

Robert is a young man with a past that is not at all normal, who is reincarnated in a world where several stories from Manhwas, Pornhwa sand Webtoons come together, trying to adapt, survive, and enjoy everything he can. But for what reason was he sent to this kind of world? (Starting in chapter 8, the MC begins to fully intertwine with the plots of the different works used, but maintaining the story of this fanfic as the central line) Cover image taken from Pixiv, credits to whom it may apply. If you want me to remove it, send me a message and I'll remove it. .................................................. .................... Look at the labels before reading to avoid misunderstandings later. Warning!: If you are one of those self-conscious children who only comment on stupid things just to comment, I will delete your comments. This is not a fanfic where everything happens overnight, its pace is more or less slow, and there is interaction for the construction of a more or less functional world. If you get bored quickly, maybe this is not for you. DISCLAIMER: I do not have any rights to the story or characters of the Manhwas used, credits to their respective authors The cover was taken from the internet. I do not have any of the rights to the characters present, credits to their respective authors. English is not my native language, so there may be some grammatical errors. Related worlds: | Solo Leveling | Teenage Mercenary | How To Fight | Lookism| Manager Kim | Silent War | Fitness | Beautiful New World | Panty note | Celebrity Next Door | and other manhwas Additional tags: | Manhwas | Mature | Ecchi | Netori | Milf | Antihero |

Culture_Lover · Komik
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64 Chs


The apartment was filled with the tempting aromas of Korean food mixed with foreign flavors. Robert had prepared lunch in the hopes of easing any lingering tensions and bringing the girls together in a moment of camaraderie.

The table was decorated with various exquisite dishes: bulgogi with chimichurri sauce, kimchi fused with jalapeños and cilantro, and bibimbap with guacamole instead of the traditional gochujang sauce. The combination of flavors was bold and unique, a reflection of Robert's culinary skill.

"Wow, Robert! This looks incredible!" - exclaimed Anna, her eyes shining with excitement as she sat at the table - "I've never seen a mix of Korean and South American food like this. It smells delicious!"

Mía smiled, less effusive but equally impressed - "Yes, Robert, this looks good. I can't wait to try it."

Sophie, though still somewhat wary, couldn't help her eyes widening a bit at the sight of the food. She sat down in silence, trying to maintain a neutral expression, but her eyes betrayed her curiosity and appetite.

"I hope you like it" - said Robert, serving generous portions onto each of their plates - "Though it's little, consider it a reward for your hard work studying"

Anna took a bite of the bulgogi with chimichurri and her eyes lit up even more - "Oh my God, this is amazing! The flavor of the meat with the chimichurri is perfect. Robert, you have a gift"

Mía tried the kimchi with jalapeños and cilantro, nodding in approval. - "This is good, Robert. The mix of kimchi with jalapeños gives it a fresh and spicy kick that I've never tried before"

Sophie took a bite of the bibimbap with guacamole, trying to keep a serious expression. But as soon as the flavors unfolded on her palate, her eyes softened and a small involuntary smile appeared on her lips. Though she said nothing, it was evident she was enjoying the food.

'Heh, even if you don't say it, you like it too' - Robert noticed her reaction and couldn't help but smile slightly in satisfaction.

This is how the four of them began to eat and enjoy all the dishes prepared by our protagonist. Strictly speaking, it was the three girls who ate most of the food.

In the end, the plates looked clean; they hadn't left anything.

"Ahh! I ate like never before!" – Anna smiled enthusiastically – "You know, you should open a restaurant. This combination of flavors is something I've never tried before and it's simply spectacular. What do you think, Sophie?"

Sophie, though still struggling with her feelings toward Robert, finally decided to speak.

"It was… different" - she said, trying to sound neutral but failing - "The combination is interesting… and tasty"

Robert smiled, knowing this was the highest compliment he could expect from Sophie at that moment - "Thank you, Sophie. I'm glad you find it interesting"

"You would have done better if you went to the bakery department at Jae Won High School, you cook very well" – Mía spoke carelessly but then lowered her voice to almost an inaudible whisper – "Though, thinking about it, that would have been a big problem… I wouldn't have met you"

"Huh? Bakery? Jae Won High School?" – Robert asked curiously.

"Jae Won High School is a vocational high school that focuses on vocational education and employment instead of sending students to university. It's famous for preparing some of the young stars who will shine in different fields of Korean culture" – Mía replied.

"Yep, some of them do streaming on Newtube or PaprikaTV. Sometimes they broadcast really good things like singing tests and some cooking recipes, but occasionally they upload very out-of-place stuff" – Anna said.

"Is there such a peculiar school in the city?" – Robert asked with great curiosity.

"There's even a school that is said to be controlled only by delinquents. What was its name? Mabuk High School, I think, but it's on the outskirts of the city."

"But not everything is bad. Some schools focus on preparing students to be future national athletes, like Youngjin High School. It's known that many internationally renowned athletes have come from there. Gunner… he wanted to go to that school, but, well, he owed a favor to Hee-jin's father, so he came to our school to serve as her guardian."

