

Anthony's pov

I couldn't face Olivia throughout the day I avoided her like a disease and even went home without informing her .

I got into my car and told the driver to drive me to the hospital .when I got to the hospital I noticed dad was the only one there .I sat beside him and was still in thought when I felt a hand on my head .I look up and saw that dad was already awake .

"What is bothering you son".he asked with a concerned look.i wish I could lie to him and tell him everything was okay.but the Relationship I have with my dad was too strong and he would know I was lying.

"You can talk to me ".that was dad's voice 

"I'm in a big mess dad".I finally spoke 

"Does it have to do with the company".he asked 

"No dad""

"Tell me and we can sort it out ."he spoke while trying to sit up .I held him and helped him sit up .

"Let's hear it ".

"I got a lady pregnant".I spoke in a whisper .I could see the dissapioment in dad's face even when he was trying to hide it .

"How could this happen ".he asked with a surprised voice .

"It was a one night stand dad,and was drunk ".

"Are you sure the baby is yours ".dad asked 

"It's mine dad,am sure of it ".

"Do Olivia know about this ".dad asked 

"I don't know dad,and am scared of what she will do if she gets to know about this ".I spoke in a sad voice.dad gave me a pity look before speaking up .

"You shouldn't let your mom know about this ".he spoke in a whisper.

"And what are you guys keeping away from me ".that was mom voice .we didn't even notice her coming in .

"Nothing important".I replied back .

You are not good at lying Tony,you better start speaking up ".

"I said its nothing mom ".I spoke those words and quickly left the hospital .

I got home and saw aunt penny at the door .

"Tony are you alright?".she asked with a concerned look .I gave her a little smile before walking to my room .I took my bath and allowed the darkness of the night to take over .

I woke up really late because I couldn't sleep all through the night .I checked the time and saw that it was few minutes pass eight.i lazily stood up from the bed and took my shower .after shower I dressed up and couldn't have any breakfast . luckily for me mom was at the hospital.i got to work and was greeted by my employees on the first floor .I took my private elevator and went to my office .I went straight to my office so that I could avoid Olivia .I sat on my chair and started checking on some documents .I checked the time and noticed it was few minutes pass eleven and I haven't gotten any call from Olivia .and she was supposed to drop my coffee by now .I picked up the telephone from my desk and called her desk .the call kept on ringing but I got no reply from her .I left my office and walk up to her office .when I got to her office I couldn't find her there .it was like she hasn't been to work .her window were closed and the light were switched off .

I picked up my phone and called the security guy .

"Hello sir".came the voice

"Have you seen my assistant today ".I asked 

"No sir,she hasn't come to work ".he replied back .I quickly ended the call and called her private line .the call kept on ringing but  wasn't picked .I kept on calling but still got no answer .I ended the call and rushed out of the office.i went to my car and told my driver to take me to Olivia's apartment.

We got to her apartment and rushed out of the car to her apartment .I rang the bell but got no response from her. i kept on ringing the bell and still got no reply.i called her cellphone but still got no answer.i was still ringing the bell when her apartment neighbor told me she didn't come home last night .for some strange reason I felt scared jealous and angry.i was scared Because I thought something might have happened to her .and on the other hand I was angry and jealousy because she might have spent the night with someone else.maybe she was seeing someone I thought to myself..

I left the apartment and went back to the office but I couldn't concentrate at work. all my thoughts were on her for the entire day .