
Ephemeral Elysium: The Harem Chronicles

Kael was a promising young swordsman who showed great potential to make his name famous throughout history. But one night life takes a tragic turn, his parents were brutally killed by a witch when he was ten years old. Although he manages to avenge their deaths by defeating the witch, the burden of guilt for not being able to save his family haunts him into his adulthood. To make ends meet and drown out his sorrow, Kael becomes a mercenary, earning a reputation for his formidable skills and earning terrifying nicknames. In his teenage years, he finds solace and support in a strong and capable woman who later becomes his partner, offering both emotional and physical protection. Together, they navigate the challenges of Kael's tumultuous past and the harsh world of mercenaries, forging a bond that becomes a beacon of hope amid his misery.

Blacky_Guy · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Some chasings

He was having hard time breathing properly. He slowly started breathing heavily. He was getting Red.

Some time pasted and the woman woke up "hmm, hah, hmm. It was good sleep."

She took a stick with fires. She got up and got near River and she washed her face.

She took out a small towel from her small pouch and wiped her face. It was not morning yet, so she was using stick with a fire to guide herself. She arrived at the camp and she sat on her place. She noticed Kael moving. He was rubbing his chest and he was facing the ground. She was not clearly seeing what was happening but she saw him moving weirdly.

She got up and started walking towards him. She saw him being red. She then quickly got near him and shaked him.

"Hey, what is happening to you?"

He was then threw her hand. She then touched him and he grabbed her, he kissed her and she pushed him

"What are you doing?

He got up and started walking away from her slowly. He then reached near a tree and she quickly attacked in his neck. He then became unconscious.

Next day.

Kael woke up and noticed that he was roped.

"So, it's morning time for you?"

It was already a day time. He shaked his head, as he was having looking straight at her.

"You are really annoying me. You don't even talk that much and your annoying habits are making me want to kill you."

"What are you talking? I can't understand you."


He is talking in imperial language?

"You are talking in a language that I can't even understand."

"You couldn't understand what I was talking from yesterday ?"


"So, I was talking like a idiot." She whispered. Ahem! "Who are you? You were there when I fought against that monster."

"I don't know?"

"What are you saying?"

"I don't remember anything thing. What I can remember is that I was roped and I was standing in front of you."

"Then why didn't you say something yesterday."

"I did said "Who I am?" but you were talking that I couldn't even understand."

"Tsk. What is happening?"

"How could I know? I don't remember anything."

"I am not talking to you!"

She was walking around and thinking.

What should I do? I can't even take him with me to my village. Outsiders are not even allowed in. It's because of that monster, I shouldn't have taken that request to kill that monster. Shit, it is so annoying.

Roar! A monster roars in load voice.

"What was that?"

A monster side falls down and it broke few trees in front of them.

"What is it doing it here?"

It was a big monster, it was a bear look like monster. It was big and strong, it was killed.

"Don't tell me!"

Another bear gets in front of that dead monster and it was wounded. It was covered with blood.

"Fuck" she suddenly ran and grabbed Kael and ran off. She was carrying Kael on her shoulder and they ran off.

The monster Roared much Loudly.

"Shit. shit. Looks like it was a new king."

That monster came charging a head and it was ripping apart the trees that was getting on its way. It was chasing them.

They ran off and she got on the left and ran straight. She again got on the right and ran straight. She changed her ways few times and they reached at the end of the forest.

"End Is coming. We will be safe."

As they were getting near the end, white flash was coming from end of the forest and it was kind of blinding them. They were inside the forest and it was dark because of the trees. And suddenly huge light was coming from the end of the forest and it was making them kind of blind.

They reached the end and they passed through. As they passed the end, they suddenly fell from a cliff.

"What the FUCK!"

As they were falling down, Kael cuts off the rob and he grabbed her. He then used the sword on the wall and slows the fall. And they stopped fall down.

"Ha. Ha. That was scary."

The monster stopped and few rocks fell from the top as it stopped.

It roared and it got inside the forest.

Kael was grabbing her on her clothes and he said "I don't think I can catch you anymore."

"Wait." She swings her body and she jumped on a rock.

"Hey jump here."

He tried to swing his body and jump but he was not able to jump.

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"I will fall from here."

Then jump in that rock.

"Alright" he made his sword out of the rock and he fell straight on the rock.

"I got it"

The rock started to shake. "What is happening now?"

The woman then jumped on another rocks and she started getting down.

The rock in which Kael was standing fell down and he jumped on another rock.

And he started doing as she was doing. Rock fell down on the ground and both of them got on the ground.

The woman the got near a tree and sat down.

"What is happening to me?"

Kael then got near her and sat little bit far from her.

"I am getting bad luck after I met you."


"What are you apologizing for?"

"You said you are having bad luck after you met me."

"Tsk, it's ok. I don't have to blame you. It's my fate that I am blaming."

"Hmm Alright. What was that monster?"

"It was a monster known for hunting monsters and animals. Those are smaller then it was."

"Why was it big then?"

"Well it may be a king Kaiz."

"A king?"

"Yeah, typically they move separately but they have a group. They have separate areas and they hunt and spend their lives around it and will not typically get near others except in their mating season. But that dead one must be a previous king."

"Previous king?"

"Yeah, they have a king for one area and others will try to be king."

"So, king is in different size?"

"Yeah, I kind of. Those Kaiz sometimes get big and stronger then others. And they becomes the King of their Area."

"Looks like I have to learn so many things."

"Yeah" she got up and said "let's go we have to get going. We have to make sure that we will have a safe place for tonight."


They got up and started walking deep inside the forest . They walked for many hours and they stopped for a few times to drink and eat the foods they were storing.

They stopped in front of a tree. "I think we should stop here."

"What are we doing for now?"

"We will hunt for the food. We have water to drink but we need food."

She then collected some dryed woods and she made a campfire.

"We will start hunting. Are you ready?"


Scene shifts and Kael was looking at a group of deers. He was looking at them while hiding on the grass and he slowly started walking towards them. As he was walking towards them, he steps on a branch.

Deers noticed and they looked towards him. They were chewing grass and he was looking at them. He kind of made eye contact and he was looking at a deer.

He then suddenly ran towards one deer. The group then started running away from him.

He was chasing one deer and he chased it for a while.

After a while, both of them reached a place and an arrow was to the deer.

The deer than fell on the ground.

Kael then stopped running and looked towards the woman.

She was on top of the tree and she said "Good Job, bringing that Deer here."