
Entwined Hearts

Steve Damon is not only dashing but a very handsome young heir to the Diamond Tripod Holdings. Everyone quakes at the mention, much more at the sight of Steve Damon. It is an intriguing surprise when a measly young lady attacks him with her heels. Clarissa Morgan is a decent young lady that has to do some unladylike gigs to support her sick mother. Her life was going smoothly after relocating to a new city to avoid her infamous past. Unfortunately, destiny brought her across a man who will turn not only her life upside down but also her seemingly untouchable heart.

Tolulope_Olumisin · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Chapter Five (Why Sheila Unconcious?)

Ms. Dandridge's gesticulation was what first got her attention before her voice rode over the one, she was listening to.

"Are you going to keep daydreaming or you would get on with it?"

Clarissa heard Mrs. Dandridge's voice over the muffled voices from her headphones. It was her first assignment and already she was caught slacking. There was no love lost between Clarissa and Ms. Dandridge as the older woman for some reason saw Clarissa as a threat or so it seemed to her; especially, when she heard her muttered something about young girls who knew nothing about the job they were paid to do. Clarissa snapped out of her daydream, adjusted her headphones, and sat up straight in her chair to show her direct boss that she was a worthy subordinate. Her cheeks flushed from being caught fantasizing when she was supposed to be working. Who could blame her when the masculine yet professional voice of Steve from the earphone now hanging around her neck wreaked havoc on her senses? No thanks to her hunky boss, who was pretending like their little tryst in the elevator were only a figment of her own imagination with the way he was acting around her since that morning. And it didn't help that she was listening to his voice over the headphone for the past twenty minutes. She's had to replay over and over again as her mind always found a way to connect the voice to the lips it came out from, and those lips this morning did unprofessional things to her.

Clarissa's eyes connected with Ms. Dandridge's squinted ones as if she was non-verbally berating her for her unholy thoughts during office hours, even when she knew there was no way she could have guessed her train of thoughts, or could she? She wouldn't be surprised if she could because nothing in the whole of Diamond Tripod Holdings missed Dandridge's keen eyes. Clarissa could almost swear that Dandridge could read her thoughts with her all-knowing eagle's eyes, which did nothing to cool her already flushed cheeks. Clarissa hadn't known she was staring at the computer screen in front of her with a dreamy expression on her face when her fingers were supposed to be flying over the keyboard transcribing minutes of the last meeting with the prospective partners of the company. Although the Turkish brogues of the prospective partners were not helping, thanks to her Turkish side of the family she was able to put their words into writing. But the main culprit to her laxity to work was the boss who refused to leave her thoughts since the elevator incident that morning.

"If you will excuse me, please?" she needed the comfort that only the ladies-room gives in moments like this. She took her small bag that has her toilette essentials and dashed for the washroom.

"Get it together, get it together girl" she stared at her image in the mirror. "You can't afford to lose your head because of a measly kiss." She paced back and forth blowing over her face with her hands. "So, what if Steve Damon was the best kiss I ever had? No one loses their heart over a kiss." She inhaled and exhaled then patted her hot face with a wet paper towel; then reapplied her makeup, feeling like she gained a measure of control over her emotions, she stepped back into the office. But paused just before opening when she heard Ms. Dandridge's friendly voice. She has never heard the woman sound so friendly with anyone since she started with her that morning. She was always so professional even with the overall boss. whoever she was speaking with must really be familiar and really close.

She shrugged and stepped out, and her eyes landed on a tall elegant lady who looked to have just stepped out of the latest fashion magazine. She looked stunning; obviously, the kind of girl Steve would hang around.

"How was your trip, Janice?" she heard Ms. Dandridge ask her

"Oh! It was a much-needed trip, I had rest and fun" she gushed at the older woman while Clarissa looked and silently located her seat.

"I must say the trip does you good, you look stunning" Dandridge commented with a smile that took so much effort to maintain it almost cracked her face while oblivious Janice soaked in all the compliments, and Clarissa took a closer look at Janice everything about her spoke of class and money. Janice brought all the princess diaries in her Disney books as a young girl to mind.

