
Entangled With Darkness

'Hell is empty and all the devils are here.' -- Williams Shakespeare --- "Should I dip my hands in holy water so I can touch you?" His breath fanned her neck as he spoke close to her ear, causing an anxious shiver to run down her spine. Her eyes widened before narrowing slightly. "You are crazy." She whispered back with a shaking voice. "Why?" He asked, awed. His eyes now staring at her. "Because you would get burned." --- Opposites attract. That’s what everyone says, but light and darkness are two very contrasting entities. Annabelle is the perfect definition of pure and innocent, while on the other hand, Kione is the opposite of that—dark and a devil with an angelic appearance. Too forbidden to be a perfect match.

Dream10a · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
105 Chs


The vampiress tried not to show how much she dreaded the edge behind his tone. It sent uncertainty prickling her smooth skin.

She chuckled again, not because his words sounded funny, but because she was stalling for time. A little interruption from the maid she had sent on an errand a few minutes ago was all she needed.

"I would rather not. Since I'm well aware of how it wouldn't interest me." She dismissed.

"Oh, sister, it will. It would definitely interest you." Kione drawled, exaggerating the extent of the information he had. "I wonder what mother and father would think of their only daughter once they found out what she has been doing since her return."

"I am afraid I don't quite catch what you mean." Violet feigned genuine ignorance about her brother's claims.