
[Forsaken Labyrinth Conquest] 35/69; The Power of Aura




When I finally let go of Ryo's, we swiftly started the training. I firstly wanted to teach him how to properly use one's Aura. I obtained a full-fledged Aura some months ago after fusing a myriad of skills that I gained with effort, I quickly learned how to use it and slowly managed to put it on good use in the following fights I had. Unlike myself, Ryo didn't have to slowly accumulate Skills for months like me, but he was born with an Aura from the start, like all of my children. Because of this, he was already born with the talent to use and manipulate it, he just needed to awaken it.

How can someone awaken an already existing talent? By pressuring themselves, trying to "surpass their limits" as they would say in Earth's fictions. And so, I did, Ryo already had primary knowledge of his Aura and its properties.