"I only wished Steve could have come along on the trip with me; speaking of… is he in his office?"

"He is, but let me confirm if he isn't having a meeting." Dandridge placed a call to Steve's office while Clarissa seized the opportunity to greet the elegant Janice who just waved at her and didn't even bother to spare her a look.

"You can go in; he just concluded the conference call"

"Thanks, Dandridge." She sashayed along the corridor that led to Steve's office.

She saw more than heard Dandridge snort after Janice had disappeared from earshot. She was about to look in her direction but she quickly focused on her computer screen before she was caught gawking again. She only hoped she, as a sheep has not landed amongst wolves whose only aim is to devour her. if she ever needed anything to make her forget about the kiss, she found it in Janice who just disappeared into her boss's office. She had no business fantasizing about Steve when he has high-class girls like Janice. He was way out of her league, she had better watch herself or she would blame herself later. Girls like her are only momentary distractions for men like Steve; armed with that thought she concentrated on her work; every fantasy melted under the fiery realization that she was just a distraction as she blocked out the sexiness of her boss's voice over the headphone and concentrated on the business at hand.

Steve Damon

He was never the kind of man who frolicked with his staff. He hated the idea but for some reason, Clarissa irked his senses. Since he laid eyes on her, he was acting totally out of character. He stole her shoe that is now resting at the bottom of his car boot and now he has stolen a kiss in the name of calming her fears. That was low even for him. His aim in asking her to work under him was so he could clip her wings and make her pay for the damage to his favorite car, and that is what he intended to do. He could only attribute his actions in the elevator to being emotional-stress related. He had managed to push the thoughts away and concentrated on his work. He needed to prove the emotional-stress theory to himself; he had to be sure that he wasn't in any way attracted to Clarissa, which is why he asked her to help check for a file from his cabinet. Seeing her again in his office space after their elevator moment had all the iron-clad thoughts rushing back to the forefront of his mind. Thankfully, he had Janice in his office, or else he would have broken his promise to himself.

The brief touch of their fingers when she handed the file to him sent a jolt of electricity up his system. He didn't want to be attracted to her, maybe he would like to tease and toy with her just for fun but this electrifying jolt of awareness he felt anytime she was around him is something he didn't want to feel, not for Clarissa.

"Will you get something for my darling Janice here?" He smiled lovingly at Janice, walking over and placing a kiss on her cheeks emphasizing- my darling something he hoped he won't regret later, he thought as he went back to his desk. If he knew Janice as well as he thought he did, she will definitely capitalize on the situation. He was proven right a moment later.

Clarissa didn't seem affected by his action or words as she turned her attention towards Janice who was reclining on the sofa in Steve's office waiting for Steve to join her, "What would you like for me to get you, Miss Janice"

Janice looked down her nose at her, assessing her from head to toe, one of her brows raised in unvocalized question. She appeared about to give a snide remark but decided against it. But the disapproving look she gave Clarissa remained on her face as she barked out her order.

Steve breathed a sigh of relief when Clarissa went out of his office. Only to be back a few minutes later with her hand laden with the packs of food and coffee.

"I thought I told you I needed the wrath of god hot sauce on my fries?" Janice demanded saucily while Clarissa stood, her hands hanging with her fist clenched like she was holding unto her self-control by a sheer thread.

Steve wondered for how long she would hold on to her control before she revealed the wild cat beneath the composed outward appearance. She disappointed him as her tone was polite and courteous despite Janice's disdainful treatment and words.

"I'm sorry but I didn't know you had a particular brand in mind."

He had watched Janice frustrate Clarissa with her demands in the last thirty minutes since she entered his office. And he's watched Clarissa carry herself with dignity and all the while attending to Janice's impossible demands. He should find satisfaction in the way Janice was treating her, was that not his original plan? To make her pay for being rude and for breaking his taillight? but why did he feel the need to step in and save her from Janice's wrath?

"And why is the coffee at this temperature?" Janice asked through gritted teeth

"See, madam, I did order exactly what you asked me to; I'm sorry if the food didn't meet your expectation. I can get you a new order."

