
Entitled Love

You belong to the Libidine family, the 73th demon clan and one of the 33 remaining survivors. During your early chilhood you met and became best friends with two members of other demon clans: Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. Both you and your families have a great relationship that has lasted for years, thats why the patriacs of both the Gremory clan and the Libidine clan, in the need to preserve the pure demon blood, decided to arrenge a marrige between you and Rias. You, that were deaply in love with Rias, were extreamly happy about it, but Rias did not share those feelings, refusing to marry you. What to any other man would be a problem, to you is nothing but a perfect opotunity to put the power of your family to the test. The power of lust. (Cover image by Lord Dominik)

IgnachoIX · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Unrequited Love

I still remember the first time we met. Our parents had gathered at her house to discuss some matters related to the politics of the underworld. I was never really interested in politics, not then, not now, but it was thanks to that that I was able to meet them. My father had left me in the care of a maid from the residence, a rather quiet and firm one. Being a child, as disobedient as hyperactive, I quickly got bored and ran away from her by hanging around that huge mansion that my dad and I had come to. It was huge, as big as ours, but that wasn't our home, this was Gremory territory. Eager to explore this unknown place, I got lost in the mansion's vast, labyrinthine gardens. I could hear the maid calling my name in the bushes, so I tried to run faster and lose her, as if it was a game. I eventually came to a part of the bush maze dedicated to a fountain. Next to it was a silver-haired maid and next to her were two girls the same age as me. They were playing with each other, chatting, until they finally became aware of my presence. They asked me who I was, I answered them, and then I asked back and they gave me their names.

Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri.

The maid quickly interrupted our conversation, quietly asking me why I was there. Almost as if it answered her question, the maid who was chasing me came up, her breathing heavy and was completely exhausted. She apologized to the other maid as if she was her superior, then she took my arm and dragged me back to where we were. I tried to wrestle her hold, I didn't want to sit around for hours doing nothing until my dad was done with his meeting. It was then that she spoke:

Do you want to play with us?

It's not correct for me to say this, since we are devils, but her voice sounded like that of an angel. So innocent and sweet, suitable for a girl our age, but so utterly captivating. Her question wasn't just for me, it was also a form of plea to our caregivers to allow me to stay with them. The maids looked at each other, exchanged a few words and then agreed that I could stay. Excited, both Rias and Sona, probably happy to make a new friend, took me by the wrists and came to explore the labyrinth that was this huge garden.

I remember having a lot of fun that day. Going from being in a bad mood from having to accompany my father in another one of those boring meetings, I managed to have more fun than I ever did, thanks to Sona and especially Rias. When I think about it carefully, I think it was that very day that I fell in love with her. Her beautiful face, her bright expressions, her dazzling smile... All those images of that day were kept in my heart as a precious memory that I keep to this day. After a few hours spent where we played and ran around the garden of the Gremory mansion like crazy, our parents eventually came looking for us. They didn't look angry for having disobeyed them, on the contrary, they seemed happy to see that their little offspring had so much fun. I even vaguely remember Rias' dad making a joke that I was already starting to put together my own harem at such a young age. I didn't know it was a harem back then, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but if it meant I was having fun with Rias, then he was right.

That's why, when my father and Sona's father told us that we had to leave, I protested. And I wasn't the only one, although Rias and Sona saw each other often, this was the first time we saw each other, and who knew when we were going to meet again, that's why the two of them also protested against their parents. Eventually, the adults calmed down our tantrum with my dad telling us that if I wanted, we could visit Rias as many times as I wanted, just like Sona did. Excited to see Rias again, I said goodbye to her and Sona, but not before she promised me something.

When you come back, we'll tour my house! It's sooooooo big!

It was a silly promise, but it reflected how eager she too was to see me again.

After that first meeting, Rias, Sona and I became best friends. Every week we met at Rias' house to play games and spend the afternoon. Sometimes we even met at Sona's house or mine, and other times we also used to go out to the streets of Lilith to eat something, play in an arcade or watch a movie. They were simple, happy times where we were inseparable. Even among children and noble adults from other families they referred to us as that trio, as if that was enough to make people understand whom they were referring to.

