
Entitled Love

You belong to the Libidine family, the 73th demon clan and one of the 33 remaining survivors. During your early chilhood you met and became best friends with two members of other demon clans: Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. Both you and your families have a great relationship that has lasted for years, thats why the patriacs of both the Gremory clan and the Libidine clan, in the need to preserve the pure demon blood, decided to arrenge a marrige between you and Rias. You, that were deaply in love with Rias, were extreamly happy about it, but Rias did not share those feelings, refusing to marry you. What to any other man would be a problem, to you is nothing but a perfect opotunity to put the power of your family to the test. The power of lust. (Cover image by Lord Dominik)

IgnachoIX · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Running. Running as fast as she could. Even if she was not prepared for the cold weather of the forest, she had to keep running. Even if the snow that fell over her was so cold that it hurt, she has to keep running. Even if her feet were freezing for the amount of snow, she has to kick in every step she took, she has to keep going. Even of her friend if her friends were screaming behind her as their persecutes kill them one by one, she has to keep going. Beyond that cursed place, beyond this forest, beyond this snow, she had to keep going without slowing down, without looking back, because of she did, they would catch her. And so, she did, she ran, with her tiny little legs in a frozen, exhausted pain, she kept running. She ran until her wounds didn't hurt. She ran until she didn't hear anything else behind her. She ran until she was the last one amongst all the children, her friends, that had been captive in that place. She ran until she reached that girl with a crimson hair, that girl that would give her a second chance...

Suddenly, Yumi opened her eyes, meeting with the roof of her bedroom. Noticing that she just had the same recurring nightmare as always, she took her hands to her face and massaged it a little bit, trying to wake herself up. As her eyes slowly adjusted to the morning sunlight that came out of the small space in between the close curtains, Yumi stretched herself while getting up from the bed. When she stood up in her two legs, she staggered a little bit as her limbs felt heavy and lacking in strength. Yumi cursed herself, seeing how her fatigue hadn't banish even after 9 hours of sleep. Putting up with her coarseness, Yumi grabbed a prepared change of clothes conformed by her uniform, her panties and her bodice, and took it with her to the bathroom.

As the rain of the shower covered her, Yumi looked down to her body, being greeted by her round big breasts. While not as big as Akeno's or Rias', Yumi's were undoubtedly noteworthy, being above the average of a normal human woman. In fact, her entire body was above average. Her skin, while not as pale as Koneko's, was extremely soft and lacked any kind of imperfection. Her figure had perfect proportions, not too fat nor too skinny, just the right amount of flesh for her to have a feminine beauty while at the same time showing off her well trained muscles. Her face, while being as beautiful as the rest of her body, had a somewhat masculine tone to the point that if she where to dress as a man and hide her breasts, one could mistake her for a very feminine man. It was a contradicting view, while her face looked fine and delicate (with the noticeable beauty mark under her left eye, her thin eyebrows and elegant lashing), the sharp look on her eyes seemed to belong to a man, along with her extremely short hair that had a cut more usually seen in men of her age. This dichotomy on her appearance was not a coincidence, the truth was that Yumi hadn't been born female. The reason for the current state of her body had to do with the horrible experiments she had forcibly taken part of, in which, during one of them, she had been turn into woman, and was never turned back.

Being just a child, such change hadn't really been more than a slightly inconvenience as she has to re-learn her new body. But as she grew up, and her body began to develop, she felt more and more uncomfortable inside her own body. While Yumi was thankful to her mistress, Rias, for having taught her how to live in her female body, what Yumi really wanted was to find a way to get her old body back and get revenge on those that had torture her and her friends, and destroy those damn sacred swords once and for all. But now, that objective seem further away than ever now that her body was starting to betray her.

Strength was something Yumi desperately looked for, as she needed it if she wanted to have a chance at finding and destroying all the Excaliburs that the church had in they're possession. It is also not an unknown fact to her that the male body has a much easier time developing it's muscles and burning calories than the female, and for her that was a frustrating nuisance, as she had to work twice as hard as she actually should if her body hadn't been changed to that of a woman. Once again, another burden that those bastards had put on her that lasted even to this day. Because of that extra effort she had to put in, Yumi had a great pride on her strength and didn't allow anyone to call her weak. But now, all that pride and ego were being absolutely destroyed by the fact that the simple action of standing up had her making a considerably amount of effort that no person in her body shape should have to make. For the past three days, her body had become progressively weaker as her muscles grew more and more fatigued. It didn't matter how much she rested, how much she slept, the fatigue and the tiredness of her body never went away. It was frustrating, not only because it difficulted her ability to function on a daily basis, but because it completely invalidated all the hard work, she had put to make the most out of her body.

If Yumi wanted to continue her quest for vengeance, if she wanted to complete her only purpose in life, she had to find a way to regain her strength, she had to find someone that could figure out what was happening to her and fix it...

— — • — —

–Koneko-san, I need your help...– being the first option that came to her mind, Yumi asked her youkai friend for help the very moment she saw her in the entrance to the academy. –My body feels weak, it doesn't matter how much I rest, I'm always tired... Do you know what could be?– Yumi was noticeable desperate as she asked Koneko. While it was true that the small nekomata had knowledge of senjutsu and the inner energies of the body, what Yumi asked was as unprecise as asking a programmer to hack a Facebook account. But even still...

–Mhh... I have an idea of what could be...– Koneko pretended to be thinking of something while in reality she was only remembering what her masters' (you and Rias) had told her the night prior about Yumi. –Come to the club in the first break, I'll help you recover your energy– Yumi smiled as her eyes enlightened when those words entered her ears.

–Thank you, Koneko! Thank you very much!– Yumi thanked her friend exited to finally put an end to her problem without much of an effort. After that, she quickly left Koneko in direction to her classroom at an accelerated pace, almost running, exited to end the first classes of the day and reach the first break of the day.

While Yumi ran away from Koneko, she unexpectedly put a small smile on her face. One could say that perhaps the visible happiness of her friend had given her enough joy to break the usual stoic expression on her face. But in reality...

–Master will be happy to hear the news...– while whispered that, [Deep Focus] glowed in Koneko's belly as she felt in precise detail the fresh load of morning cum that you left inside her womb.

— — • — —

The classes, while being the same as always, had been extremely long, or at least it felt like that to Yumi. Feeling the moment that would finally set her free of her curse getting so near, she could hardly wait any longer as the teacher continued to speak about things Yumi had no interest in. That's why, in the very moment the ring bell announced the beginning of the first break, she instantly stood up and rushed outside the classroom and into the halls of the school. If she had been in her most optimal form, she would have run towards the ORC, but because her body was so fatigued, all she could do was a very rapid walk.

When Yumi arrived at the main room of the club, a small feeling of disappointment and frustration came to her as Koneko didn't seem anywhere nearby. Understanding that her friend wouldn't be as anxious as herself to fix this problem, Yumi discarded those feeling and waited in the couch for Koneko. Scarce couple minutes pass before the door of the club opened again, this time with Koneko coming in. Yumi, always so we'll mannered, instantly stood up to greet her friend, but she cut herself short the moment two other people entered the room along with Koneko.

–President! (y/n)-dono! What are you doing here?– ignoring the fact that they both belonged and pretty much owned the ORC, Rias answered the question of her servants.

–Koneko told me that you're having troubles, correct?– Yumi nodded.

–Yes... my body has been feeling weak for a couple days...– as she said those words, a sudden realization came to her and it was the strange coincidence that the day you had arrived at the academy, she started to feel weak. Not wanting to jump into extreme conclusion, Yumi discarded the thought. After all, it was her loving mistress' fiancé we were talking about.

–Mhh...– you and Rias looked at each other, and then she continued talking. –Koneko told us about a senjutsu treatment that could help...

