
Chapter 75


After some hours, they arrived at the outskirts of Arizona, camp Griffin.

" Wow" Ariana exclaimed as she walked out of the vehicle which had brought them to camp Griffin. She took out her  phone as she took a picture of herself and Raymond with the campground as the background.

" Here take a look" Ariana said, showing Raymond the picture she'd taken.

" Nice one" Raymond said as he tightened his grip on his bag.

" Come on, let's go" Casey said as she and Tony walked to the field of the camp where the principal had called all the students with Ariana and Raymond behind them.

THE CAMP FIELD..........

Ariana and Raymond stood beside Casey and Tony while Nicolas stood behind them.

" Okay students, I believe you all know why I called you here" Mr Shawn started. " Well, Incase you don't, I called you all to hint you on the rules guiding this camp" he said.

He cleared his throat,

" These are the rules:

1. Whenever you move, make sure to move in a group of five. The site is very dangerous and there are many wild animals lurking around.

2. The second rule is not to make out with your boy friend or girl friend on camp grounds as it could tarnish the name of the school. If you're caught, expulsion is inevitable.

3. Make sure to always get up at five.

4. Always obey your camp master. Do not do other wise.

5. You are allowed to move around but do not go close to the cliff as any injuries incurred will not be treated by the school.

6. Make sure to always use your swimming trunks when bathing in the river" he said.

He gave some other rules before showing the students tents to pick from.

Ariana, Casey, Raymond, Tony and Nicolas formed a group and Beatrice could not help but feel bad. She wanted to be the fifth person in their group.

Ariana selected her tent and went in there. She checked her wrist watch, it was already past twelve. She sighed as she took out her burrito from her bag and ate.

After eating, she came out of her tent and threw the wrap out. She took out her bottle water and gulped it down. She arranged the tent and put her head on the fluffy pillow in the tent. It was well set up.

" I wonder how Casey's doing?" She wondered.

She took out her phone and the first thing that caught her attention was her lock screen wallpaper. She smiled, it was a picture of herself, Casey and Mariana. She'd taken it when they went to the mall. She smiled, she now had sisters. Casey and Mariana. 

She swiped and typed in her password as she typed in Casey's name and called her.

" Hey girlfriend, I thought you forgot about me" Casey said, feigning hurt.

" Oh please, you know I should be the one feigning hurt. So, have you finished settling in" Ariana asked and chuckled.

" Oh please Ariana, what do I need to settle in for? Come on, I'm outside your tent. I've called Raymond, Tony and Nicolas. Let's go sightseeing" Casey said eagerly.

Ariana sat up. " Really? I'm on my way" Ariana said eagerly before hanging up. She came out of the tent, zipped it before going to join Casey and the guys.

" Hope I didn't keep you waiting?" Ariana asked.

" Yeah you did" Tony said.

" Come on, let's go" Nicolas said.

Ariana and Raymond held hands while Tony and Casey held hands, making Nicolas look like the fifth wheel.

Although they didn't mean to make him feel bad, especially by seeing Ariana and Raymond holding hands, he felt bad.

He smiled, even though he couldn't get Ariana, the fact that she was happy with Raymond brought a smile to his face. Especially when he knew that she still considered him a friend. He put his hand in his pocket as he followed them.





Guys please don't forget to follow me on Instagram@ Star Macy, I promise to follow you back.

@ coffee and cigarettes, thanks for following.

More updates coming soon.