
Entitled Love

You belong to the Libidine family, the 73th demon clan and one of the 33 remaining survivors. During your early chilhood you met and became best friends with two members of other demon clans: Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. Both you and your families have a great relationship that has lasted for years, thats why the patriacs of both the Gremory clan and the Libidine clan, in the need to preserve the pure demon blood, decided to arrenge a marrige between you and Rias. You, that were deaply in love with Rias, were extreamly happy about it, but Rias did not share those feelings, refusing to marry you. What to any other man would be a problem, to you is nothing but a perfect opotunity to put the power of your family to the test. The power of lust. (Cover image by Lord Dominik)

IgnachoIX · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


When Koneko woke up in the infirmary with her fellow peers, she felt... strange, as if a buzzing was inconveniently vibrating just below her, in a very particular place. Not wanting to make a fool of herself or put herself in an embarrassing situation, Koneko didn't say a word about it to the rest of those present at that time. It was only when you left the infirmary and Koneko got up from her bed that the vibration stopped. She even looked with the uncovered sheets at the place where she had been lying and sitting, confirming that there was indeed nothing under her. Still puzzled, the nekomata decided to ignore that event, dismissing it as a mere occurrence.

The rest of that day was as quiet as any other or even more. With no rogue demons or fallen angels to deal with at the moment, all the stress of a lurking enemy had melted away, allowing the little student to focus on her classes for the day. That strange sensation that she had experienced in the infirmary had become something less than a simple anecdote, since it hadn't returned in the rest of the day, not even as a slight tickle. Soon Koneko completely forgot about it and, after her classes, she returned to her small and lonely apartment without much ado. Unlike other days, Rias assured her peerage members that they didn't have to complete contracts for today and that they could go back to their homes to rest, and that's exactly what Koneko did.

The next day began as quietly as the day before had ended. As usual, Koneko got ready to go to the academy in the solitude of her apartment that the Gremory family had given her, and then she headed to the academy. It was soon after arriving that things would start to get strange...

–The president won't come?– Koneko wanted Akeno to repeat what she had just said to her. The president, her master, Rias, was extremely dedicated to her student life, if she was absent for any reason, it must be something extremely important or completely out of her control.

–That's right, she told me it was nothing serious, so she asked us not to worry about her– Akeno calmed Koneko as quickly as she was surprised, it was not common to see Koneko's stoic face twist. –Since Rias is not here, that makes me the temporary leader of the peerage, so if something happens, Koneko, don't hesitate to come to me– Akeno's words were full of that security and fraternity that let you know that you could trust her for anything.

–Okay, I'll let you know if she noticed anything strange– Koneko was already turning to go to class when Akeno spoke to her again.

–Oh, by the way, could you teach (y/n) around the school?– the question surprised Koneko, who believed that Rias' fiancé would be minimally familiar with the academy he had just transferred to. –Rias was supposed to, but she's not here and I'll be very busy today, so if you could…– Akeno excused you knowing what Koneko might be thinking.

Before your surprise appearance yesterday, you and Koneko had seen each other a few times and talked even less. That's why Koneko didn't have a strong opinion about you, she only knew the basics: that you were Rias' childhood friend, that you wanted to marry her but she rejected you and that you suddenly appeared again and now Rias seemed to be delighted to get married with you. Koneko found it strange but, like the others, since no one said anything, she just accepted it, after all it was Rias' life we are talking about and what she decided to do with it was none of her business.

–Okay, I'll show him around the school after the first break. If you see him, tell him to wait for me in the cafeteria– accepting the order that her sempai had placed on her, Koneko withdrew to her classroom completely unaware of the evil smile from ear to ear that Akeno had on her face and the remains of semen that slipped out of her pussy.

— — •— —

Despite the fact that, the day before, Rias had told Issei that Akeno only had a little temporary discomfort, he couldn't help but feel uneasy about the state of his sempai even now. Therefore, now that he finally had a free moment in the first break of the day, he wanted to see Akeno and make sure that she was alright himself, hoping that this way he could get rid of this strange feeling of danger that had been eating away at him since yesterday. What he didn't expect, is that Akeno would be the one looking for him.

–Hello, Ise-kun~ Where are you going in such a hurry~?– the meeting that was intended to be casual took place in one of the corridors of the academy. Akeno's flirtatious and seductive voice and look was enough to make any man hesitate, especially a teenager like Issei.

–Akeno-san! I... I wanted to see that you were okay...– Issei, blushing a little with embarrassment, revealed his concern for his sempai, to which she uttered her smile even more.

–Ohhh~ What a cute kouhai I have~ You make me blush~– Akeno narrowed her eyes and placed one of her hands on her face while she slightly tilted it to the same side, as she responded to her prey's concern. Then, she straightened her face again and approached him with a speed that gave him no time to react. –I think I should make up for it... Tell me, would you like to spend more time with your sempai~?– Akeno swayed to Issei's side, holding on to his arm and sinking it between her breasts and then placing her hand delicately on his chest and bringing her face dangerously close to his ear. –I really would like to get to know you better...~– Akeno's whispers were accompanied by a subtle movement of her hand moving across Issei's chest –...And in return, I'll let you get to know me better too~– now were her breasts that moved slightly, rubbing against the arm of their victim.

