

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Dagger Dungeon

I examine my daggers. They are a little curved with what seems to be a dragon head etched onto the blades. The handle is average length, with just a purple diamond pattern. Satisfied with what I see, I look around at the dungeon. I start to hear clanking walking around. I used my hunt detection to figure out what was happening. There seems to be a humanoid creature in heavy armor walking around.

I start trying to walk quietly in the direction of the creature. Not long after I see it walking around, as I get closer trying to be quiet I notice it doesn't have any...flesh. It's a skeleton. I mentally facepalm, since my last encounter with skeletons, I am not the biggest fan. Since I have daggers, maybe a stealth kill would be more fitting. I try to sneak up behind. Suddenly I hear a loud crunch under my feet. I look down to see I stepped on a random bone!

The skeleton soldier turns around and faces me. Red beady eyes staring me down. After what felt like forever of a stare-down, the skeleton soldier then starts to charge at me. I quickly use blink and swing aiming for his neck. Instead, I hit his armor. I immediately back up. Guess I am really not used to daggers and how to use them. I then prepare for my next strike. I take a deep breath as we circle each other waiting for the other to attack. 'Am I being a little too cautious?' I wondered.

The skeleton soldier then charged at me once more. This time I used blink to close the distance and kicked one of its legs off balance. Using momentum I step onto its knee and kick it in the chin, causing it to fly backward. I attempted to land on my feet but spun a little too much and landed on my stomach.

"Oof!" I exclaim as I hit the floor. "I gotta work on my landing," I said out of breath, with the wind almost completely knocked out of me.

I slowly get up and notice the skeleton soldier doing the same. Once again it starts charging at me. I then step to the side allowing me to dodge it. This time, I waited till I was behind them and then slashed at its neck, killing it. I stretched a little as my wind came back. I looked down and found a shard on the floor.

"Congratulations! You have gained a [Legendary] Dagger shard!" The system chimes.

"There is one for daggers? I don't remember these in the game..." I ponder to myself.

I continued to go through the first floor, killing every skeleton soldier on the floor. I used slime tentacles to keep some in place, which made things a little easier. I started to get the hang of it a little.

After a while of going through the dungeon, I finally found the boss room. Alright, I should check my skill levels before going in.

"Skills -

Blink Level 5 [Max level, Evolution Locked] [Evolutions 2/3]

Sword Master level 5 [Max Level] [Evolutions 1/1]

Dagger Master level 1 [Evolutions 0/1]

Hunter level 5 [Max Level] [Evolutions 1/1]

Flash Strike Level 2 [Evolutions 0/1]

Slime Tentacles Level 4 [Evolutions 0/1]

New Healing Constant [Advance] Level 4 [Evolutions 2/3]"

Innate abilities:


Wait a second, 'Evolution Locked?'. "System, why is Blink's skill evolution locked?" I asked out loud.

"Skill Blink's evolution does not have all the requirements met." The system informs me.

"What requirements are left?" I asked.

"Unknown." The system says.

"That's all...Unknown? No hints or ideas?" I complain.

"There is one idea: It is related to the mask half you found." The system offers.

"Great..." I mumble to myself. I pull up the hint I got for the mask. 

"S#^d*! %n@ Mask: Bottom half acquired by 'Warrior's Spirit' [Fighting even when unconscious.] Top Half acquire requirements - Hidden"

I sigh. I can't really use this information. I looked all over the library but haven't seen anything else that could help. I will just have to see if I can figure it out another time. After some stretching, I make my way to the boss's door and open it. It's a shame there was no chest with food or skills like there was with the first one in the Katana.

After walking in, the familiar sound of rumbling hits my ears as the doors close behind me. Normal-colored torches then light up, two by two on each side of the room. Until it reached a figure standing at the end of the hallway.

"Warning: Skeleton Knight has been awoken." The system warns me.

I get into a fighting stance, prepared to fight. The Knight pulls out his sword. It was a pretty big sword with silver and gold colors. It then holds the sword towards me as if saying 'I am coming for you'

The Skeleton Knight then starts charging at me. I likewise ran towards it. The Knight then swung down his sword from above, to which I used slime tentacles to hold his arms. I went in for a strike but had to pull back and dodge out of the way. Just barely managing to dodge his sword coming down. It seems my slimes can only hold him for a moment. They aren't strong enough yet, but I can work with that. We again charge at each other, I try to block his downward hit with my daggers. Using both daggers as an X I managed to stop his strike, though it sent me to my knee creating a small indent into the floor. I quickly summon tentacles and hit the knight in the stomach launching it backward.

I followed through by using Blink to chase after the knight. Before it hit the floor, I managed to jump onto its stomach and slash down onto its armor. With that not working we hit the floor and slid for a bit. Before I could react the Knight kicked me in the stomach, launching me backwards. I groaned when I hit the floor and looked up to see a sword coming down towards me. I roll to the side just barely dodging it.

With daggers, I need to be a lot more careful and specific when I am aiming. I then start using Blink to get around it and slash the Knight at different points. Eventually, it got mad and did something like a roar. It started to slash more sporadically, no longer showing as much technique as before. I take the opportunity to start using slime tentacles to knock it around while I would slash. I used the tentacles to start hitting its hands, making it miss me so I could get free hits in.

After a while, I finally found an opportunity for a good strike. I then used slime tentacles to grab its arm and the other to force its head up. Not having to worry about its strike and its neck being exposed I went in and used blink to rapidly strike on the neck. After I went passed him, I took a deep breath as I heard a loud bang behind me.

"Congratulations! You have defeated the Skeleton Knight!" The system cheers. "Skill available - Heavy strike. Take it or wait for another opportunity? [Warning: Can only be used once]"

Wait, skill available? I can hold off on it huh? Will I get another chance for the same skill?

"No." The system responded simply.

I think about it for a moment. I will pass on this skill...

"Skill has been passed. Waiting has been used." The system tells me.

I hope I don't regret doing that, I said slightly regretting it. Though a heavy strike wouldn't really work into what I try to do, so hopefully something better and not worse comes up for next time. I then turned around and went and grabbed the two crystals on the floor. I only wanted to see what would happen in this dungeon, I will have to come back another time but for now, I want some rest.

I use the crystal to get me out of the Dungeon. When outside I look around for anybody around. When I see no one, I get around a tree and hide the mask and cloak. Those are rather convenient abilities! After making sure everything was ready, I then made my way back to my dorm. I think back on how this day went...I might have to keep a close eye on Henry and watch over Kara more. Henry threatened to do that to her after all...I sigh. I wonder what punishment they will give Henry. Hopefully something that will keep him away from people, he is rather unstable...

This is going to be tiresome huh? I continue the rest of my walk peacefully as I get back to my dorm, get ready for bed, and then fall asleep with only a few things on my mind.