
Enzo's Darkest De-ceptions

Cunning, stoic and arrogant, crime lord MR. LORENZO LEOPOLD has only two rules in his life. 1) To always put the Don title first before anything else. 2) Do not ever be emotionally involved with any woman. Never has he been tempted to break his rules and boundaries even once... Till her. Venice Benson, a young woman with a stubborn yet pure stand has a hidden temperament that reduces his high walls to ash. She is everything he never knew he needed. She is nothing like all other women his been with. His defenses alternately shifts and is faced with the truth he can no longer deny. All he wants to do is damage her. Make her his. Assertive, stubborn and easy-going orphaned VENICE BENSON, meets new challenge in the history of romance. A seductive version of Lorenzo is what triggers her. He who breaks all her fantasies to reality. She is suddenly faced with a truce that she has to live up to everyones expectations. Bound by a loveless marriage she must also hide the fact that her desire for that same man will one day ruin her. Her ultimate ruin. Her destroyer. Caged and forbidden, their is a one windows shot she could navigate to get her freedom... This will either free or doom her.

Don_Rinah_5719 · perkotaan
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2 Chs


" Another day for a constant reminder of how my life is crap." I spoke loud enough for my demons in me to agree with my thoughts.

Looking past the balcony's edge to the other end of the city, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about ending my life. My eyes were more fixed on the depth of the building and if I'd jump what would become of me. I hated feeling this kind vulnerability.

Suicide was part of the plan but one way or another I always seem to come back from it. Tried may ways, it's like both heaven and hell doesn't want someone like me. Once an outcast always an outcast. Even the world was acting against me.

LA was my city to rule and I loved it here but when it comes to such days, nothing seems to be going well. It was already past midnight yet the streets were full. I wonder when they actually sleep.

This night I was more focused on the high rising numbers of suicidal cases. There was no other explanation more fitting than to end their miserable lives. Coming back to me, I wasn't miserable, sometimes its just being on edge creates many versions of ending ones life. Maybe that's what everyone tends to feel.

" Do they ever feel remorseful at all?" I asked myself before coming to a conclusion that they don't since they go all the way and end their lives.

I think about death all the time. Particularly on this day when my mum decided to end her life. I still blame her for leaving me behind when she decided to do that. On top of it all my father didn't allow me to attend the funeral. You might not understand why am thinking about death but the mere fact still cuts deep. It's been seven years and I still have no idea on how to let the past be in the past.

Not that I cared... It's just a apart of me died with her. The fact that she was the only woman I cared about so deeply and she couldn't hold onto the one percent she had of her survival, I hated her ten folds more.

My eyes roamed about the alleys. Watching people talk and enjoying themselves. Got curious and checked the calender.

" It's a Friday. Nowonder the streets are full." I thought.

Bet me all of them are university kids. They were still on their youth thus messing around was part of their nature. Fair enough for them. I never had a youth life of any sort.

" Guess business will be twice as much as the other days. "I smirked to the thought.

I took pace out of my office to the dark hallway, down the stairs to the second floor. Staying cocooned in my office wasn't fun at all. I needed a distraction.

" I see you couldn't miss all the fun, Lorenzo." I heard my second in command, Mr Anderson 's voice behind me.

He is my partner as well as my best friend.

" This is to die for." I stated.

We both leaned in towards the glass partition of the second floor's balcony giving us a better view of the dance hall and most of the club's interior parts. It was full to the brim. Every seat taken and every booths had owners.

" Nice business Mr. Lorenzo, heard they just graduated."

Forth coming was my third in command and the head of security. Let it be at my companies, at the Club XXX or at home, Mr. Palmer. He was the best their is. He stood besides me admiring the view. Soon plamer got busy thus requested for Anderson's help.

Back to being alone. I enjoyed a glass of scotch while my mind roamed around. Didn't know how long I'd been staring but my attention was captured with the most amazing smile amongst the crowd.

My eyes never left her whereabouts. It was so easy to find her amongst the crowd. She had cat ear hair accessory that glowed deamly. From where I had stood, I was unable to see her clearly but I had a hunch she was a rare beauty. Judging by how everyone got excited upon seeing her, I'd say she was a social one.

I found myself smiling when she smiled. For a second there I got agitated when she hugged a guy. They seemed intimate to me. For a second there I felt my heart tightening and I detested the way she was enjoying herself with the guy.

Her instincts kind off kicked in. She looked to my direction and for a sec there I thought we had locked eyes. Shamelessly I started drooling over the fact she was looking at me. Even though it was from a far, what was happening inside me wanted her to be near.

She raised a glass to my direction and then the next thing she does is flashing the whole content down her throat. I order to avoid the awkwardness that I felt gulping up in me, I do the same. Funny how she got me those kind of feelings without trying. Looking back at her she smiles. Intimidated by her, I slightly action her to come up. That she understood but shook her head.

"Some other time then." I thought to myself when she shook her head and headed back to her friends.

That I was sure to hold her up for.I wanted her all to myself. She was something I wanted and I always get what I want. Be it the hard way or the easy way. That was how a Don dominates. Being turned down wasn't something I had a hang on it. She really cut me deep. I stormed back to my office my rage at the highest peak making me kick the nearest sit to the side.

Clearly understanding what position I held, I slouched in my office seat after fishing out my phone from my pockets. Settling on a game to play I got busy. Thinking about her made my heart yearn for her. I hated the fact she didn't know how she messed me up without trying.