–Yes, if we connect the energies of our bodies, I could give you a bit of my energy to replenish yours, at least until we find a more permanent fix– Koneko explained with her always quiet and stoic voice.

–And that made me think... high-class demons like (y/n) and me have a great latent potential on our power. And given that he doesn't really fight, he could give you his energy instead of draining Koneko's– Rias explanation sounded sound for someone like Yumi that didn't really knew much about senjutsu.

–So... (y/n)-dono will transfer me his power?– Yumi asked, seemingly understanding the situation.

–Yes... but there is a catch...– Rias answered.

–Senjutsu treatment is done through fiscal contact between naked bodies...– while a little embarrassing, Yumi was willing to put up with what Koneko explained. –...But it is at its most effective when the two individuals exchange... bodily fluids...– the professional way Koneko explained it didn't help at all to lessen the impact of her words on Yumi.

–Fluids... like sweat or saliva...?– Yumi awkwardly tried to get around this situation.

–Could work, but I meant something more like... semen– Koneko denied Yumi's attempt to escape.

–President... are you sure about this?– now Yumi looked for her mistress to get her out of this.

–If it's for the wellbeing of my servants, I'm willing to... let... my fiancé have a... "mouth service" from you– Yumi looked more unwilling than Rias.

–Look, Yumi-san, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. We could just do the treatment without all the "fluid exchange" part. The choice is yours– talking for the first time, you tried to calm her down, pretending with success your lack of interest in having sex with her.

–The choice...– Yumi whispered those words as they echoed inside her head. That's right, all of this was for her. She was the one that came to Koneko for help, she was the one in the need of more power. It was her duty, not only as a servant of her mistress, but also as the avenger of all her friends, all those children that were tortured and killed for the greed of those bastards. –I'll do it– Yumi made her mind, looking straight at Rias with a decided look on her eyes.

–Very well...– Rias turned around and locked with key the main entrance to the club from the inside. Now no one could enter, and no one could leave. –Koneko, move the table. Babe, sit on one of the sofas– following your fiancé's instructions, you sat on the sofa that was closest to you while Koneko move the table out of the way, creating a free space between the two facing sofas. –Yumi... you know where to go– understanding Rias words, yet still a bit nervous, Yumi kneel on the now free space in front of you. From your perspective, you could see her determined yet anxious face below you, in between your knees.

–Don't worry, I'll guide you– Yumi got surprised by Koneko's sudden appearance on her back, laying her tiny and light body over her.

–Wait... You too are going to stay?!– Yumi expected some privacy for what she was about to do.

–Of course, Koneko needs to guide you through the treatment...– Rias sat on the opposite sofa to you, being right in front of you and behind Yumi. –And I think I have the right to see if my fiance be with another girl...– as those words came out of her mouth, Rias gave you a complicit smile.

–Now, let's begin– without waiting for Yumi's or your response, Koneko stretched her arms from behind Yumi and quickly undo the belt of your pants, then, she opens them, revealing the prominent outline of your cock inside your underwear. For Koneko and Rias, such sight was common, they both had already seen it from very close and experienced firsthand the feeling of having it ravaging their insides. But Yumi, who wasn't used (for obvious reasons) to see many dicks, seeing that thick, long thing, deforming the fabric of your underwear with its sheer size, was something that completely caught her off guard. Without letting her catch a break, Koneko quickly took your underwear and pulled it down, making your dick jump as it was released from the prison that your clothes were.

–T-that's...– "too big" were the words that Yumi looked for, but she stopped herself as those words seem inappropriate for someone that was already engaged. Yet, it wasn't a lie. Your cock stood up from its base, it was a meat mace which length extended through a larger size than Yumi's head. If it were to be laid on her face, the mushroom tip would stick out above her head. Its girthy thickness was intimidating, as Yumi's tiny mouth would have to open wide to let that massive pinky tip enter inside her, and it would still be very tight. But what scared Yumi the most was the prominent veins that went over your cock under your skin. Inside them there must be enough blood to keep that monstruous cock stay hard, and it showed. The darken color of your blood passages, pumping its liquid, plus the slight bulges that their sheer side produced in the meaty surface of your cock, gave the impression that it had life on its own, like a beast separated from you that you keep in check inside your pants. Using her nose, Yumi was able to perceive a dirty sent coming from it. The characteristic sent of sex. Yumi couldn't help but to imagine all the sinful, indecent activities that you and Rias must take part of every day and, immediately afterwards, she came to the realization that this... thing had probably been inside her mistress early that very day.

–Go on, senpai...– Koneko brought Yumi back to reality, gently pushing her towards your cock. –You have to use your tongue– troubled, Yumi followed Koneko's stoic instructions. Hesitant, she stuck out her wet tongue and timidly licked the soft skin of your cock, staining it with her saliva. Focused on the meat shaft in front of her, Yumi didn't notice Koneko's try at telling her to be more active and your silent signal for her to stop. Yumi was clearly nervous, but she also was determined, and you knew that sooner than later she would get rid of her hesitancy.

Lick Lick Lick*

And, as you predicted, Yumi quickly lost her fear as she got used to the taste of your chewy foreskin. Her soft, soaked tongue began squash itself into your rigid pole, embracing the dirty feeling of your hard cock as if it were an ice-cream. Again, she wasn't doing this for the pleasure of doing it, she had to pleasure you in order to make you climax and give her what she needed to continue her vengeance. It didn't matter what obscene acts and how many times she has to do them; she had an objective and she will complete it.

–The tip, Yumi, lick the tip...– Rias gave her advice coming from experience. –Also, don't forget to use your hands– following her mistress advise, Yumi reached to the top of your monstruous cock and covered it with her tongue. Inexperienced, Yumi was caught off guard with the new soft texture and much stronger taste that touched her taste buds. And while her eyes open slightly in reaction, she didn't stop, determined to continue to the end.

–Mhh... Lmhh...– immerse in the moment, Yumi's little, fragile looking hands reached to the length of your meat log, delicately moving up and down, masturbating you while her lips laid and slowly gained terrain over your pink mushroom tip, gobbling it as the feeling of her soft, feminine lips pushing onto your sensitive skin.

–Mghh... Yumi-san... your mouth is so warm...– you couldn't help but rest your hand on Yumi's hair while grunting in the pleasure of feeling her warmly wet mouth with the tip of your cock. At the same time, a strangely pride filled Yumi's confidence, as if deep inside her she was proud of her ability to satisfy a man without any prior experience. Quickly disregarding that thought as soon as it came, Yumi continued her job.

A few minutes passed, time in which Yumi didn't stop her movements in the slightly, completely dedicated to milk that thick bodily fluid out of you. The only sounds heard in the silent room was the wet sounds of Yumi's mouth attending you and your occasional groan of pleasure. Rias and Koneko remained as silent spectators. Discrete on the outside while carving for just a little bit of your lustful attention on the inside. Sooner than later, you realized the other two's thirsty glances fixated on you, and while you wanted Yumi to keep sucking on your cock, you knew that the break wasn't going to last forever, not when there was two other girls waiting on the line, and you didn't want to skip anymore classes like you have been for the last two days. Besides... there was still plenty of time to make Yumi fall.

–Yumi-san...– letting your inner muscles of your dick open, you slowly let that eruption of cock-milk go up to its destination. –I'm about to...– understanding the meaning of your words, Yumi accelerated the pace of her hands while putting a little bit more of your cock inside her mouth. Not putting any resistance to her stimulation, you allowed your cum to break free from your cock, shooting it out into Yumi's mouth in a condensed spray on her palate.

