
Eons Away

I might as well introduce myself. Im Olwin. Just a normal person. I'm into science, or more specifically the study of nature, what's around us really. The past is also a interesting thing I like to study. Unfortunately because of my research I've been placed on multiple government watch lists, and am a extremely wanted criminal around the world.

Your probably wondering what I found so I might as well cut to the chase and tell you. Things never added up in the world to me even as a kid. Everything just seemed so perfect. The world, the solar system, the sun, the galaxy, even the universe, they're all just so oddly perfectly placed. At first this led me to the belief of some God (which i suppose is right we'll have to get into that later though). However, a God would imply a conscious being, but I could never reach out to these beings for any sort of guidance. And so I thought well, then maybe there's a neutral God who just watches from the distance. The curiosity of such a powerful entity being around us really got the better of me. I started looking deeper, and deeper into what's around us, but no scientific or empirical sort of study would provide any result, and so I gave up. Out of pure pity for my self I left society and went out to live with nature as odd as it is. That is where I found my true evidence. I suppose I reached a sort of nirvana, enlightenment. I came to a understanding of all the organisms and objects around me, which gave me the information I thought I needed.

There is a God by the name of Heinshtaffel. He created our universe, and of course perfectly lined it up so that the cycle of life could occur independently from his actions. He created strings, as I like to call them, to hold together all of existence and create the laws of reality. Even concepts themselves, he really created all planes and ideas to give us life. This God, Heinshtaffel, is located in a society in a completely different transcendental realm beyond any of our reasoning, located with a set of his own species and society. The only way to reach this society is to find the strings and destroy them. This would destroy reality in theory but if I were to find a loop hole to survive the destruction I would hypothetically be able to reach this realm of God's.

However, Heinshtaffel didn't seem to like that idea, and the reality he created he manipulated to turn the minds of society against me, now they all think I'm a murdering cannibal on the loose.

The few strings I have uncovered I will share with you I suppose. There's 2 I have found, the red and blue strings. As the colors suggest they are polar opposites. The red one is fate, what is to come and the future of our reality. The blue one is origin, what has happened previously and the beginning of all things in reality.

There are switches of reality as I like to call them. Of course, both the switches and strings are abstract non physical entities that are unreachable to normal people, which is why nobody else has uncovered them. Switches are what are used to control these strings, I would suppose they're Heinshtaffel's personal tools to control the reality he created. As you can guess I have these switches under my control, which allows me to manipulate the red and blue strings.

I suppose i should get into the meaning of reality since I've thrown the term around a lot. There are 2 layers of existence. The first being the physical layer where all physical things reside, such as space and time, humans, the universe, dimensions, etc. Then there is the mental layer, which consists of all ideas or non physical concepts. Anything that can be defined as non physical or physical resides in one of these layers. These layers are what makes up reality.

To be fair, I call the "switch" a switch but its more like a controller of sorts. There's a bunch of different buttons and a weird joystick like thing in the middle. Pressing any of the buttons would most likely result in a change of the laws of reality but I pressed a random one anyways, just to see what would happen. My vision black for a second, and then all I saw was dark outlines of figures.

The figures were massive, the size was beyond infinite or any comprehensive value, I could never imagine to hope to see the full size of these beings, their size made concepts themselves look like normal human beings in comparison.

"Absolutely massive... Where am I? Who are these people?" I muttered to myself. I heard a odd buzzing sound next to my shoulder and looked over to see a tiny human shaped figure on my shoulder. I let out a small yelp. "Who the hell are you?!" I asked.

"I'm tinker, your guide. The more important question is how did you get to the mental plane?" Tinker replied.

"Oh so this is the mental plane of existence... Where are the ideas?" I asked.

"Ideas are tiny to the people who live here dont you know that? Even you yourself are completely massive upon entering this realm, you make concepts look like physical plane dwellers." Tinker said. I looked around my surroundings and noticed I was fairly large.

"Oh I suppose so... So did pressing that button on the switch force me to teleport here?" I asked.

"You seem to know surprisingly little despite your rather large accomplishments... If something is needed to happen the remote or "switch" as you called it, will cause It to happen passively before any time or anything of the sort passes. The remote needed you to be here so it teleported you here I guess."Tinker said.

