

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Dual Sync

I turn the warm door handle and open the door. As I look in I feel my jaw drop as I see white flowing carvings on the walls connecting to similar carvings on the floor. I feel as though I have just entered a whole new world. After a few seconds of looking around, I continued to walk in and close the door behind me.

"Alright, Adrian correct?" The Teacher said looking at me

"Yes, sir." I nod slightly

"Great, come and stand in the inner small circle." He gestures to the middle

I look at where he gestures and see a small circle big enough to fit one person in it. On the outer circle are white flowing carvings of different weapons like bows, swords, daggers, Axes, and staffs. I walk to the center and stand in the circle. I look over to the teacher who gives a small nod and smiles.

"Ready Adrian?" He asks

I nod in response. He then begins casting a spell. As he does so, all of the white carvings start to glow and become very bright. It wasn't enough to blind me but enough to make me squint for a moment. After a little of the spell, I hear the system ping.

"Basic Synchro ritual has been activated. Calibrating soul."

10% complete

30% complete

50% complete

As the percentage goes up, the colors start to change to a more silver color...wait, isn't it supposed to be green for the bow? That's what Adrian bragged about in the game. Curious, I continued to watch as the colors changed.

70% complete

90% complete

"Warning, Hidden System requirement met. Activating System Bonus." The System starts speaking again

What...? Hidden System requirement? That wasn't in the game!

50% complete

It went down?! I nearly step back for a second out of shock. Then I started to notice the colors change from silver to a subtle mix of silver with dark purple. I look at the teacher who has closed his eyes. He seems to be straining himself.

90% complete

As soon as I see that the ground starts to shake. That's not right! I looked up as I heard some kind of carving noise like something was being forced open. When I do, I see the silverly dark purple start carving into a section of the wall.

100% complete

A bright light then flashes blinding me. When it finally fades, I look over to see the teacher on his knees exhausted. He was breathing kind of heavily. I snap my attention back to the wall and see that it carved what resembles a dragon head, the eyes still glowing a faint purple and silver before the color completely leaves. 

"Congratulations! Intermediate Synchro has been completed." The system chimes. "Soul weapons acquired: 2

Katana - Sword Class

DaggersRouge Class"

Wait what? 2 Soul Weapons?! I have never heard of that even on thread pages for the game! I also don't remember ever hearing about anyone getting a rouge-class weapon except for the main character. Not to mention, Adrian got a bow. How did I end up with a Katana and Daggers? I mean, these do fit my style more but...

"Soul Weapons link to the user's soul, not their body." The system chimes into my thoughts.

'Ah. Thanks System.' I think to myself a little sarcastically. I then turn my attention to the teacher who is slowly getting back up. I quickly ran over and helped him get back on his feet.

"Well, I have never experienced that before." He says in between breaths. 

"You and me both!" I force a smile.

"Right. Now please show me your Soul Weapon, so that I can record it..." He says straightening himself out and pulling out a clipboard.

I nervously nod. 'System, how do I use Soul Weapons?' I ask in my head.

"You use them by channeling your soul and forming its energies into the weapon. For your case whichever one you want to bring out. The best practice for beginners is doing some form of meditation." The System responds in my head. Still a weird feeling.

I then close my eyes. As I close my eyes and try to focus I see a faint white line. I manage to trace it until I come to a fork in my path. One path is silver and the other side is Purple. It is probably a good idea to only show one. I should go with silver as my public one. I follow the Silver path with some difficulty. After a bit, I managed to reach a giant silver ball. I then feel a slight warm feeling shoot through my body. I open my eyes to see a Katana manifest into my hands. When it appears the edge of the blade becomes silver while the top half is black.

"A Katana huh? A rare weapon of the Sword Class, I see" The teacher says as he writes on the clipboard.

Seriously? Like I need something else to make me stand out even more! I continue to examine the Katana and see that the handle is black with silver crystal-like designs on it. The teacher then looks over to me a gives me a nod.

"One last thing. Did anything else happen to you during the ritual?" He watches me carefully.

"Nope, just this cool Katana!" I force a smile and lift the Katana to try and distract him.

"I see. Very well, that is all for today." He steps out of the way and gestures to the door.

I nodded as my way of saying thanks and managed to release my Katana allowing it to disappear into silver particles. I then walk out the door. I step outside and close the door behind me. After closing it I take a deep breath and sigh. That was a little concerning and close!

"What's wrong? Didn't get the weapon you were waiting for?" A voice speaks

I jumped a little not realizing that someone was watching me. I look up to see Scarlet smiling cheerfully at me.

"No, nothing like that. It was just an intense experience, you know?" I say with a smile on my face.

"I see. Well, now that it is over...can you show me what you got?!" She gets very close to my face, obviously very excited.

I smile. "Only if you show me what you got in return."

She nods to my proposition. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby.

"How about we go somewhere else first?" I suggest

"Why? Is it embarrassing?" She asks

"No, but I don't want attention on me." I say nervously laughing.

Her jaw then drops. "What? You don't want attention?"

I say nothing to her teasing as I just laugh it off and grab her hand. I start to drag her out of the Hallway. I look around and find a secluded place behind the curtains on the stage. I drag her over there and then let go of her hand. I turn around to face her but she has her head turned.

"You alright?" I asked confused

"Ahem," She clears her throat "Yep. Just fine! Why don't you show me your soul weapon?" She suggests turning to me with a slight smile. Her face seemed a little red but it might be best not to push for now. I want to know what her weapon is as well.

I nod and follow the meditation stream again going down the silver path. I watch as my Katana materializes. I look up to Scarlet, showing off my sword. She seems almost as though she is lost in thought staring at my Katana.

"Well? What do you think?" I ask, trying to snap her back to reality.

"What? oh! It's awesome. I didn't expect you to get a Katana of all things." She quickly looks up to me and smiles.

"Let me guess, you thought I would get a bow huh?" I say sarcastically.

"How did you know?" She looks taken aback by that.

"Uh...I was just kidding." I tilt my head a little.

"Oh. Of course!" She laughs

"Well now that I have shown you mine, I want to see yours!" I smile as I put away my katana.

She looks more calm about showing me now, which is good. Her smile softens a bit, looking a little bit more natural.

"Right, you might find it pretty cool!" She says as a glow starts to form in her hands.

I watch as the glow turns into a Katana with a white handle and red blade. The top of the blade is black, and the handle has red diamonds in it. She flashes it a bit around showing off its lightness before letting it disappear.

"Pretty cool right?" She beams

"Yeah, looks like we match" I smile. "Well, shall we head off then?"

"Oh yeah! I believe we are supposed to be heading to our first classroom." She says.

After making sure everything was in order, we made our way out of the building.