Sophie, who was adjusting to the atmosphere, fell silent again, with a bit of sadness in her eyes from remembering her missing loved one.

"Well, that is something. I knew something about Youngjin High School because I met someone from there" – Robert remembered Anna Jin's son – "And our school has something noteworthy too, right?"

"That's true... our school, Shinan High School, focuses on admitting the children of politicians, businesspeople, and wealthy individuals, and its goal is to prepare future managers for large family corporations. Although, sometimes, some people can enter through a scholarship program that the government requires all schools to have"

Mía responded with a slightly forced smile.

Sophie and Anna did the same since they also entered through that same scholarship system. Although this seemed considerable for fostering integration among young people and education, it only widened the existing classism in their society.

An example of this was Hee-jin, who, thanks to her father, could do whatever she wanted, or Eunice, who also had relatives involved in local politics and believed they were untouchable. And people like Dayun or Mía herself suffered the consequences.

"Wow, that sounds like a real mess... heh, that takes away any motivation to go to school"

Robert smiled sarcastically and took a sip of his drink. The atmosphere fell into an uncomfortable silence.

"So, Robert, what can you tell us about yourself?" - Anna asked the first thing that came to mind to change the subject - "Where were you born and raised? How did you come to Korea? How do you live in a place like this?"

Mía and Sophie looked up, very attentive. Although the blonde was not on good terms with him, she was still curious about what life was like outside Korea. Mía, on the other hand, became a little nervous, as she didn't know if the question would affect him.

"Hey, easy, don't bombard me" - Robert exclaimed with a small smile - "I'll answer just one of them, so choose your question wisely"

"Okay, mmm.... then tell me, where were you born and raised?" - Anna was genuinely curious.

"Where I was born and raised, huh... well" - Robert began to speak, his voice taking on a more reflective tone - "I come from the city of Belgorod, in Russia. My father was Russian, and my mother is Korean"

"Belgorod is a city not far from the border with Ukraine. I grew up in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods, where life was not easy for anyone"

Anna and Sophie were surprised to hear that last part, as they had believed Robert was born here and went abroad for a family matter.

"Belgorod is an old city with a lot of history. There's a mix of Soviet architecture and more modern buildings, but in the neighborhoods where I grew up... everything was in decay. The streets were full of ruined buildings, graffiti, and trash."

Robert paused, his gaze becoming somewhat distant as he remembered.

"The Russian winter is brutal. Temperatures can drop to unbearable levels, and the snowfalls are intense. When I was about ten years old, I lost my parents and found myself living on the street. I slept in doorways, train stations, anywhere I could find some shelter."

"Surviving on the streets of Belgorod was not easy" - Robert continued - "There were gangs and crime everywhere. I had to quickly learn to defend myself and find food. During the worst winters, I took refuge in abandoned buildings, along with other kids who were in the same situation as me. We shared what little we had and stuck together to survive"

As Robert narrated his story, a wave of emotions washed over him, each with its intensity and resonance.

He didn't know why, but recalling Belgorod, his hometown, made him feel a mix of nostalgia and melancholy. In his past life, he never had these feelings whenever he thought about his tough childhood.

Now the images of snowy streets and nearly ruined buildings, of cold days and endless nights, filled his mind.

It was a place that, despite its harshness, was an integral part of who he was.

He quickly realized he had been staring out the window, at the horizon, momentarily lost in his memories.

Possibly this would be a problem in the future when trying to explain things about his origin, but he didn't care, he felt a bit relieved to get this off his chest.

"Sorry, girls, it seems I got a little nostalgic" - the young man smiled.

"Sniff, sniff, d-don't worry!"

"Yes... you don't have to apologize."

Sophie, despite her feelings towards Robert, couldn't help but feel a pang of compassion upon hearing this. Anna, on the other hand, was on the verge of shedding tears of pity.

But Mía, who also felt a painful pang in her heart upon hearing this story, had recently learned that Robert came from another dimension, so hearing this generated a small conflict within her.

Perhaps this is indeed his story, but from the dimension he came from? Although it didn't match the story he told the military during his interrogation.

Maybe it was something he had agreed with the military to say to cover his true identity. That was the most likely explanation.

However, the feelings he was showing couldn't be an act for her. The visible emotion and nostalgia seemed to be something implicit, and genuine.

"And how did you end up here in South Korea?" - Sophie asked, unconsciously wanting to know more about him.

"The condition was one question, but it's also an interesting story... however, that will be for another time."

"What? Why?"- Anna protested, still with a few small tears in her eyes.

"Because you need to finish studying" - Robert stood up and began to clear the empty plates - "And if you get good grades on the evaluation this week, I'll invite you to eat again, and then I'll tell you the other part of the story. What do you say?"

"Mou... you're mean" - Anna pouted - "Mía, say something to him"

"Hahaha" - Mía laughed at the brunette's reaction.

"That goes for all three of you. Don't think Mía will be spared just because she knows me a bit better than you" - Robert smiled mischievously.

"What? Why me?" - It was Mía's turn to react amusingly.

"Hahaha, sorry" - Anna laughed.

