

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Synchro Magic

"Thanks for the food!" I yell as I run out the front doors.

After I had grabbed my food, put it in my bag, and then slung it over my I shoulder, I ran out the door with only 14 minutes left! As I am running I pull up my system.

"System, how do I use skills?" I ask.

"Skills are used by thinking of the effect you want to happen and charging your energy into making it happen." The system lady responds...I got to come up with a name for the system.

I started thinking about being faster and using swiftness as I ran...nothing changed.

"System how do I channel energy?" I ask, slightly embarrassed.

"Focus a point and flow of effort."

I tried what the system said, and before I knew it, I started picking up speed! 

"Skill activated: Swiftness." The System informs me.

I start looking at my feet to see where I am stepping when I slam into a tree.

"It might take me a bit to get used to this..." I groan to myself as I get up.

I get back up and go again. After about 10 minutes and hitting a dozen trees, I see the school. As I go around the corner, I spot someone standing there and barely manage to jump over them, landing on my back.

"Oof," I say, as the wind gets knocked out of me.

"Well if it isn't Adrian Von Silver" A voice speaks while standing above me.

I open my eyes trying to catch my breath and see someone familiar.

I groan and stand up, dusting myself off. "Scarlet..." I sigh "It's a pleasure to see you."

I mentally give myself a high five for the smooth recovery and remembering her name. Scarlet Wolf. In the game, she was engaged to Adrian by the third year of High School. Not sure why, but depending on the path you chose it didn't work out for them since the main character took her if they chose to go down that path. Which, when I played, I did. I look over to Scarlet. Bright white hair, with bright red eyes. Something only her family owns from what I saw in the game. It surprises me but back in my world, she wasn't that popular among players...probably because she was a 'secret' route.

"Right, well I never thought I'd see the day you mess up at something." She chuckles a bit. "That is a pleasure"

Guess my 'smooth recovery' wasn't as smooth as I thought.

"Hey, that's not necessary." I pretend to be upset. 

"Sorry, sorry. I just meant it was refreshing. Also, what's with you? No insults back?" She raises an eyebrow, "Nothing?"

I stare at her for a moment. Now that I think about it, I don't really know how Adrian and Scarlet interacted with each other. He was a jerk to everyone and was very limiting to Scarlet in the game, guess he would throw out insults her way often?

"And risk offending the perfect Miss Scarlet Wolf?" I say taking a slight bow. I give her a wink to let her know I was messing with her.

She laughs a bit. "I must ask, when did you get a sense of humor that was actually funny?" She asks chuckling a bit.

Ouch, sorry Adrian. "Who knows? Must've just woken on the right-side of the bed!" I smile.

Right after I finished my sentence, there was a loud grumble from my stomach.

"Well you should do that more often!" She exclaims, laughing.

"I'll try" I chuckle, feeling some heat on my face. "Anyways, where do we go from here again?"

"You don't remember?" She gives me a disappointed look. "That's the Adrian I know. Doesn't listen to what anybody says" She sighs.

She then gestures for me to follow her and starts walking away. I follow after her and walk beside her. I pull out some toast the Butler gave me before I left and start eating.

"Didn't eat enough this morning?" She teases

"Guess not..." I say nervously chuckling.

After a little bit of walking we reach a giant building in the shape of a dome. We go inside and see someone just finish walking up to the podium on the stage below. We quickly find some empty seats in the back.

"Welcome Freshmen of Soul Link Academy!" The lady announces "My name is Headmistress Amelia. I'm sure you are all excited for the Basic Synchro but first there are some things we must cover."

For the next hour or so, she continues to give details regarding to how things work in the Academy. 

"As well as that, you will all have access to what we call dungeons here at this academy."

'Dungeons!' I think to myself. If I remember correctly Dungeons were separated depending on your weapon, if you wanted to upgrade and improve certain skills there were specific dungeons. There was one dungeon that was for anyone and everyone but it was a very tough dungeon. You need to form a party of 5 to do anything with it.

"Keep in mind there are some dungeons that won't be so useful for you, but if you wish to help a friend, you may do that." She remarks "There is one other kind of dungeon that has something for everyone but it is not an easy dungeon. You must have a full party to enter, which means 5 people in your party."

Headmistress Amelia gives a slow scan across the crowd. "If you wish to enter any less you must have completed your respective dungeon fully." She gives a stern look at everyone, then softens a bit. "Out of everyone who has ever attended this school, only 5 have ever managed to do it and they went on to become legends. So don't have your hopes up too high."

The headmistress continued to give things about rules, like absents and such. I look around the room and notice that despite the topic, everyone was on the edge of their seats. Seems everyone must be really excited for Basic Synchro, I wonder if she notices that.

After a bit of a pause, which I assume was for 'suspense', she continues. "Now for what you all have been waiting for. Basic Synchro!"

The whole crowd goes into a slight uproar just at the name!

"We have 50 rooms, where we will preform the spell for one person at a time. Starting at the bottom and work our way up." She smiles, satisfied at everyone's reaction. "When you go in, you will be greeted by a teacher who will explain everything you need to do. Do as you are told, that is, if you want things to go successfully. What you get will be related to your soul regardless of what you have been training for!" She starts speaking up, even she seems to be getting excited about this.

She claps her hands together and you can almost hear an audible gulp from everyone.

"Remember, what you get is yours forever. There is no exchanging. It is impossible, but I won't stop you from trying." She shrugs.

She then raises her arms and all the 50 teachers behind her stand up and open the curtains to reveal a hallway with many rooms down it. Each teacher goes into their respective room to wait.

"This group gets to go first, come and participate in one of the most life changing events in your life!" She exclaims pointing at the group in front of her.

The Audience is split into three parts. The left side, Center, and Right side. Each has 30 rows with 50 chairs each row...this might take a while. 15 rows are filled up and we are in the back!

"This is so exciting isn't it?" Scarlet says turning over to me, eyes almost sparkling.

"Yeah, it is. I'm interested in seeing what yours is" I smile.

I try to think of what hers was in the past but I can't seem to remember. I never got to have her in my party in the game. Apparently she was always gone somewhere else, so I could never find her in the game to invite her for that part. So I just focused on the dating aspect with her.

"You and me both! Though I also want to see what yours is." She starts watching as people go in and come out.

"Hm, you and me both" I mutter to myself.

After some time, more and more people had gone until finally she pointed to us.

"Your next!" She exclaims.

With a nervous smile on my face, I stand up and start making my way over. Scarlet and I end up walking all the way down the hallway which felt like it took forever. We then stop on opposite doors.

"Good luck" Scarlet says to me.

I nod, "Same to you."

I then knock on the door.

"Come in." A teachers voice on the other side speaks.