
Enslaved for Revenge

"All my life I've been waiting for this moment. I've been craving to have sole dominion over the Lycan blood pack, I wanted to inflict so much pain on them and make them experience what it feels like to be slaves but unfortunately, your father seems to be hard-headed. But not to worry.." he paused again. His corner slips curved into a smirk. Making him look more deadly. "I can still achieve my revenge through you. Rather than killing you, I've got other plans. I'm gonna make you pay for the atrocities of your father and you are gonna take all the afflictions for your pack, from now on, you are my slave." He said with much venom in his voice.

IamDora · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Chapter 4.

I just hope I didn't hear that right cause if I did then God knows he's gonna have to kill me cause I can't think of going naked before him.

I promise myself that the first man who'll see my nakedness will be my mate and not some gruesome beast mistaken for a human.

"How dare you?" I felt his palms connected to my cheek sending me to the ground but I didn't fall, rather I was caught up by him.

his hand gripping my hair, He yelled "the nerve of you to call me names."

No, he didn't read my mind. Did he?

Before I knew what was going on, my face met with the wall and my forehead smashed against it.

"I'm gonna have to teach you some manners." He kept pummeling my forehead against the wall and blood was running down my face mixing with tears pouring down my cheeks.

I felt my forehead throbbing, micking my heart beat. It was burning. I couldn't see anything other than crystalline circles which looked like stars.

The pain was unbearable! I felt like I was going to die if he didn't stop.

but he did and by the time he stopped, I was so weak.. too weak to even stand.

He then pushed me very hard and in that split moment, I prayed to the moon goddess that I don't land on the floor cause if I did then I sure would pass out.

As if the moon goddess answered my prayers, I landed on something soft- his bed. I felt my eyes closing and my head was stinging like hell. "Strip off and don't make me repeat myself" I heard his voice in my head.

I tried standing up but I felt too weak to do that. In as much as I'll never resolve to strip before him, I don't wanna experience another torture so I tried all I can to stand but I was too weak.

"I bet you don't want to make me do it myself huh" He spoke again and suddenly I felt my dress rising up, and it ripped off me with full force. I instantly felt exposed as I was stuck in my undies now.

I felt his grip pull up the strap of my pants. "No" I whimpered as I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

He went further and ripped it off me making a gasp escape my mouth.

I felt his hands touch my clit and I shivered unexpectedly.

The finger moved further digging into my Virginal but suddenly halted halfway.

"Dang! you are so tight—perfect." I heard him muffled and felt him pulled away from the bed. I look up to see him taking off his trousers.

"No please I'm begging you don't do this to me." My cries seemed to be like noise to him as he completely got stuck naked and he got on top of me on the bed. He pulled up my legs and spread it open. And without warning, I felt a strange pain in my virginal. A scream tore out of my mouth as I realised he had slipped in two fingers without a warning.

"Please stop it, you're scaring me." I croaked.

Was this the sex people call fun? Or was he just doing this to turture me? Each pain he inflicted on me, made me feel his burning urge to get his revenge. Whatever my father did to him must be very cruel and it filled me with guilt. I felt so guilty that I didn't want to beg him, cause I stupidly thought I deserve this.

I felt my body go numb, my head shutting down, the pains disappearing and my eyes closed on their own.

I passed out.