Even Sophie smiled, being in such a pleasant atmosphere. It had been a long time since she had experienced so much peace and tranquility at lunchtime.


"See you, Mía, thanks for helping us with the literature homework" - Anna said goodbye enthusiastically - "Thanks for the food, Robert, it was delicious."

"Likewise, thanks for the help, Mía" - Sophie also said goodbye with a small smile. Then she turned to look at Robert, silent for a moment - "I still haven't forgiven you for what happened with Gunner... but thanks for everything, and thanks for calling the taxi."

Her tone was softer than usual, reflecting the mix of emotions she had felt throughout the night. Although there was still a small spark of resentment, there was also sincere gratitude for the hospitality and delicious food she had enjoyed.

"Don't worry, I'm glad you could study" - Robert smiled at the blonde's words - "And for you too, Anna, next time I'll make some Hotteok for you"

"Really?! Then we'll come next week!" - The brunette almost jumped with excitement, as it was one of her favorite sweets.

Sophie shook her head but smiled at how happy her friend was. Although Anna didn't show it, she was also going through a very delicate issue in her family.

Mía, still moved by the apologies and shared forgiveness, hugged Anna and Sophie tightly.

"Girls, thanks for coming and for being here. I hope we can do this more often"

Anna nodded, her eyes shining with excitement - "Definitely, Mía. I'm sure tonight is the beginning of something new for all of us"

Sophie, though less effusive, finally let a small smile appear on her face - "Yes, thanks, Mía. See you soon."

The taxi honked softly, signaling that it was time to leave. The girls got into the vehicle, and as they settled into their seats, Anna rolled down the window to say goodbye once more.

"See you on Monday!"

The taxi drove away slowly, leaving Robert and Mía standing at the entrance of the building. As the vehicle disappeared into the distance, they stood in silence for a moment, enjoying the calm of the night.

"See? I told you everything would turn out fine" - Robert wrapped his arm around Mía's waist, pulling her a little closer - "Now I think you have new friends"

"I don't know… but I'd like that to be the case" - Mía didn't say anything about Robert's actions. Instead, she gently rested her head against his side.

They stayed like that for a while until a new taxi arrived and parked in front of them.

The farewell from Anna and Sophie had left an air of reflection and a certain tranquility in the place, but now it was Mía's turn to leave.

There were so many things left unsaid between her and Robert, so many feelings and conversations that had yet to take place. Mía put on her jacket slowly, a bit reluctant, her mind racing as she prepared to leave.

Robert also knew there was much they needed to talk about, but he also understood that the moment wasn't right. He knew she needed time to process everything that had happened today and what still needed to be resolved.

"Robert, are you sure you don't want me to stay a little longer?" - Mía asked, her voice soft but full of meaning.

Robert smiled and hugged her firmly - "No, Mía, go home and rest. It's been a long day, and you need to relax. We'll have time to talk about my past, my relationship with the army, and… the other women"

Mía nodded slowly, understanding the depth of his words - "I know. And I want to have those conversations with you. I don't want anything left unsaid"

Without saying more, he gave her a goodbye kiss, a gesture the girl received gladly.

The taxi honked, reminding them that time was running out. Mía gently pulled away - "See you later, Robert. See you on Monday"

She got into the taxi, feeling the mix of emotions bubbling inside her. As the vehicle drove away, she couldn't help but look out the rear window, seeing Robert standing at the entrance, his figure silhouetted against the building's light.

She knew there were many conversations yet to be had, but she also knew they had taken an important step today.

Robert watched as Mía's taxi disappeared.

"Ah… this was a good day, even though I wanted to do more with Mía" - he sighed, enjoying the cool night breeze and the distant sounds of the city.

His thoughts were calm, a contrast to the emotional whirlwind the girls had experienced today.

Anna and Sophie had left on good terms, and Mía had accepted being his girlfriend, even with the complexity of sharing him with other girls. Everything had gone better than he could have hoped.

As he walked, Robert reflected on everything that had happened so far. Thinking about his past during lunch and comparing it to his current situation, he couldn't help but laugh ironically.

"The feeling of peace is… nice" - he murmured as he looked up at the distant stars - "I hope you're enjoying the show, you old bastard"

Not wanting to ruin his mood by thinking about that old man, he started planning his next moves for eventual countermeasures. It was obvious that everyone who was spying on him saw the interaction with Anna and Sophie, as well as the warm kiss he shared with Mía at the end.

This could bring him some trouble since that information would be used by his present and future enemies to attack him.

Therefore, he needed to do what he could to keep growing, to become strong, and to protect what he was building in this world.

He was determined to maintain that peace and build upon it.



Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well. With this chapter, we close the small arc of the emotional conflicts Sophie has towards Robert; at the same time, we see the beginning of a friendship between Anna, Mía, and Sophie.

Additionally, we can see that Robert is showing more sensitivity than before. This doesn't mean he will stop being ruthless when required, but unlike in his previous life, he is now enjoying things that give him a sense of belonging, even if he doesn't see it that way yet. In his view, these things deserve to be protected. This is part of his emotional growth as a character.