

Reeves Hunter an eighteen year old kid who has vowed to live a stress-free life with nothing but momentary enjoyment and freedom from responsibility will do just about anything to achieve that goal, from plain average grades to whiling away watching different geners of movies and animes, suddenly found a dark purple colored orb seemingly hovering above his reading desk beckoning on him to touch it. Filled with a sense of familiarity touched and his soul got draged out of his body transversing him to an alternate dimension ----INTEGRATION COMPLETE---- Host has been employed to become the main casts plot amour failure to protect them will lead to immediate death. "...." F**K Join him on his day to day life as he strives to regain the freedom he once lost in this world filled with mana, mythical beings, gods and all powerful humans who could wreak havoc by the mere thought of it, essentially a dog eat dog world where only power decides your faith ................................................................................. Note: this is my first attempt on a novel so pardon me for any mistake as it was probably made unknowingly I'll be proof reading and updating the novels Incase there are any inconsistencies, and the book cover isn't mine if you are the owner and want me to take it down pls contact me and I'll do it as soon as possible

Artichunter · Fantasi
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7 Chs

New Beginning (2)

Stepping in first;

Elinor Finch ranked 3rd imperial princess of Emistae, sister of Alf Finch crown prince of the kingdom she has a long silky auburn hair and eyes trademark colour of the imperial clans bloodline, a well proportioned body with the right amount of healthy fats at the right places you could see she is one of those mythical kingdom destroying beauties she has a cool temperament and strives for perfection, in a few minutes she will be nominated as class head seeing as she has the qualifications to do so thanks to the knowledge imparted on her for as long as she could remember, based on the novel she is set to take over as head of the imperial guild while her brother Alf who is 2 years older than her is set to be the next leader of Emastia, he's already at the 7th layer of the Ethereal realm trying to break through to the peak of the Ethereal realm before he graduates a true monster among his peers.

Followed by;

Kaden Russ he occupies the post that has been well known since time immemorial as the MC's rival well that's what he will think after they announce the rankings today, he has a blond hair and a set of blue deep eyes, to much of my distaste he's definitely a lady killer, I'll definitely enjoy your shocked face when you find out your ranked 2nd forever remaining in that bastards shadow, I'm pretty sure your current smug smile will be completely replaced with a sunken look, but I'd have to give honour where it's due, his self initiated competition with the MC would strive him to unfathomable heights despite his arrogant, and prideful demeanor as a young talent from the Russ family, he believes in his own hard work and disdains petty tricks played by nobles when the are offended, a pride manifested from resolute hard work, definitely a worthy would be MC's rival.


Mai Hunter even though we have shared less than a thousand words since we became step siblings I'd describe her with one word resolute, does she have the talent ?

Yes, through sheer hard work shed managed to climb upto 4th place a shocking display of her unwavering mind determined to stand with the best of the best so that what happened to them prior before picking up the hunters name would not happen to her and those she cares about again, she has an azure silky smooth hair cold cyan eyes a well structured face and body not lacking to Elinor.

Ehhhem if I may she would be a member of the MC's thirst campaign (oops spoiler).

The final boss MC;

Jason Maxwell would be ranked 1st, people might refer to him as in killable, heaven challenger, scheme proof no matter the names you lots come up to give those who are lucky enough to take up the title as MC, I simply refer to them as human cockroaches absolutely invincible why ' plot amour ' , he has black hair streaked with white and golden hair strands with a pair of deep green eyes, and of course his extremely handsome, his golden finger is a mysterious ash coloured orb twice the size of orbs developed by beasts and humans alike when they reach the foundation stage.


Yes Host.

What do you think my golden finger is ?

Host needs Fate points to unlock the information.

Damn system do you hate me ?

No I was made to be your companion giving you advices along the way
