
Chapter fifteen

" would you like me to pack lunch for you" Ariana asked Max from the kitchen.

" Isn't it obvious? Do you think I wanna starve with the ongoing case of the lunch thief at school? Max asked.

" Duh. That's why I'm asking" Ariana said as she packed lunch for two.

" Which reminds me. That guy from your school. What's his name again?...."Max asked trying to recall.

" You mean Raymond Styles?" Ariana chipped in.

" Yeah. How do you think you're going to work with him?" Max asked concerned.

" I don't know so I have decided to work solo." She told him walking out of the kitchen.

" Ariana, I must tell you that it's a dumb idea."

" That's what you think. There's no way I'm working with him. He's an ass head. He's just too..... Not my type." Ariana said and Max could not help but laugh.

" So you have a type" he asked sipping some orange juice.

" Ha ha. So funny" Ariana told him getting upset.

" Sorry. I didn't mean it that way. All I'm saying is that you should try and give him a chance" Max told her.

" Well, I'm tired of this conversation so I'm going to shower. Have your breakfast. It's past seven already." She told him and left. 

As Max ate he glanced through his phone to see if he had any important messages.

" Max, where's my shampoo?" Ariana asked from the bathroom.

" I didn't use it so it must be there" he told her before sipping some orange juice. He was still eating when he heard a knock on the door.

" It must be some of these kids who love to prank" Max thought. " Who's there?" He asked.

" Ari, are you in?" Max heard a feminine voice ask.

" I guess this person is at the right place" he thought before opening the door.

" Hi" Casey greeted as she glanced around looking for Ariana.

"Hi. I don't think I've seen you before" that was Max.

" That's cause you haven't. Is Ari home?" She asked.

" Yes. She's in the shower" max replied.

" Okay"

" Have a seat" Max said ushering her in.

" Thanks" she said as she sat down and Max locked the door.

" You're here. Good morning" Ariana greeted Cassandra as she came down in a purple off the shoulder flay gown and a pair of white sneakers.

" Good morning" Casey greeted too.

" I see you two have met each other but I'll still introduce. Max, meet Casey. She's a very close friend of mine. Casey, meet Max. He's my boyfriend" Ariana introduced.

" Nice to meet you" Max and Casey exchanged pleasantries.

" I'm going to get changed. See you ladies soon" Max told them before going upstairs.

" You call me your close friend yet I don't know you have a boyfriend?" Casey complained.

" I'm sorry. It won't happen again" Ariana said

" It better not" Casey said folding her hands against her chest.

" Stop being upset" Ariana teased pulling Casey's cheek.

" I don't think we have enough time to eat. I'll pack my breakfast." Ariana said and packed her breakfast. She quickly brushed her hair and tied it up in a ponytail.

" Max, we're ready" she called out.

" I'm here" Max told her and he came down in a yellow polo with a pair of black crazy jeans and yellow sneakers.



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