All of that came to an abrupt end when we entered high school. Since both Sona and Rias had gone to Kuo Academy, they kept in close contact, but not with me. I don't blame them for it, I didn't make an effort to talk to them either, we were all busy adjusting to our new lives as teenagers. Despite that, we would occasionally get together again and hang out. Those afternoons chatting and having a drink made it clear that, even though we didn't talk as much as before, our bonds of friendship and trust were still as strong as ever. If one was in trouble, the other two would help them, and if it meant helping the others, one would also sacrifice theirselves for them. It was a beautiful relationship that had been forged in our childhood and that lasted until today...

That changed when Rias' father and mine got us engaged. I will not lie and say that I did not know anything, in fact, knowing that it was normal for the patriarchs of families to arrange marriages between their children, for months I talked to my father about how much I loved Rias, which was already obvious to him and the rest of my family. That's why when the engagement became official I literally jumped out of joy and called Sona and Rias to meet them. And that's why I was very surprised to see how furious Rias was. At first she insulted me directly, which completely caught me off guard since in all the years we'd known each other, we'd never gotten mad at each other at such an extreme way as Rias was now. But then, thanks to Sona's intervention, Rias calmed down, understanding that I was as much a victim of this situation as she was... or at least that was what she and Sona thought.

The surprise now came to them when I asked them what was wrong with the engagement. I didn't understand why we were called victims. "We're getting married! This is supposed to be a good thing!" were my words, to which Rias and Sona looked at me a bit puzzled. "If we marry, we will bind ourselves to each other and our responsibilities as heirs to our clans. If we marry, we will lose the freedom to fulfill our dreams" Rias' words were clear and concise. Her dream was to be a champion of the Rating Games and be recognized for her achievements. I knew that perfectly, after all, I am the person who knows her best, but it never occurred to me that our marriage would affect that dream of hers. But if we talked about dreams, then mine would be...

I love you Rias!

I remember that moment and I am ashamed. Such a pure but ridiculous statement at the same time... yet that's not what embarrassed me the most about that day, but the expressions that both of them showed when I said it. I don't want to describe them, I don't even want to remember them, I just wish I could erase those... disgusted expressions on their faces from my head.

I am sorry...

The pain of rejection is probably one of the most unpleasant sensations that a normal person can experience. The tone of pity and disgust in her voice only served to twist the dagger in my already stabbed heart. When I think about it with a cold mind it makes sense, we were friends for a vast majority of our lives, we were almost like siblings and if a sibling were to confess their love for you, you would feel both disgusted to imagine yourself being in a relationship with them, and sad because you still love them and you don't want to hurt their feelings.

After being rejected, I ran home and locked myself in my room. My brother and sister, both older than me, came to comfort me along with my mom and dad. I was devastated, not only by Rias' rejection, but by the expressions that both her and Sona had made. That image was etched in my mind like a scar, and for days I couldn't think of anything else. It was clear that the marriage did not seem to have a future, but despite that, our parents kept it up while they talked about the responsibility as heirs and things like that. I really did not care.

Since that last meeting, I didn't meet Sona and Rias again for a couple of years. Occasionally we would see each other again in formal meetings between noble families, but we hardly spoke and, as much as we wanted to talk and work things out, the atmosphere between us was awkward and very heavy. It seemed that that friendship of so many years was finally ending. Losing hope, I believed that the best thing I could do to even try to relive those happy days would be to convince my father to call off the engagement. I had already heard many times that speech about the responsibility of us, the heirs, to keep the pure blood of the demons and other things without relevance to me, but I was willing to confront him and convince him to listen to me, as much as it hurts. So when I told him, I was surprised to see that he wasn't mad at me for "abandoning my responsibilities", but intead he asked me a question.

Son, you want to marry Rias even though you know she doesn't love you, right? So, are you willing to make her love you, even if it's against her will?