"Are you trying to tell me that I'm being difficult unnecessarily? And I don't need you to get me a new order. If you couldn't get the first one right, how can I trust you with another."

Steve saw that the situation was getting out of control with Janice's voice going a tad higher than usual. "Hey, you know what? Let's get out of here, Janice. Let's go get proper food." He waved his hand, dismissing Clarissa from his office.

"Where did you get that rude girl who knew nothing about hospitality, how will she manage your important clients then?"

Steve turned to remove his suit from the rack. He rolled his eyes at Janice's words; grateful his back was turned to her. He had a feeling that Janice's disposition towards Clarissa had nothing to do with the food. It's something deeper than what he knew of Janice since when they were young. Janice has always been territorial. He also didn't help with matters; in trying to cure himself of his sinful thoughts towards his employee he had raised Janice's long-standing hope of getting back together with him, which is not fair to both ladies

He ignored her words but turned to her with an awkward grin "Shall we go do something about that crankiness of yours?"

"You know I'm not cranky, Steve, I just don't like it when things are not properly done" she countered as she allowed herself to be ushered out of his office.

"I bet you don't!" He rolled his eyes again, closing the door after him.

Did you say something? She asked, raising her head to look at his face.

"Nothing of importance; so, how was your trip, did you just rest for the whole three weeks or did you manage to work too? he asked just before they got to the outer office occupied by Clarissa and Dandridge.

"I think it is a perfect blend of the two" Janice hooked her hand in the crooks of Steve's arm just as they got to the outer office and said in a voice a notch higher "I only wished you were there with me. It would have been more fun"

Clarissa gave a strained smile as the two of them walked past her table and down to the elevator as they bade her and Dandridge farewell. She felt something squeeze her heart and hope to God it wasn't jealousy.

Clarissa Morgan

"You look good, Mum, and that table also looks enticing, What's the occasion? Clarrissa asked, smiling down at her mum, who was busy placing a bowl of chicken and potato salad to join the arrays of dishes on the table.

"I feel good, and my test came out clear" she smiled lovingly at her daughter and added, "And must we have a reason before we can have a properly made meal? If only I can get fresh flowers to place at the center of the table, then everything will be perfect," she said stepping back to admire the three-course meal she has been laboring over for the past hours.

"Oh! Mum, you don't know how relieved I am to hear that you are fine." Clarissa hugged her admiring her penchant for perfection and her love for cooking if only she took after her in that regard. She remembered the time before her mum got sick, she would cook a variety of meals and take pictures with her phone just for the fun of it.

She cleaned the tear that clung to her eye before it could escape. "You want flowers, mum? That's easy; I will get some fresh flowers for perfection." She gave her mum a kiss on her forehead and went out the front door to get some flowers from Veronica's Garden. Her mother's happy mood was contagious; besides she was relieved. She didn't want to recall the crazy things she did to get money for her mother's treatment. She didn't want a repeat of that, even her mum didn't have any idea of the secret she held and hoped remained buried. She sighed happily with springs in her steps in search of flowers for the dinner table. She could understand why her mother would want to go overboard on occasions like this when she has the burst of energy to do things. It really calls for thanksgiving. Becca was really sick that she couldn't do things for herself for a while. She relied on her daughter and the nurses for the smallest of tasks. Becca Morgan was a fighter and she defeated cancer. Glory to God! Clarissa would forever be thankful to God for snatching her mother back from the jaws of death. Things were finally looking good for them. She only prayed that their dreadful past will remain in the past.

She bounded outside feeling the cool breeze on her face thankful for the clear weather. She crossed to Veronica's lawn knowing she wouldn't mind if she took some flowers from her beautifully tended garden. She was humming to herself forgetting about her worries and recounting in her heart reasons she should be grateful; she buried her nose in the fresh tulips. She plucked a few and was about to turn the way she came; she heard a rustle under the shrubs of flowers. Clarissa almost jumped out of her skin, then a blue-eyed and dark-haired boy appeared from under the shrubs.

One hand went to her chest while the other one clutched the flowers tightly. "You scared me." She breathed in relief.

