
Princess Alice


My heart skipped a beat for the first time ever. She was quite young and gorgeous. She had slipped, and I was there to rescue the unfortunate girl.

She said, "Hey," quietly, but I swear I was speechless for second. As she steadies herself, she and I both fix our gazes on ourselves.

She abruptly let go and ran away. What's the issue? Did I just scare her? With so many lovely jewels hanging from her laces, neck, and earrings, she appeared extremely wealthy. She must have ran away from me because I was dirty, even though I wasn't in chains.

"Come on." The guard who had just returned grabbed hold of me and dragged me back to my cage, saying, "Let's go back to your cage." Oh, was my angel telling me something from a dream? I wasn't dreaming, I swear. She was both genuine and really attractive.


He had excellent brown hair and eyes that were as blue as the sky. I had to flee because I could feel my spirit leaving my body, and my heart was racing so loudly that the walls could hear it. I avoided him out of humiliation because I knew that if I remained with him for just one more second, I would cling to him and never let him go.

My heart had never pounded with such a raucous sound before, never with any man.

I snuck a peek around the wall where I was hiding in case I ran into him again. But I was let down. He was no longer present. I sighed softly with a small smile on my lips.

"Oh, stupid Alice! You need to have gotten his name." I kept hitting my head while berating myself for not getting his name.

"What are you doing here?" I overheard a quick query. When I turned around to see Deborah approaching me with her royal knight in tow. "Are you still present? When you should go see your father?"

"Yes, I was about to do that when...?" While Deborah questioned me, I tried to come up with a reason to lie. "I had to make my gown neat because it was dusty."

"Yes, I do comprehend." She nods her head in agreement "Father prefers that we keep our rooms and gowns tidy so that we can attract the attention of a handsome prince from a nice kingdom."

Yes, I had just met my prince charming, and I was hoping that he would once again come to the aid of his damsel in distress.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave," I said as I made my way to the throne room. When I arrived, I noticed my father seated on the throne with two large warriors standing behind him. A chief who appeared to be reading the scroll to my father was also present. And a man can be seen on my father's far left side.


With a smile on my face, I called out to him.

"Oh, Alice!"

He left his throne and got up. I raced to give my father a bear hug, completely forgetting that I was a royal. I was giving my father a bear hug after so many years. "my princess!"


"You have therefore become a soldier," "Yes, father." I told my father while seated on the queen's throne, "And I have my certificate from the high general." My father would always rank first among all the people in the kingdom. Both his subjects and I were liked by him. Until death entered my happy home and took my mother from us, my father, my mother, and I were one happy family. The most depressing day of my life was that day my mother left us. But I still have my loving father. To appease his subjects, he had to wed Jennifer Mon, the reigning queen. He had to adopt her two children, Deborah and Beatrice, when they got married. Oh, I dislike those two.

"My princess, I am very proud of you. You need a reward for that."

"Yay! I clapped my hands joyfully and said, "I love prizes."

The man standing to my father's left said and grinned at me, "Princess Alice, welcome back." I return his smile by nodding my head.

"That is the Kingdom of Juce's representative."


"He planned to attend the match tomorrow with the king of Juce."

What match? Why am I unaware of the contest that will take place tomorrow?

"What match, dad?"

"Between my greatest animal and a beast." my father grinned, and I frowned. What animal? I was still lost.

"You shouldn't worry, my dear daughter. You would be there at the great match."

"Oh, okay." I nod my head in agreement.

"It's really Princess Alice,"

That voice I heard forced a frown from my face. I would never fail to recognize that voice. I thought she was on a treat with the duchess. Why was she here too soon?

"Yes, she is back, my queen."

Jennifer walked towards me, smiling widely at me. Yes, that smile never reached her eyes. Her eyes read hate and she does wondered why I was back already.

I bowed to her and seemed to smile at her.

"So, father, I'd like to go and go to my room." I gave the justification that I was tired in order to get away from this woman. I don't want to see her again for a while. I had high hopes that she would change, but her eyes told me otherwise. She had not changed from Jennifer, who stood in for my mother but would never be my mother.

"Indeed, my child. You must have been worn out.

"Yes, father, I have to go right now. I stood back from the throne and said, "I'll see you, Jessica." The Queen once again pretended to smile at me. Yes, that phony face in front of my father is back again.

The drama at the palace is very intense.

"Noah, lead my princess to her room." Father gave the command, and the soldier promptly left his position to follow me.

I immediately left the throne room and entered my royal chamber.


I briefly napped in my room before getting up. I sighed, before rubbing my hair, then my thoughts flashed back to the handsome man again. I keep thinking about him in every second. Along with his eyes and charming features. He truly embodies the ideal of a lovely prince. Is he a prince or not? I'm curious to know.

If he is a prince, I want my father to arrange for our marriage as quickly as feasible.

I had believed that if I fell in love with a woman while I was in Seminu, I would turn into an abomination, but that never happened. I didn't feel this way about a woman. I then treated both sexes equally and grew even more hateful of men. But it appears that god genuinely wants me to appreciate a real man with a good-looking physique.

I don't, however, know his name. I should have gotten his name and the address of his lodging.

"Oh, Alice," I reprimanded myself. You are such a moron. As I rolled over on my spotless white mattress, then I moaned, "You should have asked for his handsome name.

I swiftly lifted my head to the door in response to the knock and fixed my gaze on it. I hastily hopped down from my bed after responding "yes" to the repeated knock and thoroughly dusted my gown.

I have definitely lost my princess mindset. Long, lavish gowns and shoes are no longer my style. I like wearing boots, a shirt, and pants. I was forced to wear those clothes by the general. Additionally, I detest makeovers. I'm now trying to remember the last time I put on makeup. 15 years prior. Very long. And am I supposed to start acting like a rich, haughty kid now that I've arrived in my father's kingdom? Well, because no one can make me behave that way, I won't act like a spoiled rich girl.

"It's Janet, your new maid, your highness." "So now I get to have a new maid?" Great!

"Janet is welcome to enter." I answered the girl. When the door opened, a young blonde woman emerged. She entered my room while hunching over and holding a package.

"Your Highness,"

"And Janet, how are you doing today?" She gave me a small smile as I asked a question.

"I'm fine, princess", she said.

"So, Janet, what can I do for you?"I..."

Our chat was interrupted by the bang of the door as the queen proudly entered.

She spoke in place of Jane, who was still bowing, "She is here to prepare you for tomorrow's match." Is this woman back once more? Great?! I ought to have requested that Janet lock the door. And just then, a dog walked into my room unannounced.