
Chapter 79


He opened his eyes as he looked around. He saw the worried look on the principal's face as well as the camp master.

" He's awake" he heard Ariana say.

He sat as the principal sighed in relief, " thank goodness you're alright" Mr Shawn said.

" What happened?" He asked.

" Why didn't you say you were allergic to nature mangoes?" Mr Shawn asked.

Raymond looked at Ariana, there was no way he could say it was because he wanted to please Ariana. It'd only make Ariana go closer to Nicolas.

" I didn't know I was" he lied.

Mr Shawn sighed, " I'm sorry Raymond, if you're allergic to these things, we'll have to send you back home. We can't take any risks. The bus is outside" Mr Shawn said.

" What are you saying sir? You can't just send me home because of some f**king allergies. Please!" Raymond begged.

He was begging not because he was enjoying the camp but because he didn't want Nicolas to get closer to Ariana.

The principal shook his head, " there's nothing you can say to change my mind. Your bags are in the car" Mr Shawn said and left.

Ariana bent over him, " sorry, I didn't know you were allergic. It was a mistake asking you to come. Sorry" she apologized.

" But I can't go home. Who'll look after you?" He asked.

" Don't worry about me, worry about yourself. Besides, Nicolas is here to take care of me" she said before giving him a light kiss.

" Nicolas? You can't be serious" 

" I'm in safe hands Raymond. Go home and rest" she said with a smile on her face.

Raymond shook his head, now he knew he'd messed up big time. Who knew what Nicolas would do when he was away? He sighed as he walked to the bus. As he was about to enter the bus, he heard Ariana's voice.

" Raymond" she called.

He turned as he saw her approaching him, " bye" she said as they shared a brief kiss.

He smiled before entering the bus. As the bus started moving, he looked back and saw Ariana waving at him. He smiled and looked away. 

He looked back but this time, he didn't see Ariana wave at him, he saw her hugging Nicolas.

His heart clenched in pain, only a few seconds and they were already hugging. What would happen in a whole week? The thought of this brought a sharp pain to his heart.

He sighed as he rested his back on his head rest before falling asleep, his stomach still hurt from eating the mangoes.

The drive back was very quiet and boring. He looked out the window and memories of how he and Ariana came to the camp hand in hand enveloped him. He smiled at how they held hands, how she rested on his shoulder and how she smiled at him but now, they were all memories.

For some reason, he felt like Nicolas couldn't be trusted. Not because he was jealous or anything, but his guts told him Nicolas was up to something. He ran his fingers through his hair before putting on his music player and listening to Ariana's favourite song, ' Despacito by Louis Fonsi'. He closed his eyes as he muttered the lyrics to the song. He was carried away by the song and didn't know when he fell asleep.

" Sir, we're here" he felt a hand shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw it was the driver. He hissed softly before picking his bag. He looked at his phone, it was no longer playing Despacito, it was now playing one of Demi Lovato's songs. He put it off before putting his phone in his pocket and leaving the bus.

He waited outside the gate of his house as he watched the bus take off on its way back to the camp.

He rested on the gate, he couldn't get his mind off Nicolas. What was that guy up to? He was having a terrible feeling.

The gatekeeper saw him standing outside the gate and opened it. He greeted Raymond but Raymond ignored him as he went inside the house.

Good thing his mother wasn't around, be sure wasn't ready for questions. He went to the kitchen as he gulped down an entire glass of orange juice. He dropped the glass on the sink before walking to his room. 

As he got in, he threw his bag to the bed in a fit of rage and tiredness. He took off his sneakers and his Jacket before going to lie on the bed.

He hissed as he rolled on the bed, he couldn't get his mind off Ariana and Nicolas. 

He got off the bed and made his way to the bathroom. He took off his clothes as he let the coolness of the jacuzzi envelope him. He closed his eyes before opening them and washing the soap off him.

He took a towel and dried his body. He tied another around his waist, revealing his abs. He went to his room and took out a white plain shirt and a black jean.

He put it on before going to bed.

" Sir, please believe me, I didn't make out with Nicolas" Ariana begged.

Mr Shawn shook his head in disgust, " I never expected this from you Ariana, seriously, making out with Nicolas? " He sighed.

" Nicolas, tell them, tell them we didn't do anything" Ariana begged in tears.

" Sir, please. Ariana's innocent. She didn't do it. I trust my friend" Casey pleaded.

" Oh really? So should I just rely on your trust in your friend and discard the video I saw?" Mr Shawn asked.

" That's what she's saying sir, that video is fake. It was manipulated" Casey begged.

" Oh please" a red haired girl said. " If the video is fake then will you say the hickeys on her neck and face are also fake?"

" You just shut up" Ariana screamed, " you know a video can be edited and I'm sure you did it" Ariana said in tears.

" Oh really?" The girl asked. " A video can be edited. Shall I remind you that it was a video you provided as proof that resulted in Presley's indefinite suspension"

" Hey, get this clear, Presley was not suspended because of the video, she was suspended because she admitted to doing it" Tony defended.

" Stop it!!" Mr Shawn yelled.

" Rules are rules Ariana. You are expelled" Mr Shawn said and left.

The red haired girl chuckled, " just the last day of camping, that's when you decided to make out with him" she sighed and left Ariana crying.

" Aaaaaaah" she screamed.

"Argh" Raymond got up.

What sort of a dream was that? Why'd it feel so real?.

He took a glass of water, something was definitely wrong!!



The plot thickens. Stay at the edge of your seat, you're gonna wanna know what happens next