
Chapter four

As Ariana walked into their house, she called;

" Mum, I'm home now"

" Oh! How are you my dear" Mrs Wilson asked

" Cool, I guess." She said as she sat down.

" Why the coldness?" Mrs Wilson asked

" Probably because I haven't had lunch yet" she said as she headed upstairs to her room.

" Don't blame me if they ran out of food before you could order. I asked you to take some bread but you didn't want to" Mrs Wilson said as she retreated to the kitchen.

" Yeah, yeah. Let's go with that story'' Ariana said as she left for her room.

        She quickly showered, dried her hair and let it into a loose bun tied in form of a ponytail. She slid into a pair of jeans, a white off shoulder top and put on her pair of slippers. Simplicity was just the perfect word to describe Ariana. She never stressed about anything. She was always natural unlike Beatrice who would put on heavy makeup, die her hair and wear revealing clothes just to get Raymond's attention.

       She went to the kitchen and was upset to find out that there was nothing available for her to eat.

" What is this mum? Isn't there anything I can eat" she asked with a rumbling stomach.

" If you're hungry, then wait till desert or go get something from the store and eat" Mrs Wilson said.

" Fine. I'll go get myself some food" she said and stormed out of the house.


At the store,

" One cup of coffee and cousants please" Ariana ordered.

" Here you go" the waiter said as he dropped the food on her table.

" Thanks. Um, while I eat this can I get two cheese hamburgers and extra coffee"

" Sure thing ma'am" the waiter said and left.

" You big eater" Ariana heard someone say from behind.

" That voice sounds familiar" Ariana thought to herself. As she turned, she saw someone whom she'd never expected to see. It was Max: her ex-bestfriend who'd travelled to Spain.

" Max," she was very happy as she embraced him in a tight hug. " How are you?" she asked without giving him space for breathe.

" You might wanna release me first" Max said barely breathing.

" Sorry" Ariana said as she released him. " So, what are you doing back in LA?" She asked.

" Well, I thought I could come see my best friend but she obviously doesn't wanna see me so I guess....." He chuckled

" Don't be silly. You don't know how much I have missed you. Come on, have a seat" Ariana told him as she sat down. " How's your dad"

" Well, he's the reason I'm here. He has a big project in Seattle so I thought, since I was in the united States, why not come see you" he told her having a bite off one of her cousants.

" Awwn. So you came all the way here just for me?" She was blushing.

" Yeah. I'm starving" he told her.

" No kidding. Come on, I'll cook for you at my house. By the way, where will you be staying?" Ariana asked.

" I'll book a hotel for the mean time."

" Why? Stay at our house. It'll be fun, please" Ariana pleaded. 

" Fine" he agreed.

" Let's go" Ariana dragged him out after dropping some money on the table.

" Strange. She left so much money" the waiter said after counting the money." well, that's my bonus" he said and collected the money.