
Chapter 1:vol 1

I woke up from my wet dream very musky wet dream of my unrequited love of the crown prince Ashina lumiera, after fully waking up I got up and touched my cock one last time before letting it go. I sigh after all these times of me trying to win over the crown prince I still can't. So I cheer up hoping I can win him over today.

I began to put on my regular outfit and I went to go downstairs to eat. Hello master what do you need, I'm going to go eat with my family, alright then follow me master as I escort you. After the butler takes me to the hall where my family is I sit down at the grand table and eat my food, after sitting down my father asks me what I doing as I came late. I-I've had another steamy hot dream about the c-crown prince daddy. Again, I sigh at the news I heard, you're going To have to control your urges Ayan, I-I know daddy, but he makes me feel some way every time I think see or dream about him, I see, anyways have you been studying and also you guys as well. yes dad we have been studying said the 1st born. same here said the 2nd born. well I see you guys are studying Adin and Elijah, what about you Ayan , y-yes daddy I am studying, alright now if you would excuse me I have work to do, announced elijah.

After our breakfast everyone went to do their own things and i decided i wanted to stroll around the garden. after getting ready i went outside to take a stroll, i haven't been out in the garden in so long i forgot some of the plants i thought smiling. i like plants but i really don't like bugs or insects even though i care for them, but i care for everything in this world so i guess that doesn't really count. Another thing i seriously don't like is violence blood conflict and especially pain, ive always had a weaker resistance towards pain, well actually weaker is an understatement i have no resistance towards pain and i 100% believe i could die from pain if i get enough of it but that was one of my main motivators to focus on healing and restoration magic. But my magic was not only just those 2 it was a complete combination of every version and type of healing magic such as support magic and restoration magic. so I guess that's good as my magic can have several different properties at the same time. and also my magic isn't like any normal peoples magic it acts the same away though, my magic is like an infinite pool of energy that comes from me and isn't magic but rather something else like my own different type of energy not only that is also infinite.

I walk around the garden and i see a plant that interests me, the flower looked like a blueish white rose and it looked beautiful, i looked at it some more and the more i looked at it the more i became intrigued at it, i then put the rose in my hair and it compliments me very well. after enjoying myself with the rose i suddenly got a brilliant idea. i could make a flower bracelet for me and ashina! i obviously didn't scream it out loud seriously but just enough for people near me to hear as if i did scream loudly the caretakers would start wondering what happened. i quickly began searching the garden for flowers for me and ashina as i was excited to give him the gift, i began picking flowers that complimented ashina's beautiful curly reddish blond hair and his piercing haze colored eyes, just thinking about him sends butterflies to my stomach. after picking all of the flower's i needed for our flower crown's i quickly headed back into my home and inside my very large and spacious room that is decorated with golden and black ornaments and colors that match beautifully and i have a nice perfect sized portrait of my love. Ashina, i giggled and went to my desk to make our flower crown's as i will take all day making it as i want it to be as perfect as possible for my love ashina. As i worked noon passed the afternoon and midnight and so on and so forth. 

I spent all day and night preparing the crown's and finally they were finished, after hours upon hours of preparation they are finished, i smiled as i looked at the crown i made for ashina. Even though the thorns pricked me while making the crowns i quickly swallowed up my tears and took every thorn out of the flower crown. well now that I'm done I'm going To wrap this up in a gift box. I thought to myself while smiling. i gently placed the flower crown inside the royal red present box and wrapped it up in golden ribbons, and i perfectly made sure everything with the present was alright as I don't want ashina to be mad or disappointed at me again like last time as when he gives me that look it makes me feel sad and disappointed and very at that.

After a few more hours of preparation i called my carriage so i can give this to ashina, and my brother is coming along as he has important business with King henrious. After stepping inside of the carriage it began to leave as we took off for the grand palace of the Erdrend supreme empire.

Alright Ayan do not bother me while I'm having business with the king. o-ok big brother. Alright then you go out first. after stepping out of the grand carriage that was beautifully decorated with our house colors and emblem my brother came after me and we both walked towards the palace gates and the guards noticed us and let us in. as we entered the palace me and my brother separated as we had different reasons for being here. after parting ways i quickly looked around for ashina but i couldn't find him so i went inside the of the palace to see if he was in their, after looking around i was quickly interrupted by a servant who worked here at the palace and he appeared to be the messenger for king henrious.

Excuse me if i dare so ask but the king wants to speak to you. u-um do you know why? i dont know why he would want to speak to you he said in a face of slight disgust, o-oh w-well do you know where ashina is i have a present for him and i really need to give it to him. i dont and even if i did i wouldn't tell you as i cant think of any reason he would want to speak to the likes of you. Now chop chop the king needs you and you are wasting my time.

o-ok I said in a frown.