"I'm sorry I scared you." He said with a downward turn of his mouth like he was disappointed or unhappy about something.

Maybe he is hiding away from someone Clarissa thought as she took a closer look at his sad face. The boy looked so cute with the flowers covering every part of him save his face. She immediately felt like doing something to cheer him up.

"So, do you care to tell me what a cute boy like you is doing under those likely thorny shrubs? Don't you care about that gorgeous face of yours at all? She asked placing her arms on akimbo, feigning angst with a wiggle of her brows; intentionally done to draw a smile from him.

The boy giggled and snuck from under the flower shrubs. Clarissa was glad for the immediate transformation but then, something struck her like she has seen the boy before.

"Hello, my name is Nick. And I was looking for my friend, flutter?"

"The name of your friend is flutter? That's interesting." She said with raised brows.

"Yes, she is a butterfly. I brought her out to here for fresh air but she ran out on me."

"OH! I see, that's sad. I'm sorry your friend flew away." She bent to the boy's level, and could not help but wonder where she had seen the boy before. "Maybe I can help look for your friend before it's too late to see anything out here. And if we can't find him, then we shall find you another friend.


His face lit up, and Clarissa couldn't help giving him a smile "Yes, I will be glad to help"

I'm sorry I didn't ask your name. My mum said I shouldn't talk to strangers because they might be bad. But you don't look bad.

"Your mum is right you shouldn't talk with strangers."

"You are not one of the bad strangers, are you?"

Clarissa gave him a smile. I'm not, but you should be careful and yield to mama's instruction. She said as she dropped her flower collection and got on all fours to look for Flutter Nick got down too as they gently searched.

So, what's your name?


He repeated the name and gave her an approving nod with a smile, I like your name. it's beautiful just like you.

"Wow! A compliment, thank you, Nick. She gushed.

They searched but couldn't find anything. "I think they have all retired for the night; what do you say we come back some other time maybe we can find you another friend at least."

He was about to answer when they heard his name from a distance.

"That's my mum."

He crawled from under the shrubs stood and jumped in his uncle's path.

"Wow! Easy Champ."

"Uncle Steve, I didn't know you were here." He ran and hugged him

"What were you doing in Vero's flower garden?"

"I was looking for "flutter" with the help of my new friend."

Clarissa heard the voice and was wondering if she heard it right. She would recognize the voice in her sleep. What would Steve be doing in this neighborhood and did Nick just call him uncle? Then it clicked the boy looked like Steve that was why he kind of looked familiar. His expressions were Steve's and the captivating eyes that struck him when he peeped from under the shrub of flowers.

Now she was embarrassed. How will she stand up from the flower beds without Steve thinking her crazy again?

Clarissa heard Steve ask Nick "So you already made friends? Can you introduce me to your new friend?"

Now she was mortified because she had no choice but to come out from her hiding place. She was hoping they would just talk and walk towards the front door so she could escape without being discovered.

"Clarissa are you there?"

She might as well get it over with, then the ground can open and swallow her up. She sprang to her feet. "Hey, Nick I'm here. I thought I could give a little more search"

"Come, meet my uncle. He is a very strong and powerful man. Maybe he can help me find flutter" Nick said excitedly, flexing his arm muscle.

"You?" It came out as an accusation; Steve asked surprised before her expression became unreadable. He took one look at her with those intense eyes, and his mouth turned up in a snarl.

"Do you know my uncle?" Nick butted in before Clarissa could process her response.

"Yes, I do know your uncle" she answered without taking his eyes off the smirk on Steve's attractive face. When she thought she was rid of his male magnetism, he brought them barreling down on her. She will never allow herself to be fooled. Men like Steve knows how to use their attractiveness to their advantage. She knew she was right if the look trailing his surprise is anything to judge by. He was looking at her like she was the tall glass of cold water to soothe his parched throat on a summer afternoon. She knew that look; she has seen it on men and learned to protect herself over the years, but on Steve, she had better run.

"Where have you been Nick? Sheilla came close enough to be heard; interrupting the tension that was beginning to brew between the two adults.