Yes. I answered reflexively, not caring how immoral or low was what my father was asking me. Yes, I wanted to marry her, I wanted to kiss her, touch her, fuck her, get her pregnant and live happily with her. I'm disgusting, but I don't care, I love Rias Gremory and I'll do everything in my power to make her love me too. My father saw through me like a window and smiled. Then he took me into his office and from his desk he took out a book from the only drawer that was locked. That book was black with a certain violet touch and on the cover it had the symbol of our family.

The Libidine family. I didn't really know much about our family's history. Not because I won't be interested, but because my parents were always very secretive about it. What I know is the same that the rest of the world knows: The Libidine family is the weakest of the 73 pillars. With no magical power to cling to, they are as strong as any commoner family in the underworld. Due to their weakness, they did not actively participate in the great war of the factions, allowing them to survive and gain great political power and influence thanks to their current patriarch.

That was what I knew about our family, which showed how truly pathetic we were in comparison but how truly brilliant my father was. However, that was not the whole truth.

Our family is the weakest in battle, that's true. But the truth is that we do have a magical power like the rest of the pillars. Our power is the power of lust. Our family has the ability to cast curses in the form of tattoos or marks on the belly of people. These curses have the power to alter their body and mind in different ways, but all with the purpose of making our victim fall into immense lust until their will is broken. This is how your sister and brother created their own harems, and this is how I was able to gain so much political power.

My father continued speaking, explaining that the reason they hadn't told me this before was because a pubescent teenager with this kind of power could be dangerous, having almost uncontrollable lust. But given my current situation, my father decided to give me the family book, which not only contained the full history of it up to its beginning, but also how to use our power.

And this where I am now. The possibility of having Rias in my arms is finally within my grasp. According to this book, our family has historically subdued beautiful and powerful individuals, turning them into their sexual slaves and faithful warriors, both women and men. That's why I want to make sure this is the only option. Doing what I plan to do will involve desecrating Rias' body and mind, and while my fucked up mind likes the idea of having her as my slave, I don't want to hurt her if I don't have to. That's why I came to Kuo's academy. I want to see Rias one more time before I make sure I'm going to do this.

Knock Knock Knock*

My knock on the front door echoes down the hall. This place, the old academy building, is a pretty decent one, and it's where the occult research club has its residence, a mere front for what is actually Rias' demon peerage. I know all this because she had told me about it herself in our many conversations together. Thinking of those times was nostalgic, like a golden age to long for. During those days I also had several opportunities to meet members of her peerage. Akeno was an interesting girl, her expression gave her a somewhat seductive mature look. Koneko, although expressionless, was somewhat cute. Yumi seemed to be a woman with strong convictions and a sense of duty. I had also heard of a certain Gasper, but I never had the chance to meet him.

–Come in!– Rias' voice took me out of my thoughts while filling me with nerves. Squeezing my hand to get my pulse back, I gently opened the door. In front of me was a small table surrounded by two sofas, and beyond them was a large desk that Rias was sitting at. It looked like a meeting room where her servants would sit on the couches and Rias at the desk. A fitting position for her as she has always been a good leader. –(y/n)? What are you doing here?– she was surprised, reasonable, since I had never set foot here. –I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just... I didn't expect to see you...– Rias got up from her desk and walked over. I couldn't help but notice that she felt a bit uncomfortable but also guilty for feeling this way. –What brings you here?

–I wanted to see you again, so I came. We haven't seen each other in a long time, right?– I tried to stay calm, this wasn't comfortable for me either, but I had to do this.

–The last heirs' meeting was last year... so I would say yes...– Rias looked away and silence took over the conversation. It was obvious that she was uncomfortable, but she also looked like she wanted to tell me something. I just stared at her, cursing myself for not thinking of what I was going to say before hand. –Hey... do you remember the day we met? Our parents used to get together a lot at my house and almost always brought Sona and you with them. Both of you used to get bored a lot, since the meetings lasted for hours... but when we got together it was really fun– Rias started speaking from the side, but then turned her head to look me straight in the eye.

–Yes, it was fun… but we never would have met if it wasn't for you asking the maid– thinking about those days was nostalgic and sharing those memories was incredible.