–MGHHH!?– Yumi, having not expected the force and amount of semen that overwhelmed her mouth, was quickly suffocated, spitting out small amount of the white liquid out of her nose and mouth, while the rest went down her throat and into her body. Once you had finish shooting all of your load, Yumi broke free of your grasp on her head and the intruder she had put on her mouth. After coughing a little bit, Yumi continued to swallow repeatedly the remains of cum inside her mouth. That sticky fluid had gotten attached to her mouth a throat, making it difficult to actually swallow. As she did that, you reached into one of your pockets and got yourself some tissues.

–Here, take them– reaching to Yumi, you gave her the tissues so that she could clean the semen dripping out of her nose and lips.

–Cogh Cogh* T-thank you– Yumi accepted your hospitality, cleaning herself while still clearing her throat. As she continued to recompose, Yumi noticed the silence produced by the lack of comments from the others in the room. Jumping into conclusions, she was thankful that no one made any comments on her embarrassing performance out of the goodness of their hearts.

–How do you feel, Yumi?– Rias asked her servant, reminding her the reason for this entire scene.

–...– Yumi looked at her hands, opening and closing her fists, then she stood up and throwed a few punches into the air. –I feel... great!– the fatigue of her muscles had completely disappear. Her legs no longer had trouble sustaining her own height and her arms seem to have recovered its full strength. –This is amazing! Thank you so much, everyone!– Yumi sounded excited, the relief of finding a way to recover her strength seem to have turned her into a child getting a new toy on Christmas.

–It's not a permanent solution, but it should help in the meantime– Koneko said, remaining Yumi that this wasn't going to be the last time she would have to "exchange fluids" with you. Yet, having already done it once, she didn't feel intimidated by the thought, if anything it was but a small sacrifice, she had to put up with to reach her objective and get her revenge.

–If you're feeling weak again, call me, and I'll help you again– phrasing "call me again so you can suck my dick" in a friendly way was a bit hard, but you managed to make it sound nice enough for Yumi to nod at you with a thankful smile, oblivious of your true intentions.

–Thank you, (y/n)-dono

–Please, Yumi, just call me (y/n)– Yumi blushed a little bit, your supposed friendliness towards her was more than she was used to receiving from high class demons, and that caught her off guard.

–Cof Cof* If we are done, then you should get going to your classroom Yumi, the break isn't going to last forever– with a bit of jealousy, Rias gently ordered Yumi to get out of the room, to which she, noticing the embarrassing situation she got herself into, quickly nodded and unlocked the door of the club before closing it again after leaving.

–Koneko...– once there was only the three of you in the room, you called to your slave. –Would you mind?– pointing at your cock, Koneko understood the order of her master and quickly attended your cum covered cock.

–She didn't notice how hard you still are, did she?– Rias smiled seeing how unsatisfied Yumi left you.

–She didn't even bother cleaning me up... But it doesn't matter, we already have our cute little cat for that– as you petted her head, Koneko purred with affection as she continued to clean the remains of cum with her tongue.

–You'll have time to teach her properly... Speaking of which... How long will she last before coming back?

–Less than a day, probably... She will most likely come to me tomorrow morning...– your voice marked a silence in the room before another, unrelated though came to you. –You gave Akeno the two pamphlets, right?

— — • — —

Much like the day before, Akeno spent most of her free time during breaks with Issei. They mostly encountered in their ways to each other classroom, looking for the other. If for whatever reason Issei took at least a little longer than usual to get out of his classroom, Akeno would wait for him outside if not directly enter and get him out like a sweet jealous girlfriend. It wasn't official and it had been for just one day, but everyone in the academy was already asking themselves how did the worst amongst the perverted trio get a girlfriend, especially when that girlfriend was none other than one of the onee-samas of the school.

Funny enough, the two that didn't understand the most the success that Issei was having with a girl were the other two members of the perverted trio: Matsuda and Motohama. Ever since Issei had ruined their opportunity to have some "quality time" with Akeno, they both had grown to really resent him. And that hatred only grew as they saw how he was now supposedly dating her. "That's not fair! We are far better men that he is!" We're the stupid and entitled thoughts that filled their heads. They wanted to punish him for "betraying" them by getting a girlfriend and not sharing, but they also wanted some compensation for having their friend going out with his girlfriend while they both were all alone. Things like romantic feelings and actual consent were completely alien to them, the only thing that came to their primitive minds when thinking about a relationship was sex, and every time they thought about how Issei was "fucking non-stop Akeno like a crazy man" their blood boiled in pure rage. Even if they wanted to punish Issei in retribution, all they could do was to just ignore him, but that has no effect now that he was 24/7 with his "beloved girlfriend". If only there was a way, something they could do to punish him, to get revenge, they would gladly do it.

It was for that reason that the two scumbags had become the number one stalkers of the couple. Everywhere they went, the other two would follow from the distance, always observant and always in the look for something to use against Issei and get their revenge. Yet, all they could get was the lovely view of a loving couple, and that irritated them even more.

–See anything?– Motohama was behind a concrete wall with his back laying on it, while eating a small sandwich.

–Just a very unfair sight...– next to him, Matsuda picked through the corner of the wall. They were both in the green outsides of the main building of the academy. A few meters from them, turning along with the wall, was Issei and Akeno in their already stated couple spot. Near the ORC's building and very isolated from the rest of the students. As it was now usual, Matsuda and Motohama had followed them and now they looked at them with all their rage and disgust directed towards their ex-friend. –Wait, something is happening– with his attention gained, Motohama picked alongside Matsuda, seeing how Issei got up from his seat and walked in the opposite direction to them.

–Is he leaving already?

–I doubt it, the lunch break just started and he left his food on the bench...– while looking at the scene with analyzing eyes, the duo slowly noticed how Akeno slowly turned her head from facing the leaving Issei, to face them, looking at them directly. Feeling Akeno's gaze directed to them, the duo jumped from the scare and went back into hiding behind the wall.

–Did she saw us?

–I think she saw us

–Why did you told me to look?!

–I didn't tell you to look, you...!

–Ara ara~– the argument between the two was cut short the moment Akeno's melodic voice sounded next to Matsuda's other side. –It seems like I have fans...– her expression had the usual seductive serenity that characterized Akeno's appearance. Her leashes and eyebrows seem tilted toward each corresponding side, and her lips were bended in a subtle but noticeable smile. –What's wrong? You look pale~– Akeno played with the two's emotions. They both look scared of what could Akeno do now that she had catch them spying on her and her boyfriend. The experience said that now came the punches.

–We promise not to do this again!– the cowards prostrated themselves as they lied to try to get away from this situation, yet Akeno laughed at them.

–Fufufu~ Don't worry... Issei isn't here to lecture you again~– Akeno's words sounded strange to the duo, to them it almost felt like... –But... now that you are here, I'll take this opportunity to give you something I've been wanting to give you~– taking it out of one of her pockets, Akeno gave to both Matsuda and Motohama one contract pamphlet each. –This Saturday at 8pm, get yourselves an empty house or a hotel room, and use both of this at the same time. When you do...– slowly, Akeno delicately lift her skirt with one hand, reveling her panties, while with the other made an obscene gesture with her open mouth and sticking out her tongue, as if she were sucking a dick. –I'll come to finish what we started the other day~💞

— — • — —

When Yumi received that energy boost from you the day prior, her motivation also peaked. Once she realized that her strength had come back to her, her first instinct was not going to class (as Rias have told her to) but instead go into an intense training outside the school. [Receptacle] depleted all the energy of its victim as long as they didn't have a fresh supply of semen inside their body, and even though the inside of a human body was a good conservative for fluids such as cum, it can only last for so long. Having done an absurdly demanding training during the entirety of the evening, Yumi couldn't really notice that her exhaustion once the night fell wasn't because of the sweat of her forehead but instead because of the curse that was eating her from the inside. Yumi only realized that her body was failing her once again when she woke up the next day feeling that irritating, familiar feeling of weakness that slowed and weakened her movements, making her feel like a drunk person.

