on the jade slip again. The two blood-stained characters on the jade slip pierced Nan Luo's eyes and even felt a kind of pain in his heart. He made up his mind that even if he died, he would not touch the jade slip. Briefly. He became more and more disgusted with No. 16 who was trying to practice the inner Taoist formula in the Jade Slip directly opposite him.

Nan Luo, who buried his head and knees, suddenly heard a blunt voice, and when he looked up, it was Ying Jiu.

"This is Bigu Pill, which can keep you from starving for a month." Ying Jiu appeared outside the cage at some point. His face was still stiff and his voice was cold and piercing.

A golden pill was thrown in by Ying Jiu from a distance, rolled on the ground for a certain distance and stopped just in front of Nanluo's feet, the golden bigu pill made Nanluo think of the same golden words on his forehead.

Ying Jiu threw down the pill and left again. Nan Luo didn't notice where he went. Looking around, there seemed to be pairs of eyes looking at him in the majestic and majestic building in the distance, and the pill on the ground seemed to be looking at him. He looked at himself mockingly.

Time seems to have stopped, and it seems to be falling so fast that you can't tell reality or dream.

Suddenly, the sky darkened.

Nan Luo looked up and did not see the sun, as if the sun had never appeared here before, a black cloud suddenly appeared above the cage at some point.

Suddenly, a string of sparks flashed silently in the clouds, illuminating the dark cage flickering on and off.

A bolt of lightning stabbed down silently, and exploded in Nan Luo's ear. He felt a bang in his mind, and he lost his ability to think. There was a bang in his ears, and only that echoed in his mind. A series of piercing and dazzling sparks, the thoughts seem to have been eternal.

The moment Nan Luo was hit by lightning, his body was blown away by the electric shock, and he fell in the middle of the cage, his limbs twitching and trembling non-stop.

boom! ...Thunder sounded, and instantly heavy rain poured down. The icy rain woke Nanluo up. In a daze, Nan Luo wanted to get up, but found that his hands and feet didn't feel at all, they were just shaking non-stop. Nan Luo was terrified, opened his mouth and panted heavily, and the stagnant water flowing on the bluestone board was flowing into Nanluo's mouth, almost drowning Nanluo's nose and mouth.

Lightning still flickered in the sky, and between light and darkness, Nan Luo saw that there were no other three people at all, and the golden numbers on the three heads were all exposed, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, vaguely For a while, Nan Luo seemed to see the ridicule and gloating in their eyes.

Although Nan Luo was struck by the lightning and his whole body was numb, he could not get up while lying on the ground, but Nan Luo still felt the rain was so cold that it pierced his body as hard as a needle. The daytime was still warm as spring, but now it was like a rainy night in severe winter.

"Let me die, let me die! If I die, I won't suffer so much, and if I die, I won't have to suffer this kind of shame. Just let me die." This is Nan Luo's only thought at this time. In the end, even he himself couldn't tell whether he was awake or in a coma, and he seemed numb to everything in the outside world.

Although the night is long, it will eventually pass. The scorching sun leaps from the east, and the light pierces Nan Luo's eyes, waking him up.

Last night he thought he was going to die, but unexpectedly he survived. Struggling to re-sit and return to their original positions, the positions of the three of them remained unchanged, Shiliu was still sitting upright and cultivating, and the timid one who dared not look had the word "Seventeen" engraved on his forehead. Because of the rain, his clothes were all wet, and Nan Luo felt that he was getting petite and thin.

And the one who always looked at Nanluo was Shiba. His face was dark yesterday, and after being washed by the rain, the words on his forehead were revealed.

Glancing at the people in the big cage on the opposite side, they were sitting next to the cage one by one, and they were all practicing with their eyes closed, just like Shiliu. It doesn't matter how tall it is, it's not like being kept in a cage, it's no different from the animals raised in the clan!

It's better than being dead.

The sun quickly rose to the middle of the sky, and the sun was shining brightly.

The icy cold raindrops last night still made Nan Luo feel lingering fears, but now the sun is as vicious as a fire burning around him. Nanluo was sweating profusely, but the 16th, 17th, and 18th three people were all sitting upright and practicing at this time, it seemed that they could resist the heat like this, even the 17th and 18th people were like this.

It can be clearly seen that the sweat on their faces is much less than their own.

Nan Luo glanced at the pure white jade slip that was still lying quietly on the ground, the blood on it was still eye-catching, he quickly moved his eyes away.

There was a sudden cramping pain in my stomach caused by hunger. Nanluo hasn't eaten anything since he was caught here during the day yesterday. How can a mortal body not be hungry, and he didn't eat the bigu pill that can make people not hungry for a month.

Stubbornly ignoring the alluring golden Bigu Pill, as if once he ate that Bigu Pill, he became like these people, became someone else's captive and no longer belonged to real human beings.

Sweat rolled down, and was evaporated immediately, taking away Nan Luo's energy and spirit.

Time passed minute by minute, and when the sun was setting, Nan Luo finally fell down. He didn't even have the strength to maintain a crooked sitting position. Poured on the floor paved with hot bluestone, not far away is the Bigu Pill that can relieve people from hunger and the practice formula that can resist the heat and cold.

Nan Luo felt that his sense of the body was much weaker, his whole body was light and he had no strength at all.

The night fell again, and the bluestone floor slowly cooled, as if there was a bottomless abyss under the floor that swallowed up the heat on the ground. The temperature unexpectedly dropped instantly, continuously dropping, and the cold seeped up from the depths of the ground.

In the cold night, there was no wind, no moon, no stars, it was pitch black, and in the dimness, Nan Luo still clearly saw the golden bigu pill, the white jade slip, and the two blood-red characters on it— -nineteen.

Nan Luo closed his eyes, not wanting to see them again. The moment he closed them, he felt something floating on his eyebrows and eyelashes, soft and cold, and finally turned into liquid and slipped from the corners of Nan Luo's eyes