–Ehhhhh...– to say that Issei was stunned was being generous. Issei was completely at Akeno's mercy, being controlled by her words like a snake by a piper's melody. His face was as readable as an open book, with that goofy expression and that pronounced blush, it didn't take a genius to know that Akeno had him eating out of her hand. Now that she had brought up the possibility of having an "intimate moment" with her, Issei would behave like her dog, coming unprotestingly to her whenever she called, all for an empty promise of a reward that would never come.

–Fufufu...– while she laughed coquettishly, Akeno saw, far from her and Issei, Koneko accompanying you through the same corridor on the tour that she herself had asked her kouhai to do. –Let's go, Ise-kun~ Let's go to a more... quiet place– clinging to his arm, Akeno dragged Issei away from you and Koneko without the slightest resistance from the stunned teenager she was taking with her.

–...And these rooms are the second-year ones, the one there specifically is that of Issei-sempai, Asia-sempai and Yumi-sempai– with her typical stoic attitude, Koneko robotically recounted the function of each of the rooms they were passing by, being the one they were now visiting the classroom that Issei had left before meeting Akeno and where Asia was currently being surrounded by a small group of girls, probably from her same class.

For them it was imperceptible, but for you it was clear: Asia was really uncomfortable, she hid it very well but it was obvious to you that she was a little irritated by the intrusive conversation she was being forced into by the social pressure of her classmates. Just like Rias told you, Asia was too nice to say no to anyone, even when there was a curse placed on her that made her feel incredibly uncomfortable not being around a man. Rias had also said that in her class, the only men were Issei and his two friends, and none of them were close enough to Asia to ease her discomfort during class. You could only imagine the psychological torture Asia must be going through and how clingy she must be with Issei at every chance she gets. Unfortunately for her, Issei wouldn't be available for a while...

–Where is your classroom, Koneko-san?– diverting your attention, you asked your guide to continue with his tour.

–My classroom is on the ground floor, further on are the stairs– pointing towards the end of the hall, Koneko gave you directions that Rias had already given you before.

–Then let's continue, I want to know where I can find all of you. After all, Rias' friends are also my friends– with an unusually positive attitude, you started your march towards the direction that Koneko had pointed out.

–Wait…– Koneko stopped you with her characteristic stoicism. –I'm the guide, I'll go first– the little tantrum, even with Koneko's emotionless voice, sounded tenderly angry, and that captivated you.

–Of course...– with a smile, you moved to the side and let Koneko walk past you. The moment she bumped into you, a subtle shiver ran down her back like an electric current, going from her head to her crotch, leading to that strange feeling she had felt in the infirmary the day before and that she had completely forgotten. In that instant Koneko stopped dead, realizing the situation and evaluating how she should deal with it. –Are you alright, Koneko-san?– feigning innocence, you taunted her with that question with no way for her to know that it wasn't a genuine question.

–...– the tickling sensation in her crotch now was much stronger than the subtle discomfort she felt in the infirmary, so much so that it even caused her to blush slightly as a result of her animal instincts slowly activating. –I-I'm fine...let's continue– making the decision to ignore that annoyance, Koneko continued forward hoping that, just like before, that feeling would disappear on its own.

With a small and mischievous smile on your face, you thanked Koneko's resilience and continued on your way with her while you continued to look at that small body with eyes filled with lust. Her innocent and tender face, her small hip, her fragile limbs, and her undeveloped butt and breasts... just thinking of having the defenseless Koneko on your bed moaning as you thrust into her was enough to get you impatient.

Luckily you wouldn't have to wait long.

— — •— —

Having arrived from the lunch break, Akeno and Issei agreed to eat together in a place secluded from the rest, almost like it was a date. The place they found was a bench on the outskirts of the academy building, set back from the more populated areas of the academy, like a hideout for lovers.

–Say ahhhh...– they both had their respective bentos on their laps, even so, Akeno took advantage of the moment to give Issei a taste of her food.

–Ahhhh... hom* – Issei obeyed Akeno, opening his mouth and letting her put a small portion of her own bento in it. –Mhhh! It's delicious! You really are very good at cooking, Akeno-san!– still chewing his food, Issei appreciated Akeno's cooking.

–I'm glad you like Ise-kun. Maybe I'm not as experienced as your mom, but I can still defend myself– Akeno took a portion of her own bento to her mouth, sensing that the bento that Issei brought had been prepared by her mother.

–Don't say that! Your food is as delicious as the one my mom prepares!– having already swallowed the food, Issei complemented Akeno's food again with tone of voice a little more raised than it was necessary in a conversation like this, causing a slight but invisible irritation on Akeno.

–Oh, is it...?– Akeno brought her face closer to Issei's, making him believe for a moment that she would kiss him. –You would say that my food is better than your mother's?– feeling her breath so close to him and with a slight blush, Issei debated what he should say next. Yes, he liked Akeno's food, but her mother's food had a special place in his heart and to say that Akeno's food was better felt like he was betraying her. But...