"Oh I see. Since this is the switch to the red string, it changed my future so that I would end up in the mental plane when I needed to be here" I replied in awe.

"Yes. As I explained if something is needed it will automatically happen... As for your goal of reaching Heinshtaffel, you will need to climb the staircase of reality, which is what I'm here to help you with" Tinker said annoyed.

"Staircase of reality, Are you referring to the layers of reality? There's only 2 of those..." I replied.

"You really are oblivious arent you. There's staircases between each layer and beyond them. So in total there's 3. There's steps on each staircase far stronger than the last, we need you to climb the staircase between the mental plane and reality, then the one between reality and the Gods plane" Tinker explained.

"How many stairs?" I asked.

"... Can you not even see the staircases? Are you inept or something?" Tinker said. "Whatever close your eyes for a second I'll give you transcendental vision." I closed my eyes and opened them again and my eyes noticed far more detail then before. Then i could see it, a staircase. If I were to describe how many stairs there were I would need to use complex terms. If you were to use an aleph of infinity then extend it to a aleph of aleph infinity ad infinitum I'm not sure it would be enough to describe the amount of stairs.

"theres this many stairs for each staircase?" I asked in awe.

"Yes" Tinker replied. "Now climb the first step." Tinker said.

I took one "step" but in reality it was more like forcing a shift on the state of my being to a new plane, it was hard to explain. Simply going up one step made me feel like the mental plane was simply a 0 dimensional entity, and I was beyond all dimensionality and even its concept or the underlying principle of it.

"Does the previous step feel this way to the next step?" I asked in awe.

"Yes that's how every step works." Tinker replied.

I was simply in complete awe and surprise at the new level of existence I had attained, however quite quickly the fatigue and exhaustion of such a endeavor. I quickly realized I would have to rest for at least a day before continuing climbing the staircase.

"Um... I can't climb up all these steps, even one step costs too much energy" I told Tinker

"I thought this is what would happen." Tinker let out a sigh. "Fine I'll grant you infinite stamina then" Tinker said. He then patted me on the shoulder and my fatigue was gone.

"I truly do have infinite stamina..." I said shocked.


1 month later


I climbed all the steps. It took a long time, but I did it.

One thing that I figured out while climbing the staircase was that you don't only acquire levels of existence and power when climbing the staircase. I also gained the ability to perceive 2 new strings, and have gained access to the switches for both. There's the black and white string. The black string represents laws. The white string represents the elements of nature. So I can manipulate laws and fire and such pretty cool and it also comes with the abilities of the other switches as well.

As I sat on top of the mental plane I noticed that one of the giants I had seen other was actually on my level. I had transcended them already, so I was surprised even one of them was here on this plane of existence. I walked up to him and tapped his leg as he was still pretty large to me.

"Hello?" I said.

"Are you kidding me..." Tinker said as he let out a sigh. The giant looked down and immediately swung down his arm and smacked me. I got knocked back and fell on the ground. He then started running towards me so I got up and quickly started running away.

"That's Cory. Are you stupid... He's far to physically powerful for you, and since you pissed him off now your going to have to find some way to defeat him without physical damage. Climbing the staircase does give you some abilities. I would recommend using some sort of sealing given which would seal him in a different dimension of your choosing." Tinker said.

"Oh alright." I said and I turned around and thought of sealing him. I heard a voice in my head suddenly start talking.

<Subject: Cory. Where would you like to seal him? A. Dream Dimension B->

I cut it off because i didn't have time for this. "A!" I yelled out.

<Very well. Target has been sealed into the dimension of dreaming. They will now be put into a state of dreaming>

The giant then disappeared from the plane. It seemed he had been teleported and sealed away. "So I have to climb the next staircase from reality to the gods realm right?" I asked.

"Yes" Tinker replied.

And so I took a step. All of a sudden I realized something. I don't know how I just suddenly came to know it. It seemed so blatantly obvious now that I knew it and not knowing seemed so silly, it was like asking why A=A. We are all stories.

We're simply stories created by higher beings.

Everything I'm doing is against my will, I have no choice in anything and I never did. My story is being forcibly manipulated by the Gods. So far they had let me get this far, but now they are manipulating my story to bring me back down

"No. I will be free." my words echoed throughout reality and beyond. No plane would go without hearing my words. And with that, my story could no longer be manipulated. A story with resistance to change.