But this time things were different. This time she knew what to do to heal herself, to recover her strength, and she wasn't going to waste any more time that could be used to continue training and get stronger. Making use of every second, as if it were a race, she got dressed, ate her breakfast and quickly went to the academy as fast as she could, being one of the firsts students to arrive. Once there, she waited at the entrance with her arms crossed and a frantic tapping on the floor with her foot as the students of the academy arrived. The first known face to arrive was Koneko, who saw Yumi waiting impatiently and immediately decided to avoid her, knowing exactly what she wanted. After a few short minutes, Akeno arrived, and just like Koneko, she avoided Yumi without she even noticing that Akeno was there. Then, just a few minutes later, Yumi saw you and Rias arriving like a loving couple to the both envy and adoration of the students around you. Once the spotted you, she ran towards you so fast that you didn't even notice her until she was right in front of you.

–Good morning, president, (y/n)-dono...– Yumi greeted her mistress and her mistress' fiancé as a well-mannered servant should.

–You need another treatment?– Rias asked the question that you both had in mind.

–Yes. I'm sorry to ask you this now, but...– Yumi seem uncomfortable asking this, even if she needed, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was bothering both you and Rias.

–Please, Yumi, don't worry. I offered myself to help you after all, remember?– you calmed her down with a warm smile on your face. Once more, a small blush appeared on Yumi's face, but she was quick to hide it. –Although... we'll have to be quick, there isn't much time left before the classes begin.

–I'll try to be as quick as possible– Yumi focused on the matter at hand again. She didn't really care about the classes, the moment she gets what she wants, she will leave the academy and go train somewhere else. The only thought on her mind was to recover her energy and then leave, that's it.

–Very well... Let's go to the club then.

–I'll accompany you, if people see you two entering a room alone, they'll start spreading rumors– with that said, you, Yumi and Rias went to the ORC, locked the door behind you and repeated what was now becoming a part of your daily routine.

— — • — —

A backstabbing, cruel demon but a lovely, sluty wife. That would be the best way to describe what Rias had become. The Gremory family was known for treating their servants with love and respect, something that most high-class demons did not. As the heir of the Gremory clan, Rias used to be like that, and, at a certain extent, she would tell that she still is despite having allowed the brainwashing of one of her servants and participated in breaking the will of another. Even now she continued to conspire against them, allowing another of her servants gave daily blowjobs to her fiancé for the past two days as a part of a diabolic plan to make her submit.

Today it was the third day in which Yumi was fooled to suck the cock of her beloved future husband, you. Yesterday she had waited for you at the entrance of the academy to get her daily dose of energy (cum), and while today she had done the same, she also came to you after the classes had ended for a second dose. With the orange light of the sun hiding in the horizon entering the windows of the ORC, Rias was taking care of some paperwork while in the room behind her Yumi continued to furiously suck you dry. Suddenly, the main door of the club opened and from it came a familiar face that Rias was waiting for.

–Did you call me, president?

–Yes, I did. Please come, Ise– Rias warm, welcoming smile had never been so fake in her life, yet Issei couldn't have possibly known that. –Do you have plans for this weekend?– the way Rias phrased the question made it seem like she was asking Issei out for a date.

–N-no...– obviously, Issei couldn't help getting a little blushed.

–Good...– as she said that, Rias reached for something below her desk. –This... is all the contracts that have accumulated throughout the week– the giant tower of papers made a dry sound the moment Rias let it fall to the desk. –I need you to complete them– Issei looked at the pile of papers feeling a bit intimidated from its sheer size.

–But... president... this will take me the entire weekend....– even Issei could tell that this was beyond unreasonable, especially when it was Rias who had ordered to not do any contracts during the last week.

–You said you didn't have plans...– Rias remained calm with her smile in place. Issei didn't had a choice, if she ordered him to do something, he had to do it. But still, it would more convenient if she convinced him of doing it. –Besides, didn't you say that you wanted to become a high-class demon? If you complete all these contracts, you'll be a step closer to get what you want...– the devil's whisper they called it, a blatant bunch of convincing lies that made Issei's mind go wild with scenes of him being surrounded by a harem of beautiful servants attending his every lustful need.

–I'll do it!– with his precious dream on the line, Issei putted aside the tediousness of the job he had been given and took the tower pile of papers from Rias desk, determined to finish it before Monday arrived.

Once Issei left, closing the door behind him, Rias warm, little smile contorted into a diabolic grin.

–Don't worry, Asia, you'll soon meet a proper man to devote your life to~

— — • — —

Yumi was at her limit. When she got her first energy boost, she thought that it would last at least a few days. The next day, when she realized that that was not the case, she planned on getting that boost at the beginning of the day to make the most of it. But then she discovered that the boost didn't even last for an entire day, so she decided to double down and get two "senjutsu treatments" a day, and that proved to be enough to keep her strong during the entirety of Friday. But today wasn't Friday, today was Saturday, and Yumi was, once again, completely exhausted.

It was a pathetic sight. During the entire day, Yumi had been unable to do anything, finding no energy to even hold her sword. If she wasn't able to hold her weapon, then how was she supposed to destroy those damned sacred swords and avenge her friends? Her own uselessness was a torture for Yumi, she was in a desperate need for help, but she, being so considerate and we'll mannered, didn't want to bother you and Rias during a weekend.

Yumi didn't had a proper opinion of you because she didn't know you that much, but during these few days, Yumi understood that, much like Rias, you were a really nice person in comparison with other high-class demons. Even when she was sucking on your dick, you didn't get carried away and instead showed restraint and carefulness to her. Perhaps that was ultimately made her give in, and finally decided to call you.

–Yes?– your distorted voice through the phone brought an intense sense of relief on Yumi that calmed the anxiety of her body as if she were on a sauna.

–(y/n)-dono... it's me, Yumi....– Yumi voice sounded exhausted, as if she had gone on a marathon. –I... need another treatment...

–I can hear your heavy breathing. For how long have you been like that? I told to call me if you needed it– your voice sounded like a worried father lecturing his daughter, but behind the phone you could help but smile a little bit.

–I know... I'm sorry... I just... didn't wanted to bother you...– the call remained in silence for a couple seconds. Yumi's face had a small red taint, consequence of her mind projecting the scene on the other side of the line where you had a worried expression for the well-being of one of his fiancé's servants. Worried for her well-being.

–Listen, it's late and Rias is already making dinner. Why don't you come to our apartment so we can do the treatment and then eat together?– something inside Yumi's head made that proposal sound like a date, but the rational side of her brain reminded her that she was talking to a engaged man and quickly pulled her out of her fantasies inside her head...

–Yes... I would love that...!– ...although not completely.

— — • — —

Wearing nothing but her pink virgin-killer apron, Rias chopped several fruits and vegetables for the stew that she, her beloved and two... no, three of her servants would share this night. Avoiding the monotony of chopping food, she hummed an opening song from an anime she had been thinking on showing you. You, as a demon from the high society, didn't have much contact with Japanese culture as much as Rias herself had. To put it short, you weren't an otaku like her, but that didn't mean you weren't interested in the hobby that Rias enjoyed the most. For that reason, she had been looking amongst the shows she had already watch for one that could help you to easily get into the, honestly bizarre, world of anime. That search didn't take long, nor it was challenging for the absolute nerd that Rias was when anime was the theme at hand.

While Rias prepared the dinner, submerged in her own mind, imagining what reactions would you make while watching what she had prepared for you; in the department's hall, Koneko and Akeno were finishing to prepare themselves for the mission that their master had given them.

Koneko had a metal briefcase that contained a professional filming camera and all the equipment needed to operate it. Akeno, on the other hand, had her body completely covered by a heavy brown coat, one that looked too suspicious for someone like her. Looking at both girls ready to go, you walked toward Akeno, who was going to be the big star of the night.

