
Chapter 149


I pulled over in front of " fabuloso restaurant". It was a top notch restaurant and was visited by very affluent people. From the outside world, one would think eating at fabuloso restaurant would cost a fortune but actually, it was very economical and since it wasn't always filled up with weirdos, most affluent people visited it a lot.

I opened the car door and helped the six year old girl get out.

" What's your name cutie? '' I asked.

" Lilly. My name's Lilly" she answered sweetly.

" Well lilly, nice to meet you" I said and I lead her into the restaurant when I noticed that Maya was not following. She was staring at me.

" Do I need to serve you wine to come along? " I asked and she rushed towards me.

" Sorry sir" she said and we walked into the restaurant.

I took a table and Lilly along with Maya sat across me.

" What will you have Lilly?" I asked after showing her the menu.

" Anything. Just the cheapest" she said and I chuckled.

" You don't have to choose the cheapest. Choose anything, I'll pay" I told her and gave her a reassuring smile.

" Alright then, I'll have Mac and cheese" she said.

" Alright then, I'll..." Before I could complete my statement, I heard her wince

" Stop pinching me," she said

" What's wrong Lilly?" I asked.

" Tell Maya to stop pinching me, it hurts a lot" she said and Maya adjusted her position on the seat.

" What's wrong Maya? Why are you pinching her? " I asked.

" It's nothing sir. Just that Mac and cheese costs a lot" she said.

" And did I ask you for money? I'll be paying so you don't need to worry about it. Lilly..... Take anything you want, don't listen to her" I said and she smiled.

" Thank you sir" she said and I called the waiter.

" She'll have Mac and cheese, I'll have tea and sandwiches and you Maya.... What will you have? "

"Me? I'm fine with water" she said and I bowed my head in shame.

" Just get sandwiches and tea for two and Mac and cheese for the little one" I said and the waiter nodded and left.

I stared at Maya and I could tell she was trying to avoid my gaze. How could she come to   a restaurant with me and ask for only water? It made me wonder how her boyfriend coped with her whenever he went on dates with her. Speaking of a boyfriend, didn't she have one she could ask for help? I'd never heard her say anything about her boyfriend before.

Silly me, I didn't know she was going through a lot so how would I know if she had a boyfriend or not?

The food was served and we ate. After eating, I bought extra for Lilly to have for lunchbefore going back to the car.

" Thank you sir" Maya muttered and I nodded.

" Which way are we going?" I asked.

" Main street sir" she said and I drove off and turned out, it was farther than I thought. Maya seriously wasn't gonna carry a child on her back from her house to the school.

" Thank you very much sir" Lilly said as she got down.

" You're welcome" I said and took out my wallet, " here, use this to get whatever it is that you want" I said and gave her some money.

" Thank you so much sir, you're the best" she said so sweetly and it melted my heart.

" You're welcome, have a nice day. " I said and she waved at me and Maya as we drove off. Why did the sweetest of people always have to be the brokest? 

We drove till I got to the office and I parked the car.

" Thank you sir" Maya said and got down.

" You're welcome" I said and walked into the company.



I watched him walk into the company, I now knew what kind of person he was and it only made me more in love with him. To us, he was a cold, rude, unconcerned and introverted boss but now I knew he wasn't any of those. After helping me feed Lilly and saving me the stress of carrying Lilly on my back to school,  I knew he was better than the people thought he was and I made it my primary goal to change the way they thought about him.

I inhaled before exhaling loudly and walking into the company.


I arranged my desk as I took the important files  I'd need for the database. I was assigned and by that, I meant Raquel. She was supposed to fill in every employee's info and she couldn't do it since she delivered so I had to do it for her.

I was about leaving my office when I bumped into someone.

" Won't you have lunch?" He asked and I raised my head to see Mr Raymond staring at me.


Raymond continued to stare at Maya and she picked up the files.

" Won't you have lunch?" He asked.

" I'd love to but I have to finish up some work so I'm afraid not. By the way, thanks for breakfast, it really did a lot" she said and got up.

" Hmmm. When you're done, come to my office. I need to talk to you about something very important" he said.

" Alright sir" she said and he left.

Meanwhile, one of Maya's colleagues, Rose who'd always hated Maya because of the fact that she always smiled had being observing Maya for days. She'd observed how Maya acted anytime she was around Raymond and earlier, on her way to work, she'd seen Raymond, Maya and Lilly walk into fabuloso which made her suspicious.

She waited and when she was tired of waiting, she headed straight for the company. On her way out of the company to get something, she saw Maya get down from Raymond's car which made her even more suspicious.

This was a man who everyone considered cold, rude, unconcerned and introverted but here he was, offering rides to Maya. How suspicious!!!!

She shrugged off every thoughts of Raymond and Maya having an affair that were beginning to build up in her head and decided to focus on her work.

The alarm on her phone blared and she knew it was lunch time so she decided to go get lunch.

On her way to get lunch, she saw Raymond walk into Maya's office and she stood at a corner from which she could hear them.

She watched him ask Maya If she'd have lunch and Maya turned him down.

" Hmmm. When you're done, come to my office. I need to talk to you about something very important" he said.

Rose stroke her chin, what could Raymond possibly have to say to Maya that could be so important? She was beginning to suspect them having an affair but there was only one way she could be sure about it, listening to what he had to say to her .

She scoffed inwardly before leaving to the company's restaurant.

Maya sighed as she walked to Raquel's office where she'd finish her work when she suddenly remembered something.

" Mum had said there wasn't any food at home so I should get some food on my way home or should I just get some from the company and package it and then when I get home, I share it amongst all? " She asked herself as she typed. " Maybe I should get the food and take it home in the evening. That's what I'll do, it'll save a lot" she decided and hurried up her work.


" And done" she said and rested her head on the chair's headrest. " I did it, I can't believe I finished it in time" she muttered to herself. " Now, all I have to do is print it and submit it" she said and connected the device to the printer.

After printing it, she arranged it and put it in a file, making it look presentable.

She submitted the file and went to her office when she remembered that Raymond had asked to see her.

She hurriedly rushed to his office and just as she was about to walk in, she bumped into Raymond, tripped and as she was about to fall, Raymond caught her by the waist, leaving them in a " time square kiss" position.

Click! The camera on Rose's phone went after she took a picture of them in that position.

" Now I know they're definitely having an affair" she muttered to herself.