
Ephemeral Qi: The Unveiling Path

In a realm far removed from the mundane, Li awoke to a world brimming with magic, mythical creatures, and formidable warriors. However, his joy was short-lived as he discovered he was inexplicably tethered to a mysterious system, its rules eluding his understanding. As Li navigated the complexities of this fantastical realm, he found himself in a society where strength dictated one's status and power ruled with an iron grip. The daunting challenge of survival in a world teeming with magical prowess and deadly adversaries lay before him. Determined to unravel the enigma of the system that bound him, Li embarked on a perilous journey. Along the way, he encountered allies with unique abilities and faced adversaries whose strength surpassed his wildest imagination. The very fabric of this alternate reality seemed woven with both wonder and peril. With each encounter, Li honed his skills, uncovering latent talents that the system bestowed upon him. Yet, the path to survival remained treacherous, requiring strategic thinking, alliances, and the mastery of arcane arts. Li's resilience was tested as he delved into ancient lore, deciphering the secrets of the system and unlocking the true extent of his potential. In a world where the line between friend and foe blurred, Li grappled with moral dilemmas and complex relationships. Loyalties were tested, and betrayals lurked in the shadows, making survival not only a physical but also a mental challenge. As Li's journey unfolded, he discovered the intricate tapestry of a world shaped by mythical forces and governed by the unwavering law of the strong. The question remained: Could Li transcend the limitations of the system, carve his destiny, and emerge victorious in a realm where power defined reality? Join Li on this epic odyssey, where every step he takes, every decision he makes, echoes across the landscapes of a world where survival is not just a matter of strength but a testament to the indomitable spirit of a reborn soul. please give review

Immortality_6548 · Fantasi Timur
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16 Chs


Li fu woke up and took a bath. After cleaning up, he took out some meat with vegetables and cooked them, which were already in fridge probably from the Land Lord.

While eating, he opened His status.

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 10 )( Max )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 420

Seeing the points increases, he sighed that only a few points were gained today.

While eating he went went to the computer in the side and used it to find a fighting tournament which might be happening around the village

Looking around the internet he saw a Fighting Royale Tournament in the City close to him with the name of tiger City.

After eating, he went out, locking his place as he went to the bus stop to wait for a bus which will go to tiger city.

After 3 hours of travel, he reached the tiger city after getting off the bus.

He searched for a hotel to live in after finding a cheap hotel which didn't need any registration he booked the room.

He went there to get a room.

Furthermore, he was happy there was no drama as he got a room there for 3 days.

Thereafter, he went out and asked about the place to participate in a fighting tournament in tiger city.

After asking for a while, he came to his destination, there were many people who came to participate.

After reaching there, he asked the old woman who was there's taking fee's of contestants who wanted to participate.

Old women "This is your number token 393"

After giving 2 thousand yuan, he took the token. The price for participating was a little high, but he felt it was reasonable, after all, the winning prize was 1 hundred thousand yuan.

After taking the token, he took the rule manual from the old woman.

The rules were actually basic.

[1, If you cannot come to the arena on time, you will not be allowed to participate and no refunds will be given.

2, If you are injured, The tournament Teams will not be responsible.

3, if you lose once, you will not be given another chance.

4, If you are caught cheating, you will be fined 10 thousand yuan. ]

Seeing these rules, he smiled, these rules were pretty easy to follow.

Thereafter, he went to a local park to train and calm his mind and think about the future.

When he was training he saw many people looking at him, after all, he was wearing his Cultivater clothes and it was a sunny day.

He had to say every day because if his clothes he didn't need to wash them.

He was sweating because of the training and the heat of the sun and because of it, his body was being outlined after about 2 hours,

He bought a small sandwich from a vendor and sat on a bench to rest. While he was resting, he checked his points.

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 10 )( Max )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 422

He had reached the points needed to upgrade, but he didn't upgrade his cultivation because even though he wanted to upgrade, he would rather not be caught by government for experiments after all I he is a person who is unknown and is to strong for a human that might cause him to meet many people in white coats.

"All I need is to gain a good amount of popularity from the tournament and I can use the popularity for my next plan, as long as I can gain a good place in the tournament, it will be easy!"

After resting for a while, he went back to training.

Beast world

A world which was operated from time and space in a separate space.

Where many beasts were walking.

If li Fu was here, he would be shock to his core, after all, these beasts weren't animals like others, they were like giants.

There were dragons flying in the sky, tiger's with multiple heads roaring and many other beasts which could only be found in legends were walking here.

"Ice dragon, are you serious, the main world now have spiritual power?"

Spoke a cat which was sitting on the head of an ice dragon.

"Yes, I am sure, but it appears to be very little that it might be lost the next second!"

Hearing this, the purple cat which was on the white dragon head spoke.

"Is there any way we can increase the spiritual power in the main world?"

Hearing the questions of her little friend, the ice dragon gave a good answer.

"Yes, but it will require many sacrifices!"

The cat's ears dropped when she heard this


Ice dragon" And I think even if we won't do this kind of sacrifice, others might send their strong men to have a massacre in the main world to make the spell work."

Purple cat, "they won't do this, right?!"

She asked in shock because she was born in this small world, and she didn't know how obsessed the older beasts are with the main world.