–Show me your belly– obeying your order, Akeno opened her coat a little bit, showing you her naked belly. –[Command] [Sensitivity]– you pronounced those words with your hand touching her skin, marking in it the curses with a burning pain that made Akeno shake a little bit in anticipation of what was to come. –Now, listed carefully, bitch. I know you are an unloyal whore...– Akeno smiled in pleasure as you continued to insult and degrade her. –But I am your owner, and as such I am the only one that can cum inside your womb. You hear me? If they want to fuck your pussy, you have to make them wear the condoms. They are free to fill any other hole they want– when you finished giving your orders to Akeno, [Command] glowed in her belly as it programmed your words into Akeno's brain like an absolute law.

–Yes, master~– Akeno nodded with her usual seductive expression.

–Koneko, I'm confident that you'll do a great job as well– with a completely different tone, you speak to Koneko, not like a useless bitch, but as someone worthy of respect and love.

–I'll do my best, master– even with her stoic voice, Koneko let out a small smile, feeling happy that her master trusted her this mission.

–Now... it should be almost time...– as you said those words, a transportation circle appeared under Akeno's feet. Quickly noticing it, Koneko jumped right next to Akeno and prepared for the ride. –Goodbye girls, have fun– right after you said that, the two girls disappear from your sight, being transported to the place they had being summoned.

–Is glowing... Ahh!– the beautiful sight of their master saying goodbye to them was instantly change by two pathetic teenagers scaring themselves as Akeno and Koneko appeared in front of them. Looking around them, the two girls could identify the place they were in as a room of a love hotel.

–They just... appeared!

–I told you, it's magic!– the two boys talked to each other in disbelief of what their eyes were seeing. It was almost like those erotic animes that they watched so passionately.

–Ara ara~ I think I should have told you that, didn't I~– Akeno quickly took control of the situation as Koneko wasn't really good at dealing with this kind of braindead idiots. –I hoped you don't mind me bringing Koneko along... She won't be joining us, but she will film everything we are going to do~– when Akeno said that, Koneko already had the camera prepared to start the recording.

–Recording? Like... we are going to do a porno?

–Wait, we are actually going to... do it?– both Matsuda and Motohama were still in disbelief. This entire situation felt like all their wet dreams coming true at the same time.

–Of course we are~ fufu...💞– Akeno laughed a little bit as she slowly got rid of her coat and letting it fall to her feet. What the two horny teenagers saw next was the obscene, voluptuous body of one of the onee-samas of the academy. Her skin didn't have even the tiniest of imperfections, her arms were thin but her legs growled in thickness as their reached her ass, as big and round as her breasts, that hanged from her chest under the weight of their massive sizes. Covering her titdies and her pussy, was an extremely tiny bikini that could hardly contain the sheer sizes of Akeno's sinful body. And finally, hanging from the bikini, there were dozens of strips of condom's packages, ready to be used. –Now grab one, and let's get started~💞

— — • — —


Almost instantly, the moment Akeno and Koneko left, the ring bell of the apartment announced Yumi's arrival. With a satisfied smile adorning the machiavellian expression on your face, you went to the entrance of the apartment and grabbed the knob of the door, but before turning it, you paused to take a deep breath, erasing that previous expression and putting on the mask of warm friendliness that had been showing to Yumi ever since her downward spiral into despair started.

–Hello, Yumi! I'm glad you came– Yumi didn't look good, her body was laid to one side while her arms were crossed in a way that seem to be holding each other. Just by standing there you could tell she didn't feel well, she didn't even bother to put something else apart from her usual academy uniform. Still, she had a faint smile on her face and a very subtle blush, maybe cause by the relief of knowing that her discomfort would soon be over, or perhaps she was only happy to see you. –Please, come in...– before even letting her move her mouth, you moved to a side and made space for Yumi to enter the apartment.

Respectfully and with care, Yumi entered the apartment, leaving her shoes at the entrance while you closed the door behind her. A shiver of excitement ran through her body, as the natural curiosity of seeing for the first time the apartment that you and Rias shared came to her mind. Yumi had seen before the over-the-top luxury that the high-class demons surrounded themselves with, a kind of luxury that couldn't fiscally fit inside a human apartment like this one, and that made her interested in how did that luxury translated to a humble human home. But surprisingly for her, the place was rather common. Yes, it looked expensive, but it also looked really comfy and intimate, a perfect place for a lovely couple in their honeymoon to live in.

–Over here, Yumi– guiding her, Yumi followed you to your bedroom, where she saw a glimpse of that over-the-top luxury she was expecting in the dimensions of the oversized bed. Its sheets were a bit messy, it looked like you and Rias hadn't bother to do the bed after waking up. That or you had been participating in some activities, given by the subtle but noticeable sent in the air. Yumi's mind went wild picturing the indecent scenes that probably had taken place right in front of her, on that bed. She quickly calmed herself, she wasn't there to actually do that, the activity you and she were going to do was going to be much briefer and wouldn't need the entire bed.

–So... do we start?– or at least that was what Yumi thought...

–Yumi, I need to tell you something...– you turned around and looked at Yumi directly in the eyes, ready to tell her another lie that would guide her to her downfall. –Before you came, I spoke with Koneko, I asked her if there was a more efficient way to give you my energy and make it last longer...

–And what did she say...?!– Yumi's eyes lighted up as a new, better alternative for her situation presented itself. This time not only for herself but also to avoid bothering you with her constants request for "energy".

–She said there was, but...– you were trying your hardest to not show your smile and appear as conflicted as much as you could. –It implies us having... sex– the excitement in Yumi's face disappeared as she understood why you were so hesitant to tell her this. –Look, Yumi, again, I don't want to force you, I know doing what we have been doing the last few days has been hard for you, so if you don't want to I-

–I'll do it– your pathetic excuse was cut short by Yumi's determination. It wasn't like that first time where she tried to escape, she was now looking at the challenge in front of her in the eye, challenging it back. Perhaps her new found motivation allowed her to do this, perhaps she had gotten use to this kind of thing, or perhaps, deep inside, she was actually happy to have this opportunity to share the bed with you.

–Very well...– closing your eyes and with a satisfied smile, you turned your back on Yumi and reached to the clothes you were wearing. –Undress then– being carried away, you accidentally let out those words in a way that could seem like one of the orders you give to your slaves instead of the caring words of the facade you constructed around Yumi. Yet, instead of being confused by them, Yumi obediently carried on with your order, turning her back on her and striping herself of her clothes.

Although she was determined, her fingers were shaking a little bit, making it a little difficult to undo the more precise parts of her uniform. Of course, she was nervous, even if she had been naked with other people before, and even if she had been sucking on your dick for the past few days, this was the very first time she would actually have sex, of course it was intimidating. With each piece of fabric that was removed from over her skin, she felt more and more defenseless. When her underwear was the only thing left on her, she hesitated to take it out, but once again her determination to accomplish what she looked for, her revenge, gave her what she needed to strip away her bra and panties.

–Are you ready?– as if you were waiting for her, the moment Yumi was completely naked you talked to her again, making a shiver ran through her spine. As a reflex, Yumi covered her nipples with her right arm, while covering her pussy with the other hand. Slowly, Yumi turn around to face you, being greeted by the glorious sight of your naked body facing back at her. Your toned, muscular, masculine body was what any man should achieve to have. Not the grotesque physique of a bodybuilder, but the beautiful shape of the muscles on a healthy slim figure. But despite that gorgeous sight, what Yumi's eyes focused on was on what hanged from between your legs. Your rock-hard cock ready to impregnate a female with its sacks full of your seed. Yumi had seen it before, but now it looked different, maybe because her mind was warping her perception of it knowing that it would go deep inside of her, or maybe because today was more happy than usual thanks to the new toy it would be playing with.

