
Chapter 3:vol 1

I woke up with a flushed face and a quick beating heart with musk all over me. it was that dream again, i said with a frown, ive been seeing that dream with ashina for over a week now and it constantly makes me crave him even more. i then felt white thick musky sludgy droplets from the ceiling fall on me., i then saw a enormous huge sludgy white pool of my juicy boy batter on the ceiling, i seriously blew out my cream that much. i felt my wet cream covered juicy cock about to blow so i quickly put my mouth of my ginormous huge hung hunky musky and musty horse low hanging supreme boy god cock and i cummed gallons inside of my for minutes straight until my cock tired out, i came even more as i think of ashina, after that i got up and put on my casual outfit as i was only in my pajamas.

i wanted ashina very bad but hopefully i can still win him over.

i walked out of my room downstairs to go eat breakfast which was an beautiful omelet, i also saw my brothers here as well along with my stepmother, unfortunately my mother died as soon as she gave birth to me which im the youngest of my family and i was despised because of it, my daddy has been distant with me for as long as i can remember and my brothers were just like that as well. our family has been known to produce very powerful beings from it and right now my father the head of it, Ronnovian idren tayloreth , has been the most recent prodigy and genius of the house as his might is an endless limitless swirl of power.

so my sons what have you been up to, nothing much father, said adin, same here father, said elijah.

And you Ayan?

I've just been reading books father, hm i see, also keep up your magic training as you have to represent this house, yes father, my brothers said, ok daddy, and also i will help you with your heat, i blushed furiously and held my head slightly down, i-if my d-daddy sees me like that, b-but i guess its gonna be fine since hes my d-daddy, also adin and elijah you will join after im done and vivian you will record it in a magic ball so we can look back on it, right!, they all said in unison. Anyways Ayan from now on you will call be big daddy ron, and you will call your brother master and or daddy and also you will do everything we say until your heat is over, o-ook big daddy, anyways follow me ayan i want you to please your daddy, o-ok daddy, after following my daddy for a while we arrived in my brother adin's room, as he chose this room so adin can get used to the smell first before helping me with my heat, and daddy said after this elijah's room is gonna be next to get used to my juicy little bro musky smell.

After arriving at my brothers room my daddy sat on a soft pillowy beanbag and he was only wearing his big nasty big daddy musky drawls, and even though my dad was in his 20s he still kinda looked like a boy like me, as he was 5,7 with beautiful blue hair and teal colored eyes, and he has a huge cock with a perfect lean boy body that emits boy musk each moment and has a hairy butt and very hairy cock with alot of foreskin and is very hung and has two huge big man balls that are very hair and low hanging with alot of foreskin on them as well.

his drawls are very thin and are very see through do to his manly boy musk, after he sat down he told me to scratch his big juicy plump balls, after he gave me the command i scratched his balls, i felt the hair on his balls and i began rubbing his big juicy hairy manly boy balls even more and he moaned and groaned. mmmmm ayan rub big daddy's balls even more so he can give you a juicy white creamy stinky winky musky man treat, i began to rub my daddy's balls more playing with his foreskin and my smeat in my pants are getting loose and has a huge smeat imprint that goes all the down to my lower thigh, my daddy;s balls began to pulse more and i can feel and hear the heavy amount of white thick baby batter cream that hes about to release all over me, and i began to rub his juicy ball's even quicker and pull on his ball foreskin, making him moan even more, after doing the same routine for the next few minutes my daddy's balls began reaching its Upper most limit and he was moaning and groaning every wear, and then he forced my head into his balls making me feel and smell the cum emanating in his balls and i was deeply entranced by his balls so i was licking and rubbing my head at his balls, and also sniffing at it. after doing that my daddy was finally ready to blow his juicy white cream all over me and everywhere he can reach with his juicy white cream.

O-OH Ayan im gonna blow my thick juicy manly boy cream all over you get ready my balls are churning and throbbing and pulsing take this AYANN!!

my big thick juicy daddy then poured his white baby making porridge all over me coating me entirely, i began to lick and play with my daddy's smeat cream and it tasted very sour and musky and salty, after doing that my daddy then kissed me deeply pushing me on the beanbag and rubbed his smeat all over my smeat area coating it in his smeat cream entirely and for some reason his smeat cream melted all of my clothes off except my drawls and didnt burn my skin at all or even my insides.

mmmmm ayan take this, you taste so good ayan and my cum in your mouth feels and tastes so good and right. 

now its time for the next step, i say lustily juicily and slutily.