Ice dragon "let me tell you why they might do this if there are ten points of spiritual power absorber here in ten days, then in the main world we can absorb the ten points of spiritual power in 1 day!"

Purple cat, "that's too much to be real, right!?"

The Ice dragon let out a little laugh.

"Yes it doesn't sound real, but it is and I actually really miss the day's in the main world if I was in the main world. I might have reached half step immortal by now!"

Purple cat was shocked to hear this. If the beast's race has a long life and when they're Cultivating the lifespan gained at each level will be 1 hundred times more than the humans, but it is also very difficult to cultivate since their cultivation speed is very slow.

Beast world snake mountain

"Hehehe I will definitely kill a large number to open the gate between both worlds and increase the spiritual power in the main world. As long as I do this, I would be protected by many powerful breasts after all as long as I am alive after the spell the main world will continue to produce sporty world but if I died the main world will also stop making spiritual awakening!"

Said a snake whose body was black as the darkness of night.

"I need to discuss the ritual before others can, otherwise I will lose this opportunity

Next day he woke up early since he had to fight in tournament

After eating the food provided by the hotal he went to the stadium where he gave his token to the employee as he told him to follow him.

After walking they reached a room which was enough to fit 5 hundred people with good space.

"Please wait here whenever your name is called or your token number is called you will come to the field for fight"

Hearing this li fu nodded his head showing he understood and he didn't have to wait much after 3 minutes people started to come and fill the seat's.

Ladies and gentlemen I am your host Xiao Yan today we have 5 hundred people entering the tournament of tiger city! But only top 10 will gain rewards! Yes you have heard right unlike before where they are only top three who are given reward it will be top 10 !"

Hearing this there was noice among the crowd.

"I can't believe they are going to give rewards to top 10!"

"I wonder if they have money to reward!" 

"Hahaha "

"You right it will be embarrassing if they can't give the reward!"

Everyone first place will get hundred thousand Yuan and second will get 60 thousand third will get 30 thousand and others will get 20 thousand yuan!"

"Damm I really want to participate now!"

"Why do you think you can get into top 10!"

Li fu who was waiting heard this was a little surprised afterall he didn't came gor reward he only came for points but he felt gained 20 thousand will not be bad!.

"Everyone the match will be 50 people royale battle and all the ten winner's in this Royale battle will fight for top ten rankings!

Referee said as he stares to call for the first batch.

"Everyone lets call the first batch all participants from token 1 to 50 please come to tournament Field for the Battle Royal!"

Hearing this fifty people who were called went outstanding and reached the fields as they looked at each other nervously.

"Everyone are you ready! 3!..2!..1! fight "

Hearing this all fifty people went towards who was Infront of them to fight as they were fighting li Fu felt they were just hitting whenever they wanted and even blocked when there was no need to block in single term all of them were 'waste' after that he stopped paying attention to them.

After they fought all off them were off the ring or they had quited and only one guy with muscles remaind and he was also panted and gasping for air.

After that the referee kept calling every batch by turn until it was li Fu batch turn.

"Participants from token 351 to four hundred please come to the fields!"

Hearing this he followed other and went to fields looking at everyone he saw some guys who were wearing Cultivator clothes just like his but he ignored them

" Who would come cosplaying here?"

He felt weird afterall this was a fighting tournament not a cosplay costume party but he ignored it afterall who was he to judge what other's are wearing.

Looking at the referee was going to start the match he looked around vigilantly.

After hearing the referee say start he saw a man running towards him intended to punch

He doged to side as he grabbed the man from his left and and punched at the back of the man.


The main let out a scream after being Hit in back.

He felt as if he was his by a car making him shout in pain as he lay on the ground.

After seeing him being defeated so easily li Fu became a little confident as he went to others as he also started to beat the with strong punches to their stomach or back and sometimes at their legs!.

When the camra foucesd on him the audience felt shocked after all who can make a person not able to fight after a ding punch!

Many of them also started to make videos to post it on internet!

" This guy know Kung Fu?"

" Why do you ask me!"

" This must be Kung Fu!"

As the audience in tournament was discussing li Fu was going to fight The last person who was left and to his suprize it was a girl!

Girl looked to be in a good shape she was one of those girls who built her muscles but she didn't look bad but it gave her a extra charm but li fu was not going to be easy on her because she was a girl!.

After all the charm of immortal cultivation is more tempting then a girl's and after reaching a certain level will I even need a women? If I wanted which women he couldn't get?

Thinking like this he was going to run towards her to fight but the opponent came running towords him.

As she came she went straight for his head as she jumped a little when close to him as her foot was very close to his head.

But he quickly reacted grabbing her foot his hand as he made a puch to knock her out but she lifted her other leg to kick him in stomach.

Feeling the kich in his stomach he didn't feel good even though he can be called a super human he was still in the fields of human and he just had the overall power of qi gathering level 1 but not the experience of fight.

After feeling her kick he let go of her leg he was holding as he went to kich her in leg but she doged attacking him in face again this time she was able hit him in face feeling the pain li Fu became a little angry.

After no one likes to get hit in the face.

As he rushed to her kicking in her chest making her look a little flat! Making her passout from pain as he Became the winner of the Battle Royale.

Seeing him kick her in chest many men started to curse alex and many women seemed to feel the girls pain as they covered their chest.

As many girl's also cursed li Fu without care for their appearance.

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