
Epsilon (A Overwatch Story)

A Job is a job. Finish the mission no questions asked. This is what he's been told throughout his life by Talon. Ethan, aka Epsilon, begins to question his loyalty after receiving dreams and visions of a life he never lived as Talon Agent. Now conflicted on his allegiance and curiosity of his past growing, Ethan leaves Talon in order to find answers on who he was before being named, Epsilon.

KingRenetti · Derivasi dari game
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Winter Hunt

The Omnic Crisis was devastating for all involved. But Overwatch managed to defeat the war mongering Omnics and restore peace to the globe. But as history always played out, take down one threat, another is going to appear. Talon arose in the aftermath of the Crisis and didn't take long to become a problem for Overwatch. Their constant back and forth would push Talon into attaining some high tier warriors. Reaper, Widowmaker and Ethan, codenamed Epsilon. Ethan doesn't know much about his past, apparently, he's suffering from amnesia. But Talon filled in the blanks for him. However, when he ever asked about his family, all he's told is that they perished during an Omnic Uprising. He was sad to hear but kept fighting for Talon. When Overwatch was shut down by the United Nations, it was a field day for Talon. Ethan didn't take part in any festivities held by them.

Talon began drawing up plans for new projects and new operations. Such as assassination of various figures and raids to find and locate Overwatch Agent Locations. The latter was unsuccessful. With Doomfist behind bars for some time, the organization would try to figure out ways to break him out. Widowmaker and Reaper would be put into overtime throughout many operations alongside Ethan. Ethan began making a notable name for himself. He's been sent to various nations to hunt down Rogue Talon Agents and silence them. He's been to Japan multiple times as a few of these targets tried escaping with the help of the Hashimoto Clan. Said clan ratted them out to Talon who sent Ethan to take care of the Rogue Agents. Ethan became Talon's personal hitman. But what makes Ethan so special and unique?

Well Ethan's armor was special as it was designed and specialized specifically for him and his uses that he needed. Hell, he was the one who designed the damn thing, so he technically built it. He made modifications where he saw fit and because of this, his armor became iconic to him and him alone. He also became notorious for never showing his face as he wouldn't take his helmet off in front of anyone. He mainly keeps it on to hide his emotions and any expressions that would help people predict him. It's all about remaining anonymous and unknown so his enemies—and allies—can't easily identify him or predict his movements. But some in Talon theorized and came up with strange rumors that he hides his face due to some strange injury which isn't true. He's just never taken the damn thing off in front of people.

He also discovered he can easily strike fear into people which is nice. But when he's not on missions, he's couped up in his room sometimes reading a book or something productive for himself. Like working on his armor or working on his weapons. After all, the guy is like a walking armory. He has a Flamethrower and grappling Hook on one vambrace alongside something called Whistling birds and a retractable energy dagger on the other. He also sports a Jet back with a built-in rocket launcher that is synced to his helmet for any needed purpose. He mainly wields a small Pulse Pistol built by him with some assistance from Talon. He wields the IB-94 Pulse Pistol that he just so happens to very quick with.

Ethan can be described as a very chill yet stoic person. He tends to be very casual with his attitude and tends to keep to himself, only speaking unless spoken to. Most think he's mute due to his chosen silence. The only people who get him to talk a lot is Reaper and Widowmaker since they're the closest thing he has to a family figure. In no way do they treat each other as family, they're just the only two people he's able to actually bond with. Well, Sombra is the one who mainly messes with him, and he hates it. He actively avoids her so he can have some peace and quiet. She almost saw him without his helmet on, but he was quick enough. The current whereabouts of Epsilon are unknown to a few, but he is currently on a mission to track down yet another Rogue Agent. This agent was in Russia and unfortunately for the Agent's guards, it was snowing. By the gate leading to the driveway of the Agent's home were two armed guards. They weren't necessarily complaining about the cold as they had proper winter attire on. One of the guards looked at his assault rifle before looking forward as he heard something. He makes a sound to get his partner's attention who snapped out of a daze he was in and paid attention. The two saw a figure walking through the snow but it was hard to tell as it was coming down hard. The two aim their rifles.

Guard1: [Hold it!] he orders, in Russian.

The figure stops just before them in the storm. The other guard walked closer to get a better look but stopped when he saw soulless gaze from Ethan's helmet. Ethan smacked the gun aside and spun the guard around just in time as the other guard opened fire and hit his partner. Ethan then quickly drew his pistol and shot a bolt into the guard's chest. The first guard dropped before he snapped the neck of the guard he had in his grasp. He tossed the body aside. He then holsters his blaster and advances through the gate. But those gunshots were heard. The front door of the home was kicked open as five armed guards rushed out to engage the threat. Ethan just casually walked towards them before he flicked his wrist, priming his Whistling Birds. As he got closer, the guards spotted him and took aim, but he ducked down and dodged a volley of bullets while letting his Whistling Birds loose. The mini missiles impact their targets and take them all out. All five guards dropped to the snow filled ground lifelessly.

