

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Slime King

After a while of moving boxes and moving everything in, I finally was standing in my own dorm! I've never done this before, so it is kind of exciting! I looked around the room, the floors were made of nice wood material, the walls had a nice white color to them, and this room was pretty much like a hotel suite! I continued to look around and noticed it came with a bed, a dresser, and a desk. Then there are a couple of boxes stacked in the corner from me. I look out my window which has a great view of the dungeons...nothing else. 'I guess I can only focus on my goals then!' I laugh to myself. If this world is going to become my new home, I would rather extend my life and enjoy it to the fullest!

I notice that the sun is only just starting to rise. I look over at my analog clock on the wall. Still got a lot of time I see. I smile. Then I can go to the dungeon! Today marks day one of the challenge, so I am going to have to work hard if I want to go to floor 15. I would like to keep what I am doing low profile but I don't have anything to hide my identity with. Maybe I can find something later, I sigh. I grab my bag and pack it with a bunch of food that I brought with me. This way I can use swiftness without too much worry about its drawbacks. I then leave my dorm and make my way to the dungeon.

I reach the entrance of the cave to the dungeon, its dark abyss towering over me. I smile excitedly. I proceed to walk in and open the gate inside. The familiar rumble opens and then closes as I enter into the dungeon. I activate detection and swiftness and start running around towards the boss's room. As I run I detect a slime close by, so I get ready and activate Swordsman and then cut the slime as it jumps at me. I will need to cut down some monsters along the way, that way I can level up my skills. I continue like this for a bit, killing slimes here and there. Finally, I made it to the boss's room. I sit in that in-between room. The chest is still there. I go and open it and it is still empty. Guess someone else got to it so it hasn't reset yet. Though it would only provide food for me at this point, the skill only comes into play once per person. 

I look around the room again. Stone walls, just like out of the in-between room but unlike those, in here they are smooth. Not like a cave. I take out some food and start eating. After fueling up, I walk over to the stone door of the slime with a crown depicted on it. I touch the door and as soon as I do, it all starts to glow gold. I take a deep breath and open the door. As it rumbles open, I walk inside. Torches start lighting up two by two, one on each side of the room. The torches burn with a bright gold color. The door then rumbles closed behind me. Guess there is no going back huh?

'Warning: Boss - Slime King, has been awakened' the System warns

Resolving myself and readying for a fight I take a fighting stance. I keep Detection, Swiftness, and Swordsman active as I brace myself. Through detection, I feel the presence of something from below me. I quickly jump as high as I can, just barely dodging slime coming from below me. Slime tentacles then shoot at me while I am still in the air. I slash down on one of the tentacles, allowing me some movement. I then use the momentum to spin in a circle and cut the tentacles surrounding me. I then managed to land. Surprised and proud of what I just did I let out a little cheer. As soon as I do that, I feel a sharp pain in my chest as another tentacle hits me dead on, launching me. I land on the floor and slide a bit.

"Ouch," I mumble to myself.

I then look up as all the tentacles start to swarm and weave together slowly forming a giant blob. I then notice a giant crown slowly form inside the slime, then go up on top of its head. Ah, great. This won't be fun. I then prepare myself for another round. Everything goes dead quiet for a moment, neither of us moving. I then use swiftness and start running at the Slime King. At the same time, the boss sent tentacles flying right at me. I dodge left and right as I run at him, trying not to get hit by the tentacles. I managed to get close and get a slash in. The Slime King then let out a roar and sent spikes out of its body. I jump back but end up tripping and falling backward. As I was falling, it felt like time was slowed down as a slime spike flew right above me, just barely missing.

When I landed, I ended up staring at the ceiling and noticed a slime tentacle swinging down toward me. I roll out of the way, just barely dodging it, when I notice more coming. I keep rolling on the floor. As I am rolling I start to panic. I don't know how to fight! I am just trying to copy what I saw on TV! I finally managed to get back up and start charging again. The fight continues like this for a while going back a forth. Now and then I had to stop swinging and just dodge as I tried to get food out of my bag. I managed to slash him a couple of times, and he hit me with a few tentacles. This was getting out of hand!

Finally, after a while, we both seemed exhausted. Somehow even the Slime King was starting to slow down but so was I! Judging by our states, it is whoever gets the next hit wins. There is no way I am dying to a slime! I then brace myself. I am going to have to use Flash Strike! I then use swiftness and detection to get myself close and personal with the slime.

"Flash Strike!" I yell activating the skill. I suddenly feel a surge of powerful electricity flow through me. I crouch low, dodging a tentacle swing. I then slide, slowing myself down, and take a giant swing diagonally swinging from the bottom up. As I swung I noticed my swing had purple electricity flowing over my body and covering my sword. My sword became a purple blur as I swung and a trail of purple electricity was left. The next thing I knew the slime was cut in half and I was falling to the ground.

'Congratulations. Slime King has been defeated.' The system announces as I hit the floor, passing out.


I later woke up with a headache. "Ugh, what happened?" I ask. Suddenly I remembered my fight with the Slime King and looked around. I take a deep sigh upon realizing that it's gone. I then noticed, that not far from me, was a piece of paper and two crystals on the floor. I then slowly get up, aching everywhere, and pick them up. Both crystals were teleport crystals! I can get back to the top, and then get back to this point. I then look at the paper.

"Congratulations, you have defeated your first boss! Use [Boss Skill] to unlock a random skill from the boss you have defeated."

Oh? Never heard of that one before. I then use the paper.

"Skill Acquired: Slime Tentacles Level 0" The system announces

Slime Tentacles? Not the spike ability or any of the others. I laugh to myself. This is a weird ability that will be interesting. I look at the skill and it seems it can only be summoned from where I am standing, not too bad at least. I then look at my other skills.

"Skills -

Swiftness Level 5 [Max Level, skill evolution is required for further progression]

Swordsman level 3

Dagger Master level 0

Detection level 3

Flash Strike Level 1

Slime Tentacles Level 0"

Not too bad! Swiftness is maxed huh? After thinking that, my stomach growled troublingly loud. I quickly grabbed my backpack and pulled out all the food I had left. I then eat all of it faster than lighting. After finishing, I turn back to my system screen. Wait there is an evolution skill? I do remember hearing something about the before but I don't know how to get it. 'Hey system, how do I get evolution?'

"Evolution is a skill rare and mostly unknown. Tip: Search the library" The systems informs.

After a bit of looking around, I realized I don't know how long I have been out! Has school started already? I quickly use the crystal to teleport outside of the dungeon. Once outside I run and make my way to class.