–I...– with a hesitant voice, Issei noticed how Akeno accommodated her expression to a more tender one, at the same time that she stuck out more of her chest so that her voluptuous breasts would be even more noticeable. –...I prefer your food... Akeno-san– having the possibility of losing his virginity defeating the love he had for his mother, Issei gave the victory to Akeno, who returned her attention to her food with a satisfied expression and without giving Issei the slightest reward for having chosen her over his own mother.

Hhhm Hhhm Hhhm*

Suddenly, a repeated vibration began to sound in one of Issei's pockets. Taking his cell phone out of that pocket, he saw its screen and knew who was calling him.

–It's Asia...– the aforementioned caught Akeno's attention. –Lately I haven't been talking to her much at school, it seems she's having a good time with the girls in our class– Issei, in all his good faith, wanted Asia to talk to her classmates and make friends, so he didn't cared a lot about leaving her alone and spending time with Akeno.

–That's what you wanted, isn't it?– Akeno, hiding her nervousness from him, tried to prevent Issei from taking the call.

–Yes, but…– Issei took a short pause while the cell phone in his hand continued to vibrate. –Since yesterday she has been very attached to me, almost as if her life depended on it. At first, I thought it was her because she was shy, but now... I have a bad feeling– as he was about to answer the call, Akeno placed her hand on his cell phone, preventing him from touching the screen.

–Or maybe you're just jealous. I mean, until recently you were Asia's only friend, now that she has more people to talk to maybe you're getting a bit… possessive– what Akeno said wasn't true at all, but it was convincing enough to make Issei believe that his own concern was born from such a selfish desire.

–You're right... I shouldn't monopolize Asia like that...– Akeno's face regained its smile as she saw the vibration of the cell phone stop dead. –She deserves to have her own friends, and that's none of my business– Issei looked a little down, perhaps disappointed in himself for feeling that he had hurt Asia's dream of having more friends in some way.

–Don't feel bad... Asia is creating relationships with other people, just like you're creating a relationship right now~– Akeno delicately took Issei's cell phone from his hands and put it aside, but not before turning it off. With that distraction gone, now Issei would have no reason to abandon her, as ordered.

–Mhhh...– from the window of the corridor that overlooked the small secluded place where Akeno and Issei were, you watched them with satisfaction, knowing that your new slave was obeying your orders with remarkable results.

–...And this is the occult research club– a little further down the hall, Koneko continued her work as a guide through the academy, finally reaching the base of your fiancée's peerage. Konelo's face was somewhat red, the warm blush that had been present on her face throughout the entire guide had spread over almost her entire face with a suffocating heat, and her breathing seemed somewhat accelerated, being that she was using her mouth instead of nose. It would be clear to anyone that she was not feeling well, but you knew well that the reason for her state was the curse in her belly in constant use, attacking her pussy with the subtle but powerful stimulation of a vibrator. –Did… the president show you… the other rooms in the club…?– Koneko asked that question between sighs hoping that the answer would be "Yes" so that she could take a break and take care of this powerful itch that was braking havoc in her body.

–No, actually she didn't...– scratching the back of your neck, you made a sympathetic gesture towards Koneko for having to do the job that Rias, in theory, hadn't done.

–Ah... very well, follow me...– Koneko's resistance was admirable, she did everything possible to swallow her own discomfort and complete the mission that her mistress had given her, however insignificant it may be. That kind of loyalty was something you craved having under your control, or rather, under your cock.

One by one, Koneko went through each room in the building that housed the occult club, guiding yourselves through it. But you didn't pay much attention to those rooms that your beloved Rias had already shown you, your attention was focused on Koneko, who with each step she took her breathing became heavier, her sighs more and more frequent and her steps slower and clumsier. Being with you for such an extended period of time during the day without being able to quench that relentless itch in her pussy was finally wearing down her mental resistance to her body's stimuli, subtly clouding her judgment and sense of direction, falling victim to the sweltering heat that the prolonged unrequited sexual stimulation was causing her.

–And this is the bedroom...– as they both entered the last room, a heavy sigh of relief left Koneko's mouth as she felt the weight of her duty finally leaving her shoulders. The thought that she would soon be able to deal with the crisis occurring under her panties allowed Koneko to momentarily regain the orientation that the small dizziness had taken from her. At that moment, with her keen nose, the nekomata perceived a peculiar smell in the room, a smell that Koneko easily identified and that didn't help her current state at all.

–Actually...– seeing that Koneko was absorbed in her thoughts, you slowly approached her from behind her. –...Rias did show me this room...– you subtly crouched down and brought your mouth close to Koneko's ear and whispered: –It was here where we had lots of sex yesterday...– your deep voice entered Koneko's ear like a chill and, for some reason, it made her feel completely defenseless before you. –Can you feel it, Koneko? The smell that your mistress left when she was being fornicated like an animal in this bed...– you delicately extended your hands towards Koneko's torso, both coming from each side, one going to her small breasts and the other going under her skirt.