–What... what s-should I do?– intimidated, Yumi's voice shaked as she asked for guidance. She was entering into unknown territory accompanied with what could only be described as a beast.

–I'll guide you– your calmed voice brought her confidence, but your next order made her a little uncomfortable. –Lay on the bed... on all fours– Yumi swallowed. A position like that would render her completely defenseless and in utter lack of control. It was a bit hardcore for a first time, yet she, foolishly trusting you, obeyed.

Climbing to the bed, Yumi let go of her intimate parts to use her limbs to crawl to the center of the bed. The soft, high quality bed sheets gave her comfort, but the even stronger sent that came of them revealed its nature as a trap. Even when her body was so tense, you could still appreciate her round soft ass and those thick meaty thighs. Yet, there was something else you were looking for...

–AHH!?– Yumi yelled in surprise, feeling your big arm grabbing her cheeks, sinking your firm finger on her skin and softly pulling them apart.

–Raise your ass, I want to see your cunt– your voice once again dictated a dry order to Yumi. This wasn't your usual way to act in front of her, but, for some reason, she didn't mind at all, awkwardly trying to satisfy your wishes to the best she could. –There we go... that's what I wanted to see– in front of, below her fat ass-cheeks, Yumi's pussy appeared before you. That pinky meat hole guiding into Yumi's womb, surrounded by its softly wet labia that, when pulled apart, showed its black empty space where a dick could go into and go rampage inside of it, almost as if it was begging you to fuck it. But all thing first, you had to make the proper arrangements before the show started. Laying your hand on Yumi's belly, you concentrated your energy to the tips of your fingers and, without saying a word, you successfully summoned your best friends into her skin.

–Aggh...– a subtle burning pain attacked Yumi's belly as two [Womb Tattoo] marked themselves into her skin: [Deep Focus] and [Mindmelt]. You had been practicing a little bit with Koneko the last few days, and it seemed that that had finally paid off, you now could summon your curses by just thinking about them. –(y/n)-dono... what was...? AHH💞~!– the unexpected sensation of the length and width of your warmly wet tongue laying on her highly sensitive pussy gave Yumi her first orgasm ever on her life. –(y/n)... what are you doing...? Agh💞~– having your firm grasp on her butt, you used your thumbs to expand Yumi's pussy and give your tongue more space to attack, licking, sucking and kissing her meaty lower entrance to her body. –Agh💞... Ahh💞~– Yumi, ignorant that you were going to passionately make out with her cunt, couldn't resist the continuous waves of pleasure that came from her pussy and went through her entire body like a very pleasant shiver. Thanks to [Deep Focus], she could feel in extreme detail the porosity of your wet tongue crushing itself against her pussy and occasionally picking through it, while covering her nerves with its warm, sticky saliva and mixing it with her own increasing fluids and turning her pussy into a dripping mess with a dirty, intoxicating smell.

The increasing sexual tension attack her, forced Yumi to instinctively tense her entire body while stretching it at the same time, putting an almost painful amount of pressure over it. This was her first time experiencing such intense feeling, and as such, she didn't know how to react to it. Her fists were crushing the bedsheets below then, her back was bended forward and her legs were twitching. Her face was pitch red, her sight was lost somewhere in the ceiling and her teeth crushed one another with the force of her jaw. The increasing amount of fluids covering Yumi's fleshy and pinky pussy made it impossible for her to distinguish which ones were coming from her and which ones were coming from you, it had come to the point where all she could feel was a dense layer of sticky warm liquids overloading her nerve endings with pleasure. Yumi was easily brought to both being incredibly wet and very near to climax, which was exactly what you wanted.

–Agh💞~ ah...?– sensing the absence of your tongue, Yumi made a disappointed noise, feeling a uncomfortable empty space were before was that sweet pleasure of that wonderful wet muscle pressuring her pussy. She instinctively moved a little bit her hips towards you, looking for your touch again.

–This is supposed to be a senjutsu treatment, but you seem to be enjoying being with your mistress' fiancé...– you stood up on the bed, resting over your knees and having your erect cock at the same height as Yumi's round ass. –Perhaps I should tell Rias that her insubordinate servant is trying to seduce me...

–N-no! t-that's not what I...!– Yumi's embarrassed, panicking voice was cut short at the feeling of something laying on her pussy. It wasn't your tongue this time, it was something else, something Yumi had been waiting for.

–Hehe... don't worry, I won't tell her...– you rested your hands on each side of Yumi's hips, softly pushing your fingers against her soft skin, while, at the same time, slowly pushed your cock towards her soaked pussy, dripping Yumi's fluids onto your dick. –I'm the one seducing you, after all...– Yumi could hardly contain herself, if it wasn't for your tight grip on her hips, she would have already devoured your meat log with her pussy. Just the touch of your soft mushroom was enough to make her progressively wetter.

–Please... I need it... right here~– Yumi was at her breaking point, she no longer could contain or hide her desire towards you. She didn't care about what you could tell to Rias or what the consequences of her actions could be. In that moment, the only thing that mattered was that glorious, fat monster cock of yours pushing against her labia.

You smiled victorious, Yumi wasn't broken just yet, but she was already doomed (or blessed) to fall before you. Slowly moving your pelvis forward, you forced open Yumi's cunt, burying the sensitive pink tip of your cock in her warm and soaked meat cave. Yumi twitched as her body savored the teasing carnal pleasure of your cock sliding with ease into her, forcing apart her submissive flesh walls and going deeper into her cunt.

–Mghh...~ Aggh...~– indecent sounds came out of Yumi's mouth, her sweet female voice contorted into groans of pleasure. Feeling her wet, warm interior pushing against your cock was as pleasing for you as feeling your long, fat cock forcing its way into Yumi with its hardness was for her. The further you reached, the more wetter she got as that painful pleasure grew more and more, until eventually... –Ahh💞~!– once your cock was completely inside Yumi, the moment you hit the entrance to her womb, her mouth couldn't contain her voice producing such an indecent noise. With that majestic melody, a stranger feeling of wetness slipped throughout your legs, but immediately you realized where it came from.

–Not only do you wet yourself like a waterfall, but you also come the moment a put my dick inside of you... You really have no shame– you made fun of Yumi as your pelvis moved back.

–N-no... I didn't mean t... Ahh💞!– you didn't give her a chance to defend herself before pushing your cock forward again, crushing her cervix with the power and firmness of your mighty spear, squeezing those sweet, obscene noises out of her mouth with your repeated movement.

Squish Squish Squish Squish*

The sound of your skins colliding in each slow but strong thrust, was slightly overshadowed by the dirty wet noise cause by your genitals rubbing against one another while being soaked by Yumi's absurd amount of fluids pouring out of her cunt. In each push, your cock squeezed her own cum and natural lubricant out of her pussy, spraying it and staining your hard meat-log, your cum filled balls and, both hers and yours, legs. Even with her inner walls crushing your cock inside her, she was so wet that you easily slided in and out, kissing her cervix in each thrust with your sensitive pinky tip.

–Agh...~💞! Ahhh...~💞! Ughh~💞!– Yumi let go of any kind of dignity or pride she ever had. The thoughts of revenge and duty that usually went through her head were put aside, and in exchange, the wonderfully detailed feeling of your veiny, girthy cock pulling her cunt apart with its authoritarian firmness and creating a passage to her baby-making sack overloaded her brain. Denying her the ability to think straight and causing her to make those incident moans with the saliva coming out of her mouth and her eyes rolling towards the ceiling.

