

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

One Step to Another

I walk outside of the Dungeon entrance to see the sun just barely starting to rise.

"Guess I am not getting any sleep tonight." I sigh. "Hopefully he is at his desk."

I make my way over to the school building. I walk in, the doors creak echoing throughout. 'It's kind of weird walking around here while no one else is here.' I thought. After a little while I reach the teacher's lounge room door. 'Lights are on, good.'

I open the door and knock as I go in.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I ask.

I looked around the room to see Mr. Fang snoring leaning back in his chair. If he had not put me through this horrible challenge, maybe I would consider letting him sleep for a bit but not anymore. I walk up to his desk and grab the Katana, slamming it on the table and jolting him awake.

"Huh? Wha-?!" Mr. Fang stutters as he comes to. "Adrian?"

His eyes drift from my smug look to the Katana on his table.

"You actually did it?" He said surprised.

'Did you set me up with a challenge you didn't think I could complete?' I thought with annoyance. I then grab the paper and put it on his table. "A deal's a deal, sign the paper."

Mr. Fang sighs and writes his name on the paper. "Yeah, yeah."

After finishing signing, he gave me a satisfied smile. "You have exceeded my expectations. I now expect much from you kid." Mr. Fang said proudly.

"Well, I still have to get one other person but trust me, things will be getting busy." I smiled at him as I picked up the paper and left.

Now I just need Kara's signature. I will probably need to go to the nurse's office later. 'What does she do that lands her there so often?' I wondered as I made my way back to my dorm.


I sit on my bed and lean against the wall. I then hold up the mask piece and look at it. What is this thing? It turned armor into more breathable clothes without lowering durability. At least I can hide it under clothes with it's skill. 'I wonder what Mr. Fang would've thought if I walked in if assassin like clothing!' I laugh to myself. 'Hey system what is this mask?' I ask.

"Not much is known about it. Maybe you can find something else where?" The system offers.

Seriously? Do I need to gather information before the system can know more? Whatever it may be, for now I should get ready and take a shower. I look out the window, the sun almost fully out.

After taking my shower I make my way to class and sit down. After a little bit, Scarlet walks in and takes a seat next to me. I glance over to her and see that she seemed to be focused on something. I will let her be for the time being.

"Hey Adrian." A voice spoke to me.

I look up to see the girl from yesterday smiling at me. 'What was her name again...?"

"Hey Mary, what's up?" I smile back.

Mary looks at me with a hint of surprise. She seemed to be caught off guard by something. After a only a second, she regains composure.

"You remember my name! How nice of you. I was wondering if I could sit with you guys today?" She asks.

"I don't mind." I shrug and look over to Scarlet. "Any objections from you?"

"Hm? No, I don't mind." Scarlet said, obviously distracted by something.

I don't think she knows what she even agreed to.

"Yay! Thanks." Mary cheers as she sets her stuff down.

I suddenly feel someone watching me with malice. I quickly look around to room, to see that everyone else was enjoying their own conversation. 'Was that just my imagination?' I thought. Maybe I am just feeling uneasy from Adrian's original ending and just stressing over nothing. Not long after, Mr. Myth came walking in and class started once more. After a couple of classes, the teacher told us it was time for break. I quickly stand up and leave the room. As I got up, I noticed both Scarlet and Mary looked up at me about to say something. Sorry you two.

I walk down the halls and make my way to the nurse's office.

"Hello?" I ask, peeking my head into the room.

"Adrian?" Nurse Remi asks. "Did you seriously get injured again?"

"N-no ma'am!" I respond quickly. "I wanted to see if Kara was here."

"Oh. She isn't here yet." Nurse Remi responds.

'Yet...?' I think to myself. "Is she on her way?" I ask.

"No idea, just knowing her, she will be here at some point today." She sighs.

"Right, well sorry to bother you!" I said as I slipped away.

Well if she wasn't there, I don't really know where to find her. I ended up getting lost in my thoughts, and found myself near the main area. Upon realizing this I was about to turn around and head back to class when I heard someone start talking.

"What do you guys want?" A familiar girls voice spoke.

I look over the banister to the main lobby and see Kara faced with 3 guys. The guy in front being Henry.

"We saw you walking around like you own the place, just thought we would be kind and let you know your place." He smiles.

"Like I own the place?" She asks obviously pretending to be confused before smiling. "I see, well thank you for your concern. Now if you'll excuse me."

Kara tried to walk past them when they stepped in her way and pushed her back, causing her to fall. I notice some students starting to gather but they are just watching like this is normal. I start making my own way down there.

"Uh uh uh" Henry smiled. "You can't just get away that easy."

"What do you want?" She asks standing herself back up.

"First, Drop the attitude or we will make you." He said threateningly. "Second, I think you owe us a much more heartfelt thank you."

"What?" She asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Get on your knees and say 'Oh thank you gracious Henry, I will do anything to make up for your kindness'" He demands with a smirk.

"Yeah right, I am not going to worship you." She remarks with a harsh stare back.

"Then you leave me no choice." He said as he shrugged and walked towards her. "Just remember, you brought this onto yourself!"

Henry then throws a punch towards Kara. Before it hits her, I stand in front of him and grab his hand.

"Hey now, there is no need for violence." I smile as I let go of his hand.

"What are you doing Adrian?" He asked getting furious with my interruption. "Are you seriously protecting someone as lowly as her?"

"'As lowly as her...?'" I asked as I look back at Kara. As a joke I then pretend to try to look for someone behind her. "I don't see who you are talking about. I am helping out Kara here, who are you talking about that's 'lowly'" I asked in a slightly mocking manner.

"Oh, you want to play games?" He smiled maliciously. "You sure you want to fight the best?"

"Of course not! That's why I wouldn't try to fight someone like Kara." I smile. "You on the other hand? Meh."

I then shrug my shoulders to show my indifference.

"Why you...!" Henry said as his face turned a little red from anger. "I will make you pay for that."

"Are you sure you want to do that here?" I asked gesturing to the crowd. "A fight wouldn't go unnoticed."

Henry then stops and looks around at the growing crowd. "Tch." He then clicks his tongue and walks away, his posse following behind.

"Nothing to see here folks. Go back to your life's." I announced to the crowd.

Slowly people started going about their business again. I sigh, knowing I just made some enemies. Guess a quiet life among other people is now out of the option.

"Why did you help me?" Kara asked snaping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I give her a puzzled look.

"I doubt you fighting another noble will look good for your family name." She said almost with disdain.

"My family name?" I scoff. "Yeah, don't care."

"Huh?" Now it was Kara's turn to be confused.

"My family's achievement's is theirs not mine. I don't really care about my families 'status'" I remark. "If a friend needs help, I am going to help."

"Friend...?" Kara asks.

"Oh sorry, guess that was rude of me to just assume-" I said looking over to Kara, who had watery eyes. "Wha-?! Kara what happened?!"

I start to panic a little, I do not do well with girls crying!

Kara then starts to laugh and wipes the water from her eyes. "You're weird, you know that?" She asks. "Break is about to end, so I will see you later."

Kara then quickly walks away. Dang, guess I missed another chance to ask her to join my guild...but judging by her reaction, that might not have been the best time. I sigh and then make my own way back to class.