–Sempai... what are you...? Aghh💞!– before she could react, the hand that you raised to her skirt accelerated to her panties, pressing hard on the wet fabric at the exact point where her overstimulated labia were, causing an orgasm in Koneko and making her completely lose the strength of her body and go into a semi-conscious state, as it it were an off switch.

–Look at you, being so horny for your mistress' fiancé, even more so showing your nekomata traits...– without Koneko wanting to, the orgasm caused by the contact with your fingers made her white nekomata ears and tail reveal themselves. – You bothered to teach me the academy, I think you deserve me to pay you back– taking her in your arms, you took Koneko to the bed, laying her face-up on the sheets.

When you rested her head on the bed, Koneko turned it to the side, sniffing in more detail the intense smell of sex that is impregnated in the fabric of the sheets. You weren't lying, Koneko could feel how her respectable and dear mistress had been repeatedly fucked in the same place where she was lying right now. That thought only served to make Koneko plunge further into her own horniness.

–...?– feeling something move in her torso, Koneko looked down at her uniform, realizing that you had wasted no time undoing her buttons and opening her skirt, revealing the pale skin of her petite body from her narrow hips to her developing breasts covered in a small white bra. –Sempai... what are you doing...– Koneko's mind was blurry, it almost felt like she was drunk, not very aware of her surroundings or what was happening.

–Don't worry, it's just a few small adjustments...– with those words, you placed your hand on the soft and delicate skin of Koneko's belly and started your attack. –[Reveal]– the first word revealed the mark on the lower part of Koneko's belly, glowing as its effect was still active at that moment. –[Animalistic] [Lesser]– the next two words marked with a shine the new curses that you imposed on Koneko on her skin, causing her a subtle burning pain that quickly disappeared when the tattoos completely adhered to her body.

–Sempai... I feel... strange...– the heat produced by the relentless vibration of her pussy was still present in Koneko, that added to the subtle pain in her belly, made the nekomata not understand what was happening to her body, even coming to think that perhaps this was her mating season.

–Relax, Koneko...– while you leaned on your four limbs on top of Koneko, you couldn't help but sweeten the tone of your voice when you saw her tender face, flushed to the extreme and completely helpless. –I'll make you feel good...– you gently approached her small half-open lips and leaned yours against them, kissing her gently. You didn't assault her mouth with your tongue, you didn't devour her lips like an animal, you just treated her with care and love, similar to what a person would feel for her pet. And Koneko, not feeling threatened by you, returned the kiss, closing her eyes just like you did and letting herself be carried away by the heat of the moment.

–Mhh... sempai...– Koneko called out to you as she felt how you were slowly taking off her uniform carefully. Fucking Rias and Akeno several times in her uniforms had given you clear knowledge about the girls' school clothes, giving you the ability to remove Koneko's uniform while she was leaning on the bed and you continued to kiss her. When the upper part of her body was completely naked, you began to run your mouth down Koneko's body without separating it from her skin, kissing her lips, chin, neck, and breasts while your fingers brushed the soft skin of her small body with erotic gentleness. –Mh... gah...~– having stopped your descent on her breasts, Koneko let out a few small growls as she felt how you gently kissed, sucked, and licked her delicate little nipples, drenching them with your saliva, while you took your hands to her breasts, touching them delicately in a subtle massage. Finishing with her breasts, you resumed your descent down her torso, kissing her skin from her chest to her belly, being accompanied by your hands on each side of Koneko's small torso carefully running over her soft pale skin until you reached the top of her pelvis. While your pear went down towards her crotch, your hands parted the open skirt and lowered her panties next to your face, being face to face with Koneko's wet intimacy exposed, to which you, unable to resist such a beautiful sight, placed a small kiss on her clit, causing Koneko to groan again. –Mghh...sempai...– wanting to continue, you quickly stripped Koneko of her panties and stockings, leaving her, thus, completely naked.

–Itadakimasu...– putting your hands in Koneko's thighs, you elevated her hip slightly and then buried your face between her legs, using your mouth to literally make out with her wet pussy, kissing, liking and sucking her labia with much more ferocity and intensity than when you were making out with her actual mouth.

–Gww... Ahh~!– feeling the attack to her most sensitive part, Koneko let out a slight moan as she hug your head with her legs and put her hands on your hair, not wanting you to stop from giving her the most intoxicating pleasure she had ever felt yet.

–Gmhhh...– as you groan between Koneko's thighs, increasing the ferocity in which you devoured her pussy, Koneko tensed her back, arching it over the bed sheets, and pushing her pelvis towards your mouth in an effort to feel an even greater pleasure. But once you felt that her pussy was already really wet, you took Koneko by the hip and pushed it back onto the bed while separating your face from her crotch and pushing her legs open again.