Although not as intense as the first one, Yumi's pussy continued to shoot out small streams of her cum in coordination with your attacks. It was like a never-ending climax that got slowly squeezed as Yumi let go of it more and more. With her mind submerged in pleasure, she had no way of knowing that her memories were starting to become fuzzy. The more she gave in to her constant climax, the more the faces of her childhood friends began to distort and the letters of their names changed places. Glowing in her belly, [Mindmelt] slowly corroded Yumi's mind, permanently erasing those memories that were completely useless for an obedient cock sleeve.

With her mind in a foggy state, overwhelmed by the stimulation of all her nerves endings in her pussy all at once, Yumi laid her head on the bed sheets, burning her obscene expression on them. Her body was tense like zip line, her rigid muscles kept her posture despite the unrelenting assault on her pussy. Her legs refused to give in, as they desperately kept her hip high for you to keep going on her. As far as you could see, Yumi's body faltered in each time your pelvis violently clashes against her round butt-cheeks, yet immediately returned to its original position, ready for the next thrust.

The sight of a beautiful woman taking you in with lustful compliance was something you had gotten use to for the past few days, yet the feeling of it and the wonderful sensation of submitting their body and heart to you was something you'll never get tired of. Right now, you could feel Yumi's body giving in, slowly adapting itself to its new master as its insides received your cock with a warm embrace. And, by only hearing the moan muted by the bedsheets, you knew that her heart will soon be yours as well. The excitement of having yet another slave joining your collection got the better of you, going from the back of your head to the tip of your cock, making you increase the speed in which you penetrated Yumi, unable to hold it any longer. Without saying a word, you sped up your pace faster than what Yumi's body could follow, making her falter again and almost falling onto the bed if it wasn't for your strong grip on her hips, pushing them with force against your pelvis as you pushed your pelvis against her ass. Your cock went wild inside her, franticly going in and out hitting her cervix like a constant knock to be let in.

–Ahh~💞! Oh god💞! My... Aghh~💞!– Yumi moaned more and more, knowing what was coming. The fluids coming out of her pussy sprayed everything around it, causing a soaked, dripping mess. That chaotic pace didn't last long before... –OGHHH~💞!– the coming flood finally arrived to Yumi's womb. The quick succession of cum-shots in form of thick white liquid strings, went through her cervix, hitting the walls of her uterus. Yumi let her tongue escape from her mouth as her face lost any sight of sanity. Her mind was submerged in the liquid balloon inside of her, in the sticky, warm fluid that filled her womb and moved with the waves that your never ending cum-shots cause. With the overflow of Yumi's womb, your semen started to leak in between your cock and her pussy, finding its way out and dripping over her labia and your balls and onto the bedsheets. Along with it, a second stream came out of Yumi's cunt looking as if she was pissing herself. She had once again reached an intense climax, letting it go of that fluid as her memories of her fallen friends went along with it, reduced to a dirty stain on the bed.

The already wet feeling of Yumi's pussy around your cock was intensified by your slimy with fluid flooding her insides and wrapping itself around you before dripping onto the bed. That sticky, hot fluid touching your sensitive glans after cumming gave an almost painful ticking sensation, but you weren't done yet, Yumi wasn't still completely broken and your balls still had so much of your seed to deposit inside her womb.

Yumi's mind was completely overwhelmed by the unmatched pleasure that clouded her brain, letting her body go loose, being only held up by your grip on her hips, looking more like a doll than a person. Swiftly but delicately, you sat on your legs, lowering Yumi's ass along with you as you kept your still hard cock inside of her. Then, you gently turned her around, putting her face-up, with her right leg laying on the bed next to you, while you held her left leg over your right arm, keeping her both open to the beautifully erotic sight in front of you. Yumi's body was a natural delicacy, her slim feminine figure had both the round shapes of a fertile woman, and the subtle muscles of a warrior. Her smooth, pale skin made her limbs look fragile on a first look, but if you touched it, you would feel her well trained muscles beneath their soft cover. While not being as colossal as your sweet Rias', Yumi's breast were still quite big, enough for them to bounce and to bury your fingers into them if you touched them. But what caught your attention the most, was the pathetic expression she had on her face.

Yumi's facial features had some glimpses of masculinity, echoes from her original sex, yet her face was undoubtedly that of a woman. Anyone else, those traces of what she was before could be taken as just the quirks of a tomboy, but for you was the constant reminder that inside this woman's body, was the soul of a man, and slowly you were turning him into a thirsty whore. And that delightful, degenerate satisfaction was only increased by her obscene and shameless expression. Her lips drew an euphoric open smile, allowing her tongue to stick out and lay on her chin and the saliva slipped out of her mouth. Her eyes rolled through the ceiling, finding their destination somewhere on the wall in front of you. Yumi's face was a reflection of the sheer ecstasy that overloaded her brain, and the same was for the periodic twitching in her body, still stiff for the he intense release of sexual tension.

Looking down at her slim belly, [Deep Focus] glowed with great intensity, while [Mindmelt] was slowly losing its shine as Yumi stopped cumming. [Receptacle] on the other hand, while was still hidden, it no longer had any use for you, instead, there was another curse that would better help you in Yumi's domestication. Reaching your hand toward her belly, you laid your fingers where [Receptacle] should be and...

–[Remove: Receptacle] [Sensitivity]– immediately after those words, Yumi's twitching increased dramatically, as her already sensitive body was experiencing that subtle burning pain that characterized the [Womb Tattoo].

–Ah... Agh... Aghh~💞!– you didn't even had to move for Yumi to start moaning again, the increased sensitivity of her pussy was already doing the job for you. –Wha... what is this~💞?– of course, she didn't had any idea of what was happening, but that was alright, she didn't have to know, not yet, not until she was completely yours. Slowly, you moved your pelvis again in a gentle move, going back and forth, and immediately after that... –AGHH~💞!– Yumi came again, spitting out her lewd water out of her semen-overflowed pussy.

It just took two small movements to make Yumi cum and, by consequence, activate [Mindmelt] and erase her memories. The smile that appeared on your face when your realized that was grotesque, and the following rampage you unleashed on Yumi's fragile body was even more.

Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish*

What followed was intense and repetitive wet sound of your cum-soaked genitals thrusting into one another as you violently pushed your pelvis towards her crotch, splashing the absurd amounts of semen that overflowed her pussy into both of your bellies while Yumi continued to let go a stream of her lewd water in each push forward. Yet, those indecent wet sound were still overshadowed by Yumi's broken voice.

–AHHH~💞! I'M CUMMING~💞! I CAN'T STOP CUMMING~💞! WHAT IS...? AGHHH~💞!– despite being desperate and confused, Yumi's moans were of an unhealthy pleasure. Her body twisted and contorted franticly as her back arched over the bed, her arms twitched while her fists crushed the bedsheets and her heavy breast bounce in all directions thanks to hers and your own movements. Her legs tried to move as well, but you stopped then by hugging the left one with your right arm while keeping the right one open with your left hand, all of this to have a firm grip from where to keep pounding her pussy as the outline of your hard meat-log reached Yumi's womb again and again beneath her belly. –I CAN'T STOP~💞! I'M CUMMING~💞! HE'S MAKING CUMMING~💞!– in each thrust, Yumi's pussy turned into a fountain, spitting out sprays of her lewd water at your command.

–Who's making you cum, Yumi?– for each time she came, memories from her past were erased. Her escape from that cursed place, the experiments, her friends, her childhood, her original sex and even her original name, all of it was being erase with each time Yumi came, but she had no way of knowing that. Submerged in pleasure, she didn't even realize that she was forgetting so many things, that by giving to that wonderful pleasure, she was literally washing away her very sense of self, flushing all that you didn't need of her and only leaving a horny sex toy.

–YOU~💞! YOU, (y/n)-DONO~💞! YOU'RE MAKING CUM~💞!– tears of pleasure joined the wet mess that her face had become. There was no sight of sanity, no honor or dignity, only a whore in heat.

