
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasi
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38 Chs

The Light That Shines

Uchi timidly walked around the kingdom and looked back. She saw people celebrating and having a good time. The dogs were barking and birds were singing. Uchi stopped seeing Aria alone with kids who were eating with her. She looked like an older sister for the children. Uchi walked to her slowly and her heart was racing. She stopped when a kid pointed at her. She blushed and turned around quickly, covering her face.

"I'm sorry!" Uchi said.

"What's wrong?" Aria smiled. "Come join us! You should be having fun while it lasts!"

"O-Okay." She quickly walked to her and sat beside her. Uchi was extremely sky with new people. She looked at Aria and her smile made her feel extremely warm on the inside.

"What's your name? I don't think I've ever seen you from around here." Aria said.

"I-I am Uchi.." She said shyly, averting eye contact from time to time.

"Welcome to Auroria, Uchi. Where are you from? Your clothing looks like you're from the North of Genten." Aria sat up and looked at her.

"I am from the Kingdom of Lem...I'm sure you've heard of Lord Omu?" Uchi asked.

"Mhm, a fearsome warlord." Aria nodded.

"I am his sister. I ran away from the kingdom because of how it is up north. War has already started and my brother already has taken control of 5 kingdoms." Uchi said.

"I see, my prediction was correct." Aria closed her eyes then smiled. "It's alright though. I have a dream..a dream to unite all of Genten."

"That's a pretty large and nearly impossible dream." Uchi said.

"I know..but if I unite the kingdoms into one nation, then war within our kingdoms will end." Aria opened her eyes and looked at Uchi.

Uchi looked at her and saw a bright light shining within her. Her determination, her pure desire for peace. Uchi smiled a little and nodded.

"Are you hungry? I have enough food for you also." Aria asked.

"No I'm alright. Thank you." Uchi smiled.

"Not just a bite?" Aria giggled.

"No I'm fine, really." Uchi giggled.

"Fine fine." Aria leaned back and looked at the sky. "Next month is when our army will conquer other kingdoms and allow people to join my quest for peace."

"How many officers do you have?" Uchi asked.

"Only two and they are my retainers and best friends. Sefia, The Knight of the Hallow Blade, and Joshua, The Silver Knight." Aria said.

"O-Only two officers?!" Uchi said in disbelief.

"What it's nothing to be surprises about, the Kingdom of Chrysilis and Kingdom of Yakasha literally only have a warlord and the rest are death fodders." Aria said.

"Wha- How do you guys do it? My brother has at least 5 officers and they are all either Warlords or Junior Warlords." Uchi said.

"I technically don't like to rely on officers. I like to battle using my own skill and only recieve extra assisstance when needed. I want to evolve as much as possible before battling extremely powerful warlords like Shingen or Kenshin." Aria said.

"Oh yeah, I stayed in Shingen's kingdom for a few days and his kingdom has many outposts and bases and their warriors are super powerful! They pack a huge punch, especially Shingen." Uchi said.

"Oh? Don't tell me their abilities! I want to find out for myself. I work better when I'm caught by surprise." Aria smiled. "I don't like battles where I know I have a tactical advantage over my opponents and know their weaknesses and abilities."

"That's strange of you to say, as you knew Hideyoshi's weakness beforehand." Sefia walked up.

"Eep!" Aria covered her mouth as she jumped then looked up. "Sefia! And you all willingly told me his weakness, I was fine going into battle blind."

"Isn't that, inefficient? Isn't it better to know your opponents before hand when going into battle?" Uchi tilted her head a bit.

"Our Warlord is a strange one. She loves to go into fights even without knowing her opponent's name...She says she works a lot more effectively by doing that.." Sefia sighed.

"Because I do. And it has worked in those mock battles hasn't it?" Aria closed her eyes and stuck her nose up.

"Yeah only because you got lucky, Mrs. High and Mighty." Sefia pinched her nose.

"Mmm! Sefia let gooo!" Aria squirmed.

Uchi giggled and watched them. Sefia and Aria have been friends for a year and already seem like sisters to each other. The three of them talked all night about their dreams and future plans after Aria unites all of Genten.

A few hours passed and everyone went inside except the three girls. They laid under the moonlight and looked at the stars.

"Uchi..you are aware you will have to battle your brother sooner or later right?" Sefia said.

"Yeah I know..by then he would have gotten extremely powerful, but I want the fighting to end...at least this kind of fighting...No one should have to fight like this.." Uchi said.

"You don't have to worry. We will end it together." Aria sat up.

"My brother has a loyal partner who is 50/50 on his motives.." Uchi looked at Aria.

"Mmm? Who is that?" Aria looked at Uchi.

"His name is Mitsuhide. He is the Master of the Ice Element. He doesn't condone this manner of this war, yet he can not stand up to Lord Omu. My brother is too powerful for him to defeat..at the same time, he doesn't want my brother to lose to anyone." Uchi said.

"I see...He has mixed feelings on this war." Aria said.

"Not to mention he has a daughter who's too pure for this world, yet she's one of the mightiest Warriors. A junior Warlord by the name of Gracia." Uchi looked back at the sky. "She always follows her father's lead. Whatever he decides to do, she is sure to follow."

"Mmm..Alright. So we just have to break his chains to free him or." Aria looked at Uchi again.

"It's not that easy. He has a policy of when they lost a battle, to immediately retreat to his kingdom." Uchi said. "Getting people to join your ranks are impossible for the North side of Genten."

"Mmm...so we can only gain allies here in the south..fine by me. As long as we are gaining allies and expanding our army. I am fine with that." Aria smiled and nodded.

"Yeah me too.." Uchi smiled.

Sefia smiled as she listened to the other two. She looked at the moon and thought of Kikuri. She wanted to find her again. That was her dream. She also wants to serve under Aria until her death.