
Chapter 161


Becks hid under the table with Liv by her side in fear.

" Mummy, I'm scared" Liv whispered and Becks patted her hair.

" It's gonna be fine" she said and waited for the goons to leave before they came out of their hiding spot to run into the Mall bathroom to hide.

" Boss, I think they left" tiger informed the leader.

" Oh shut up. They haven't left. All the doors have been locked so tell me how they could have escaped? Check everywhere, the restrooms, changing rooms, Manager's office and every darn place. They will be in one of those places" the leader said and tiger scurried off. He knew how dangerous the leader if he got upset.


" Aaaah, let go of me" Becks screamed as one of the goons pulled her by the hair out of the restroom.

" You think you're smart huh? I'll show you you're not" he said and pushed her to the reception.

" Becks!" Raymond yelled as he saw her been pushed.

" This is the last person boss" tiger said as he tied her to the chair. She looked at Raymond who gave her a questioning look but she replied with a smile. She had done something, something that would save their lives. She had managed to connect a wire in the restroom which would enable a call to be received and she called the police to inform them of a way in which meant any moment, the police would rescue them.

Tiger pushed the chair close to Leonard and he asked, " where's Liv?"

" I left her in the last room so that they wouldn't catch her. I can't risk her safety" she said.

" Boss boss" one of the goons ran in.

" What is it Cheetah?" The leader asked.

" The police are here and they have arranged s shooting squad in and out. We're trapped and they can get us soon"  Cheetah said.

" You fool" the leader said angrily and slapped him. " We don't give up easily, we fight back but in the meantime, set up the explosives. If we die, everyone dies with us" the leader said and left the reception and Cheetah set up the explosives with aid from some other thugs.

" The boss needs help, come with me" one of the thugs said and they all left, probably their biggest mistake..... Leaving their captives without a watch guard.

Raymond struggled to get free and eventually he did. He got up and rushed to Becks.

" Are you alright? " He asked as he untied the ropes that bound her.

" I am, thanks. I'll go untie the rest" she said and started untying others.

After sometime, everybody was untied and they rushed out of the mall, saved and it was quite easy due to the fact that the shootings between the police and the thugs distracted the thugs.

" We're saved" Leonard panted after everyone made it out.

After some time, an explosion was heard and the mall blasted and caught on fire as a result of the explosives.

" Liv!!!! " Becks screamed and made to run back into the burning mall but the customers who were there including Raymond and Leonard didn't let her go in as they held her back.

" Let me go, my daughter's in there" she said as she struggled in tears.

" You can't go in there Ari. You could burn" Raymond said .

" I don't care. I'd rather burn than let my daughter burn" she said and freed herself from their grip before running into the burning mall.

Raymond made to run in with her but before he could, some officers held him. They couldn't let another citizen die in the fire.

" Ariana!!" Raymond screamed.


Becks ran into the mall with her hands on her stomach. She was risking the life of one child to save another after all.

" Liv, Livy!!" She called out.

" Mummy" she heard Liv's shaky voice call out to her..

" Where are you my dear?" She asked.

" Look at me mummy, I'm up here" Liv said in tears.

" Don't move, I'm coming" she said as she jumped from one end to another trying to stop herself from burning.

" Mummy be careful" Liv cried.

Becks saw a black curtain on one end and she rushed to take it to cover herself. She got to Liv and just as she was about to carry her, a pillar fell, separating her from her daughter.

" Aaaah" Liv screamed and as a result of the shock, she passed out.

Becks quickly jumped over the fire and she got to Liv. She carried her daughter and covered her with the curtain before rushing out of the mall with great difficulty.


" Get some water please" Becks screamed and a woman splashed water on Liv.

Liv coughed before regaining consciousness.

" Mummy" she called as she embraced Becks tightly. " I love you mummy, please don't leave me" she said in tears.

" It's okay Liv, I'll never leave you. I promise" she said and tears streamed down her eyes.



Everyone who was in the mall had finally recovered. Raymond had replaced Maya's cheque, Becks' baby was growing well and Liv had gotten over the trauma of being in that fire. Everything seemed to be in place except one thing...... Raymond and Becks being together.

He took his ring and decided to make her his for his entire life.

" Morning" Liv greeted as she led him to the couch.

" Morning, where's Becks?" He asked

" I'm here, good morning" she said as she walked down the stairs, Leonard behind her.

Raymond sighed before going on one knee. " Ariana Wilson, will you accept me as your husband? Will you spend the rest of your life with me as your husband?" He asked, expecting yes as an answer.

Becks chuckled as tears streamed down her cheeks. She bent and helped him get up.

" I'm afraid there's no need for that" she said and it was obvious whatever it was she was going to say was difficult.

" What do you mean Ari? We both want this so...."

" Over the past few days, especially after that incident at the mall, I realized something" she sniffled as tears streamed down her cheeks. " A girlfriend can abandon you and you can get over it, your wife can divorce you and you can get married again but your mum......... If she leaves, you can never move on" she said and raised her head to look at him.

" So what are you saying? " He asked, hoping it wasn't what he was thinking.

" Years ago, I became a drug addict because I didn't have a mother by my side while I grew and that was when I promised myself. I promised that I'd never leave my kids not for anything and not even for my happiness" she wiped her tears. " I have two kids and I'm a mother" she pulled them to herself " they're my world, I've come to realize that I can't live without them and neither can they so... I'm sorry. I choose my kids over you" she said in tears.

" And our baby? " He asked.

" We'll have joint custody of the child. During the weekdays, she'll stay with me and weekends, she'll come with you" she walked to Raymond, " don't get me wrong, I love you and I wish I can spend the rest of my life with you but not at the expense of their future. I love you Raymond and it'll never change but when it comes to the kids, I can't risk their future just for my selfish reasons" she said in tears and walked over to him, " I know you'll understand because leaving the kids would only make me a hypocrite because I'd hated my mum for leaving me"

Immediately she finishes speaking, Raymond pulled her in for an embrace.

" You know, I feel a little sad that I won't get married to you but I'm happy that the mother of my child is not selfish. I'm glad that the mother of my child is selfless. Thanks for making me the father of your child" he said and they embraced each other.

They had lunch and after that Raymond left, not sad but rather happy.

Becks watched him leave, she knew she'd made the best decision.

A girlfriend could leave you and so could a wife but you'd eventually get over it but when your mother leaves you, a part of your life would be destroyed and she'd gone through it.

She couldn't ruin the lives of her children for her own selfish gains and she was glad she made the right decision because soon, Raymond would find a woman who he would love and who would him back and she.... All she had to do was learn to love Leonard back.





" Honey, where are the kids?" Maya asked as she arranged the kitchen

" I took them to go see their grandma. Was it wrong?" Raymond asked as he hugged her from the back.

" It's not wrong but what is wrong is that you're always in the mood for romance" she said and freed herself from his grip.

" Hey come back" Raymond said and chased after her.


" Mummy, daddy, I got an A in my chemistry test" a little boy said excitedly.

" Wow, that's very good. I owe you one" Leonard said.

" And me too" Liv and Trish chorused.

" Hey, don't forget mummy" Becks said and they burst into laughter.


The Antonio's and the Styles arrived at the cinema and they all bumped into each other. They spent the rest of the day together as family friends laughing all day long.