–Yes... I remember...– Rias lowered her head and then raised it again with a determined look. –Listen, I'm really sorry about what Sona and I did when you... confessed to me– I couldn't hide the surprise in my eyes. –Reacting that way was very cruel. We didn't want to hurt you, but we never apologized to you... that's why... I'm sorry– "I'm sorry" those words took me back to that moment, listening to them had become something painful. –Look... I... I can't love you, (y/n), but I don't want this between us to continue like this... that's why... I would like to be able to be friends again, like we used to be...– the sincerity in her words, the sparkle in her eyes piercing mine and her little tears of honesty… it was so beautiful, so pure, so perfect.

What the fuck was I thinking? I can't do this to Rias, she is a person with her own desires, and as much as I loved her, I can't force her to do the same. I feel ashamed, I disgust myself for even thinking about using that book.

–Rias... I...– tears came out of my eyes. It wasn't just sadness, so many emotions ran through my mind that I could only express them in tears. –Yes… I would like that too– that wasn't a wish, it was a declaration. I won't hurt Rias, I can't, even if it condemns me to be her friend forever, I refuse to hurt her.

–I'm glad, th- – a communication circle interrupted her by appearing in her ear. –Akeno? What's wrong?– wiping the small tears from her eyes, she listened carefully to what her servant told her. –Okay, I'm going there in a moment– I was paralyzed, or rather I died for a moment. The moment Rias heard what Akeno said, a faint smile spread across her face, a smile that I had never seen on her before, a smile that dazzled me with it's perfection and sincerity. What was it that caused her to smile like that? I needed answers.

–Did something happen?– trying to hide my interest, I disguised the question as mere courtesy.

–Oh… it's nothing, it's just…– Rias turned to the side, a blush appeared on her cheeks and the smile from earlier began to grow. What is this? What is this expression you are doing? How come you never showed it to me? –I recently got a new servant. He's name is Issei and… he's kind of troublesome– for an inept servant, the face Rias was making wasn't one of disgust. –He usually gets into trouble but... he's a good boy...

What are you doing Rias? Why are you making that face when you think of that boy? Why are your cheeks red? Why do your eyes shine like that? Why do you look so...?

–In love– the word came out of my mouth as an almost inaudible whisper.

–Mhh? Did you say something?– Rias, so absorbed in her thoughts, she didn't even hear what I said.

–I said I have to go– I didn't lie, the truth is that what I was going to do required preparation.

–Oh, okay, I'll be leaving in a bit too. Let's see later with Sona! Just like old times– I closed my eyes and nodded amiably. Rias looked really excited for the trio to get back together.

After greeting her, I went back the way I came. The friendly expression on my face disappeared completely. Issei... that boy managed to make Rias make an expression that I didn't know. He managed to make Rias fall in love. A mere random human she had just met. I couldn't allow it, I couldn't accept it. Rias had never looked at me like that, and that nobody could make her feel like that just by thinking about him. I looked at my clenched fist, blood was coming out of it, the product of having pressed my fingers against my palm with so much rage.

I thought I could let Rias be free, follow her heart and love whoever she wants. But I can't do that, I can't let another man do what he wants with her. Rias belongs to me by right. I value her more. I met first. I am her fiancé. I can't allow someone that came out of nowhere to take what belongs to me.

With fire burning in my eyes, I pulled my family's book out of the pocket dimension from where I had left it. With absurd precision, I open the book to the exact two pages I was looking for.

–Well then... which one should I use...?

Triggered: When she receives this mark, she is programmed to react to 2 different phrases. Every time she hears the first phrase, she becomes a little hornier, every time she hears the second phrase, she becomes a little more submissive.

Task: She has to finish a task within 24 hours, and she's not allowed to return home, or sleep, until she's completed said task. If no task is given, she will need a stranger to grope her for 5 minutes. Maximum 5 tasks per week.

Gaze: Whenever a man looks at your body lustfully, your body will react as if a vibrator inside your vagina is turned on. It will last for 1 minute, and 10 more seconds for each time that day.

