
Chapter 49

." ah" Ariana groaned as she held her head in pain. She looked around trying to recollect the last thing that happened.

" Ariana? Are you awake?" She saw Cassandra walk in with a tray.

" Casey? How did I end up here?" She asked. She remembered being hit on the head.

" Well, someone brought you here. I don't know who it was but he said he saw you on the road unconscious. Just so you know, we are all upset with you" Casey said and dropped the tray before going to sit beside Ariana on the bed.

" I'm sorry, I........" She suddenly remembered that she was with Raymond. " And Raymond?" She asked.

" What do you mean by and Raymond?" Casey asked. " Was he with you?" She asked.

" Yes. Actually, we were walking home together before....... I don't remember, the only thing I remember is being hit on the head" she said.

" Oh! Maybe Raymond just ran away like a coward" Casey said and poured some tea into a cup for Ariana.

" I don't think Raymond could've done something like that." Ariana defended.

" And how can you be so certain about that?" Casey asked.

" Because, I just know it"

" How can you just know it. Tell me, how do you know?"

" Because I like him" Ariana said and quickly used her hand to cover her mouth.

" What did you just say?" Casey asked as she dropped the cup on the tray.

" Nothing. " Ariana said and sipped some tea.

"  You said you liked him" Casey said and collected the tea.

" Well, you misunderstood me. I meant I liked him, but as a friend. He's really not bad you know? He's very nice, sweet, he's not as arrogant as he seems and he's very caring" Ana complimented.

" Oh! And I lied. I knew you were with Raymond. The person who brought you here said you were with a guy who was seriously injured so I immediately knew it was Raymond" Cassandra said.

" Oh my!" Ariana exclaimed. " Is he alright?" She asked as she stood from the bed and went to collect her phone from her purse which was on the sofa.

" What do you think you're doing?" Cassandra asked.

" I need to check up on Raymond. I wonder how he's faring" she said as she dialed his number. " He's not responding"

" Probably because he might still be unconscious. I learnt he got into a huge fight with some boys because they tried to rape you and that's how he got injured" Casey said.

" I have to go see him" Ariana said and ran out of the room.

" Ariana, hold on" Casey called and chased after her.


" Where are you going?" Mrs Lambert asked Ariana.

" To go see Raymond" Ariana replied.

" But you're not okay yet. Go back upstairs" Mrs Lambert said.

" But mum, Raymond's hurt because of me. I can't give him a bad impression of me. He'll think I'm an ingrate if I don't come to see him immediately" Ariana begged.

" But..."

" I won't take long, I promise" Ariana said.

" One condition" 

 " I agree. I'll do anything" Ariana said.

" Take Cassandra with you. I can't risk you going out alone" Mrs Lambert said.

" Okay then" Ariana agreed. " Come on Casey" Ariana beckoned and they left.



" I think we're at the right place" Ariana told Cassandra.

" Yeah. Ring the bell" 

Ariana rang the bell and the security opened his window.

" Who are you in search of?" He asked them 

" Raymond Styles" Ariana replied.

" Hold on, I'll go tell the boss someone is here to see him" the security guard said and closed his window.

" Tell him it's Ariana Wilson" Ariana yelled.

Soon, the security guard opened the gate and let Ariana in.

" Come in" he told them.

" Thank you" Ariana and Cassandra chorused as they walked into the compound.