–Sempai...?– Koneko looked at you as you looked back at her. Her face was completely red, submerged in the heat of the moment, her eyes were watering with small tears of repressed pleasure finally being released, and her voice sounded like a plea, worried that you might stop right on the spot and not finish what you started. Without saying a word, you calmed her by slowly removing the upper part of your uniform, revealing little by little your muscular and toned torso and arms, making her subconsciously bite her lip in desire. Then, you took off your belt, lower your pants and underwear and reveal your rock-solid cock jumping out of your pants as if it were a beast being unchained.

–Will it... fit?– Koneko asked hypnotized by the view of that girthy, veiny, hard, long log of meat that hanged from between your legs. It not only looked big, but it also looked strong, powerful, like the arm of a bodybuilder, with life of its own.

–It will... because you are my pet, Koneko-chan, and I am your owner, that means that I'm your master and your body is made for my enjoyment– Koneko didn't understood were that came from, thinking that maybe it was part of a roleplay that you wanted to do, but in a matter of seconds her brain was reprogrammed and your statements became common sense to her.

–Yes...– the brainwashing effect of [Lesser] was slow, but giving how Koneko's mind was already so deep buried into lust, the curse mark on her belly acted instantly, changing her mind forever.

–Now, open your pussy for me– extending her hands to her crotch, Koneko opened her saliva soaking labia with her fingers, showing you the pink and warm interior of her virgin pussy.

–Please, fill me with your cock, make my itch go away~– horny and brainwashed, Koneko had both her legs and her interior open and ready to receive you. So, with your cock in your hand, you approached the nekomata's juicy pussy and put your pinky tip in between her labia, making Koneko take a breath in anticipation, then, slowly, you pushed your pelvis towards her crotch, burying your dick inside her. –Ghh... ahh...– Koneko let out small moans of both pain and pleasure as she felt your long meat shaft make its way through her, painfully pulling her walls apart as it hurt and squeeze a bit of blood out of them, making you feel not only the warm and tightness of her pussy, but also the hot wetness of her threads of blood covering your cock as you continued to push forward. –Ahh... NYA💞~!– when you finally reached the entrance to Koneko's womb, her voice pitch in a moan imitating the sound of a cat, making her a bit embarrassed for making such sound in front of her master.

You yourself let out a groan when feeling the warm and extremely tight interior of Koneko's pussy pressing its narrow fleshy walls into your dick. Looking down at her belly, you could see the silhouette of your cock reaching to her womb beneath her pale skin marked by the glowing tattoos you had put on her. Koneko's body was as tiny in the exterior as it was in the interior, and for a moment you though to yourself that maybe fucking her silly like Akeno wasn't the best idea, giving the differences between your sizes, it was better to take things slow.

–Ahh... you are so tight, Koneko-chan, I can hardly move!– resting your hands in both sizes of her waist, taking control of her little body, you slowly moved your cock back and forward, repeating the process with delicacy so not to hurt her.

–Nya💞~ you are too big, sempai...💞– while grunting and slightly moaning, Koneko put her little hand over yours as you continued to profanate her body. –But... don't stop... nya💞~ keep going... keep hitting my womb...💞– Koneko's voice was persistently interrupted by her own pleading moans distorted into cat noises. The pain that she was feeling by having her inner walls being pulled apart by your authoritarian manlyhood was not as great as the pleasure she was feeling for the exact same thing.

The heat and tightness of Koneko's interior, the subtle and lewd noises that came out of your genitals brushing one another and the nekomata's sweet, thirsty voice only helped to stimulate you even more, making you lose track of the force and speed in which you moved inside her. Slowly, your thrusts began to get stronger and their pace quicker. Soon your grip on her waist became stronger as well, pushing her tiny body against your pelvis in each thrust as you pushed it into her firmer, making the tip of your cock hit her womb with increasing intensity.

Paf Paf Paf Paf*

–W-wait...! Nya💞~ sempai... nya💞~ you... are being... too rough... NYA💞~!– despite her pleas, nor her or you wanted to stop. The sight of the outline of your giant cock moving below the skin of her tiny belly, reaching deep into her, was too hypnotizing to make it stop.

–Koneko-chan... your pussy... is too good!– for each time you pushed into her, targeting her cervix, Koneko's narrow walls attached even more to your cock in a try to crush it in a hug a milk it, but her soft, warm pussy was no match for your powerful and firm log meat, remaining unaffected as it continued to attack with each thrust, submitting Koneko's rebellious interior.

–Sempai💞~ sempai💞~ sempai💞~!– as Koneko continued to call on you, you took her little hands off of yours and pinned them down to the bed next to both sides of her head while you moved forward, putting your muscular trained body over Koneko's tiny one without ever stopping the continuous clash of your pelvis against her crotch, forcing her ass to slightly elevate above the bedsheets and making her legs spread even further, letting her legs hang loose in the air. Looking down on her you could see her red-blushed face, looking almost as if she was sick; her mildly open mouth moaning for you and you alone; her cute, fluffy white cat ears twitching in sync with your thrusts, and her glazed golden-yellow eyes with a gaze so animalistic, so primal, so submerged in lust, that it was hard to tell if she was looking at anything at all or if she had temporary lost the ability to see and only had a lost gaze. Answering that question Koneko looked down to your body, to your thick, strong legs keeping hers open for him to continue penetrate her; to your ripped, manly abs and wide, hard pectorals over her, making her feel claustrophobically defenseless, and your beefy, powerful arms with its big, veiny hands keeping hers prisoner.