Deep focus: She feels everything that happens inside her genitals, from the labia to her ovaries. When a man's semen is inside of her, she can visualize it in her mind. Impregnation causes a mind-breaking orgasm.

Sensitivity: Her erogenous zones are three times more sensitive, and her thigh up to her upper chest are now as sensitive as her original erogenous zones were.

Cumdiction: The next time she tastes a man's cum, she will become addicted. Heavy withdrawals if she's gone more than 24 hours without consuming semen. Her anus and vagina can also be used to consume the semen.

Lesser: If a man says something, she believes it. The more drastic her views have been changed by this, the more submissive she becomes. It is a slow process, but it is permanent.

Lactation: Her breasts grow in size and she starts producing milk. The more she is milked, the more pleasure she feels. This can become an addiction.

Liberated: She will find it impossible to cover herself completely when in public. She will dress so that a man can penetrate her without her clothes preventing it. This can vary a lot, and will often involve elements of self-bondage to make it harder to defend against possible assailants.

Destruction: If she is pregnant, and a man unloads inside of her, then the fetus will die and liquify over the next 10 days. During this period she will experience orgasms three times as strong, and lasting three times as long. This can become an addiction.

Soulchained: If a man kisses her, regardless of consent, she won't be able to sleep until he either cums inside of her, or tells her to leave. After three nights, the effect also ends.

Sway: If a man within 10 meters of her fantasizes about molesting, groping, or fucking her, she will feel his thoughts, and will share in the urge for this to take place.

Siphoning: When a man orgasms while touching her, he will feel a boost in energy that will last through the day. She will suffer a drop in energy through that day. This effect is cumulative.

Animalistic: When she becomes aroused, she will start making sounds like the animal she identifies the most as. If she's intimate with a man, she will make sounds resembling the animal he thinks she resembles the most.

Breedgasm: When a man unloads inside of her, she will become pseudo-pregnant. After two hours she will birth an egg the size of a fetus. Delivering it will cause her to orgasm as hard as it pains her. Crushing the egg will turn her docile and compliant for one hour.

Command: When a man speaks a command to her, she has to obey. Only one command can be active at the same time. If not specified, it lasts 1 hour.

Slave: Discomfort & pain when disobeying a man.

Mindmelt: Every time she orgasms, one memory will be erased. For every orgasm, she will experience stronger arousal.

Receptacle: Becomes fatigued and weak unless there's a relatively fresh deposit of semen inside of her.

Messaging: Lewd thoughts will be projected onto her very skin, turning her body into a billboard trying to get fucked.

Mantraction: When there's a man nearby, she will feel discomfort if she's not within half a meter of him.

Wombgasm: Will only be able to orgasm when semen passes through the cervix. Arousal will continuously build until the condition is met.

Inferiority: When a man has had his way with her she will perceive herself as inferior to the man, and may even worship him.

Libido: Her libido will be increased to such a high level that she won't be able to keep her hands to herself. Touching herself or begging a man to fuck her will frequent her life.

Pheromone: Any man within 30 meters will become aroused and attracted to her. The closer he is, the stronger it gets.

Statistics: Written on her body, the stats of how many times she have orgasmed and had sex.

Violove: Being abused by a man turns her on, and forces her to develop a strong crush on the man. Does not negate or translate the pain.

Vibrancy: The lewder she gets, the more her body will change to match her perversion. This will give her bigger breasts, butt, and lips.

Suffer: Pain becomes pleasure, tenderness and kindness becomes disgusting. Rape turns into passion, love is lost.

Glow: Her mark will glow. It also will be able to project itself through 20 cm of fabric, or 3 cm of harder surfaces making it impossible to hide the mark.

Forlorn: Feeling lost, afraid, and horrified becomes the strongest aphrodisiac imaginable.

Reprogram: When men tell her to change, she will. When she goes to sleep after being told to change, she will, overnight, be reprogrammed. Temporary effects.

The credit for creation of the tattoos goes to novaksus. For the visual reference of the tattoo desings go to https://twitter.com/IGnachoIX/status/1644063754152300558

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