
Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world? Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and lust are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus! Native Language : chinesse Released : 2023 Author : I am forest wood Type : faloo

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134 Chs

chapter 023

"Harrow, Prince William, Prince Harry."

Martin greeted the two young princes in a standard London accent.

As we all know, English has a chain of contempt, London dialect – East England – Birmingham accent – Northern England – Canadian English – American English – Australian English – New Zealand English – Scottish dialect – Irish dialect – Xinjiapo English – Indian English.

It is reported that before Mrs. Concubine ascended the prime minister's throne, she specially hired an announcer and a voice professor to "thoroughly" correct the tone.

After two years of hard work, her voice became clearer, and her intonation became more rounded, deep, and beautiful.

By her own admission, it was her charismatic "voice image" that won more favor among voters, which helped her win more valuable votes.

On such occasions, if Martin used American English, people would definitely laugh at this hillbilly from the United States, although they did not show it on their faces, but in their hearts.

Back to business.

William and Harry followed the prestige and saw a teenager about their age greeting them.

"Who are you?"

William glanced at Martin and showed a look of disregard.

Harry was even more direct, "Go away, we don't want to talk to people now." "

The two are now in a rebellious period, coupled with the mental stimulation brought by their parents' divorce, making their tempers more and more grumpy.

Martin shrugged his shoulders and was about to leave, he was not the kind of person who rushed to the powerful, and the English royal family could not control them in the United States.

But at this moment, William suddenly shouted: "You stop." "

Martin stopped, looked at him in surprise, and said calmly, "What happened?" "

"Where did the ring on your hand come from?"

William said an arrow step rushed to Martin, raised his head fiercely, and stared at him.

William, who was already fourteen, was half a head shorter than Martin.

However, this future will grow to 1.91 meters, which is definitely taller than Martin.

Because Martin has long planned his body, his height will not exceed 1 meter 85, and the proportion of facial features and body will also be the perfect golden section.

Although many experts in the future deny that the "golden section" is a perfect proportion, in fact, what fits this ratio is indeed very pleasing to the eye in the eyes of our humans.

From microscopic to macroscopic, from countless plants, to shells, insects, the human body, to the solar system and the Milky Way, they are all full of golden ratios.

The golden ratio in the universe is everywhere.

The succubus Martin has also long discovered the structure and organs of the human body, full of examples of this golden ratio.

The human forearm (elbow to fingertip), with the wrist as the dividing point, the ratio of the two parts of the golden section is approximate [5:13], and if it exceeds or falls below this ratio, it will appear incongruous.

There are also human hands, with three bones in each finger, forming the golden ratio.

The shape of the human ear is also "designed" as a perfect golden ratio spiral, like a nautilus.

From the observation of the size and proportion of teeth, lips and mouth, it can also be easily found that humans close to the golden ratio appear more perfect in these places, that is, "good looking features".

Even in 2023, perfect dimensional proportions will be the standard template for orthodontic surgery and facial cosmetic surgery.

Because of the succubus's paranoia about beauty, Martin is now controlling his body to grow on the perfect golden ratio.

Of course, he wants both "Amazing Four" and "Overwhelming the Crowd", but if he had to choose one, he would definitely choose the latter.

"Tell me, where did the ring on your hand come from?" William's tone became more and more irritated.

At this time, Harry also came over, saw the quaint silver ring embellished with emerald gemstones that Martin wore on the finger of his left hand, and exclaimed: "Isn't this Mom's ring, how to wear it on your hand?" "

Martin stretched out his left hand and shook it, "You said this? Your mother gave it to me at this time! "

"You talk nonsense, it is clear that you stole it." William said angrily.

Of course, he knew that the ring could not have been stolen by Martin, otherwise he would not have worn it in a grand manner.

He was angry that he had asked his mother for this ring several times, but his mother did not give it to him, but gave it to this brat who was about his age, which made William have a feeling that "mother's favor" was snatched away.

"Steal?" Martin was happy and met the bear child.

So his face was stiff, and he said solemnly: "Do you know who I am?" "

Without waiting for William and Harry to answer, Martin smiled again and said, "I am your Uncle Martin!" "

"You talk nonsense, you are obviously the same age as us, you are not our uncle." Harry on the side said angrily.

"I'm talking about generation." Martin said.

William frowned and looked at Martin coldly

"You lie, you can't be our uncle."

"I know all those relatives in my family, and Harry and I don't have an uncle as young as you."

"Yes, we don't have an uncle as young as you." Harry helps.

"I didn't say that I was related to you, I was your mother's godbrother, your goduncle, isn't that right?"

"You, you bullshit, mom, she won't recognize you as a younger brother!"

"Brother, he's playing on us, beating him!"

Harry rushed over, but was stopped by William.

"Shut up, this is Mom's charity gala, you can't make things big."

It seems that Harry's temper is actually more irritable than William's.

Even though William wanted to get Martin out of jealousy, he knew that he still knew the importance by looking at the way he tried to keep his voice down.

After William stopped his brother, he looked at Martin with a grim look and said, "This… Rude Mr. Martin, please remember that you are not our uncle, even if our mother recognizes you as a brother, you are not. Also, this ring is my family's thing, you give it back to me. "

Martin tilted his head slightly, his eyes blinked, and said: "How about this, let's make a bet, if I win the bet, you will call me Uncle Martin, if I lose the bet, I will return the ring to you, dare you?" "

"William, bet with him!" Harry said excitedly.

William remained calm and asked, "What do you say bet on first?" "

"I bet I can get him to lie on his stomach and bark ."

Martin smiled and pointed to a middle-aged man with a half-bald braincase not far away.

And the name of this middle-aged man is – Grant Brooke.

I am translating this novel. This is currently updating on Failu. If you like this novel plz add this to your library and add a review. This is translation if original author is willing then I will stop the Translation. Chinese and English both are not my first or even my second language. So if there is a mistake plz tell me in the comments.

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