
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Marching To His Beat 2

A man appeared on the top of the gate and looked down at Aria and the others. He had black and white hair and also carried a Shamisen. He jumped down and landed on his feet then put hit hair in a pony tail.

"Motoshiki, I thank you for protecting this kingdom. But I shall take it from here." The man said.

"Lord Motochika!" Motoshiki smiled.

Aria looked back and saw Motochika and stood up. Uchi stood up also. The Master of Water was standing before them. They felt strong elemental energy from him.

"You are the one we are to battle huh?" Aria said.

"Yes. I am Lord Motochika and I am the true Warlord of Mizu. Your name is quite famous in the south. I am honored to get the chance to battle you Lady Aria and your subordinate Uchi." Motochika said and walked past them.

"Aria, I want to be front lines. I have an elemental advantage." Uchi said.

"Alright.." Aria said and looked at Motochika.

"Show me your true will to unite Genten. Show me your strength!" Motochika said.

Uchi summoned her chakrams and dashed to Motochika. He dodged her attacks swiftly and blocked some attacks with his instrument. Aria watched closely at his battle style. Uchi jumped back and threw the discs. Motochika strummed the Shamisen with the bachi and a pillar of water surrounded him, deflecting the chakrams.

"What the..? He's so fast and responsive.." Aria said. She couldn't form a proper plan because Motochika's abilities surpass her own.

"I'm not finished yet!" Uchi said and pulled her chakrams back.

"Oh? I see you're full of surprises but so am I." Motochika strummed his instrument and a water bubble hit the electric string and shocked Uchi.

Uchi screamed and stummbled back. She panted. Her lightning string disappeared and the chakrams fell to the ground.

"Electro-Charge. When the water and thunder elements combine they give off a powerful shock. You see in my domain I am at an elemental disadvantage..but I can use that to bend my chances of winning to nearly 100%." Motochika said.

"What the hell..why can't I think of a way to exploid a weakness.." Aria said and saw Motochika dash to her and go on the offensive.

Aria blocked his attacks and jumped back. Motochika strummed three times and three water orbs appeared. Aria watched and got in a defensive stance. Motochika strummed and the orbs exploded causing a huge sonicboom, blowing Aria back. Aria grunted as she fell to the ground. She slowly got up.

"He's so strong.." Aria wiped her lip.

Uchi yelled as she ran to Motochika and got blown back by a water bubble. She landed on a switch and the floodgate opened and water rushed into the designated path, blocking escape. Aria looked at the water and at Motochika.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Mizu...The Kingdom where everyone marches to my beat!" Motochika said and dashed to Aria.

Aria blocked his attacks then dodged and slashed. Motochika blocked the attack and swung up, knocking Aria off balance then strummed three times on his Shamisen, hitting Aria with water bubbled then kicked her back.

"Now!" Motochika said and strummed as a wave of water crashed on Aria.

Aria was carried away by the waves. She coughed as she appeared from the water and looked at Motochika. Uchi pressed the switch and the floodgate closed and all the water disappeared into the waterfall. Aria slowly got up and grunted.

"This really pisses me off. I don't know how to beat you..you have a counter for everything..!" Aria said.

"I am a seasoned Warlord, you are just beginning, there is a difference in power and skill. A high difference. I know about your dual wield style. It won't work on me." Motochika said.

Aria looked at her lance and closed her eyes and tossed it aside then got in a stance using her katana.

"Oh? Planning to change styles? Show me what you got!" Motochika smirked.

Aria dashed to Motochika and slashed quickly. Her skill with a katana was top tier and she was faster when using her katana, but she did less damage. Motochika was playing his instrument, causing water shields to block all of her attacks. He averted his eyes to where Uchi appeared and she threw a dagger. He strummed and blocked it but the water froze.

"What?" He dodged Aria and watched Uchi grab the dagger.

"The Black Frost is the name of this dagger. If I can't win with Thunder then I will use Ice to freeze you!" Uchi dashed to Motochika and went on the offensive.

Motochika kept playing his instrument and blocking the attacks, but his water kept freezing. Uchi used the ice to gain height over Motochika then slashed down. Motochika strummed and water appeared over him and the attack was blocked.

"Freezing the water is a smart tactic. Mitsuhide would have done the same." Motochika said.

Uchi smirked and summoned her chakram. Aria gasped in realization. Uchi spun the chakram in front of her.

"Ultimate Skill: Deception Bolt!" Uchi bellowed and shot the bolt directly to the ice. The lightning surged to all the frozen water and exploded.

Motochika's eyes widened as he was caught in the explosion and was blown away, hitting his back on the gate. He fell to one knee and panted.

"Super Conduct elemental reaction? Uchi how-" Aria started.

"I suddenly remembered Mitsuhide telling me anything below freezing level would have zero resistance to lightning elemental attacks. The level of electricity matters also, small electricity equals a weak explosion, but electricity like my Deception Bolt deals massive damage." Uchi chuckled in triumph.

"I'm so dumb..How could I forget Ice and Thunder combined causes explosions." Aria said.

"I admit...that was surprising..but I still have one last melody.." Motochika said and stood up and the waves started crashing.

Aria and Uchi stood on guard and watched Motochika.

"Warrior Skill Activate: A New Wave." Motochika said and water surrounded him, boosting his attack power, but lowering his defenses by a lot. "Fury Skill: Melody of the Tsunami!" Motochika's hair turned blue and black and white energy went to his bachi then he strummed one string.

Aria's heart thumped and she felt as if time stopped when she saw a gigantic wave appear before her. Uchi's eyes widened and watched the wave come crashing down. Uchi got her dagger ready and the wave came crashing fast. Aria pulled Uchi towards her and Uchi blushed hardly and her heart was beating fast. The wave crashed on the battleground and flooded the area. As the wave slowly washed off the land, Motochika grunted and saw a light barrier slowly shatter into dust and the glowing of two phoenix feathers. He was shocked to see them. Aria and Uchi gasped and coughed then panted.

"How..are we alive..?" Uchi asked.

"Thank my sister Phoenix.." She watched the feathers slowly stop shining.

"You purposely took the attack and shielded knowing the pressure would kill you..?" Motochika said.

"I am willing to do whatever it takes to win..to unite Genten, even if it meant dying.." Aria stood up.

"You are one crazy girl..but your willpower has shined brightly..And you have proved enough to me." Motochika walked off.

"Y-You're just leaving?" Aria asked.

"The kingdom is yours. Take good care of it." He walked through the gates.

"We are going..to have a long talk...Aria.." Uchi stood up.

"Yeah..I know." Aria giggled. "But hey we have 3 kingdoms now!"

Aria gave a thumbs up and smiled proudly. Although she didn't defeat Motochika, she proved her will to him. She knew that there was no beating him in battle anyway. She was outmatched in everyway and knew the battles would only get harder. Her next target was the Kingdom of Kusa, the last of the neighboring kingdoms.