Being intoxicated by her own primitive, animalistic instincts, Koneko looked at the man above her and saw a male much bigger and much more powerful than she had ever seen before. A male that didn't wait and just forced himself into her, sticking his dominant manlyhood in her pussy and repeatedly hit her cervix. It was the law of the jungle, it was only natural for him, a powerful male, to select his females to breed with and impregnate, completely disregarding her or anyone else's wishes. And she, as a female in heat, it was common sense for her to be attracted to this male and accept his babies in her womb. The babies of her mate, the babies of her sempai, the babies of her...

–Master...~💞– as she moaned that word, Koneko opened her mouth and made her tongue rest above her chin as an invitation for you. Which, seeing her cute, sluty face, couldn't resist, and immediately assaulted her mouth with your own, franticly sucking on each other tongues and lips as you lusted for each other while interlocking your fingers like lovers. –Mghhh... nya💞~ master...~ mghhh... master...~! Nya💞~!– Koneko continued to respond to your constant pounding in her pussy between thirsty grunts and muffed moans.

–Koneko... mghhh... I'm about to...– as you tried to say those word, Koneko keep pushing her list into yours while she wraps her tail around your right leg as a signal that she knew what was coming and that she wanted every drop of it. Understanding, you accelerated your pace, making the constants slaps* of your wet skins colliding even more frantic.

–Mghhh... nya💞~ nya💞~! NYA💞~!– eager to impregnate her, you pushed faster and harder into Koneko's cervix, separating your mouths and letting her moan like an animal as she embrace your strong hands with her tiny fingers and your powerful hip with her thin legs. With both of your reaching your limits, you accelerated even more and more and more and more and more, until... –NNYYYYAAAAA💞~!– you let out the load that you had been saving up since you last came inside Rias this morning. The jets of the hot, sticky fluid painted Koneko's womb as it filled with your seed until the overflow shot it right back at you, bursting outside of Koneko's pussy in strings of semen that stained your pelvis and her belly the same way her own climax did.

–Ahh... ahh...– as you felt your cum cover your cock, Koneko felt it flow in her womb like a tide, stirring itself inside her in a warm, messy dance at the same time that she felt her own fluid abandoning her body and being shoot out of her pussy as if she were taking a piss. The combination of stimuli of your cock pressing on her pussy, your cum flowing inside her and her own climax releasing the sexual pressure over her body overwhelmed Koneko's brain with pure, unfiltered pleasure, making her body and mind relax so much in the aftermath of the climax that she became dizzy, feeling her head spinning a little bit and blurring her vision with weird stains.

Koneko's messy, exhausted face, open mouth for a grasp of air and lost eyes made an erotic, silly face of unconscious pleasure that you found both hot and cute. Wanting to let her rest, at least just for a moment, you let go of her, getting out of top of her and pulling out your still erect trunk of her overflowing pussy, resting over your ass in the bedsheets and letting of a thick sting of semen that linked the tip of your massive cock with the entrance of her pussy, dripping even more of your seed out of her. Feeling you leave her interior made Koneko make a small sigh, maybe out of relief, maybe out of disappointment. Either way, she didn't move from her place, even when you weren't pinning her down to the bed. Her body remained loose, resting on the bed while twitching a little bit as her sweat flowed through her skin into the sheets like the various fluids that leaked out of her pussy in a white waterfall.

–Nya... nya... nya...– hearing the weak sounds that she made while sighing, your attention was caught by the marks on her belly. [Animalistic] was shining as it continued to force Koneko to moan in such a degrading way. [Lesser] had a subtle light to it as it was still slowly brainwashing her in a very subtle yet meaningless way. But [Gaze], while keeping its dark-pink color, lack any kind of light or shine as its effect wasn't being used. Seeing that two of the three curses had already fulfilled they roles, you put your hand on her belly, ready to make some adjustments.

–[Remove: Lesser] [Remove: Gaze]– forcing the two marks on her skin to disappear, Koneko felt once again a slight burning pain in her belly, yet you weren't done just yet. –[Receptacle] [Libido]– immediately afterwards, two new marks forged themselves whiting Koneko's belly in the place that the previous two ones were. With these new two, you expected to refill Koneko's body with both energy and lust, which resulted in...

–Master...– Koneko called to you as she used her arms to lead forward to you, crawling on her twitching four legs with your cum still dipping out of her pussy. –I need more~– her face had gone completely red, her mouth had a small trail of saliva coming out of it, her cat ears were folded forward in submission, and her eyes, while lacking of any sight of sanity or logical reasoning, shined with the primal impulse of reproduction. Letting her get in between your legs, you petted her head while gently pushing it toward your erect... –Cock... master's cock...– sniffing the lewd combination of smells that had accumulated in your fluid liking cock, Koneko sticked her face to it, completely hypnotized by its length, that reached from her chin to beyond her forehead, by its thickness, that has opened wide her destroyed pussy, by its hardness, that had imposed its authority over her narrow walls, by its veiny texture, that made it feel like it had life on it own, and by the dirty fluids that covered it, being both its own seed and the juice that her own lustful desire for you had produced.