"Oh, Steve, I didn't know you were around?" Sheila commented when she saw her brother

Steve's attention went to her sister and Clarissa used the opportunity to leave the shrubs she quickly dusted herself up.

"And I didn't know you brought the company" Sheila who looked like the female version of her brother turned her attention to Clarissa.

She didn't need to be told that this was Steve's sister the semblance was striking and she looked beautiful only that she looked a little gaunt and pale.

Sheila walked towards Clarissa and offered her hand, "Hello my name is Sheila"

Clarissa took her hand with a smile "I'm Clarissa, nice to meet you. Sorry for keeping Nick; we were busy looking for Flutter."

"Yes, Mum, Clarissa is a really nice lady and she is not a stranger"

"Really!" her eyes darting between Steve and Clarissa's

"I'm not surprised at all, Steve; some things never change. You've always got eyes for the pretty ones"

"No… hmmm, there's been a misunderstanding. We are not together. He's actually my boss and I'm your new neighbor. He walked in on us while I was helping out. In fact, I'm really surprised to see him here"

Sheila looked amused while Clarissa looked to Steve to clarify the misunderstanding. "That's not the vibe I'm getting from the two of you." She said with a chuckle.

Steve didn't look like he was about to clarify his sister's assumption. Instead, he ignored his sister's words but look at her with concern on his face, "Are you sure you are okay, Sheila? You look pale, I think you should see a doctor."

"No, I'm fine, now, it's just the stress of moving, I will be fine"

Steve didn't seem to be convinced by Sheila's assurance.

"What are you all doing outside?"

The voice came from the doorway.

Clarissa looked on as a pretty blond walked out to join them, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Steve.

"Hello, Steve"

"Hello, Sophie." Steve greeted her with a smile, taking her hand in his.

Clarissa pretended like she did not see the way their hands lingered in each other's but she quickly averted her eyes. She wondered how Steve always managed to surround himself with super-model-type girls. This Sophie is a stunner and they looked to be good friends based on the obvious camaraderie between them.

Sophie focused on Clarissa.

"Oh, this is Steve's friend, Clarissa…" Sheila cut in, introducing Clarissa to Sophie.

"I'm not…" Clarissa interrupted. She ignored the way Steve's eyebrow shut up in unvocalized question at her quick denial.

"Oh, she's not," Sheila said hiding a secret smile.

"You are just as mischievous as when you were little," Steve commented knowing Sheila was only trying to ruffle Clarissa's feathers

Don't mind my mischief, Sophie, Clarissa is our fine neighbor. She's the one Veronica said so many good things about. And I like to have some fun at my brother's expense once in a while as I don't get that opportunity often" her eyes twinkled.

"Oh, that Clarissa, I remember now. Sophie took Clarissa's hand in a shake. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"And you must be the beautiful niece of Veronica's, I have heard so much about you too. It is a pleasure meeting you."

"Same here." Sophie's coy eyes darted towards Steve at Clarissa's words obviously hoping he also thought her beautiful.

"Can we go in now? I'm starving. Mum, is it okay if Clarissa joined us for dinner?" Nick asked still holding on tight to his uncle's hand.

"I guess Veronica won't mind." Sheila smiled at Clarissa

"I would love to but I can't. My mum is actually waiting for me. Maybe next time"

She smiled politely at Sheila and patted Nick on the back fondly.

"You promise you will join us next time? I want to show you my collection of butterflies." Nick pouted.

She bent to his level, "I promise" she smiled at the little boy. "You have a fine young man here, Sheila."

"I know," Sheila smiled lovingly at her son. "And thank you for helping him out"

"No problem" Clarissa spared one final look at Steve, whose expression looked inscrutable but his eyes were intent on hers causing an unidentified tremor in the pit of her stomach.

She had better leave before she embarrasses herself by saying something stupid. Those eyes are doing things to her body she wasn't really ready to dissect, she thought as she turned on her heels.

"See you later," she said to Nick. Clarissa has only walked a few steps from them when she heard Nick's panicky voice screaming "Mummy!! Mummy!!"

By the time she turned Sheila was lying on the floor, her head resting on Steve's bent knee, fear written on all their faces.