
Entanglement with the CEO

His eyes meeting hers took her world away his lips on her skin made her see stars while his hands in her panties forced them to spin. Laurel couldn't comprehend all the things this man was doing to her but one thing she knew for sure was that she didn't want him to stop.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Finally they arrived at the resort,Laurel sighed in relief when she was finally able to get down from the car. She stretched her arms a little as she watched her driver help her bring down her luggage. She was thankful to him and then she gave him his pay before watching him drive away.

Laurel gazed upon the building in front of her, now she was beginning to rethink her decision, perhaps she thought she was ready for all this. Well she couldn't back down now, she was already in Paris, she couldn't possibly travel back right now. She had to just face it, she was going to learn to be happy again, she had to.

The sound of her tummy grumbling had brought her back to reality, she looked around and saw a restaurant close by, but first she had to settle down. Laurel gazed at the building again, it looked very different from what was in the slip, this looked more like a hotel than a resort. 

"Wow, this place doesn't really change, does it?" 

A voice sounded just behind Laurel, surprised Laurel looked behind and noticed a figure standing just a foot from her. She had to take a step back so she could take a good look at him since he was taller than her.

"Sorry to startle you" He apologised as he stretched out his hand. "Oliver Merlin " With a smile on his lips, he extended his hand for a handshake.

Laurel accepted the handshake but she didn't introduce herself, she just looked at his face for a few seconds as she tried to remember where she had seen him before. 

The name Merlin sure rings a bell, she was sure she had met him somewhere, if only she could remember. 

"Are you enjoying the view?" He asked with his hands in his pocket as he looked at the building before sparing a glance at her. 

"I'll say it looks different" Laurel said honestly as she glanced at the slip in her hands and then looked at the building, the only similarity was the name, asides that one would mistake this hotel for something else.

"Well Haven's Resort use to look better, livelier, but somethings happened and now we have this" Oliver spoke as he looked at the tall building, he had so many memories in this building, memories he would treasure for eternity. 

"What happened?" Laurel asked not being able to hide her curiosity, even though she was just meeting this man for the first time, she didn't know why she was even engaging in a conversation with him. 

"Curiosity killed the cat" Oliver said as he glanced at her but she looked away before he could catch her eyes 'Shy type' he thought and a small smirk formed on his lips before he continued. "Initially, it used to be called the Merlins lodge, but then we did some rebranding, Haven came in the picture, she was the inspiration for Tranquil Haven's Resort, she was the reason for everything. But she passed away a year ago" Oliver added as he looked at the sign that read 'Tranquil Haven Resort ' his eyes were not welling up with tears but from his voice one could tell that this topic was a sensitive one to him..

"I'm sorry " Laurel said as she looked at him, not refusing to meet his gaze, she could tell that he had a good relationship with Haven before she died.

"Didn't take you to be the sympathetic type" Oliver said as he looked at her. Now he had the chance to admire her since she wasn't turning away, she was beautiful, he could say that at least. 

"You just met me" Laurel said followed by a scoff as she held on to her luggage.

"Well first you didn't tell me your name, don't you think that's rude?" Oliver asked as he turned to face her and then he noticed someone who stood a few meters from them, waving at him. 

"Laurel Lance" Laurel spoke as she stretched her hand out for another handshake, she didn't think it was necessary but for the sake of formalities.

"What brings you to Paris?" Oliver asked as he let go of her hand, he glanced at his side and saw Tommy approaching, he knew if Tommy was to come here then something bad would happen and so he tried to wrap up with Laurel. 

"I don't know yet, I guess I'll find out" Laurel spoke as a small smile formed on her lips, followed by a sigh. 

Oliver looked at her, fascinated with her answer, he would have loved to chat with her more and ask questions but he could see his brother getting closer. 

"Well Laurel I do hope you find what you are looking for, wish we could talk more but I have a flight to catch" Oliver said as he looked at the time on his watched before looking at her again. "Hope to see you again sometime " Oliver said before turning around and retracing his steps back to his car. On the way he met Tommy and before Tommy could start, he quickly gave him a sign to shut up. 

"Jeez, you didn't even let me meet her" Tommy complained when he watched the girl walk into the hotel. "So who's she?" Tommy asked curiously as they both head to the car.

"Laurel Lance " Oliver answered as he got inside the car first. 

" Not fair, this is Paris, you didn't even want to come today I was the one who had to drag you along with me. How come you already found love on your first day, this isn't fair, I could have just let you stay all by yourself, I don't even know why I brought you along" Tommy complained as he got in the car with a sour expression. 

"You are behaving like a child" Oliver said as he closed his eyes. Truth be told, he was all gloomy when he arrived at Tommy's place. By the time he got there, Tommy was already leaving for the airport and so he just joined him. 

"I'll report you to grandma when we get to the resort" Tommy said before looking away. 

Oliver just ignored him as he remembered Laurels words 'I don't know yet I guess I'll find out' it was wierd that she would say that. He wished he had the chance to talk to her for a little longer, but Tommy had to interrupt. Perhaps maybe he would get to see her some other time.