The thuds of their bodies were all the confirmation he needed to know they're all dead. Ethan stands up from having taken a knee and continues to march towards the building. He stepped onto the porch but stopped. He then quickly turned and ran before the door exploded, sending him flying. When he landed, he rolled so he quickly regained control and spun around with his hand on the ground in a kneeling position once he stopped himself. He glared at the door that was obliterated to see a tall bulky man with a rocket launcher that has smoke coming from the barrel. The man tossed the launcher aside, finding no use for it and cracked his knuckles.

[I'm going to make you regret coming here.] the guard taunts in Russian.

[Then come at me.] Ethan challenges, in Russian.

The large guard charges Ethan who prepared himself for the attack. The Bulky man goes to Punch the assassin, but Ethan went to block. Only to be launched back a few feet from the man's strength. However, as he stood up his back was to the man. Ethan thrusted his left fist downwards as the retractable energy dagger shoots out of his vambrace. The energy blade glowed a vibrant blue. The man charged our hero, but Ethan turned around at the right time and arced the blade around as he ducked down. the large man stumbled forward before falling to his knees and grabbing his gut. Ethan stood up and grabbed his gun. He casually turned and took aim before shooting the man in the back of the head.

The large man dropped to the floor lifeless. Ethan holsters his blaster and made his way towards the house but stopped once more as he heard something. He quickly made his way around the house to see a helicopter taking off. He saw his target inside the craft so he ran towards it as it took off. His jet pack roars to life as he ascends after him. The Rogue Agent was calming his nerves but was unaware of the man chasing him. Epsilon grabbed onto the helicopter and grabbed a small explosive he had. He put it on the tail of the chopper before he lets go and drops from the helicopter. With the press of a button, the explosive exploded and caused the helicopter to spin out of control and make a rapid descent. Ethan lands on the ground safely thanks to his jet pack but turns and walks towards the burning wreckage that had crashed landed behind him. As he approached it, the side door of the chopper was flung open as a guard and his target exited the helicopter. He quickly drew his blaster and shot the guard before training it onto his target who brought his hands up as the Talon Assassin got closer. To save his life, the agent thought of something.

[What do you want from me? Money? I can get you that.] he said nervously, trying to bargain.

Ethan stopped in front of him.

"Talon wants you silenced." is all the man says, but this time in English.

The agent's face pales hearing that.

"So, Talon sends their watchdog after me." he comments. "I would say I'm honored, but I don't feel like supporting Talon's hitmen."

Ethan stepped forward and pressed the barrel onto the man's neck.

"Another comment, and you die from blood loss."

The agent gulps slightly before the two hear something. They look at the chopper and realize it's about to explode. Ethan grabbed the agent and threw him at the chopper before trying to run to clear the blast radius but wasn't lucky. The agent was killed by the ensuing explosion, but he was sent flying quite a distance. When he lands, he hits his head on a rock hard, like really hard. Even with his helmet, it knocks it out briefly for about 15 seconds. Groaning in pain, he slowly moves to his side and removes his helmet. He coughed before looking at the now destroyed helicopter. His short brown hair moving in the wind of the snowstorm and his diamond blue eyes scanning the crash. After a few seconds he puts his hands on the ground and pushes himself up to his feet. Once standing, he winced as he felt the back of his head. He looked at his hand and saw no blood so that was good. He bent down and grabbed his helmet before he looked forward. He was about to put the helmet on but heard something.

"Ethan look out!!" an unknown voice said.

Ethan looked around for the voice and saw nothing. His head started to hurt as an image popped in his head. It was a blur, but he saw some figure in armor rushing towards him. He shook his head as he held his head in pain. But this surge of pain was cut short when he heard the thrusters of a Talon Dropship. The pain in his head was bad but he put the helmet on and made his way to it. The ship touches down and lowers the back ramp. Coming out was Reaper who had his shotguns ready for battle but saw no enemies and only his teammate coming to him. He lowers his guns and steps aside for his partner to walk onto the ship. Curious about the target, Reaper presses for answers.

"The target?" he asks, his rough tone echoing in the troop bay.

"terminated." Ethan replies, sounding a little in pain as he goes to sit down.

"Were you injured?" the reaper asks, walking to his seat while he presses a button to raise the ramp.

"Explosion sent me flying a few feet and I hit my head. But I'm alright." Ethan claims.

Reaper looked doubtful but didn't bother to ask as he sat down across from him. The dropship ascends off the ground and flies through the snowstorm. Or well tries too, but it takes it slow. All the while, Ethan closes his eyes and rests his head to sooth the aching pain in his head. He probably has a concussion now. No big deal, he's had worse.

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