
Enter the world of mythology.

Dawn. The light of dawn is slow to come, and the lingering glow of the setting sun has already faded into darkness. In the city shrouded in thin mist, there are hidden churches in the shadows, veins clinging to the crevices of walls, the sound of gnawing in the sewers, murmuring shadows... Lantern-bearers stroll ahead.

sckyh · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Cathedral Train Station

"The situation is like this: that influential figure will be handled by Mr. Landon. As for you..."

Veronica chuckled sarcastically, "Although I don't know what kind of crazy thing your boss did, it's best to leave town for a while to avoid trouble. Otherwise, you might fall asleep and never wake up again. Then I'll have no one to collect my paycheck."

Is it really that exaggerated?

Wayne raised an eyebrow. He was just trying to avoid trouble and didn't want to provoke someone who had a hand in both the legal and illegal worlds. He didn't want to get caught in a cycle of escalating conflicts, where fighting the smaller fry would lead to fighting the bigger ones. If they really came knocking at his door, not to boast, but with Abin's super courage...

It was possible. If they had the guts to set up an ambush, how would he respond?

Veronica seemed to understand Wayne's thoughts and said bluntly, "Don't think you're better than ordinary people just because you're a magician. No matter how fast you are, bullets are faster. What if they ambush you with a sniper?"

Wayne nodded inwardly. Seven steps away, the gun was fast; within seven steps, the gun was accurate and fast. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to use a gun, and he couldn't develop the skill to shoot accurately and swiftly in a short time. Otherwise, having two magical props in hand would still be a reliance.

"Moreover, you're a magician, but they aren't. As long as the other side is willing to spend money, there will be plenty of dark magicians willing to work for them."

This made sense to Wayne, who had seen it with his own eyes. In person, at the scene, everything was clear. Reality proved that financial power was effective everywhere. The powerful knew how to control magicians. Or perhaps, the powerful were magicians themselves from generations of magician families!

"If you're leaving town, it's best to leave tonight. I'll take you to the train station. Mr. Landon has a secluded estate out of town. I'll make a call and arrange for you to stay there temporarily."

Veronica spoke with a grudge, feeling a deep sense of grievance. This was her first time saying goodbye to someone of the opposite sex at a train station, and it turned out to be Wayne.

It was terrible. She had once imagined a beautiful love story.

It was at sunset, when she bid farewell to her boyfriend whose face she couldn't see clearly, and he waved from the train. She chased after the train until they couldn't see each other anymore.

Thinking back to the scene of changing Wayne's clothes made her feel even worse. How would she face the sacred love in the future because of this? Her future husband would be resentful because of this, and if the marriage fell apart...

"Veronica, you're really kind!"

Wayne was deeply moved, and he took Veronica's hands as if they were treasures, holding them to his chest.

But then he realized he wasn't actually holding her hands. He quickly let go, sensing her anger. She stared at him with anger, the perpetrator who destroyed her happy marriage.

"Darn bastard, you better die outside and never come back!"

Veronica, with a grim expression, turned and left, her beautiful dream of love shattered completely tonight.

Not only did Wayne kill her fantasy, but he also borrowed two thousand conies from her before leaving. This was no longer about dancing on graves; it could be considered as digging up the grave to repeatedly flog the dead illusion.

"The damned bastard... you better die outside and never come back!"

Veronica gritted her teeth, feeling more and more angry as she thought about it, and her thick resentment turned into black mist, visible from afar.

Unbeknownst to her, in the eyes of outsiders, her resentful appearance resembled that of a lovesick girl abandoned by her lover.

A woman with a black round-brimmed hat passed by Veronica, her face obscured by the hat's brim, making it impossible to determine her age. But she was undoubtedly very beautiful. Passersby could see her fair and delicate chin, and the gradually curved red lips.

She wore a black ladies' suit, mixed with a long skirt, and a pair of black high heels. Her overcoat covered her curvaceous figure, with only a glimpse of her calf showing from the long skirt.

The graceful and charming lines of her legs, under the contrast of the black outfit, emitted a brilliant glow.

Bright to the point of dazzling!

The woman stopped for a moment to glance at Veronica, then boarded the train carriage where Wayne was.

"Idis, I have some things to take care of, so I'm changing my plans. Cancel all my appointments."

"I understand, I'll have them wait!"

Shortly after the train started, a pure black owl spread its wings and flew out of the window, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.