–Master, Yumi. Remember? I'm your master– Yumi was confused by that. You weren't her master, Rias was... But you were Rias' fiancé and Yumi had been giving you blowjobs for the past few days... Yumi couldn't come up with a reason for that, why was she even having sex with you in the first place? If you were Rias' fiancé, then you were cheating on her? No... she remembered Rias giving her permission, but why? Yumi couldn't remember the why of the thing she did, all she remembered was the dirty yet delicious taste of your cock going down her throat and those dictatorial orders you gave her before giving her the greatest pleasure of her life.

–Master...?– yeah... that seem right, after all, he was her mistress fiancé, a high class demon, while she was just a nobody with no memories that someone picked up in a snowy forest. –Master...– someone so docile and thirsty couldn't be anything else but a slave to their master. –Master💞!

Calling to you, Yumi raised her hands, trying to reach your face. Knowing what she wanted, you finally decided to claim your reward, laying over her and pushing your lips against hers. Feeling your manly, beefy body pushing against hers, Yumi immediately clang onto you, wrapping her thin, fragile looking arms around your neck and head while pushing her defenseless and naked body against yours. Setting her legs free, you hugged Yumi's slim waist while her legs did the same with your hips, not wanting to be separated from you for even a second. While Yumi's lust had completely taken over her, she didn't have the enough experience to match your kissing skills. All she could really do was push her lips against your as just feel how you devoured them while your tongue violated her mouth and abused her own.

Despite the grip of Yumi's legs, your constant pounding on her pussy didn't stop. Your pelvis continued to move, now more franticly than ever, this time spitting the lewd fluids of both of you from behinds, right beneath your heavy balls. Your cock moved euphorically forward and backward in her pussy, constantly hitting on her flooded cervix, desperately trying to get in as the narrow meat-walls that surrounded you tried to squish the solid hardness of your cock, doing their best to milk your thick, sticky seed. Yumi's body wanted to be impregnated as much as Yumi wanted to taste that overflow of cum in her womb once again. And you... were eager to give her what she wanted.

Plash Plash Plash Plash Plash Plash Plash Plash.... Plash!*

With one last thrust, your cock once again erupted on an explosion of cum injected directly into Yumi's womb. Her entire body reacted, tensing itself and tightening her grasp over you. She tried to moan, but you didn't allow it, silencing her with your lips while feeling the stream of semen going from your balls to the tip of your cock and continued to shoot more and more of your jets of cum into her. Your seed soon overflowed Yumi's baby-sack, and rapidly found its way out, bursting out of her pussy in strings of white, hot, sticky fluid into the sheets. After a couple seconds, once your load was completely emptied, both your and her grips on each other loosened, allowing Yumi to lay on the bed once again, and for you to separate from her, sitting on your ass and finally pull out your still erect cock out of her.

While both of you were left patting after the increased intensity of the last climax, Yumi seem far more exhausted, taking deep breaths, moving her breast up and down as the air entered and left her lungs. Looking down at the mess you had made, you noticed just how much Yumi had come, and how much did your violent thrusts did stained your pelvis, your belly and her crotch with the fluids of both of you. Of course, your dick and her pussy were the most affected, being one completely covered on a mix of fluids, and the other one turned into a waterfall of those same erotic smelling fluids.

–Yumi...– standing up on your knees, you "walked" beside Yumi's body up to her head. –Do you know who Isaiah is?

–Isaiah...?– Yumi was tired, yet still thirsty for more, especially when her master's cock was hanging erect in front of her face. –Who's that?

–Doesn't matter...– you smiled; the experiment had been a terrifying success. –Come, clean it up– softly grabbing her by the hear, to held Yumi's head near the tip of your dick.

–Yes, master~– with a obedient smile, Yumi open her mouth and stuck out her tongue as a rug for your cock to enter into the throat of your newest slave.

— — • — —

–Mghhh... Babe💞~ mghhh...– Rias couldn't stop herself from calling to you with love in between the deep and lustful kisses that you both shared. Sitting in the border of the bed, you had her in top of you, hugging her with a possessive embrace, while she moved her hip in circular motion, making your cock inside her move from one side to another, pushing her inner walls and stimulating her pussy. As you hugged her body, crushing her soft elastic breast against your firm pectorals, she also had your neck surrounded with her thin, delicate arms, embracing you like snakes, keeping your face close to hers so she could keep kissing her beloved fiancé.

While you two lovers continued to fuck each other, Yumi laid face-up on the bed in a contorted position. She was conscious, although covered in sweat and completely exhausted. Her face had frozen in an expression of extasy as her mouth continued to stay open, letting her body rest and catch a break. Out of her pussy came an ungodly amount of cum. That white, sticky fluid overflowed her womb and came out of her like a river ending up in a waterfall directly into the bedsheets.

Rias had once again betrayed one of her servants, yet instead of feeling guilty, she continued to ride the cock of the man that had rape her once. Your strong male body had her completely defenseless. While your grip over her had a gentle love, if she tried to escape you without warning you would hold her tight, forcing her to stay in top of you and keep devouring your cock with her pussy. She loved that. She loved that possessive side of you. It not only made her feel loved and wanted, but it also made her unbelievable horny, as the idea that she was your property and you could do whatever you wanted to her ran through her like a corroding virus that corrupted her "innocent" mind.

Suddenly, a red glow appeared next to the bed, behind Rias and right in front of you. Out of it, two distinct figures materialize before the glow disappeared once more. Separating her lips from yours, but without stopping the movement of her hip, Rias move her face to the side to see the ones that had arrive in the magic circle.

–Did you have fun, Akeno?– while Koneko looked exactly the same as before they left, Akeno did not. The brown coat that hid her (almost) naked body was no longer being wear, instead she was carrying it below her right arm. Her ridiculously tiny bikini was still on her, yet instead of being stacked with packages of condoms, it now had the used condoms themselves tied up and left hanging from the strips of the bikini. Much like Yumi, Akeno was covered in sweat, but unlike her, she also had rests of cum all over her body. Even her dark hair, which was now untied, had been tainted by the white manly fluid. In her belly, the three [Womb Tattoo] glowed in her skin. While [Command] and [Sensitivity] had a subtle shine to them, [Suffer] looked like a second sun.

–I did~– Akeno started talking with her usual melodic voice. –Being devoured by the lust of two teenagers... while having dates with Issei... it feels like I'm cheating on him...– the glow of [Suffer] seem to get even stronger. –Fufu... it feels so sinfully good💞~– Akeno almost moaned as she said those last words, being noticeable aroused by the whole situation her master had put her in.

–Don't forget who is your master, whore– not wanting Akeno to get ahead of herself, you made sure that that stupid bitch knew her place.

–Don't worry, master, I did just as you told me~. They only came in my mouth and my ass. My pussy is only for master's seed💞~

–All these condoms are from all the times they wanted to fuck her pussy. Akeno-sempai stopped them from doing it raw every time– Koneko, stoic as ever, helped her friend's case by being her witness.

–Well done, Akeno...– the truth was that you already expected Akeno to obey your command, that was the whole purpose of one the curses she had, after all. –Now go take a bath, you stink.

–Yes~– obeying your order with her usual smile, Akeno left the bedroom.

–Koneko, how was the recording? Did you film everything?– Koneko nodded to your question.

–I got everything on camera, those two also helped a lot. They seem to know a lot about that kind of film.

–I'm not surprised– Rias smiled knowing the kind of scum that those two were. Two porn addicts that didn't even hesitate to fuck their friend's "girlfriend" like animals and record it. –Koneko, the food should be ready now. Get it out of the oven and put on the table– Koneko nodded again and, without saying a word, left the bedroom with the camera equipment. –Now... where was I~?– returning her attention towards you, Rias embraced your neck once again a resumed the passionate loving kiss that your lips shared.