"Fuck, Enzo, why her?" I cursed at myself.

I decided to quench my thirst of seeing her after making up my mind. There I was pacing towards the door. I almost bumped into Anderson at the doorway. He had that unpleasant look on his face. This in turn alarmed me.

" What now?" I asked in rage.

"We have a problem sir." He stated.

"Lead the way." I ordered.

I followed him close behind to the basement cells. This is where I prison most of my nemesis who tried to outsmart me.

"Now this is pleasant to watch." I thought upon seeing the guy.

He had been beaten beyond recognition. Bloody nose, busted lip and a black eye. What spiked me up was his dress code. He wasn't an ordinary errand boy. I had a hunch someone powerful was shielding him.

"Cctv to the back door recognized the guy. He has been roaming around the premises tailing on us. This is the third day. Can you believe he tried to escape when caught. Further more he put us in a tight position with the cops when he shot a civilian trying to escape. " Plamer took me up to speed about what had been happening while I was away.

" Pleasant view, I must admit. " I diverted my attention to Palmer.

" He is a hard one to crack sir." He spoke eyeing me with a ' What!' look on his face.

I smirked coming back to the guy tied up in the metallic seat. "I see. Treat him best till he talks." I spoke calmly letting every single word escape my lips clearly.

A thought hit my mind. Checking the time it was already past two in the morning. I had already overstayed my welcome at the basement.

" Shit!" I cursed walking away in haste past Anderson and Plamer.

Didn't realize time was not on my side. Quickly I made way to the ground floor. The club was half filled now. Many had gone home. My hope was crushed when I couldn't find her. She had already gone.

"Is everything okay, sir?" Mark asked. He is one of the bar attendees.

I spotted Palmer at a distance. Totally ignoring Mark, I made my way to Palmer.

"Show me the Cctv footage from this direction." I ordered him while pointing where she had sat.

We both made way to the control room. The footage was played. There she was the woman I had been longing for. I paused and zoomed in. The lights didn't make it easier for me to see her clearly. For a second there I stared at her. The feeling grew by the minute just looking at the screen messed me up.

"Lorenzo, is there a problem? Want me took into it?" Anderson asked. I could sense a hint of worry in his voice.

Letting my guard down wasn't a choice to make. That was a mistake. I shook my head staying I'd find her sooner or later. To me it didn't matter cause I was a hundred percent sure I'd find her. What ticked me off was that she left twenty minutes ago. All this there was one person to pin the blame on. If not for that bastard I'd still be able to see her.

There I was heading to the basement cell, Plamer following close behind. The next thing I do is kick the guy off the chair landing him to the farthest end while the chair flew in the air hitting the floor with a deafening screech.

Signaling my men they brought him closer to me supporting him to stand on his feet since he was unable to stand still.

" You peice of scam. Have you decided to talk or are you enjoying our hospitality that much." I roared you at him in anger.

"Shall we continue from where we left off. Who... Sent... You...?" I dragged the last part leaning in aligning my eyes with his bloody face.

"Go to hell." He cursed.

"Wrong choice of word, pal." I stated.

Looking at him disgusted me even more. My throat was dry and the clock was ticking. This guy wasn't ready to talk yet. Maybe he hasn't seen the worst yet.

"Squeeze humans past there breaking point and they'll do anything you ask in order to survive." That's what my dad used to say.

Getting angrier by the second, couple of hard punches on his already bloody face and few kicks against the stomach, I personally admitted to him. My men let him loose and he dropped down lifelessly. His breathing was shacky that meant he was still alive. Well barely.

"Such waste of man power. A loyal dog, and huh! Too bad you won't be any used to him once you are six feet under. And I doubt he will get revenge for your death." I stated with no hint of remorse while cleaning my bloody knuckles.

"Kill him. He's no use to us." I ordered both Palmer and Anderson. "Make it slow and painful."

Behind me I heard his painful groans when I turned to walk away.

"Angelo Lesley." He shouted in regret than in pain.

"See that wasn't so hard." I paused. "Why would he send a dim-wit like you to represent him?" I questioned him.

"I am his brother." He stated.

"Sir, if what he says it's true then..." He dragged once our eyes locked.

"Kill... him." I spoke in anger bitting my teeth close together indicating how pissed I was.

"You scumbag, when Angelo finds out about this. I assure you, you will regret your decision." He threatened.

"I don't do regrets." I stated the facts.

Heading out the cell, I heard his muffled screams. For a moment there he was so noisy. Seconds later it was quiet down there. Guess the boys have had there fun then.

Tired as I was, I marched back to my office got my coat and headed down stairs to the main hall. One more look at where she sat. Coming to think about it, she seemed familiar with Julian,the head of all bar attendees. Quick decision and I made way to him. He was behind the bar counter scribbling some notes.

"Julian." I called his name.

Felt so foreign in my mouth saying his name since I wasn't that close to him the way I was to Palmer and Anderson.

"Sir." He responded in shock.

"Ease up. I just want to ask you something."I stated.

" Okay. "He looked curious now.

" The girl I saw you earlier with talking to. "I paused.

" Which one exactly. I talk to a lot of girls. "

" The one with the cat ear accessory. "I explained.

"Oh! Venice. Did she do something wrong?" he asked concern written all over his face.

Bet they are close, judging by how he was worried.

"Nope. She just caught my eye." I confessed.

"She is my sister." He stated.