Being intoxicated by the powerful smell that saturated her nostrils, Koneko rested her hands on your crotch and sticked her little tongue out of her mouth and started to slowly lick the fluids out of your soaked skin. Then, in between licks, she gave your cock small kisses as if she were worshiping the giant male log meat that imposed itself upon her face. Lowering her mouth, she reached to your wrinkled sack containing your heavy balls filled with your seed, burying her tiny tongue in it and pressing her nose on the thick tube where you seed passed before being shoot out. Savoring the taste of your loose skin, she putted a bit of your sack inside her mouth, tasting its squeezable skin and feeling it's tiny hairs itching her.

–Mgh...– gaining a repressed grunt from you, Koneko smiled in satisfaction of being able to return to her master even a small fraction of the pleasure he had given her. Then, releasing your skin of her mouth, she went up again, going over the length of your cock with her tongue sticked to it, for her to then catch the pinky tip of your cock with her mouth. With the most sensitive part of your gargantuan cock inside her wet, warm mouth, Koneko continued to delicately lick and suck on you with her tongue and lips. –Mghhh...– the feeling of her gritty, warm cat mouth shamelessly touching your glans was enough to make grunt again, making you subconsciously tight your grasp over Koneko's hair. Noticing your increasing impatience, Koneko opened her mouth wide, went further on your dick and advanced from top to bottom with her lips, slowly making it disappear from your sight while at the same time you felt how it was entering a narrow, warm and soked passage.

–Ggghhh...– when Koneko's lips touched the base of your cock, she let out a small grunt as she tried to breath while feeling your thick meat-trunk going from her mouth to her gullet, forcing the walls of her throat wide open with its hardness. At the same time, you felt your cock being crushed in between the wet, narrow walls of Koneko's digestive system even more than when your took her virginity. Slowly, Koneko freed your dick from her mouth to then swallow it whole again and repeat the process. –Gmhh~ glmh~ glhh~– the movement of Koneko's head going up and down on your cock was almost as hypnotic as the pleasure of your dick going across her mouth and reaching her tiny throat while being covered in warm saliva and having her tongue lick one of its sides in each thrust.

–Ghh... ahh...– letting yourself release a small moan, you bended backwards, resting in your arms while Koneko continued satisfying her master with her head between his legs. Once more, you had acquired a new slave for your harem, but this one wasn't like Akeno. Koneko wasn't a horny, good for nothing slut, she was a cute, wholesome yet hot little kitten that needed affection and a good dicking, and you were eager to give her both.

–GLHH💞~ GMHH💞~ GLHH💞~– speeding up the intensity of her movements, Koneko intended to get some more of your precious seed out of your cock, and she was doing a great job at it. Putting your hand once again in her head, you pushed her head down to your cock, encouraging her to continue even faster until eventually... –GGLMMMH💞~– the cum eruption shoot your dense seed in thick white jets into Koneko's throat, filling her mouth and reaching to her nostrils, shooting small trails of the white liquid out her nose. Despite the intense climax that was happening in her mouth and she almost losing consciousness, Koneko remained calm, keeping the entirety of your cock inside her until the last drop of semen had abandoned your dick. Then, she gently elevated her head once again, leaving small trails of semen that leaked from her lips, and then broke your cock free from her mouth, being the white, sticky fluid that came out of her nose, mouth and that linked it in thick, steamy threads to the tip of your dick the proof of what she had done. Quickly she cleaned her nose with her finger and took them to her mouth while her tongue sucked any white remains in her lips. Then she swallows once, then twice, and then opened her mouth wide to you, with her tongue sticking out of it, and showed her clean, steamy mouth devoided of any trail of your seed. She had swallow all of it. –Master's seed... his cock milk... his sweet baby juice...– Koneko crawled toward you, slowly getting on top while her face continued to be in some kind of trance. –I need it here... in my belly... so that I can have his babies~– Koneko continued towards you with her submissive expression, looking at you so closely that you could smell her breath tainted by the smell of your cum. Being in top of you, Koneko rested her soaked pussy on the tip of your erect trunk, dripping her fluids and the remains of your cum over your cock. She wasn't going to force you into fucking her, she was waiting for you to fuck her. Even when she was so desperately thirsty for her master's cum, she waited for you to fuck her on your own accord, like an obedient slave should, and that obedience must be rewarded.

And so, you did. You fuck her silly, nonstop, for the rest of the day. Koneko's classmates thought that she had maybe fallen sick, and that she decided to leave early, but in reality, she was being filled like a balloon with your semen. And as she moaned for you like a cat, you continued to violate her pussy until it started to be shaped around your cock, just like a good cock-sleeve should be.

