
Chapter 91

Ariana stared at Casey wide eyed. She didn't expect such a question from Casey so she pretended not to hear.

" What did you say?" She asked.

" I know you're pretending not to hear me but I'll ask again. What's your secret Ariana?" Casey asked.

Ariana sighed, " I didn't expect such questions from you Casey. I don't have any secrets" she lied.

" Oh really!! Then why is it that after Mrs Wilson came and threatened you with your secret, you gave her the money?" Casey asked.

Ariana sighed as she folded her arms against her breast. " Maybe because I didn't want to see her face" 

" Okay. Let's say I'm buying that. Explain why you needed to sneak into Max's tent to get something without his knowledge" Casey asked, not diverting her gaze from Ariana.

Ariana put her hand down. " I didn't expect this from you Casey. What I went to get was a bottle, my medicine from home and I knew Max wouldn't give it to me so I had to go steal it. Why is it so hard to understand?" Ariana asked.

" Are you sure it was your medicine you went to get?" Casey asked.

" Of course. Why would I lie to you? You're my best friend Casey and there's no way I'd ever lie to you" Ariana said.

" I believe you. Sorry for not believing in you earlier" Casey apologized.

" It's alright" Ariana told her and they embraced.

" Alright then, I'll be on my way" Casey said and left.

Ariana sighed and let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding.

She felt bad that she couldn't tell Casey the truth.

" I'm so sorry Casey. I really want to tell you the truth but I'm afraid that if I tell you, you'll all send me to that horrible place I came from" Ariana muttered to herself.

Meanwhile, Beatrice had being watching them from the back of a tree so she went to meet Ariana.

" Why didn't you tell Casey the truth?" She asked.

" What truth? I told her the truth." Ariana claimed.

" We both know you didn't. I know you didn't, you know you didn't, we both know you didn't but Casey doesn't. You claim she's your best friend but you still keep such a big secret from her? That's not the Ariana I knew" Beatrice said.

" You never knew Ariana. The Ariana you knew died when you poisoned her Beatrice. You don't have the right to say you knew Ariana because that would be lying" Ariana said.

Beatrice chuckled, " you have changed so much Ariana. The Ariana I knew would never be so unforgiving to......."

" Oh please!!! Zip it Beatrice, just zip it. If I am to forget what you did to me, it wouldn't be forgiveness. It would just be foolishness" Ariana said, anger and hatred evident in her voice.

" Ariana, I'm sorry. Please just forgive me" Beatrice begged.

" What should I forgive you for Beatrice? Turning me to your maid? Blackmailing me because you know my secret? Poisoning me? Tell me, what am I forgiving you for?" Ariana asked.

" Everything. Forgive me for everything" Beatrice begged

" Why do you even care? Why are you so interested in becoming my friend again?" Ariana asked, confused as to why Beatrice was suddenly bothered about becoming her friend.

" I've realized my mistakes. I have realized that no matter what you do, someone who doesn't love you will never love you" she said.

" And who made you realize that?" Ariana asked.

" Let's just say the things that transpired in my family made me realize that" Beatrice said.

" Whatever!! Please excuse me!!" Ariana said and made to leave.

" You can leave now Ariana but always remember that Casey will one day find out that you......." Before she could complete her statement, Ariana covered her mouth with her hand.

" What were you about to do? Were you about to spill my secret?" Ariana asked. " I should have known. You'll always be a snitch" she said and left.

Beatrice sat on the floor, she had lost Ariana. This time for good!!!.




I know you're all wondering what Ariana's secret is. Don't worry, you'll soon find out.

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