Eventually, after the prolonged mating session, Koneko finally reached her limit, falling asleep in your arms. Now you rested, laid on the bed, with Koneko's little body clinged to your right arm, while her tail warped around your right leg as she placidly smiled and purred in her sleep like a cat sleeping along with its owner. It was a really cute sight and wholesome sight if it weren't for the cum dripping out of her pussy.

You looked down at her face, feeling once again heartwarming by the view of her resting, smiling face laid in your arm. You looked down even further to see her belly devoided of the curses you had once put in her. Mid fucking her silly, you decided to remove the [Womb Tattoos] out of her body to check if her loyalty remained. Needless to say, that it did, both the mind control, and brainwashing powers of the curses had proven to be absolute once again, but you still couldn't get your head around it. Mind control? it was powerful, sure, but it was a spell that had to remain active permanently and that could be easily removed. But brainwashing... the ability to reprogram a person's mind, completely disregarding the individual that were before, it was absolutely terrifying but also too good to be true. Sure, you implanted both a passionate love and an undying loyalty in Rias and Koneko, but how far could you bend someone's mind before they started to fight back? Just how much could you get away with before their mind started defending itself and prevent you from changing it any further?

This had to be further experimented with, but you weren't going to mess with your beloved Rias' mind any further, and Koneko had touched a caring soft spot in your heart, so she was out of the question as well. Akeno? Nah, she was already extremely broken, plus you didn't want to ruin your unlovable, masochistic whore. It had been less than a day but you had already grown attached to your personal whore and punching bag that you loved so much to both physically and psychologically torture.

Speaking of the devil...

–You better have a good reason for you to be here and not with Hyoudou– you said, in a derogatory tone, as you watched Akeno enter the room.

–The classes are over, and I managed to get him punished by Sona, so he'll not get home early to be with Asia– Akeno's voice was submissive and her face had a small smile adorning it, she didn't seem bothered at all at your mistreatment.

–He better not have a grudge against you for this, bitch– the plan was for Akeno to get Issei attention as much as possible and keeping him away from Asia, and hopefully even make him fall in love with Akeno. But if he got angry at her, then that would jeopardize the entire plan, and if that was the case, this stupid bitch with her little smile on her face would have possibly fucked up everything.

–Don't worry, master, he doesn't know that it was me the one that got him in trouble...– Akeno, still with a smile on her face, approached the bed as she spoke with a seductive grace. –Besides, Hyoudou is too stupid and horny to stay mad with me for too long...– Akeno then crawled onto the bed and towards you, moving her hips from one side to the other, making her fat, round ass take the spotlight. –I could spit him, slap him, punch him, throw him through a window, and all I'll have to do is show him my boobs and he will come to my arms like nothing happened– as she said that, Akeno approached your crotch and started cleaning the rest of semen that tainted your flaccid cock with her tongue without being shy of putting it under the foreskin and taste the disgusting flavor of your recently used dick.

–What a disgusting woman. You were flirting with a boy the entire day as if you were her girlfriend and now you come to suck on another guy's cock– resting your left hand on Akeno's black hair, you let her continue her enthusiastic work. –You are not even a proper woman; you are just a whore in heat. No wonder nobody will ever want to marry you– during the entire day, Issei had treated Akeno with the respect of a queen and the caring of a lover, but she felt nothing but disgust at his treatment. But when you insulted her and spitted in her dreams of falling in love and marry a loving husband, she couldn't help the horny smile and blush in her face, and the wetness of her panties. The old Akeno, the romantic teenager that hoped to meet a loving man, was buried deep withing the influence of the [Womb Tattoo] in her belly, and in a deep, unbearable pain.

— — •— —

–Here it is...– the satisfaction in your brother's voice was apparent, as achieving what he had just did had taken him the entire day. Wearing a blacksmith outfit, your brother carried withing his hands two round black crystals in the shape of a slightly fat circles.

–About time...– your father, with a small proud smile on his face, looked at his older son enter the small chatting room, where he, your sister, your mother and Rias were sat on couches, drinking tea and talking while they waited for your brother arrival.

–There you have it...– your brother approached Rias, giving her the two crystals. –Two fresh, round, Soul Eating crystals for our dear Rias-chan.

–What do you want them for anyway?– asked your sister, wondering why would Rias want two crystals capable of sucking one person's soul for the rest of eternity.

–Oh... (y/n) was actually who wanted them...– as she said that and looked at the black crystals, Rias had the smile on her face grow into a bigger but subtle sadistic expression.

–And... what does he want them for?– curious by Rias face, like the rest of your family, your sister asked again, making Rias look at her with her smile still on her face.

Not having a reason to keep the secret, Rias explained to your family exactly what you had planned for the crystals. And as she tells them, the expression on them turned to surprise, to disbelief, to a subtle, naughty, sadistic smile, just like the one Rias had. None of them could have predicted the sheer resentment that you had accumulated towards a boy that you had barely known for less than a week. And although your family wasn't going to stop you, they all made a mental note to never, ever, piss you off.